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DreamWhisperer_07 · 1 decade ago on quote 6308218
You basically ignored Kizzie29's whole argument and changed the subject. Good going. Nice comeback.
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DreamWhisperer_07 · 1 decade ago on quote 6308218
Why do people still use it? Because homosexuality is condemned in the News Testament too. How come the Pighandling skin, cutting off hair, no wearing specific clothes, thing not added in the NT? Because times changed. The people in the NT did not need those things anymore. In the NT, Jesus himself said to his disciples about the wrongs of homosexuality and sexual sins. If you were a true Christian and read your Bible and actually UNDERSTAND what's going on, then, with common sense, you would understand why God placed those "weird stupid ridiculous" laws for those Israelites in the first place. And right now, since you posted that comment ^^ I suspect you don't understand Christianity in the early times.
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guyonagirlsite · 1 decade ago on quote 6308218
I'm not a Christian, you idiot. I used those examples to prove that people who use Leviticus as an excuse to forbid homosexuality are wrong in doing so for as they support other things existing in Leviticus' law. You obviously have no idea what point I'm trying to get across, and I doubt you're even comprehending what I'm getting to. I didn't read the bible page by page (and I highly doubt you did), but I did plenty of research on it. You can't say I don't know anything about Christianity or the bible, as I clearly do from stating Leviticus' law. As I was scrolling down, I noticed you are doing the exact same thing to others as you are to me, in using an argument that has nothing to do with what the person is trying to prove. tl;dr Homosexuality is natural because love is natural. Know what other's are trying to say before you speak. The bible is a fairy tale. Cruci-fiction.
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DreamWhisperer_07 · 1 decade ago on quote 6308218
I just HAD to respond to this: You're either a true Christian, or you're not a Christian at all. If you don't believe in the Word of God, which is God's gift to us, then obviously, you really aren't a Christian, if you think that God is wrong. Sorry.
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TheGirlWhoLived · 1 decade ago on quote 6308218
Lol I am a Christian though? Just cause I believe in gay marriage... Thanks for starting this up again... I really cba to argue anymore
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DreamWhisperer_07 · 1 decade ago on quote 6308218
Thank you, I attend Bible Study every week:). And no, oops, I don't meant to come off as "don't be friends with gays". We should support and love gays just like everyone else. But for Christians, just like our parents (hopefully) tell us to stop lying or cheating , we need to tell those people the love of God through repentance. Simple as that:)
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DreamWhisperer_07 · 1 decade ago on quote 6308218
First of all, homosexual by nature? Meaning, homosexuality is natural in human beings.. correct? "Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for UNNATURAL ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion" (Romans 1:26-27). God clearly states that homosexual isn't natural. If you want to go real simple, that's why 2 women can't have a baby. And Of course not, God's creations are INDEED beautiful. Nature, animal, and man. But when sin entered this world, it turned everything grey and ugly. Shadows crossed, and the world was not perfect like in the garden of Eden. Of course, love thy neighbor. 10 Commandments, But what nonChristians, or even some "Christians" fail to understand is that God doesn't want us to hate ANYBODY. He just doesn't want us to DO the sin. He wants us to STOP committing sins. That is, after all, why God sent His Son Jesus to die on the cross. And last of all, I know some people actually feel that other people add to the Bible because of the interpretations, however in God's law, NO ONE can add, subtract, or change the interpretation of the Bible (Deuteronomy 12:32,Proverbs 30:5-6, etc). God condemns the adding to his word, such as Mormonism. That's my argument to adding parts of the Bible.
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DreamWhisperer_07 · 1 decade ago on quote 6308218
If they're standing up for others, why can't we stand up for our religion? No, it's not possible for us to chill out. Sorry.
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DreamWhisperer_07 · 1 decade ago on quote 6308218
She's just harassing you. Don't worry about it.
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DreamWhisperer_07 · 1 decade ago on quote 6308218
Really. Science has no real proof of God?1) If you don't believe in God, or a Heavenly Creator, you can't believe that the Earth's size and corresponding gravity is exactly the sustainable amount for human life. If we were any closer to the sun, we'd burn up. If we were further, we'd freeze over. 2) Our DNA. Just research about it. It's profound. 3) The Fibonacci sequence. 4) How babies must be in the womb for at least 9 months to be born healthy. Anyone born prematurely suffers from a defect or disease. It's simple. God made it for the baby to stay in the mother's womb for 9 months. This.. is the real proof of God.
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DreamWhisperer_07 · 1 decade ago on quote 6308218
I am only trying to familiarize myself with the term "homophobic" because if you read down these comments here, you will obviously read posts about the different interpretations of homosexuality, so that was just my basis of standing. And so here, where I live, in America, do we actually handle the pig skin a different way? Even Christians? No, I do not think so. Because now, we have advanced technology and medicine that can cure us of those diseases that prolonged in the pig skin. And fine, you don't like Christianity, but at least try to understand it before you argue a point of it by merely extracting a selection of the Bible to prove your point.
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guyonagirlsite · 1 decade ago on quote 6308218
Okay, so if handling of the pig skin is sooo much different now, as is basically everything in Leviticus, why do people still use it as a point to bring that the bible "forbids" homosexuality? You clearly don't understand my point. I understand Christianity just as much as the next person does.
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DreamWhisperer_07 · 1 decade ago on quote 6308218
Why do people still use it? Because homosexuality is condemned in the News Testament too. How come the Pighandling skin, cutting off hair, no wearing specific clothes, thing not added in the NT? Because times changed. The people in the NT did not need those things anymore. In the NT, Jesus himself said to his disciples about the wrongs of homosexuality and sexual sins. If you were a true Christian and read your Bible and actually UNDERSTAND what's going on, then, with common sense, you would understand why God placed those "weird stupid ridiculous" laws for those Israelites in the first place. And right now, since you posted that comment ^^ I suspect you don't understand Christianity in the early times.
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guyonagirlsite · 1 decade ago on quote 6308218
I'm not a Christian, you idiot. I used those examples to prove that people who use Leviticus as an excuse to forbid homosexuality are wrong in doing so for as they support other things existing in Leviticus' law. You obviously have no idea what point I'm trying to get across, and I doubt you're even comprehending what I'm getting to. I didn't read the bible page by page (and I highly doubt you did), but I did plenty of research on it. You can't say I don't know anything about Christianity or the bible, as I clearly do from stating Leviticus' law. As I was scrolling down, I noticed you are doing the exact same thing to others as you are to me, in using an argument that has nothing to do with what the person is trying to prove. tl;dr Homosexuality is natural because love is natural. Know what other's are trying to say before you speak. The bible is a fairy tale. Cruci-fiction.
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DreamWhisperer_07 · 1 decade ago on quote 6308218
Faith that there can be "what"? But oh well THATS AWKWARD haha my baaad., Aww thanks you too.
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DreamWhisperer_07 · 1 decade ago on quote 6308218
Maybe you should take in the whole don't-allow-sin-in-your-life part? If you really read the whole Bible, which I'm assuming you have since you acted like you did up there^^, don't forget about those who won't enter the Kingdom of God. Those who do not repent of their sins. p.s. I didn't mean to preach at you. Jussssaying.
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DreamWhisperer_07 · 1 decade ago on quote 6308218
What you don't seem to understand is the fact that GOD spoke through the apostles and followers, like Paul. Of course we should be moral and good people. The Bible also says justice for the , justice for the robbed, justice for those murdered innocently. I think that's a great thing to have, frankly, and God realized that. God knew what he was doing in those olden times 2000 years ago, because, like I've said, if you were 10 centuries ago, you were denounced as a human being and discarded as DIRT. No one would marry a non-virgin, especially a victim. Also, the choice of a rapist marrying his victim WASN'T the ONLY choice. The father was left in control of this. The rapist had to suffer through major punishment. He could either get out of the way by paying 50 silver shekels, or marrying the victim. Sometimes, the victim actually WANTED to marry the rapist in fear of leaving desolate and penniless. Take Tamar and Ammon, a very clear example.
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converse97 · 1 decade ago on quote 6308218
Well for me it's more like I'm not afraid to be friends with gay people because I don't think that they are bad, and they can do as they please because it's their life. However, I respect your opinion a lot because you seem to be really knowledgable on the subject(:
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DreamWhisperer_07 · 1 decade ago on quote 6308218
Thank you, I attend Bible Study every week:). And no, oops, I don't meant to come off as "don't be friends with gays". We should support and love gays just like everyone else. But for Christians, just like our parents (hopefully) tell us to stop lying or cheating , we need to tell those people the love of God through repentance. Simple as that:)
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DreamWhisperer_07 · 1 decade ago on quote 6308218
Pretty logical. Explain how pretty logical it is for two lesbians to be fertile (without anyone else's ) and have a baby. As you are an Athiest, I see that my arguments will be quite fruitless to you, so I'll just end with this: Picture this, if you are living in the Middle East 2000 years ago, and someone you, you are either given the choice to be STONED or cast out of the city, orrr Avoid all that and marry the rapist. God has a plan for everything in the BIble. You can't just pick out "you got ,you must marry your rapist" part, and not add the added benefits to that. And I'm trying not to hate:) don't worry,
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DreamWhisperer_07 · 1 decade ago on quote 6308218
How can I not whine if you're totally mistaken? and Homophobic christians? Explain that term please, I'm still unfamiliar with that.
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guyonagirlsite · 1 decade ago on quote 6308218
If anyone here is mistaken it's you. The reason I don't like Christianity is because people are still using morals from what you just said, a completely different culture from another part of the world from an entirely different era. You are also mistaken for trying to hold an argument when you are unfamiliar with the word homophobic/homophobia.
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DreamWhisperer_07 · 1 decade ago on quote 6308218
I am only trying to familiarize myself with the term "homophobic" because if you read down these comments here, you will obviously read posts about the different interpretations of homosexuality, so that was just my basis of standing. And so here, where I live, in America, do we actually handle the pig skin a different way? Even Christians? No, I do not think so. Because now, we have advanced technology and medicine that can cure us of those diseases that prolonged in the pig skin. And fine, you don't like Christianity, but at least try to understand it before you argue a point of it by merely extracting a selection of the Bible to prove your point.
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guyonagirlsite · 1 decade ago on quote 6308218
Okay, so if handling of the pig skin is sooo much different now, as is basically everything in Leviticus, why do people still use it as a point to bring that the bible "forbids" homosexuality? You clearly don't understand my point. I understand Christianity just as much as the next person does.
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DreamWhisperer_07 · 1 decade ago on quote 6308218
Why do people still use it? Because homosexuality is condemned in the News Testament too. How come the Pighandling skin, cutting off hair, no wearing specific clothes, thing not added in the NT? Because times changed. The people in the NT did not need those things anymore. In the NT, Jesus himself said to his disciples about the wrongs of homosexuality and sexual sins. If you were a true Christian and read your Bible and actually UNDERSTAND what's going on, then, with common sense, you would understand why God placed those "weird stupid ridiculous" laws for those Israelites in the first place. And right now, since you posted that comment ^^ I suspect you don't understand Christianity in the early times.
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guyonagirlsite · 1 decade ago on quote 6308218
I'm not a Christian, you idiot. I used those examples to prove that people who use Leviticus as an excuse to forbid homosexuality are wrong in doing so for as they support other things existing in Leviticus' law. You obviously have no idea what point I'm trying to get across, and I doubt you're even comprehending what I'm getting to. I didn't read the bible page by page (and I highly doubt you did), but I did plenty of research on it. You can't say I don't know anything about Christianity or the bible, as I clearly do from stating Leviticus' law. As I was scrolling down, I noticed you are doing the exact same thing to others as you are to me, in using an argument that has nothing to do with what the person is trying to prove. tl;dr Homosexuality is natural because love is natural. Know what other's are trying to say before you speak. The bible is a fairy tale. Cruci-fiction.
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DreamWhisperer_07 · 1 decade ago on quote 6308218
There can never be peace, I hate to say it. Christians are persecuted for their faith everyday, so how can we, here in America, denounce something that God clearly condemned in the Bible? Yes interpretation of the Bible can be vague, but that is MAN'S INTERPRETATION. Bible never said, "Well, if a guy likes other men, then, maybe, he is sinning. But no, that's not quite sinning because God loves everyone, including sinners, right?". As Christians, once we are saved, we are to tell other humans of God's word and His grace. Yes, God loves sinners, but in NO WAY does he ever want you to continue in that sin. Homosexuality was certainly condemned by Jesus himself and in the OT. You can't get any clearer than that.
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requiem · 1 decade ago on quote 6308218
Okay, well I have faith that there can be, and I'm going to work to make peace as much as I can. And haha okay, well the thing is...I actually don't live in America. :) So I don't know how things work over there, however I hear that religion is much more dominant than it is here in Australia. Anyway I'm not going to reply to this thread anymore because everyone is just repeating themselves and I'm really getting fed up with it because it's so repetitive. So yep, I'm just going to agree to disagree on this one. But that's okay, I hope you have a nice day/night/whatever it is over there at the moment :)
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DreamWhisperer_07 · 1 decade ago on quote 6308218
Faith that there can be "what"? But oh well THATS AWKWARD haha my baaad., Aww thanks you too.
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DreamWhisperer_07 · 1 decade ago on quote 6308218
Of course, not all Catholics or Christians believe everything the Bible says. And I admit that. But that's where they go wrong. You see, faith isn't something , (well, true faith) that you can go "Oh hey, I go to mass every week, but I party with liquor every Friday night, but still, I go to Mass, I must be a good Christian, right?" (That was a weird analogy, my bad) but the point is, if Christians TRULY accepted Christ into their hearts, then they KNOW man cannot be correct. Man cannot say homosexuality is right, when God says it's wrong.
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converse97 · 1 decade ago on quote 6308218
What we need to remember though is that God didn't write the Bible, people did. We should be moral and good people, but I don't think homosexuality is a sin. Like I said before, the Bible says that you should marry your rapist. I don't think God really wants that.
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DreamWhisperer_07 · 1 decade ago on quote 6308218
What you don't seem to understand is the fact that GOD spoke through the apostles and followers, like Paul. Of course we should be moral and good people. The Bible also says justice for the , justice for the robbed, justice for those murdered innocently. I think that's a great thing to have, frankly, and God realized that. God knew what he was doing in those olden times 2000 years ago, because, like I've said, if you were 10 centuries ago, you were denounced as a human being and discarded as DIRT. No one would marry a non-virgin, especially a victim. Also, the choice of a rapist marrying his victim WASN'T the ONLY choice. The father was left in control of this. The rapist had to suffer through major punishment. He could either get out of the way by paying 50 silver shekels, or marrying the victim. Sometimes, the victim actually WANTED to marry the rapist in fear of leaving desolate and penniless. Take Tamar and Ammon, a very clear example.
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converse97 · 1 decade ago on quote 6308218
Well for me it's more like I'm not afraid to be friends with gay people because I don't think that they are bad, and they can do as they please because it's their life. However, I respect your opinion a lot because you seem to be really knowledgable on the subject(:
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DreamWhisperer_07 · 1 decade ago on quote 6308218
Thank you, I attend Bible Study every week:). And no, oops, I don't meant to come off as "don't be friends with gays". We should support and love gays just like everyone else. But for Christians, just like our parents (hopefully) tell us to stop lying or cheating , we need to tell those people the love of God through repentance. Simple as that:)
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DreamWhisperer_07 · 1 decade ago on quote 6308218
Good point on bringing that up, but you see, "homosexuality" is mentioned numerous times in the New Testament also.I Corinthians 6:9; 10. And I understand your confusion, because the mind of a saved Christian is COMPLETELY different than a nonbeliever's. We believe what nonbelievers think is impossible, but if you read the Bible, then apply it to modern times, you see how much of the prophecies of the Bible have already come true. Yes, there are tons more other sins and verses to go with it, but the girl who posted this quote didn't post about that. She posted about homosexuality, and as me (as a Christian) I felt called to respond back to this. And don't worry ,nooo offense taken:)
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toolegittoquit · 1 decade ago on quote 6308218
Okay but answer me this: If God is so loving and forgiving, why would he create people that are homosexual by nature then tell them they're wrong. I thought all God's creations are beautiful? So then why are they wrong. In all honestly, I feel things were added in the interpretation of the Bible. Christians are just looking for a way to make what they say about homosexuals okay. Love thy neighbor is a Commandment, but we're allowed to hate gays?
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DreamWhisperer_07 · 1 decade ago on quote 6308218
First of all, homosexual by nature? Meaning, homosexuality is natural in human beings.. correct? "Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for UNNATURAL ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion" (Romans 1:26-27). God clearly states that homosexual isn't natural. If you want to go real simple, that's why 2 women can't have a baby. And Of course not, God's creations are INDEED beautiful. Nature, animal, and man. But when sin entered this world, it turned everything grey and ugly. Shadows crossed, and the world was not perfect like in the garden of Eden. Of course, love thy neighbor. 10 Commandments, But what nonChristians, or even some "Christians" fail to understand is that God doesn't want us to hate ANYBODY. He just doesn't want us to DO the sin. He wants us to STOP committing sins. That is, after all, why God sent His Son Jesus to die on the cross. And last of all, I know some people actually feel that other people add to the Bible because of the interpretations, however in God's law, NO ONE can add, subtract, or change the interpretation of the Bible (Deuteronomy 12:32,Proverbs 30:5-6, etc). God condemns the adding to his word, such as Mormonism. That's my argument to adding parts of the Bible.
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DreamWhisperer_07 · 1 decade ago on quote 6294266
<3 love this.
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DreamWhisperer_07 · 1 decade ago on quote 6308218
I was just about to say this. Good comment.
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DreamWhisperer_07 · 1 decade ago on quote 6308218
If Science can't prove certain stuff...and the Bible can.. Let's talk about which source is more relevant. Hmmm.:)
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Bloodymascara219 · 1 decade ago on quote 6308218
But if science has no real proof of god, the bible can be totally fake and made up. Why should I believe in something that doesn't even have proof of existence? Doesn't make any sense to me.
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DreamWhisperer_07 · 1 decade ago on quote 6308218
Really. Science has no real proof of God?1) If you don't believe in God, or a Heavenly Creator, you can't believe that the Earth's size and corresponding gravity is exactly the sustainable amount for human life. If we were any closer to the sun, we'd burn up. If we were further, we'd freeze over. 2) Our DNA. Just research about it. It's profound. 3) The Fibonacci sequence. 4) How babies must be in the womb for at least 9 months to be born healthy. Anyone born prematurely suffers from a defect or disease. It's simple. God made it for the baby to stay in the mother's womb for 9 months. This.. is the real proof of God.
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