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  1. alittlebitstrongerx3 alittlebitstrongerx3
    posted a quote
    October 12, 2011 6:40pm UTC
    and honey, she's an artist
    Wanna know the twist?
    the paintbrush is a razor,
    and the canvas is her wrist..
    click the ♥ and stop teens from cutting.
    format credit; vicctorriaaax

  2. softballxlove softballxlove
    posted a quote
    October 5, 2011 6:24pm UTC
    comment and il write a boys name that sounds good with what i see on your profile (:

  3. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  4. christinaaxo christinaaxo
    posted a quote
    October 5, 2011 6:18pm UTC
    click the ♥ ; and ill write a boys name that looks good with your name on your profile <3

  5. Twilightluv12497 Twilightluv12497
    posted a quote
    October 4, 2011 9:12pm UTC
    Favorite this & I will..
    Give you a brief summary of your future life.
    1. Your Husband's name
    2.How many children you will have ( including how many boys & girls)
    3. Where you will live
    4. Your job
    5. When you meet your future man

  6. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  7. StarKissed StarKissed
    posted a quote
    October 4, 2011 9:36pm UTC
    *She tries to pretend she's alright,
    Yet she sits in her room late at night,
    While the rest of her family soundly sleeps,
    She hugs her knees and silently weeps,
    She knows now it was all a lie,
    That stupid boy, made a beautiful girl cry.
    My quote, don't steal it ;)

  8. Kyr533 Kyr533
    posted a quote
    October 4, 2011 4:08pm UTC
    Favorite this quote and..
    I'll write a boys name that sounds good with yours on your profile. (:

  9. winkedyesterday5 winkedyesterday5
    posted a quote
    October 3, 2011 9:34pm UTC
    Favorite this quote and..
    I'll write a boys name that sounds good with yours on your profile :)
    im bored, ok?

  10. MissAnna MissAnna
    posted a quote
    October 1, 2011 11:06pm UTC
    You guys randomly start talking one day. He compliments you & tells you you're pretty & cute. He asks you about your past relationships & you ask about his. When you tell him you've been hurt many times before, he tells you they're jerks & are stupid for letting a girl like you go. You both share flirty gestures. Then he asks for your number & you give it to him right away. The next morning he texts you & tells you to have a good day. Soon talking to him becomes part of your daily routine & you wait anxiously for his texts. Whenever you receive something from him, you smile & your day instantly becomes better. He texts you daily asking about your day. You talk to him all night & he always asks if you're tired & want to go to bed. The night conversations you have with him are always the deepest & the best. You sleep when he sleeps & he sleeps when you sleep. Now he wants to meet up & hang out with you. When you meet up with him, you feel even more chemistry & butterflies in your stomach. Now you tell all your friends about how amazing he is & your interest. Soon he confesses his interest in you & you tell him the feeling is mutual. Soon you go on more dates & he starts giving you nicknames & calling you baby. You are the happiest girl in the world. One day, he suddenly stops texting you. When you guys talk now, it's only because you hit him up first. He stops putting in the effort & doesn't show he still wants to be with you. You become extremely clingy & don't want another girl in the picture. You ask him what's wrong, he says it's all fine. You start thinking he's mad at you, but he tells you to stop worrying. He tells you that he's been busy. You wait for a while & nothing changes. He's still "busy" all the time & doesn't even try to talk to you. Now every time you talk to him it becomes an argument. & you get so scared that you are being annoying by hitting him up first, so you stop talking to him. Months pass, & you don't talk to him at all. You never know what happened from his point of view. Because of him, every day & night you're hurt & upset. You don't know what went wrong in the relationship. Your friends tell you to forget him & that he doesn't deserve someone like you. But you can't seem to listen, you're already too attached. You miss the old person he used to be & you don't even know what he has changed into. & one day you see that he has a new girl in his life. He's calling her cute names & telling her everything he used to tell you. He calls her baby & tells her he thinks she is gorgeous. Everything you've heard before. He seems completely fine without you & now he has someone else to talk & text every day and night. You refuse to believe that he played you, but it's true. You're still hurt & he has already moved on. You're still sad & everything you do reminds you of him. You can't stop thinking of him & you cry every night. You still hope that one day he will start talking to you again & you guys will pick up where you last left off but you also know that it will never happen again. You compare every guy you meet now with him. He's already forgotten about you but you're still having a hard time letting go. Sound familiar?

  11. ohxhelloxthere ohxhelloxthere
    posted a quote
    October 1, 2011 11:07pm UTC
    when you're too young
    for half the things you
    want to do
    and too old do do the
    other half.

  12. AlNicholas AlNicholas
    posted a quote
    September 24, 2011 3:11pm UTC
    so this morning...
    I woke up at 7:30,
    and the first thing I did was pick up my phone,
    and started writing a text to 'her'.
    "Good morning beautiful, can't wait to see you today"
    I hit send and started to get ready.
    I wore the hoodie she bought me,
    and wore the cologne I know she loves.
    I set off to the store and bought some chocolates,
    10 roses, her favourite flower,
    that movie she was telling me she wanted to see,
    and a card simply saying "I love you".
    As I was walking home I saw her standing by my door.
    I sneaked up behind her,
    wrapped my arms around her waist,
    and kissed her kneck.
    "Guess who!" I said.
    She giggled and lent over to kiss me.
    I took her hand and led her inside.
    "Mum, this is my girlfriend" I proudly told.
    "I've heard a lot about you!" My mum said.
    She blushed and I kissed her cheek.
    We walked to my room, and sat on the sofa.
    I handed her the bag of chocolates and flowers,
    She grinned with glee,
    I lent forward and kissed her again.
    Then I put on the movie.
    "You remembered!" she said.
    I just smiled.
    We cuddled all through the movie,
    With her feeling safe in my arms.
    "I love you"
    I whispered.
    "I love you too"
    She replied.
    I looked into her beautiful eyes,
    and she looked into mine.
    We were in love.
    And I knew, I never wanted her to leave my side.
    LOL JK
    al nicholas

  13. oursong oursong
    posted a quote
    September 17, 2011 1:08pm UTC
    music is the best medicine.
    Broken Heart?Bring on the Taylor Swift.
    Depressed? Hello, Evanescence.
    Falling In-love? Pop in those Justin Bieber CD's.
    Feeling like nobody gets you? Maroon 5 it is!
    Trying to find yourself? Nothing Lady GaGa can't help with.
    Survived hell&back? Demi Lovato can relate.
    Hate everything about yourself? Christina Aguilera can help.
    Bored out of your mind? Cobra Starship, Baby!
    Because when you think no one is there for you,
    at least music is.

  14. GPeach234 GPeach234
    posted a quote
    August 31, 2011 10:57am UTC
    Whenenver my parents ask who i'm texting,
    I automatically think of,
    A friend they would approve .

  15. born_this_way_ born_this_way_
    posted a quote
    August 27, 2011 12:08am UTC
    Dear future boyfriend;;
    1. i'm shy at first, so you need to break my shell
    2. i don't just want to do stuff, i want to love.
    3. i eat a lot, i have a big appetite for a small girl
    4. if you hurt me, i will cry, i. a m. e m o t i o n a l.
    5. i'm not the type of girl to pick a fight, so please don't start one.
    6. if i like you, i really like you,not just you and two others; so please like me that much back <3
    7. i get very excited about things we'll do, you might have to calm me down.
    8. i'm somewhat insecure, so please don't talk about other girls when you're with me.
    9. i will sing obnoxiously in our car rides.
    & 10. you'll mean everything to me i'm sure, i hope i can to you, too. <3

  16. maybenotxo maybenotxo
    posted a quote
    August 26, 2011 12:52pm UTC
    you have to go through those nights when music is your only friend

  17. xojessiexo xojessiexo
    posted a quote
    August 25, 2011 10:30pm UTC
    That nervous feeling you get when someone
    asks you
    why your wearing so many bracelets.

  18. laughlovelive laughlovelive
    posted a quote
    August 23, 2011 10:47pm UTC
    Fav if you...
    •have a hair tie on your RIGHT wrist.
    •are leaning on your LEFT elbow.
    •and are sitting with your legs crossed.
    or if you are just doing one of these.
    weird right?

  19. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  20. xOstephh27 xOstephh27
    posted a quote
    August 23, 2011 9:38pm UTC
    W e l c o m e t o h i g h s c h o o l ,
    Where you will be judged by your appearance,
    where drama will fill your head with anxiety,
    where you should be worrying about school work, but you can't,
    where you'll probably not love the people around you,
    where your heart will be broken multiple times,
    where you fail that big test you studied forever on,
    where you will spend most of your day wishing you were somewhere else,
    where you'll have more enemies than friends,
    where you'll get in fights and learn lessons,
    where six valuable hours of your day will be waisted,
    where you'll see a lot of people you don't want to see.
    H a v e a n i c e f o u r y e a r s


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