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Member Since: 11 May 2013 06:49pm

Last Seen: 24 Jun 2013 06:54pm

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user id: 359927

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  1. IThinkILoveYouBetterNow IThinkILoveYouBetterNow
    posted a quote
    May 13, 2013 7:52pm UTC
    I'm gonna take the challenge too. :) {#stolen}
    1. Do you sleep in your bra? Sports. I know, I'm weird.
    2. Do you like noodles? Yep.
    3. Do you enjoy drama?It depends what kind of drama is involved...
    4. Are you a girly girl? Nein! Tomboy soul forever!
    5. Small or large purses? I'm not a purse person.
    7. Are you short? Is 5'5" short?
    8. Do you like somebody? There's one guy, but of course, he doesn't know it.
    9. Do you care if your socks are dirty? Nope.
    10. Do you like Halloween? I don't celebrate it. :/
    11. Favorite time of year? I'd say, maybe Autumn. I don't have a specific reason.
    12. Where is the weirdest place you have slept? In my little brother's bed. I woke up with a strange puddle.
    13. Has anyone touched/smacked your butt in the past 24 hours? Why do you want to know?
    14. Are there any rumours going around about you? I hope not.
    Be Honest:
    1. What color is the bra that you're wearing? Black?
    2. Do you prefer light or dark haired guys? I've notice that I'm more into blonds...
    3. Longest relationship? Never had one.
    4. Do you have a best friend? Yes. She's the oddball, alright.
    5. Have you ever had your heart broken? Meh, not badly.
    6. Have you ever thought of having cosmetic surgery? H**l no.
    7. Do you like your life? Of course. I'm glad to have one.
    8. Have you ever jumped in the pool with your clothes on? To be honest, I've never swam. In my life.
    9. Do you have more friends that are girls or boys? Girls. But the guys in my grade are so overprotective of me. All of them. Even the crackheads. Well, not all of the crackheads. But still.
    10. How long have you had a facebook? One, two years, if I could recall.
    11. Have you ever slapped a boy in the face? Nope. Well if you count my brothers.
    12. What are your biggest fear(s)? I dunno. Maybe getting a B in a class?
    13. Have you ever cried yourself to sleep? Yep.
    14. Have you ever not been able to get someone off of your mind? I have a certain person on my mind all day...
    15. Do you believe in the saying “once a cheater, always a cheater"? Haven't been in one of those situations before.
    16. Have you ever had a good feeling about something? Of course.
    17. Do you ever wish you were famous? Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't
    18. Are you currently missing someone? A few people.
    19: What are you doing right now? "Watching" my little bro. But he can make do.
    20. Cowboy or gangster? Ehh... I'm a Texan, but... Toughie.
    21. Face or body? I really don't pay attention, but I have an eye fetish. And hair.
    22. Sweet or sexy? Sweet. But if he's sexy.. it'll be a nice bonus...
    23. Contacts or glasses? I prefer... ohh.. Toughie.
    1. Eyeliner or mascara? I'm not a makeup person.
    2. Pink or black? I don't like neither...
    3. Pumps or flats? Flats.
    4. Skirts or trousers? Trousers. Definately trousers.
    5. Socks or leggings? Socks. Just. Socks.
    6. Hoodies or jackets? I love hoodies, but it'll be fine as long as it's warm.
    7. Heels or sneakers? Sneakers! Sneakers!
    8. Straight or curly hair? I can't decide. Toughie. I have wavy hair.
    9. White or black? I like both shades. Just to put it out to ya.
    10. Smoothies or lattes? Both. It's a toughie.
    11. Diet or regular sodas? I refuse to drink a diet soda. Sorry.
    12. Water or daiquiris? I dunno what a djbouti is, but in any case, I'll pick water.
    13. Pearls or diamonds? I amn't a Pokemon fan, but I prefer diamonds.
    14. Mary-Kate or Ashley Olsen? MICHELLE!
    15. iPod or cell phone? Don't have either. :/
    16. Friends or family? Both. It's a toughie.
    17. Lip gloss or lip stick? Not a makeup person...
    18. Manicure or pedicures? I need both. I amn't a nail person.
    19. Tank tops or beaters? Don't know the difference.
    20. Big sunglasses or small? Big. I dunno, but I like it like that.
    21. Sunglasses or purses?Purse... to keep stuff in it.
    In a Guy:
    1. Funny or serious? I like the combination.
    2. Romantic or daredevil? I don't care.
    3. Dark eyes or light eyes? Light eyes are nice, but I like dark, too.
    4. Long hair or short hair? I love the guys with the cute quiffs. *cough* Niall Horan *cough*
    5. Curly hair or straight hair? Straight.
    6. Hockey player or football player? I don't know any hockey players. If you mean international football, I'm happy. American football players are oddballs, believe me.
    Thx to the first person who posted it... xxx

  2. IThinkILoveYouBetterNow IThinkILoveYouBetterNow
    posted a quote
    May 11, 2013 8:54pm UTC
    swaggie and pickle juice
    a zayn malik fanfic {witty exclusive}
    Chapter One:
    A bump suddenly awoke me. This bus is the crappiest thing in existence; I can't even sleep for five minutes without being awoken by an ear-spliting screech or an earthquake.
    Hello. My name is Gloriette Dubose. I'm nineteen, a bit less than 173 centimeters tall, and I am looking for a job. Guessing by my name, you may assume I have French roots. I do. My father is French, and my mother is English. I have a brother, Gabriel.
    I'm on a bus drive, of course. I'm moving to London, the best place to find a job, well, according to my mum. Her instructions were simply: find a job, go to uni, start a life. The question is: how?
    Luckly for me, my brother found a person who could let me stay, as long as I work. Unfortunately, I'm not the working type. Never was, never will.
    The bus noises were messing with my head, so I put on my headphones. My headphones were bursting with music to calm myself. Suddenly, an unfamiliar song came on. Fall. By Justin Bieber. Of course, this was a joke by my brother or my mum. But a piece of it caught my attention.
    You can't fly unless you let yourself fall.
    I thought then that it was just emotional words that were worthless. Maybe if could've see the future, I would laugh. Laugh because it was a much needed piece of advice.
    The bus suddenly stopped abruptly. My asleep body drifted foward, banging my head on the seat. Why didn't I just walk?
    "Your stop's here, Miss Dubose."
    Eric, my best friend and 'chaperone', said in a 'professional' way.
    "God, Eric," I said, pushing him sleeply. "Why didn't you wake me up before?"
    Eric was supposed to come along in my voyage, due to my pleadings and his, too. He is looks like the stereotypical American guy: tan, blond, and funny. He had a smile that made me do the same. He is nineteen, too, and he moved in with us as an exchange student from America. So, you may assume he is smart. To some extent.
    "C'mon, Glorie! You should at least look out your window."
    I groaned in protest, but got up anyway. The London scenery from the bus was... amazing.
    "Oh my God."
    "I know, right? It's amazing."
    "Get off the d**n bus, you idiots!"
    The bus driver looked at us rather strange.
    "Let's go."
    Eric nodded, and took my bags out of the stuffy bus. I still watched in awe at the beautiful London scenery. Eric laughed when I bumped into him, because I was so absorbed by the landscape.
    "Watch out, you geezer."
    We walked for a few minutes, admiring how amazing London was. Eric was ecstatic over a churro stand they had. He is obsessed with food. Food here and food there. He bought at least half a dozen because he was starving. Afterwards, there was an Irish performer I thought was talented and good-looking, so I put a pound in his guitar case. My mum said to spend our money wisely,so I guess we were off-track.
    "Hey," the performer, breaking my reminiscing. He was about my age, gave me a smile. It revealed a cute smile full of white braces. He wore sunglasses, so I couldn't see his eyes.
    "Hi. The name's Glorie."
    "Oh, hey, Glorie." He was rather shy. "My name is..."
    "Glorie! Look at this s**t!" Eric shouted, embarassing me by his obscene words.
    "Sorry." I whispered at the blonde. "See you around." I turned towards Eric, who was jittering about, probably because of a food stand.
    "It's okay," the performer said, smiling. "I bet he loves food as much as I do."
    I nodded. running towards, the bloody American, who was amazed by a pizza stand.
    "D**n you, Eric," I said, give him a firm thump in the head. "I was 'bout to meet a guy."
    He laughed. "You know what your mum said, didn't you?"
    I sighed. "No boys until uni. I know."
    "Nope." he said, suddenly starting to dance. "Holding your p**s too long leads to bladder infections. Gotta go."
    I rolled my eyes as he ran off. Eric is such an oddball, I tell you. He does anything to make you laugh.
    I looked around to find the performer. Gone. Well, just my luck.
    The London lights were beautiful. People walked to and fro across the streets, the aroma of food filled my lungs. London is quite a beautiful city...
    Suddenly, I heard a car horn beeping.
    I was in the middle of a busy street.
    A large double decker red bus was charging towards me. I stood as stiff as a rock, unable to move away from the bus's path. The lights reflected off of me, making me seem like a helpless deer in the middle of the road.
    "Watch out!" a male voice screeched. The world was a blur. I couldn't make do of anything.
    Suddenly, I felt someone push me out of the way. I fell on the hard sidewalk, safe, but harmed. Eric's familiar voice rang in my ears, not forming words in my brain.
    As my vision cleared, I saw the person who had pushed me. He was on the ground, but miraculously not hit by the bus. It had stopped in time. He was quickly surrounded by many people. All of a sudden, my vision blurred again to black.
    "Glorie! Stay here!"
    End of Chapter One
    Plz give me feedback! Thx xxx nautical nonsense


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