Witty Profiles

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  1. bmbl bmbl
    posted a quote
    June 17, 2012 7:17pm UTC
    In bed: Its 6:00 *close your eyes for one minute* its 7:30
    In school: Its 9:20 *close your eyes for one minute* its 9:21
    anyone else?

  2. kyotokitten kyotokitten
    posted a quote
    July 13, 2012 1:56pm UTC
    I hate that feeling when you close your
    eyes to apply shampoo, and get paranoid
    that someone will kill you in the

  3. meheak12 meheak12
    posted a quote
    July 13, 2012 2:16pm UTC
    Remember how when we were little we used to make everyone spell ICUP?

  4. BlueStar BlueStar
    posted a quote
    July 13, 2012 12:17am UTC
    I love you more than...
    spongebob loves jellyfishing.
    Sandy loves karate.
    Mr. Krabs loves money.
    & Spuidward loves his clarinet.
    Baby I need you like Plankton needs the Krabby Patty secret formula.

  5. cassieconcepcion cassieconcepcion
    posted a quote
    July 12, 2012 10:18pm UTC
    I'm gonna be the girl who shows up at prom with converse and a tie on. <3
    Is there a problem with that?

  6. megandeg01 megandeg01
    posted a quote
    July 12, 2012 11:45pm UTC
    Gay or Not,
    We should all be excepted here.
    We Are A family right? We should act more like one instead
    --- Of judging everything
    That we do on here because thats not' what a family does.
    my quote.nmf

  7. Blackshoes Blackshoes
    posted a quote
    July 13, 2012 12:36am UTC
    Dear Girls, Bruno Mars may take 1 grenade for you but we take hundreds. Sincerely, the army.
    1 fave= 1 respect

  8. DayDreamer21 DayDreamer21
    posted a quote
    July 13, 2012 12:53am UTC
    have i ever had a top quote?...No
    do i really care?... No
    did i make an account on here just to get top quotes?... No
    did i get on here to vent,
    show my poems,
    tell funny storys,
    help people,
    and just feel like im not alone?... Yes
    do i really need favs?... No
    im here because i can get away from everything else in my life.

  9. Solalapo Solalapo
    posted a quote
    July 13, 2012 12:57am UTC
    for every fav i will do a confession (:

  10. xxKeelyBxx xxKeelyBxx
    posted a quote
    July 13, 2012 3:15am UTC
    true story
    One day my dad had to get knee surgey, so he went into surgery and everything went okay, that night we got home and he asked my older sister and I to stay at his house with him for our help, he woke us up about 3:45 and asked us to bring him to the nearest hospital because his knee and foot was a color that it wasnt supposed to be and he was quite worried. We arrived at the hospital and it was about 4 in the morning, my older sister and I waited and waited as my father went into tests. I would have to say it was about 7 in the morning when the doctor came in and told us that he was going to have to be transfered to another hospital because they have found blood clots in his lungs, right at the moment tears filled my eyes, not knowing if they could fix it, my older sister rushed out of the room to call my mom, she came back in and she told me that my mother was on the way, even though my parents are divorced my mother thought it would be the right thing to be there for him. As my mother arrived they were getting my dad ready to transport him to Hartford Hospital, I got in the car with my mom it was about 8:30 and we headed home quickly to grab a few things and then we went to the hospital where my father was located. Once we arrived there we were hoping for good news but we were informed that the doctors have found a bump on my fathers left kidney. Of course they had to do tests and it took a long time, I waited and waited and waited, my little sisters came to the hospital, my aunt and uncle my cousins all in the same day that he arrived and as we were all in the room the doctor came in and he slowly started talking and asked if we could all step out into the hallway, I could see the fear in my fathers eyes and the wonder going through his mind why we had to leave. We all headed down to the gift shop where we all look at the stuffed animals and the new born baby signs and I kept wondering why things were taking so long, I was very concerned onto what was going on.. I walked back into the room after waiting hours and my father said...I have cancer, they think they can remove it but we are not sure. Right then and there I felt like the whole world had stopped. I felt like I was going to lose my father but I couldnt I was daddy littles girl, I have already lost my grandfather and grandmother from this horrid sickness god couldnt take my daddy too. It seems to me that day changed the world for me and my family, it put a whole new look on life for me. But right now as I am speaking I would like to tell whoever decided to read this far that right now my father is cancer free, he got the tumor removed and went back a few months later to check if he was clear and yes indeed he was, but throughout the whole time my father had cancer I thought it was all my fault that I was the one to do it to him, but he would always tell me that it wasnt me. The last thing I would like to say is cancer! my daddy won this one

  11. ItsBrittney ItsBrittney
    posted a quote
    July 13, 2012 4:22am UTC
    Never Been Loved
    Chapter 3
    Brittney's POV
    It was my mom's birthday the next day so, I wished her a happy birthday. After the phone call, I showered and changed into my Hollister sweatpants and my hoodie. When my hair dried, it decided to dry in KINKY curls.
    I messed around with my curly brown hair and got my make-up done. It was light make-up since it was in the winter and I didn't want to look like a crayon tried to molest me. I put on a pale pink lip gloss, lined my upper lashline with liquid eyeliner, and I put mascara on.
    I looked at the clock, it was 4:30. I needed to get changed into my outfit and to text Harry the address of Jen and I's flat.
    I changed into a pastel blue floral dress, white tights, a cream-colored cardigan, and my cream Toms.
    Jenna walked in and saw me, her eyes lit up and she grinned. She whistled. "Ooh, Brie! You look fineee!" She put a lot of emphasis on the word 'Fine'.
    I giggled. "You think he'll like it?"
    "Nahh," She shook her head. I frowned. "He'll LOVE it!" My face lit up and I pulled out my phone. I texted Harry the address: 2347 Mallory Lane.
    I looked outside, the snow had melted overnight. But, it was calling for more snow.
    In a half hour, Harry was parked outside. He started to walk to the door but, I walked out. He just stood there, astonished.
    "Woah," he gasped. "you look stunning. Are you sure you're not going to freeze?"
    "Thank you," I smiled. "You look snazzy and I'll be fine."
    He took me to his flat, where he had planned our date. He had Liam make dinner, Alfredo Mostaccioli. Yum.
    As we ate, we talked about ourselves.
    "So, Brie.." He said after taking a drink of water. "What's your favorite movie?"
    I smiled. "The Aristocats."
    "Oh," he smirked. "The old disney movies?"
    I nodded. "I love them. Oliver and company and The Fox and the Hound, too."
    "I see what we're watching at later dates," he chuckled. "You love animals?"
    "Cats, mostly," I nodded. "I love cats."
    "So do I," he smiled. "Do you have one?"
    "I did," I sighed. "two years ago.."
    "Oh," he nodded, knowing where I was going with that. "well, tell me some more about yourself."
    "I just graduated high school last year," I started. "I majored in performing arts, Acting. I'm an artist and I'm a child at heart?"
    "Lovely," he grinned, his accent was so sweet and comforting. "did I tell you that you look lovely?" I nodded. "I don't think I did. You look amazing to--"
    The front door swung open and two boys walked in. Zayn Malik and Niall Horan.
    "Oh," Zayn put his hand behind his neck. "Are we ruining anything?"
    Feedback? :)
    Format by twilightgirl995

  12. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  13. heyystories heyystories
    posted a quote
    July 11, 2012 7:45pm UTC
    Second Chance //
    Chapter 26
    For a few hours, we were playing board games. Brett probably thinks that our family is weird.
    "Oh, I just realized something. I only have one guest room." my dad mentioned.
    "That's okay. Lily, Rose, and Melissa can take the guest room. I'll sleep on the couch." Brett offered.
    "Thanks Brett." I said.
    "No problem."
    Eventually, we stopped playing board games and was just relaxing, watching TV in the living room. My dad was in the kitchen, looking for something to eat. I decided to go in the kitchen to finally talk to my dad.
    "Dad, who was that woman?" I asked again.
    "I thought I told you to drop it."
    "Dad, I'm not a little girl anymore. You can tell me if she's your girlfriend." I told him.
    "Your mother is the only one that I truly love." my dad snapped.
    "Dad, we never really talked about what really happened." I argued. I always wanted to talk to my dad about it, but I never had the courage too.
    "You want to know what happened?" my dad asked. My dad lead me to his room and he shutted the door, preventing Rose from hearing our conversation.
    "I was stupid, and I was drunk. Somehow one thing lead to another and everything just got messed up." my dad explained.
    "I have a question for you dad. How many times did you do it before mom found out? Did you cheat on her more than once?" I asked, afraid of hearing the answer.
    "Yes." my dad admitted. I felt tears on my eyes.
    "Things weren't right at the time. Your mother and I went through some tough times. We were planning on divorcing anyways." my dad continued.
    "Oh my god." Tears were streaming down my face.
    "You have to understand. We couldn't tell you. You were too young at the time and Rose was just born."
    "I'm sorry, this is a little too much for me to handle in one day." I said before leaving the room, and walked back to the living room.
    "Melissa, are you okay?" Rose asked, noticing my tearful and red eyes.
    "Yeah, I just fell and stubbed my toe." I lied.
    "Oh, you need anything Melissa?" Rose asked. I gave her a smile. She's such a sweetie pie.
    "No, that's okay. I'm just going to go outside and have some fresh air." I told everyone.
    The minute I walked ouside, I screamed as loud as I can, letting out my anger, sadness, and confusion.
    Brett's P.O.V.
    What happened? Just about a minute ago everything was going great.
    Mr. Jones (Melissa's dad) walked up to me. "Brett, want to talk to you in the kitchen."
    Mr. Jones lead me to his kitchen. "Brett, I don't know you all that well. But Melissa seems to trust you, in a way. But I want you to tell her that Suzan is a real estate agent. She is selling me a house that is right next to their's. And also tell her that I love her." Mr. Jones told me.
    I nodded my head. "Okay."
    "Girls, I'll be right back." I told the girls before walking outside to find Melissa. I found Melissa, sitting on a bench.
    Melissa's P.O.V.
    "Hey." I heard. I jumped in surprise. I turned around, seeing Brett. I hid my face as Brett sat next to me.
    "You probably think I'm crazy." I muffled.
    "Well, I wouldn't say crazy. Just very unique and different. Anyways, what happened?" Brett asked.
    "It's.... my dad. I don't really want to talk about it." I wiped my tears.
    "Your dad told me to tell you that Suzan is just a real estate agent that is selling your dad a house next to yours." My eyes widen.
    "He's really moving?"
    "Yup, and also, I love you."
    My heart skipped a beat when I heard that. "W..what?"
    "Your dad says that he loves you." Brett said. I felt my heart drop.
    There was a few second pause before I told Brett "I have a question."
    yeah... the chapter was too long so i just stopped there. D: Comment if you want to be notified for the next chapter. 50+ faves for the next chapter? (:


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