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  1. valerieexrainbowss valerieexrainbowss
    posted a quote
    November 10, 2011 4:29pm UTC
    and favorite this quote
    if you will still be single
    on November 12th.

  2. Raining_Sunshine Raining_Sunshine
    posted a quote
    October 26, 2012 9:00pm UTC
    So today in class,
    This hot guy picked up a piece of my hair and started singing,
    "Soft kitty,
    Warm kitty,
    Little ball of fur.
    Happy kitty,
    Sleepy kitty,
    Purr, purr, purr."
    And I was just sitting there like,
    "Lol, wtf is going on right now."

  3. shootingstar87 shootingstar87
    posted a quote
    November 5, 2012 10:30pm UTC
    Funny how
    PSY is pronounced like "sigh" because that's exactly what I do after hearing Gangnam Style for the 67439856th time today.

  4. wafflebrains wafflebrains
    posted a quote
    November 3, 2012 10:10pm UTC
    Diving In
    Hey there,my name is Dylan Rose. Everyone suspects I'm a sl//t,because I'm with one of the player guys. The truth is,I don't care if he plays with my heart,I'm in love with this guy. His name is Justin. He takes my breathe away,and most people don't see his loving heart. I'm a high school virgin,so I don't count myself as a wh/re or sl//t. People can think what they think,sometimes I'm strong, sometimes I'm fragile. But I'll fight for those I love and fight with those who deserve it.
    This time, I'm Diving In.
    Note:I hope you guys like it!Sorry,if I'm a little bad.So yeah!There will be at least one chapter a week,but I think I'm going to post everyday.Thanks for reading!I do not notify.

  5. wafflebrains wafflebrains
    posted a quote
    November 4, 2012 2:22am UTC
    Diving In
    I walked in the school campus,getting called names,as usual.They say in the middle of the
    year,things get better.But no,they get even worse."Hey sl//t"One of the normal girls screamed
    at me.They had stories of self harm,bullying,and called names.Well maybe,you shouldn't call
    me names.I just roll my eyes at the names.I sit on the bench,feeling alone.I waited for
    Justin.Someone tapped my shoulder.i turned around and they caked my face.I ran to the
    bathroom,crying.Why are people so cruel?I wiped my tears and tried to stay strong.I looked
    in the mirror.I didn't even look like a sl//t or wh/re.Or did I?I sighed,I didn't know who I was.I
    walked out of the bathroom and I saw Justin."Hey!" I yell at him smiling."What's Up?" He
    asks."An animated film,from Disney, with a great plot." I respond back laughing at my little
    joke.He laughs too.Someone walks pass us,"Bad Jokes?"they asked.I turned around.It was a
    girl who was gorgeous,she had a pretty mean personality though.I looked at her."What?"I
    ask."OhitsjustthatJustinismyboyfriendandhe'scheatingonyouwithme,sorryhun." She says in a
    quick sentence,yet I catch it all.My mouth slowly opens in dissapointment.I storm off to an
    orchid."Dylan!" I hear Justin screaming my name.I didn't pay attention to him at all.As soon
    as I heard his voice closer,I ran.Tears streaming down my face.I reached the orchid.I
    climbed a tree and sat there,crying.I saw a poster saying, TALENT SHOW
    AUDITIONS!THIS FRIDAY! An idea popped into my head.I would enter.I kept reading the
    GOOT,AND MEGAN NICOLE. I gasped.I loved them.I thought the song, 'I Knew You Were
    Trouble' would be good.
    After school,I started walking home.I felt someone grab my
    arm."Dyl,we need to talk!"Justin says."No!Leave me alone!" I yell,struggling to get out of his
    grip."I wont let you go,until you speak."He said to me,dead serious.I hit him with my backpack
    then ran.I looked back and saw him chasing after me.When I got home I locked the door.I ran
    to my room and took out my iPod.I put on 'I Knew You Were Trouble' and I memorized the
    lyrics."Once upon a time,a few mistakes ago," I sang,my voice strong.I took a deep breath
    when I reached chorus.I sang it,worried it I did good.I felt like the judges would be in front of
    me,and tell me I stunk.My phone vibrated.I looked at who it was.My jaw dropped as I read the
    Blocked: Listen you sl//t, stay away from Justin.He loves me not you.We've been sleeping with eachother for two months.So back off. Xoxo Julietta, a.k.a. girl you saw today in the beginning at school.'
    Okay,first chaoter!Very basic,I guess.Please comment if you think I could do something to make my story better.Thanks!I do not notify.

  6. wafflebrains wafflebrains
    posted a quote
    November 9, 2012 12:30am UTC
    Diving In
    Chapter 3
    I picked up my phone in despair,reading the text over and over.What the heck?Cindy
    was my best friend ever since kindergarden.I sighed in frustration,maybe this was a
    dream?I didn't know.
    I didn't pinch myself,I knew it wasn't.I wasn't crying.I told myself,It will get better.I went to
    The next morning I woke up at 6am.I had a big smile on my face.I just had dumped
    Justin,and I
    found out that Cindy didn't need me,I didn't need her.I would prove to everyone, that
    I'm better than what they think I am.I slipped on my white cami,and put my beige
    cardigan.I put on my
    yellowish-tannish jeans on.I put on my owl necklace and painted my nails tan.I stepped
    my boots and walked out the door.I walked to school with no backpack,everything was
    in my
    locker.I arrived in campus,and was surprised that no one was calling me names.I had
    no friends
    now,since Cindy left me.Nothing intresting happened in the first three periods.I walked
    to my locker,finding a guy who was new by my locker.He looked as if he was looking for
    When I got to my locker he talked."Dylan is your name right?"he asks."Yeah,let me
    to call me names like the rest?"I asked him rudely.He looked at me,it wasn't a hurt look,or a
    disgusted look, it was a sympathetic look."What?" I say, glaring at him."Come with
    get out of here." He grinned.I smiled,I shut my locker."Really?" I asked with
    on!" He yelled at me starting to run.I caught up to him, and we snuck out.We went to a
    and sat down.He grinned at me."What are you looking at?" I asked laughing."A girl who
    beautiful." he said back.My face turned a bright red."R-r-really?You think I'm
    beautiful?" I
    ask."Yeah,Your really laid back,now thatI've spent time with you." he tells me.I chuckle.
    "I'm Dylan." I say introducing myself."Cool,I'm Nick." He tells me.Right after he tells me
    his name,it started to rain.I ran,"What are you doing?!"Nick yelled at me
    laughing."Running in the rain!"I yell back laughing.He runs to me and we play in the
    rain.We walked on a trail,having the time of our lives.My hair qas soaking wet,so was I.I
    didn't care,Nick treated me like a princess.
    We went to a field,the grass was all wet,but there was a blanket in Nick's backpack.We
    layed down on the grass laughing.I sat up and looked at him.It was still raining."Why do
    people call you a sl//t?"he asked.I sat up and looked at him,I just wanted that to stay a
    secret."Because I dated one of the player guys before.I dumped him recently for
    cheating on me." I say while getting up walking away.I turned sad at the thought.I
    started crying while i was walking.He grabbed my shoulder and spun me around."I'm
    glad he cheated on you."he says to me."Why?"I ask kinda loudly, since the rain was
    loud."Because now I can finally say,I like you." he tells me."I like you too."I smile.
    Our lips pressed together,I never wanted to let go.Even though it was raining,and everything in my life was crashing,that moment,that single moment, mad my whole life better.
    Note: Tried to make it long.I hope you guys are still intrested,A kiss in the rain:D Gotta love those,hehe.Well,bye bye~Thanks!I do not notify.

  7. lollipopx3 lollipopx3
    posted a quote
    November 10, 2012 11:09pm UTC
    Chapter 9
    I rounded up Scarlet the next afternoon to go shopping, for the sake of old times.
    The two of us had been distant ever since Travis came into the picture between us, but I was trying to my best save our friendship.
    After all, I had no idea why Scarlet had it out for Travis.
    Until she gives me a legitimate reason to not be around Travis, I wasn't going to listen to her demands.
    "This dress would look good on you." I held a salmon pink sundress in front of Scarlet's chest. "It looks really good with your blonde hair."
    Scarlet ignored me, as she cleared her throat. "Yeah, whatever." she muttered. "Tell me what's going on with you and Travis."
    I shot her a look of irritation, as I decided to no respond to her.
    Why was she ruining a perfectly good shopping day over this?
    "I don't see anything I like here." I let out a sigh, tossing the dress back onto the rack. "Let's go to another store, yeah?"
    Scarlet rolled her eyes, as she dropped the subject.
    As we exited the store, I couldn't help but feel relieved at the fact that she wasn't constantly pestering me over Travis.
    The shopping trip hadn't gone as well as I planned.
    Scarlet pretty much shut me off for the entire rest of the day, only replying to me with mutters whenever I asked her a question.
    At the end of the day, after dinner, when the sky became dark, I decided to ring up Travis, the only one who I wanted to talk to at the moment.
    I told him to meet me at the park, at the bench that we always hung around at.
    Since the sky had grown pitch dark by now, I threw on a university sweatshirt before I met Travis outside.
    I was there before him, waiting an exact ten minutes, but I was glad that he eventually did show up.
    "Sorry I'm late." Travis muttered, as he planked himself down on the seat besides me. "You kind of called at the last minute."
    I stared up at Travis, frowning. "Really? What were you doing?"
    Travis ran a hand through his hair, shrugging. "I was about to go out to a party, but it's no big deal, really."
    I raised an eyebrow, as I felt a suddenly wash of guilt. "Oh." I muttered. "Sorry, you could go back now if you want. I mean, the night is still early for a-"
    Travis chuckled, as he turned towards me with an amused expression.
    "Relax, Riley." he reassured. "It was another dumb high school party with a bunch of idiots who can't handle their liquor, anyways. I was kind of glad you called me before I was dragged away by my friend."
    I instantly felt a weight lifted off of my shoulders, as I smiled. "Alright, that's good, I guess."
    Travis nodded, staring up at the sky. The stars had been out already, as they shined bright above us.
    "So, why did you call me out here anyways?" Travis asked.
    I rolled my eyes. "To talk. Unless you would rather go to that party where you can see a bunch of girls half naked?"
    Travis smirked, before shaking his head. "I'd rather spend time with you, honestly."
    And that was all it took for the two of us to spend the entire night together, just talking.

  8. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  9. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.


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