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  1. FallingTower FallingTower
    posted a quote
    April 19, 2012 1:13am UTC


  2. FallingTower FallingTower
    posted a quote
    April 14, 2012 8:54am UTC
    Love is like Tug-of-war, one jerk after another.

  3. FallingTower FallingTower
    posted a quote
    April 14, 2012 8:50am UTC
    A heart is not a play thing, a heart is not a toy, but if
    you want it broken, Just give it to a boy. Boys they
    like to play with things To see what makes them run, But when it comes to kissing, They do it just for fun. Boys never give their hearts away They play us girls for fools, They wait until we give our hearts And then they play it cool. You will wonder where he is a night You will wonder if hes true, One moment you will be happy, One moment you will be blue.

  4. FallingTower FallingTower
    posted a quote
    April 13, 2012 10:21pm UTC
    Buy a New Honda Car www.honda.com.au
    Browse the full Honda car range. Find a dealer
    close to you.

  5. FallingTower FallingTower
    posted a quote
    April 10, 2012 9:25am UTC
    / \
    | ____|_
    | '___,,_' .----------------.
    | ||(o |o)| ( KILL ALL HUMANS! )
    | ------- ,----------------'
    | _____| -'
    \ '####,
    ( ) |)
    '_ ' ,------|\ _
    /_ / | |_\ ||
    /_ /| | o| _\ _||
    /_ / | | |\ _\____//' |
    ( ( | | | (_,_,_,____/
    \ _\ | ------|
    \ _\|_________|
    \ _\ \__\\__\
    |__| |__||__|
    ||/__/ |__||__|
    .' '. '.

  6. FallingTower FallingTower
    posted a quote
    April 10, 2012 9:21am UTC
    #### _\_ ________
    ##=-[.].]| \ \
    #( _\ | |------|
    ## __| | ||||||||
    # \ _/ | ||||||||
    .--'--'-. | | ____ | This is me........
    / __ `|__|[o__o]|
    _(____nm_______ /____\____

  7. FallingTower FallingTower
    posted a quote
    April 10, 2012 8:48am UTC
    *Pending Moderation*

  8. FallingTower FallingTower
    posted a quote
    March 30, 2012 9:49pm UTC
    Good Girls Are Bad Girls That Never Get Caught

  9. FallingTower FallingTower
    posted a quote
    March 30, 2012 9:23pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  10. FallingTower FallingTower
    posted a quote
    March 15, 2012 8:53am UTC
    She smiles.She's really covering up her pain.
    She laughs.She's dying inside.
    She say he was a mistake.She'll never get over him.
    She'll flirt.She'll cut
    She says shes fine.She's dead because of Him.
    He'll act like a player.He kisses other girls to bear the pain
    Any girl will swoon for him.Theres only one girl he'll go for
    He sees her cry he shrugs it off.All he wants to do is run into her arms.
    He sees her best friend crying he ask why she replies
    "Why did you break up with her why?"
    "w-"she inturupted me
    "Her mum came in to find a knife and cuts all over her ...She's dead"
    He Ran away from school to home he gets out a knife and...
    That was the last time he was ever seen.
    Why did he do it?
    He thought he was prorecting her he thought she deserve something better.
    Favourite this if Guys should remain the way hey are

  11. FallingTower FallingTower
    posted a quote
    March 15, 2012 8:05am UTC
    click to see this quote

  12. FallingTower FallingTower
    posted a quote
    March 15, 2012 7:50am UTC
    click to see this quote

  13. FallingTower FallingTower
    posted a quote
    March 15, 2012 7:43am UTC
    “All of my best friends are dead people. Someday I've got to figure out how that happened.”

  14. FallingTower FallingTower
    posted a quote
    March 15, 2012 7:34am UTC
    “I have it on good authority there's going to be a new 'gate' opening up soon over on the south side of the wall."
    The truth dawned on me. "Oh lord. You're the one who's been doling out C4."
    "You make it sound easy," he said with a frown. "That stuff's hard to get a hold of.”

  15. FallingTower FallingTower
    posted a quote
    March 15, 2012 7:31am UTC
    “Don't blame us," said my mother. "We didn't blow up half of Court, steal a dozen cars, call out a murderer in the middle of a crowd, or get our teenage friend crowned queen."
    "Actually," said Abe, "I did blow up half of Court.”

  16. FallingTower FallingTower
    posted a quote
    March 15, 2012 7:15am UTC
    “Ah, my daughter,ʺ he said. ʺEighteen, and already youʹve been accused of murder, aided felons, and acquired a death count higher than most guardians will ever see.ʺ He paused. ʺI couldnʹt be prouder.”


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