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Member Since: 13 Aug 2013 04:11pm

Last Seen: 26 Jan 2014 02:11pm

Birthday: September 15

Location: Some small town in upstate NY

Gender: F

user id: 368960

1,211 Favorites
20 Following
15 Comment Points
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[+] Muse, Adventure Time, Coldplay, Hot Topic, Florence + the Machine, Danisnotonfire, Ripped Jeans, AmazingPhil, Zelda, Harry Potter,
EmmaBlackery, Mac 'n Cheese, Bracelets, Kindgdom Hearts, Coverse, Skinny Jeans, Swearing, Percy Jackson, Vans, Trumpet, Queen,
Piano, Cats, Hot Chocolate, Band Shirts, British Accents, Ellen Hopkins, Pewdiepie, Gay Rights, Camping, Wifi, Jacksgap, Llamas With Hats

[-] Peanut Butter, Pop, Being American, Homophobes, Ignorant People, Places Without Free Wifi, Hypocrites,
Small Children, Classes, Necklaces, 

  1. Megalomaniac Megalomaniac
    posted a quote
    September 16, 2013 8:57pm UTC
    All my friends are saying that I should stop making pen!s puns.
    But they're so adickting
    I need to be let out.

  2. Megalomaniac Megalomaniac
    posted a quote
    September 5, 2013 7:41pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  3. Megalomaniac Megalomaniac
    posted a quote
    September 1, 2013 2:41pm UTC
    Family Friend: So how are you going to spend the last few
    days before school starts?
    Me: Pronanly sat in my room crying, eating Doritos, and
    plotting the downfall of all the popular girls in my grade
    Family Friend:
    Family Friend:
    Family Friend:
    Me: I'll just go back to my room..

  4. Megalomaniac Megalomaniac
    posted a quote
    August 30, 2013 9:38am UTC
    Cause these words are knives,
    They often leave scars

  5. Megalomaniac Megalomaniac
    posted a quote
    August 22, 2013 12:46pm UTC
    Trying to limit the number of gifs on your page
    Is like choosing your favorite child

  6. Megalomaniac Megalomaniac
    posted a quote
    August 20, 2013 7:32pm UTC
    Soundtrack to my life
    Opening Credits: Walk This Way, Aerosmith
    Waking Up: El Manana, Gorillaz
    First Day of School: Why Am I The One, Fun.
    Falling in Love: Save Me, Muse
    Fight Song: Can't Hold Us, Macklemore
    Breaking Up: Square One, Coldplay
    Studying/Working: Only If For A Night, Florence + the Machine
    Life: For Now, Courage My Love
    Mental Breakdown: Warning Sign, Coldplay
    Sunny Day: Bliss, Muse
    Rainy Day: Unsustainable, Muse
    Party/Dance Music: Playing Dagerous, Lana Del Rey
    Sleeping/Dreaming: Explorers, Muse
    Nightmares: All Alone, Fun.
    Flashback: Supermassive Blackhole, Muse
    Wedding: Lovers In Japan, Coldplay
    Birth of a child: Speed Of Sound, Coldplay
    Final Battle: Supremacy, Muse
    Death Scene: Hurts Like Heaven, Coldplay
    Funeral Song: Great DJ, Ting Tings
    End Credits: Screenager, Muse

  7. Megalomaniac Megalomaniac
    posted a quote
    August 17, 2013 8:53pm UTC
    Save me from my superstitions
    Now I'm free from this old condition
    Wait just a while
    And I'll greet you with a smile
    Hold me cause I'm sure I hated
    Promises they are overrated
    Wait just a while
    While I'm drowning in denial

  8. Megalomaniac Megalomaniac
    posted a quote
    August 17, 2013 11:25am UTC
    Free me, free me, free me from this world. I don't belong here
    It was a mistake imprisoning my soul
    Can you free me, free me from this world?

  9. Megalomaniac Megalomaniac
    posted a quote
    August 15, 2013 6:19pm UTC
    If someone who likes alternative, punk, rock, metal, scremo, etc says they don't like much pop music,
    People who like pop say things like this: What the f/u/ck! You can't judge people's music like that! God! Stop acting like a hipster!
    What I don't get is that most people who are saying thigs like that have never listened to alternative, punk, rock, metal, scremo, etc.

  10. Megalomaniac Megalomaniac
    posted a quote
    August 14, 2013 6:42pm UTC
    Freddie Mercury is basically God.

  11. Megalomaniac Megalomaniac
    posted a quote
    August 14, 2013 6:33pm UTC
    Once I had a German Penpal.
    But then I told her that my
    parents were acting like nazis.
    Then I didn't have a German Penpal.

  12. Megalomaniac Megalomaniac
    posted a quote
    August 13, 2013 4:52pm UTC
    I'm sorry,but if you don't like
    at least one of the bands I
    like, we cannot be friends


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