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Last Seen: 24 Apr 2014 05:54pm

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  1. 1live2love9laugh6 1live2love9laugh6
    posted a quote
    February 28, 2012 8:56pm UTC
    Our Summer
    Chapter 8
    We were out of the house and at the beach by 6:45.
    “Have you ever swam in the ocean before?” Lucas asked me as we attempted to find a semi-shady spot to put our towels and bags.
    “No,” I admitted. This was the first time I’d ever even seen the ocean in person.
    “She’s a sheltered child,” Jamie called back.
    “Least we know she’s not like you, then,” Lucas teased her.
    “Oh, please,” Jamie said. “She would love to be me.” Although she was joking, it was partially true. She had gorgeous blonde hair and brown eyes, long legs and an amazing tan. Boys fell all over her and her family was made of many. Being her best friend, though, I knew there was a lot more behind her “perfect” appearance than she let on, and it was those things that kept me from being as jealous of her as most girls are.
    “I’ll race you in,” Jamie said, after we’d set everything down and stripped to our bathing suits.
    “Oh, it’s on,” Lucas replied, and the two ran through the already hot sand, straight into the water. I followed more slowly. As their heads both popped out of the water, I barely even had my feet wet.
    “C’mon,” Lucas called me over. I smiled unsurely. “It’s easier if you just run straight in,” he said, coming toward me.
    “I think I’ll just take it slow,” I told him.
    “That’s no fun,” he was still walking closer.
    “Pull her in!” Jamie encouraged from where she was floating along the water. I quickly backed up, knowing that Lucas would probably take her advice and drag me into the water, even if I was kicking and screaming.
    “You have two choices,” Lucas told me. “You have two choices,” Lucas told me, now standing in ankle deep water. “You can either come in now willingly, or you can come in now by force.”
    “Doesn’t sound like much of a choice,” I laughed.
    “Which is it?” he asked, taking a threatening step towards me.
    “Okay, okay. I’m coming,” I giggled and stepped forward into the water.
    AN: Hey everyone, thanks for reading. I really appreciate it! Please fave/comment with your opinions. Love you all!!

  2. 1live2love9laugh6 1live2love9laugh6
    posted a quote
    February 28, 2012 6:24pm UTC
    Our Summer
    Chapter 7
    To say I was surprised when Lucas came into my room the next morning and threw the curtains to my window open was an understatement.
    “Wake up,” he said, throwing a pillow at my head. I groaned when it hit me and didn’t move.
    “What time is it?” I asked, my voice muffled by the pillow.
    “Six o’clock. Breakfast is ready – come eat,” he said and then walked out of the room. Rubbing sleep from my eyes, I walked into the kitchen, where I was surprised to see Jamie sitting on a barstool at the island eating, already dressed.
    “What is wrong with you people?” I asked, sitting up on the stool next to her. Lucas placed a plate of scrambled eggs, bacon and toast in front of me. It appeared as if he had made them himself. Needless to say, I was pretty impressed.
    “Tradition,” Jamie told me.
    “The first full day they come up, we always get up really early and go swimming,” Lucas explained.
    “Does Brayden come?” I asked since I hadn’t seen him yet.
    “Nah,” Lucas shrugged. “He’s not a morning person.”
    “And I am?” I grumbled, teasingly, as I ate my eggs.
    “If you’re not, you better become one,” Lucas laughed.
    “He goes out this early every morning,” Jamie rolled her eyes. “I for one prefer to sleep in.”
    “The first day is the only day she comes with me,” Lucas explained. “If you try to get her up more than one day in a row she gets crabby,” he teased.
    “Trust me. I know,” I joined in. She gave us both dirty looks.
    Once we finished eating breakfast, Lucas and I both went to change. I pulled on my new blue plaid bikini, and then I pulled a white camisole tank top over it. I quickly combed through my long dark brown hair and put it up in a ponytail. I packed a beach bag with a towel, some sun screen, and my ever-present book, and I was ready for my first trip to the beach of the summer.
    AN: Hey everyone, thanks for reading. I really appreciate it! Please fave/comment with your opinions. Love you all!!

  3. 1live2love9laugh6 1live2love9laugh6
    posted a quote
    February 26, 2012 8:14am UTC
    Our Summer
    Chapter 6
    “I could easily get a hotter girl than Addy,” Lucas snorted. “Right, Natalie?”
    “What? I don’t even know her!” I exclaimed, wondering how I had gotten dragged into this.
    “Well, would you rather go out with him or Brayden?” Jamie asked.
    “What does this have to do with anything?” I asked.
    “Well, I’m sure you’re hotter than Addy,” Jamie said.
    “That’s not a fair question,” Lucas jumped in.
    “Why not?” Jamie asked.
    “Because she’s never talked to Brayden,” he explained.
    “You’re just worried she’s going to pick him over you,” Jamie responded.
    “Yeah right,” Lucas rolled his eyes. “I have a much better personality than him, plus I’m hotter.”
    “Oh yeah, that’s why you’ve never even had a girlfriend before,” Jamie made a face at him.
    “I have too!” Lucas protested.
    “Melissa Anderson in first grade does not count,” Jamie stated.
    “Yes she does! We held hands, and that’s as serious as it gets in first grade!” Lucas responded. I couldn’t help but smile.
    They argued about this for a few more minutes and once again tried bringing me into it.
    At about ten o’ clock, Lucas weren’t upstairs to go to sleep, but Jamie and I sat in the living room and talked for awhile longer. I decided not to mention exactly what I’d thought of her cousins, especially Lucas. The two of them acted so much like siblings that it made it hard for me to tell her how cute I thought he was.
    At about midnight, we went into our own rooms, but I wasn’t tired, so I unpacked all my bags and organized everything. By the time I finally fell asleep, it was close to one in the morning.
    AN: Hey everyone, thanks for reading. I really appreciate it! Please fave/comment with your opinions. Love you all!!

  4. 1live2love9laugh6 1live2love9laugh6
    posted a quote
    February 25, 2012 6:36pm UTC
    Our Summer
    Chapter 5
    “Since when does he have a girlfriend?” Jamie asked, flopping down on the couch.
    “About a month ago,” Lucas said, sitting on the edge of the couch. I sat down on the couch between the two of them. “Do you remember Addy?” I recognized the name – Jamie had hated her ever since she “accidentally” spilled a beer on the front of her shirt at a party Brayden had dragged her to a couple of summers ago. She just barely convinced her parents what had really happened and that had been with Brayden’s help.
    “Oh my God, please tell me you’re joking,” Jamie groaned.
    “Nope,” Lucas said on the armrest of the couch. “Brayden thinks she’s just amazing.” Jamie made a gagging noise.
    “I thought you said she was ugly,” I asked Jamie.
    “She is,” Jamie exclaimed.
    “Actually,” Lucas cut in. “Even I have to admit that she’s gotten a lot hotter.
    “Ew, Lucas!”
    “What?” he laughed. “She lost the braces and got a decent haircut – oh, and she has huge –“
    Jamie kicked him to stop him from finishing that sentence.
    “Ow!” He complained.
    “Watch your mouth! We have virgin ears in here!” Jamie scolded. That’s what we always said when someone said something gross or perverted, or that we really just didn’t want to hear.
    “Well, you must be talking about Natalie, because you sure as hell aren’t – ow!” Lucas cut himself off. Jamie had kicked him again.
    “God, you’re so sensitive,” Lucas teased her. I couldn’t help but smile a little.
    “That was for Natalie’s sake,” Jamie said, in an attempt to look better.
    “Sure it was,” Lucas laughed.
    “I still can’t believe he’s dating her,” Jamie said, bringing the original topic of the conversation back up.
    “Yeah, me neither,” Lucas agreed.
    “You’re probably just jealous,” Jamie said.
    “Of what?” Lucas snorted.
    “That he scored a hotter girl than you ever could,” Jamie replied, airily, starting a whole new argument.
    AN: Hey everyone, thanks for reading. I really appreciate it! Please fave/comment with your opinions. Love you all!!

  5. 1live2love9laugh6 1live2love9laugh6
    posted a quote
    February 24, 2012 6:29pm UTC
    Our Summer
    Chapter 4
    A couple moments later, Jamie stuck her head in the door and announced that it was time to eat. I got up and followed her into the dining room where a huge meal was laid out on the table. I ended up sitting next to Jamie and Lucas. They bantered back and forth quite a bit, playfully. I stayed quiet, feeling a little shy. Brayden joined the conversation as well, teasing both Jamie and Lucas. The adults carried on their own conversation, for the most part.
    “Anyone want to head down to the beach?” Lucas asked when we were done.
    “You had better help clean up first!” Kris scolded. He rolled his eyes, but cleared his plate from the table. “Besides, you should probably wait until morning,” she decided.
    “C’mon, Mom,” Lucas complained. “It’s summer!”
    “They fight about this every year,” Jamie told me under her breath as we carried our dishes to the sink.
    “Let the girls get settled in tonight,” Kris said, firmly. “You can take them to the beach in the morning. “Now go start the dishes.”
    Grumbling, Lucas did as she asked.
    “I wonder what time it was to be to be considered morning,” Lucas said to me, thoughtfully when I made a second trip into the kitchen with dishes. I laughed.
    “I think the sun has to be risen,” I suggested.
    “D*mn,” he said, disappointed, but he flashed me a cute smile. I felt myself blush and hurried back to the dining room before he noticed.
    After dishes were done, the adults sat in the dining room, talking, and Brayden disappeared upstairs.
    “What’s his problem?” Jamie asked Lucas as the three of us headed into the living room.
    “Who knows?” he shrugged. “He probably had to go cal his girlfriend,” he rolled his eyes. It was obvious from his voice that he didn’t like whoever Brayden’s girlfriend was very much – and he didn’t seem impressed with Brayden either.
    AN: Hey everyone, thanks for reading. I really appreciate it! Please fave/comment with your opinions. Love you all!!

  6. 1live2love9laugh6 1live2love9laugh6
    posted a quote
    February 23, 2012 8:56am UTC
    Our Summer
    Chapter 3
    The drive to California took all of the next day, but it was far from boring. Jamie and I found something to talk about the whole time, and when we weren’t talking we were singing and dancing along with the radio.
    We finally pulled up to a gorgeous beachfront house at about seven o’clock that night. As we got out of the car, a woman in long shorts and a tank top who looked vaguely like Jamie’s mom came out to greet us. She gave Jamie’s parents and Jamie a hug before she turned to me.
    “You must be Natalie,” she smiled. “I’m Kristina, Jamie’s aunt.” Then she gave me a hug as well. “It’s so nice to meet you. You can call me Kris.” Before I could answer, she had already turned back to Jamie’s mom.
    Jamie and I started pulling the heavy bags out of the back of the truck. Kris quickly came over and helped us carry them in.
    “Boys! Come show the girls their rooms!” she called, setting down the bags she’d carried and went back to get more.
    Two boys, on mine and Jamie’s age and one a little older – Jamie’s cousins – came from the living room. I was surprised when I saw them. The one who was our age had sandy blonde hair and hazel eyes. The older one was a couple inches taller, with brown hair, brilliant blue eyes and freckled sprinkled across his nose. They both looked like they were in good shape.
    “Hey, James,” the younger one said. Jamie rolled her eyes. “You’re Natalie?” he asked me. I nodded. “I’m Lucas, and that’s Brayden,” he nodded at his older brother, who then looked at me and nodded.
    “Hi,” I smiled shyly. Jamie had never told me how cute her cousins were!
    “Whose is this?” Lucas asked, picking up one of the bags Kris had brought in.
    “Mine,” I said. He looked at me and smiled.
    “Follow me,” he said. “I’ll show you your room.
    My room was down a hall off the living room. Jamie’s room was on the other side of the hall, and we shared a bathroom.
    Once I had brought all my bags inside, I sat down on the big, soft bed in the middle of my room and sighed. This summer was going to be amazing.
    AN: Hey everyone, thanks for reading. I really appreciate it! Please fave/comment with your opinions. Love you all!!

  7. 1live2love9laugh6 1live2love9laugh6
    posted a quote
    February 23, 2012 8:54am UTC
    click to see this quote

  8. 1live2love9laugh6 1live2love9laugh6
    posted a quote
    February 22, 2012 7:09pm UTC
    Our Summer
    Chapter 1
    “California, here we come!” my best friend, Jamie squealed as she rushed to my locker after the final bell rang on the last day of school our sophomore year.
    I laughed. “I can’t believe I’m coming!” I exclaimed. Jamie’s aunt and uncle lived in California, and every summer she and her parents went to visit them. This was the first year that my mom had let me go.
    “I know! I’m so excited,” Jamie squealed again. “So guess what?”
    “What?” I asked, putting the last of my notebooks in my backpack.
    “My mom agreed to take us shopping tomorrow,” she told me. As if it was a surprise – I loved her, but she sure was spoiled. “She’s giving us both $150.”
    “Both?” I said, surprised.
    “Yup. We both have to get new swimming suits,” she decided for me. “Oh, did you pack yet? Make sure you bring that white sundress.”
    “You’ve only told me that a million times,” I rolled my eyes.
    “It’s cute!” Jamie responded. We continued to talk about the trip as we headed out to the parking lot to Jamie’s car. She always gave me a ride because my hosue was right on the way to hers.
    “Hey Natalie,” a familiar voice called. I looked up to see jock Kolton Breheim, the guy I’d been crushing on since freshman year.
    “Hi,” I smiled, getting butterflies in my stomach, as usual.
    “What’re your summer plans?” he asked, leaning against his car, which was conveniently parked right next to Jamie’s.
    “I’m going to California for a few weeks,” I admitted.
    “Really?” he said, surprised. I nodded.
    “What about you?” I asked.
    “Nothing as cool as California, that’s for sure,” he replied, getting in his car. “I’ll see you later.”
    “Have a good summer,” I told him, getting into Jamie’s car.
    “Thanks,” he called. “You too.”
    AN: Hey everyone, here's the first chapter to my new story, Our Summer. (: Thanks for reading. I really appreciate it! Please fave/comment with your opinions. Love you all!!

  9. 1live2love9laugh6 1live2love9laugh6
    posted a quote
    February 19, 2012 9:36am UTC
    New Girl
    Chapter Thirty-Six
    “Ben!” I called, running after him, my heels clicking on the pavement. “Ben, wait!”
    I caught up to him and stopped in front of him.
    “You know, I really thought you would’ve learned by now,” he said, angrily.
    “Ben,” I whispered.
    “You deserve so much better than him, and yet you keep going back.” His blue eyes looked outrageously sad.
    “Ben,” I said, taking his face in between my hands.
    “What?” He said, trying to turn away.
    “I ended it – for good.”
    He looked at me, surprised. “Really?”
    “Yes,” I nodded. A huge grin spread across his face as he picked me up and spun me in a circle. I laughed.
    “You’re crazy,” I whispered as he put me down.
    “You have no idea,” he murmured, before he pressed his lips to mine, right there in the middle of the school parking lot.
    After making sure that Brittney had a ride home, we left the dance. Neither of us wanted to go home and explain to our parents why we weren’t at the dance, so Ben drove us up to the mountains. He laid out a blanket on the top of a grassy hill and we laid down together, watching the stars.
    “You know, this is the first time I’ve been in the mountains,” I told him.
    “Really?” he said, surprised. I nodded. “Well, what do you think?” he asked.
    “It’s gorgeous,” I told him.
    “Like you,” he smiled. I giggled and cuddled up against him. We talked back and forth for awhile, and then we fell quiet, listening to the crickets and staring up at the sky.
    “Ben, I can’t go to prom with you,” I said, suddenly.
    “Why not?” he asked confused.
    “Who’s going to help me pick out my dress?” I exclaimed. He laughed and rolled onto his side next to me.
    “Brittney,” he said firmly and gave me a kiss
    The End.
    AN: I can’t believe my story’s over..! It’s kind of sad. Lol. I have another story started already though, and I’ll be posting that one soon. (: Thank you SO MUCH to everyone who’s read my story, especially the people who read every chapter (you know who you are). It means so much to me. Love you all! Please fave/comment with your opinions. I’ll be back soon with my new story.

  10. 1live2love9laugh6 1live2love9laugh6
    posted a quote
    February 18, 2012 4:53pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  11. 1live2love9laugh6 1live2love9laugh6
    posted a quote
    February 18, 2012 10:54am UTC
    New Girl
    Chapter Thirty-Four
    The next day, we headed over to Ben’s house at about 9:30. We sat in the living room talking for awhile.
    “What does your dress for tonight look like?” Brittney asked me, excitedly.
    “I don’t think I’m going,” I said, looking down at my hands.
    “What?” Brittney said, surprised.
    “Why not?” Ben asked at the same time. I shrugged.
    “I just don’t feel like it,” I replied.
    “I did not spend almost an hour helping you pick out a dress for you not to go,” Ben retorted. I smiled a little.
    “It’ll be fun,” Brittney told me. I shrugged again.
    “I don’t know.”
    “We can get ready together,” she suggested. I sighed.
    After we got ready, we walked over to Ben’s like last night. When we walked in, Ben froze, staring at me. I blushed a little.
    “Wow,” he said. “You look – you both look gorgeous,” he said, even though he’d barely glanced at Brittney.
    After his mom had once again taken about a million pictures, we headed out to the school. The first thing I saw when I walked in was Cody with his arm wrapped around Leah’s tiny waist. I felt tears burn my eyes.
    “Ignore them,” Ben murmured into me ear, leading me to the snack table. He got me a cup of punch while Brittney disappeared with a couple of her friend.
    “You look amazing, Jen,” he told me. “Don’t let him ruin that,” he rubbed under my eye were my makeup had smudged a little. I smiled at him.
    “Thank you,” I whispered.
    I tried taking Ben’s advice on ignoring Cody. It was working surprisingly well. I danced with Brittney and her friends and we even got Ben out there with us for awhile. We were all laughing and having fun.
    Ben left to go to the bathroom just before the very first slow song. I stood on the side watching as couples got together on the dance floor. To my surprise, Cody walked away from Leah and crossed the room to me.
    “You’re dancing with me,” he said, his tone sounding somehow pleading and commanding at the same time. He pulled me out to the dance floor and I had no choice but to put my arms around his neck.
    AN: Hey everyone.Thanks for reading. Please fave/comment with your opinions. I appreciate it. (: Love you all!

  12. 1live2love9laugh6 1live2love9laugh6
    posted a quote
    February 17, 2012 8:14am UTC
    New Girl
    Chapter Thirty-Three
    I changed in Brittney’s bathroom, and wiped off as much of my smeared makeup as possible. When I came back to Brittney’s room, she was setting up a bed on the floor in her room.
    “Cody called,” she said, glancing up. I had left my phone on her dresser. I looked at it, but didn’t move. “You don’t have to talk to him,” she suggested. “It’s obvious that it’s over.”
    “I can’t believe he did that – and after all of that stuff with Ben!” I said, sitting on the bed.
    “He told me about that,” Jennifer came and sat next to me. “That was bull. You won’t get back together with him – will you?” she asked, unsurely. I shook my head no, blinking hard to stop tears. “I’m sorry – I just wanted to make sure.”
    “Ben warned me too. I should have listened.”
    “Everyone makes mistakes,” she said, comfortingly. “You know,” she began, then paused.
    “What?” I asked curiously.
    “Ben likes you. A lot,” she said. “Enough that he actually told me, and he usually doesn’t.” I looked at her with big eyes, thinking about all the times I’ve spent with Ben, and all the things he’s sad. It all clicked into place now – it all made sense. “I wish you would give him a chance,” she whispered.
    “I-I don’t know,” I stuttered. The memory of the way his hand felt brushing against mine, the way he held me as I cried crossed my mind. I realized that the whole time I’d been with Cody, I was wrong. It wasn’t Cody who was amazing and sweet and romantic. It was Ben. He was there when Cody was treating me terribly, and he knew all the little things about me – like my Doritos obsession – that I doubted Cody would remember.
    “I think you two would be really cute together. Ben’s an amazing guy. He’s a lot like Brandon,” she whispered, and then she was crying along with me.
    My phone vibrated and I crossed the room. It was Cody. I looked at Brittney, and she looked at me, waiting to see what I would do.
    I ignored the call and turned the phone off. It was officially over. I knew I’d have to talk to him eventually, but tonight was about healing – something both Brittney and I needed a lot of right now – and that didn’t involve Cody.
    AN: Hey everyone. For those of you wondering how many chapters are left, there is a total of 36 chapters in the whole story. I'm really close to finishing!! (: Thanks for reading. Please fave/comment with your opinions. I appreciate it. (: Love you all!

  13. 1live2love9laugh6 1live2love9laugh6
    posted a quote
    February 15, 2012 8:27pm UTC
    New Girl
    Chapter Thirty-Two
    I couldn’t believe what I was seeing, but it was all right there in front of me. Cody’s Aéropostale shirt and Leah’s silky purple halter top were lying on the floor next to the bed, along with both of their jeans.
    “Oh my God,” I said, turning and running out of the room.
    “Jennifer! Jen, wait!” Cody called. I ignored him and ran out of the house, tears streaming down my face. People were probably staring, but I didn’t care.
    “Jen!” I heard, and I realized it wasn’t Cody – it was Ben. I slowed to a stop. “Hey what’s wrong?” he asked gently. I turned and fell into his arms. He wrapped his arms around me and held me. “What’s wrong?” I repeated. I managed to get enough out that he could figure out the rest, and he helped me to his car. Then he called Brittney, who came out to the car as soon as she found out what had happened.
    The ride home was silent except for my occasional sniffling. When we stopped to drop Brittney off, she turned to me.
    “Hey, do you want to stay here tonight?” she asked, kindly. “I thought you just might not want to be alone.” I looked up unsure. I didn’t want to be here just because she felt sorry for me. I met Ben’s eyes in the mirror, telling me to go.
    “Okay,” I agreed. “Thanks.”
    “No problem,” she smiled. “I can find some extra clothes for you, if you want.” I called my mom and told her where I was staying, and then Brittney and I headed inside.
    We went to Brittney’s room, and when she went to find me something to wear, I noticed a picture on her windowsill. I crossed to look at it. There was a guy with a younger Brittney. His arm was around her and they were laughing. He had the same eyes as Ben.
    “That’s Brandon,” Brittney said from behind me. I turned. “Did Ben tell you about him?” she asked.
    “Yeah,” I said, clearing my throat. “He did.” She handed me a pair of pajama pants and a shirt. “Thanks,” I said.
    “No problem.”
    AN: Hey everyone. Thanks for reading. Please fave/comment with your opinions. I appreciate it. (: Love you all!

  14. 1live2love9laugh6 1live2love9laugh6
    posted a quote
    February 15, 2012 12:39pm UTC
    New Girl
    Chapter Thirty-One
    After talking to Ben’s mom, my mom was fine with me going. That was just one more thing I had to be grateful to his mom for.
    “Wow, you two look great,” Ben said, giving us each a hug when we walked in. After his mom took a bunch of pictures, we headed over to Cody’s house. When we got there, the party had already started. The music was loud and there were already quite a few people. There was also tons of food and drinks.
    I spotted Cody right away, in the middle of the living room surrounded by a bunch of guys playing Xbox. He saw me come in and motioned me over.
    “I’m going to go talk to Cody for awhile,” I told Brittney and Ben. They nodded and I started across the room.
    “Hey babe,” Cody said, wrapping his arm around my waist. “You look hot tonight,” he murmured into my neck before he kissed it. I laughed uncomfortable. I’ve never been a big fan of PDA.
    “Thanks, you don’t look to bad yourself,” I teased. He gave me a quick kiss on the lips.
    “The game room downstairs is open if you want to go,” he told me. “Food is over there – obviously. You can basically do whatever you want,” he told me. “You have to dance with me at least once though, okay?” he said and walked off without telling me where he was going. I sighed and went to find Brittney and Ben.
    I ended up having a lot of fun. We played Truth or Date, danced, ate, played some games in the game room… Brittney was right. The party was amazing.
    When it was starting to wind down, I began to look for Cody. I hadn’t seen him in a while.
    “Hey, Mrs. Fuller, have you seen Cody?” I asked.
    “I’m not sure where he went. You can check his bedroom,” she suggested.
    “Okay,” I smiled. “Thank you.” I crossed to his room. I froze when I saw two people in the bed. At first I thought that someone and snuck in her during the party, but then they both looked up when they heard me come in. It was Leah and Cody.
    AN: Hey everyone. Thanks for reading. Please fave/comment with your opinions. I appreciate it. (: Love you all!

  15. 1live2love9laugh6 1live2love9laugh6
    posted a quote
    February 13, 2012 12:21pm UTC
    New Girl
    Chapter Thirty
    After we met up with Cody and Ben, it was decided that Ben would take me and Brittney home to get ready and Cody would go to his house to help his parents get everything ready. Then Ben would pick me and Brittney up to go to Cody’s house.
    Cody was in a really good mood because of the win, and right before we left, he grabbed me and gave me a big kiss right in front of everyone. I blushed as a couple guys on the team cheered him on. He slapped my butt as I walked away, and my face got even redder. I quickly got in the backseat, and Ben pulled out.
    “Sometimes I feel sorry for you, Jen,” Brittney laughed, having seen what had happened, but she wasn’t being mean. I laughed with her, excited for tonight.
    “I’m just going to run in and get some clothes and then we’ll go to Jen’s,” Brittney said before she hopped out of her care when we got to her house.
    “This is probably one of my favorite things about homecoming,” Ben admitted to me, talking about the party.
    “Really?” I said, surprised. “Why?”
    “I don’t know,” he shrugged. “It’s just always a lot of fun. And if your mom has any problems with you coming, just have her call my mom, okay?
    “Okay. Thanks,” I smiled.
    A few minutes later, Brittney came out of the house with a bag over her shoulder. She hopped into the go. “Let’s go,” she giggled.
    As soon as Brittney and I got to my house, we raided my closet.
    “I am so stealing this,” she kept telling me, every time she saw something she thought was cute.
    Finally we found the perfect outfit. It was a loose dark blue shirt with ruffles and a thick black belt around the waist with light blue skinny jeans. Brittney wore a bright purple off-the-shoulder top with a black tank top underneath, dark jeans, and my black sandal wedges that I’d worn on my first date with Cody. I wore high-heeled black buckled boots. After we fixed our makeup and accessories, we were ready to walk over to Ben’s.
    AN: Hey everyone. Thanks for reading. Please fave/comment with your opinions. I appreciate it. (: Love you all!

  16. 1live2love9laugh6 1live2love9laugh6
    posted a quote
    February 12, 2012 11:30am UTC
    New Girl
    Chapter Twenty-Nine
    Ben dragged me to my closet and started going through my dresses.
    “What about this?” he pulled out a pink one.
    “It doesn’t fit me right.”
    “Okay… This?” he pulled out a blue and black dress.
    “It makes me look fat,” I stated. He stared at me dumbfounded for a couple seconds.
    “Put it on,” he shoved it in my arms and walked out of the room, not giving me a choice. I sighed and pulled it on. I’d gotten this dress for homecoming last year. The underneath later was a dark blue and all of it was covered in black lace. There was a black band around the waist where it flared out. I’d tried it on to show one of my friends, and she told me it made me look fat. I’d ended up getting a new homecoming dress.
    I sighed and walked out of the room. Ben looked up at me from the couch. His mouth dropped into an O.
    “I told you it made me look fat,” I said, tears springing to my eyes.
    “What? What are you talking about? You look – gorgeous,” he said in awe.
    “Really?” I looked at him, surprised.
    “Really,” he smiled.
    “Do you think Cody will like it?” I asked, and Ben looked away.
    “Yeah,” he attempted a smile. “Cody will like it.”
    I frowned. “What’s wrong?”
    “Nothing,” he smiled again. “Go get dressed. I’m in the mood for McDonald’s.”
    The week passed slowly, but finally Friday and the Homecoming game arrived. As promised, I got to wear Cody’s away jersey. I watched the game with Brittney, all of us screaming so loudly we probably won’t be able to talk in the morning. We kicked the other team’s butt, 42-7.
    After the game, Brittney waited with me for Cody while Ben got the car.
    “Just a warning, there’s going to be a big party at Cody’s tonight. There always is after the Homecoming game. His parents don’t allow alcohol, but it’s always a great party so most people go anyways,” Brittney explained as we headed towards the locker room doors.
    “He’s going to want me to go,” I realized. “I won’t know what to wear,” I said, worried.
    “Don’t worry,” she smiled, reassuringly. “I can come help you if you want.”
    AN: Hey everyone. Thanks for reading. Please fave/comment with your opinions. I appreciate it. (: Love you all!

  17. 1live2love9laugh6 1live2love9laugh6
    posted a quote
    February 12, 2012 11:28am UTC
    click to see this quote

  18. 1live2love9laugh6 1live2love9laugh6
    posted a quote
    February 12, 2012 11:25am UTC
    New Girl
    Chapter Twenty-Seven
    That night, Cody called me after football practice.
    “So homecoming’s this weekend,” he said, casually.
    “Is it?” I teased, acting surprised, although I knew it was.
    “Yeah, and I was wondering… are you going to go with me?”
    “Hmm, I don’t know,” I giggled. “I think I might have plans. Of course I’m going with you, silly!” I squealed. He laughed, relieved.
    “Are you going to come watch me play Friday?” he asked.
    “Of course!” I said. “Do I get to wear your jersey?”
    “It’s all yours.” I could hear the smile in his voice.
    After we got off the phone, I went to look through my dresses to decide what I was going to wear.
    Tuesday night I went over to Ben’s after school. I had told Cody about it during Chemistry to hopefully avoid another fight. He hadn’t been impressed with it, but he hadn't made a big deal out of if either, which I was thankful for.
    “You should help me decide what dress to wear for homecoming,” I told Ben when the topic of homecoming came up.
    “No,” he said firmly.
    “Please Ben?” I said. “Pretty please?”
    “Can’t you find a girl for that?” he asked.
    “No,” I pouted.
    “Why not?” he laughed.
    “Because you’re pretty much the only person I talk to here.”
    I whacked him with a pillow.
    “Hey!” he protested, grabbing a different pillow and hitting me back.
    “You messed up my hair,” I complained.
    “It was already messed up,” Ben retorted. I made a face at him and he laughed.
    “You hurt my feelings now,” I replied. “The only way I’ll ever forgive you is if you help me pick a dress.”
    “Fine,” he sighed. “I’ll help you pick the dress.”

  19. 1live2love9laugh6 1live2love9laugh6
    posted a quote
    February 11, 2012 10:11am UTC
    New Girl
    Chapter Twenty-Six
    “So have you talked to Cody?” Ben asked me on the way to school the next morning.
    “Yeah,” I said, playing with the necklace at my throat nervously. Would he be mad? Ben caught the movement.
    “I take it you’re back together?” he asked.
    “Yes,” I said softly, without looking at him. He sighed, disappointed. “He apologized,” I said, defending Cody – and maybe even a little bit, myself.
    “I’m sure he did,” Ben said, pulling into a parking spot. “But did he mean it?”
    I was worried about what would happen when Cody saw me walk into the school with Ben, but fortunately he didn’t say anything. He wasn’t exactly kind to Ben either, though. He walked over took my hand and completely ignored him. Leah saw and gave me a dirty look.
    The rest of the day passed as usual, until the final bell rang.
    “Jennifer, I would appreciate it if you stopped getting a ride to school and back with Ben,” Cody told me. I stopped what I was doing.
    “What?” I said, turning to look at him.
    “I don’t like it.”
    “Well, how do you expect me to get to school?”
    “I’ll pick you up,” he offered.
    “How am I supposed to get home? You have practice,” I replied. He opened his mouth to say something, but I held my hand up. “I understand that you don’t like me spending time with Ben,” I began calmly, “but he is my friend, and you’re going to have to get used to that.” The way I slammed my locker when I turned and walked away was the only proof of how angry I was.
    When Ben saw me, he gave me a quizzical look. “Don’t even ask,” I warned before he opened his mouth. When we got in the car, though, I ended up telling him everything anyways.
    AN: Yay! Jen’s finally starting to stand up for herself! Haha, anyways, thanks for reading. (: Please fave/comment with your opinions. I appreciate it. Love you all! (:

  20. 1live2love9laugh6 1live2love9laugh6
    posted a quote
    February 10, 2012 5:19pm UTC
    New Girl
    Chapter Twenty-Five
    After I finished telling him everything, we sat together in silence for awhile.
    “You can go ahead and say it,” I finally said.
    “Say what?” Ben asked, confused.
    “I told you so.”
    Ben didn’t reply right away. “No,” he said.
    “But you did.”
    “I know, but I’m not going to rub it in.”
    I sighed. “Thank you,” I whispered. He hugged me a little closer.
    Ben left about ten minutes after that. Once he did, I worked on my homework for awhile. Finally, I gave up and went to sleep.
    At 10:30, a phone call woke me up. I looked to see who it was. Cody. I almost ignored it, but I wanted to talkto him too badly.
    “Hello?” I said.
    “Hey. Jennifer. It’s me,” he said.
    “I know,” I rolled over and flipped my lamp on.
    “I’m sorry about before. Okay?”
    I didn’t answer him. I didn’t know what to say.
    “Can you please – please come outside? I – want to show you something.”
    I knew I shouldn’t, but I was curious, so I agreed. I slid on a pair of shoes and snuck outside, thankful my mom was already asleep. I recognized Cody’s car parked on the side of the road. When I got closer, he leaned over and opened the door for me. I got inside delicately.“I’m sorry,” he told me, his green eyes sad. “I’m paranoid sometimes, especially after Leah…” he sighed. “Look, I know you have every right to break up with me, but I want to give you something. I was going to wait, but I want to give it to you now – just in case.” He leaned over and reached into the glove compartment on my side of the car. He pulled out what appeared to be a jewelry box, with a ribbon wrapped around it and a bow on top.
    “Cody…” I began.
    “Just open it. Please?” He added to sound less demanding. He seemed anxious. I carefully took the ribbon off the vox and opened it. Inside there was a necklace with a heart and then a smaller heard inside of it on a delicate silver chain.
    “Oh, Cody,” I breathed. “It’s beautiful.”
    “Do you forgive me?” he asked. I looked up from the necklace and into his sad green eyes. Ben flashed into my mind for a moment, but I quickly pushed the thought away.
    “Yes,” I whispered. “I forgive you.”
    AN: Alright, there are some people out there who aren’t going to be real happy with Jen’s decision right now… Sorry about that. (: But thanks for reading. Please fave/comment with your opinions. I appreciate it. (:


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