Witty Profiles

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  1. 1Dprincess143 1Dprincess143
    posted a quote
    September 17, 2012 9:53pm UTC
    Stole My Heart
    C h a p t e r 2 5
    I spent the rest of the day with Louis, Liam, and Niall. Zayn and Harry were out with Gabby and Nikki. They were the only people I was sure had forgiven me. Natalie and Laura came over too and we were off to the concert in a huge limo! Zayn and Harry never showed, but they text Liam letting us know that they would be there on time.
    "Remeber what we told you." Louis said before I went to find my seat.
    Laura, Natalie and I were having a great time while we waited for the show to start. For that short time, the only thing on my mind was how happy I was that I still had these two sticking by me. I had forgotten about everything that had happened. That was until Gabby and Nikki showed up.
    "I didn't know you were coming." Nikki said, avoiding eye contact with me.
    "Yeah," I said awkwardly. "I'm here."
    She just sat down in the farthest seat from me. I could tell how uncomfortable Natalie, Laura, and Gabby felt sitting behind us. There was so much tension and I was so relieved that the show didn't start long after.
    Laura and I danced like crazy to Stole My Heart while Natalie and Gabby laughed at us and Nikki just sat silently.
    It was time to read the tweets. The first ones were stuff like "what's your favorite band" and "what's your best memory".
    "Okay!" Niall said. "Last one's to Louis." When it was put up on the big screen, he decided not to read it. But everyone saw it.
    "What are you going to do about Kate cheating on you?"
    Louis looked at me. "She didn't!" He said. "It was a misunderstaning." The crowd booed loudly. I was ready to run out again. A woman behind me tapped my shoulder and said, "You should be ashamed of yourself." I could believe this was still going on. Deep down I knew it would never end. You can never convince millions of people of things like that.
    The overwhelmed look on Louis' face crushed me. What had I gotten him into? Suddenly, Harry ran over and grabbed the mic from him.
    "STOP!" He yelled. The crowd quickly became silent. "It's my fault." My jaw dropped. Was he really doing this? "I kissed her. Leave her alone. She never cheated on Louis. This is all my fault." I looked over at Nikki who was looking at me in shock. I got out of my seat and down the aisle. Security let me through. (they knew who I was by now). I went right on stage and wrapped my arms around Harry. "Thank you." I whispered in his ear.
    "And I've got a girlfriend." He threw in. The audience went crazy. "Her names Nikki!" I walked over to Louis, out my head on his shoulder and he put his arm around me.
    "I guess you were right all along." He said as we watched Nikki climb up on stage after being invited by Harry.
    "About what?" I asked, still looking at them.
    "They were meant for eachother." He said smiling at me. I looked up at him and smiled back. At that moment, everything bad that had happened disappeared. I could tell, just by looking into his eyes, that everything was going to be okay now.
    - - - - - - - - - -
    I'm writing the epilogue right now and my next story will probably be out tomorrow!!!
    Favorite and comment what you think please (:
    Format by twilightgirl995

  2. 1Dprincess143 1Dprincess143
    posted a quote
    September 13, 2012 10:27pm UTC
    Stole My Heart
    C h a p t e r 2 4
    Later, my sister Hailey came into my room. "Someone's outside for you." She told me. I started to leave my room to see who it was, but Hailey stopped me. "Just look out your window." She said closing my door behind her. I walked over to my window, pulled back the curtain, and there, standing at the end of my drive way, was Louis. In his hand, was the note I'd thrown out at the fort. He waved. I awkwardly waved back, trying not to smile. Then, he pulled out another piece of paper from behind it that said, "I love you too!" I ran don stairs and out the front door and ran to him. I hugged him tighter than ever and he lifted me off the ground. I could contain my happiness. I cried but for a change it was tears of joy.
    "How'd you find it!" I asked him.
    "Just needed to think, so that's where I went." He said, wrapping his arms around my waist and looking into my eyes. "And there it was. Why did you give it to me?"
    "I was embarassed." I admitted. "I just felt stupid and I never thought you'd believe me."
    "Niall, Liam, and Zayn convinced me." He told me.
    "Have you talked to Harry?"
    "No." He said looking down.
    "Sorry." I said.
    "I want you to come to the show tonight." He said looking back up, changing the subject.
    "I can't!" I told him. "They don't want me there."
    "So what! I want you there. And so do Niall, Zayn, and Liam." That made me smile, but I still didn't want to.
    "I don't know." I looked over his shoulder and saw some one trying to be sneaky, taking pictures of us. "Harry's still insisting that he didn't do anything and it's no big deal."
    "Want me to try to talk to him?" He offered.
    "It's fine." I declined. "It's probably best if I do."
    "Maybe not." came a voice from behind us. It was Liam. "Remember what happened last time you decided to 'talk' to him."
    "Well hey Liam!" Louis said jokingly.
    "Harry's probably been sitting around like me." I said. "Everyone's madat him too."
    "Nikki's not." Liam said. "She's with him right now."
    What!? Was he serious! She can't talk to me but she'll forgive him?! He's the one who caused all this! And she just met him at the beginning of the summer! She's known me since we were 12! I realized, while I was deep in this thought, I was giving Liam a death stare. I snapped out of it and started to storm over to Louis' house where Harry was with Nikki. Liam stopped me. "I know what you're thinking." He said "Dont. Come to the show tonight, have a good time. I've talked to Natalie and Laura. They've both agreed to understand you're side. Enjoy it with them and ignore anything else bothering you, okay?" I just looked at the ground and crossed my arms. Louis came and stood in front of me.
    "Can you do that?" He asked me.
    "I guess I could try." I said smiling before he finally kissed me after the long week and a half of the silent treatment.
    - - - - - - - - - -
    Why did Nikki forgive Harry but not Kate?
    Why did Natalie and Laura decide to forget it but not Gabby?
    What will happen at the concert?
    Favorite and comment what you think please (:
    Format by twilightgirl995

  3. 1Dprincess143 1Dprincess143
    posted a quote
    September 12, 2012 6:34am UTC
    Who should Kate end up with?
    comment and let me know!

  4. 1Dprincess143 1Dprincess143
    posted a quote
    September 10, 2012 9:52pm UTC
    More Than This
    Starting a new fanfic soon!
    Sorry if you didn't get the part you wanted!
    The characters are probably going to be different from the descriptions you gave me.
    Main Character: Hannah (aboveitall411)
    Liam's Girlfriend: Katherine (IL0veYou)
    Louis' Cousin (girl): Cali (xxCaliLizxx)
    Louis' Cousin (guy): Chase (chasesta)
    Niall's Girlfriend: Brooke (niallsexyhoran)
    Hannah's sister: Becca (xobeccaevexo)
    Hannah's best friend: Jacey (lalaisacupcake)
    Hannah's cousin (girl or guy): Audrey (charlieisnotaunicorn)
    If you are in it (even if you're not) please follow me!
    I will nofity people if you comment on my profile!
    Love you all!
    Thanks for reading Stole My Heart!
    Format by twilightgirl995

  5. 1Dprincess143 1Dprincess143
    posted a quote
    September 10, 2012 7:13pm UTC
    More Than This
    C a s t i n g !
    Starting a new fanfic soon!
    Comment just your name if you want to be in it!
    I'm going to make the characters how I like them but I still want to include you guys!
    Main Character: Hannah (aboveitall411)
    Liam's Girlfriend:
    Louis' Cousin (girl):
    Louis' Cousin (guy):
    Niall's Girlfriend:
    Hannah's sister:
    Hannah's best friend:
    Hannah's cousin (girl or guy):
    Not as many parts as before. Sorry. Zayn and Harry are in it they just don't have a girlfriend or anything. They will still be important to the story tho!
    Love you all!
    Thanks for reading Stole My Heart!
    Format by twilightgirl995

  6. 1Dprincess143 1Dprincess143
    posted a quote
    September 9, 2012 10:06pm UTC
    Stole My Heart
    C h a p t e r 2 3
    Louis still didn't talk to me after 5 days passed. This was the longest I had gone without seeing him. I sat in my room for hours listening to a mix of One Direction and Taylor Swift. Probably not the best thing to be listening to when you're in crisis but oh well. My mom kept calling me down for dinner but each time I just turned the music up louder. I pulled out the magazines that Laura and Nikki were reading the night of the concert and read them. It read what Louis said about me over and over. Eventually my mom was banging on my bedroom door so I figured why not come down to get some food and them I could sit around and mope undisturbed.
    I sat down at the kitchen table and my mom got be a bowl of pasta. My dad was at one end of the table, my mom at the other. My sister sat across from me and starred at me. I just rested my head on my hand and played with my spaghetti with my fork.
    My sister threw down her forked, "Are you just going to be miserable forever!" She yelled.
    I didn't look up. "Hailey!" My mom said to her. "She's having a hard time. Give her a break."
    "This is getting annoying!" Hailey yelled.
    "I think I'm just gonna eat upstairs." I said picking up my bowl and going upstairs. I could hear my parents argueing with Hailey about how she needed to be more sensative and that gave me some comfort. One reason was because I knew even though I didn't have my friends, my parents were there for me. The other reason was, what older sister doesn't get a kick out of her younger sister getting in trouble!
    I logged into twitter to see what Louis had been up to. He usually tweets about his day for his fans everyday. There was nothing. The only one who'd been tweeting was Niall. One was to me! He said for people to just calm down about all this drama. I was happy but a little embarassed that he felt like he needed to defend me to his fans.
    Harry tweeted right before I logged out, "Another show tonight. Gonna be great!"
    I completly forgot about that show! Laura, Gabby, Nikki, and Natalie are going to that show. I was going to but after all this, I don't see how I could. I couldn't do anything anymore. Reporters were everywhere I turned. Plus, Louis and the girls wouldn't want me there and I can't even look at Harry anymore.
    - - - - - - - - - -
    Why hasn't Louis been tweeting to his fans?
    What will happen at the show?
    What will happen next?
    Sorry this chapter was kinda boring but he next one will be better!
    There are only one or two chapter left!
    comment if you want to be in the next story!
    I'm gonna trry to pick new people this time!
    Favorite and comment what you think please (:
    Format by twilightgirl995

  7. 1Dprincess143 1Dprincess143
    posted a quote
    September 7, 2012 3:01pm UTC
    Please take five minutes to follow her and comment on this!
    Please and thank you(:

  8. 1Dprincess143 1Dprincess143
    posted a quote
    September 6, 2012 10:43pm UTC
    Stole My Heart
    C h a p t e r 2 2
    I ran back to my house. Liam and Natalie followed me. I slammed the door behind me but Liam let himself in.
    "Look," he said sitting me down in the kitchen. "I know you're hurt, but that was not a good idea."
    "I don't care." I said softly starring down at the floor.
    "I don't think you did anything but,"
    I interupted him, "You guys believe me?" I said looking up at Natalie who was standing behind Liam with her arms crossed.
    "I do." Liam promised.
    "Nat?" I said standing up.
    "I don't know." she was trying not to make eye contact with me. "I saw the picture."
    Liam frowned and looked at my sympthetically.
    "I didn't expect you too." I said sitting back down. "My life's officially over isn't it."
    "No!" Liam insisted putting his arm around me anticipating that I was going to start crying again. "this is just a bump in the road."
    "A really big bump." Natalie threw in. Liam and I looked at him angrily. "I should go." she said as she walked out.
    After I was sure she was gone i said, "I can't believe she doesn't believe me! I need her! She's the best at this kind of advice!"
    "I'm no good at this kinda of advice like Natalie might be." Liam told me. "but I think anyone would tell you the best thing to do would be to talk to Louis."
    "I can't do that!" He won't talk to me. And he never will." I got up to go up to my room.
    "Write to him." He called after me. I stopped and turned back to face him.
    "Write to him?" How dumb. "He lives next door!"
    "Right," He laughed a little, which eased the tension. "But maybe he'd be more likely to read than talk." It was a good idea, but I felt silly doing that. I have always been the type to just talk things out. Things always went my way though, which doesn't seem to be happening now. Maybe that was the best way to go.
    "You're right." I agreed. I gave him a big hug and led him to the door. "Thanks, You Zayn and Niall have really helped. I'm so glad you guys are here."
    "Me too." He smiled. "Good luck!" And he was gone.
    I grab a notebook and a pencil and headed to the fort. That was the only place I wanted to be right then. I sat down and started to write.
    "Dear Louis, I know how mad you must be at me, and I wouldn't be surprised if you never spoke to me again, but I'm telling you the truth when I say it's not what it looked like. I feel like that's what everyone says but it's true. Harry likes me and you know that. And you know how I feel about him right now. So why would I want to kiss him? I was trying to set him up with my best friend, who's also no longer my best friend. But I can deal with loosing Harry as a friend no problem. Eventually I'd get used not talking to Nat, Gabby, Laura and even Nikki. But I couldn't deal with loosing you. Please, if this letter isn't enough, please let me just talk to you. I can explain everything. I lov..."
    No. I'm not giving him this letter. This was stupid. He doesn't love me. He hates me. I tore the page out of the notebook, crinkled it up and threw it out. I grabbed my flashlight and went home. I'm going to have to get used to the fact that I'm now a horrible person in the eyes of everyone in my life and the entire "One Direction world".
    - - - - - - - - - -
    Why do all the boys believe Kate but none of her friends do?
    What will Louis think when he finds out what happened in the park?
    Why did Kate change her mind about writing to Louis?
    Favorite and comment what you think please (:
    Format by twilightgirl995

  9. 1Dprincess143 1Dprincess143
    posted a quote
    September 6, 2012 5:37pm UTC
    Stole My Heart
    C h a p t e r 2 1
    I tried to just ignore him. I kept walking. He was on the opposite side of the park walking in the same direction. Between us were kids screaming and laughing, dogs barking, and music playing. Every sound seemed louder in my head. I felt over whelmed. I had so much I needed to say to him and it was driving my crazy. I have a habit of exploding after a while. If I went over there I'd probably freak out. Maybe that's what I needed. To blow off some steam. And maybe that's what he needed to. Maybe he needed to hear it. I started to walk straight faster and so did he. We kept looking over at eachother picking up speed everytime unti the side walks met.
    "What's your problem?" I screamed. "Are you insane?!"
    "Oh am I?" He asked sarcasticly.
    "Yes! You are!" Why does he have to be so witty and sarcastic. "Everyone's mad at me now. Louis, Nikki, you, all my friends. Everyone thinks that I cheated on him!"
    "And.." He just stood there starring at me as if that was no big deal.
    "You're kidding right?" I saw Natalie walking up behind him in the distance with Liam. They didn't notice us until I screamed louder. "I hate you! You are a horrible person and you deserve everything you're gonna get for this." Camera's started flashing around us but I didn't care. I couldn't control myself. I saw Natalie and Liam start to speed up when they realized we were fighting.
    "Oh really!" Harry yelled back coming closer to me.
    "Yes!" I screamed again. I shoved him as hard as I could. Just as I went to do it again, Liam was right infront of me holding me back. "I hate you!" I screamed over his shoulder.
    "Stop!" Liam yelled at me.
    "People are watching!" Natalie pointed out.
    "I don't care." I said crossing my arms. "He deserved it."
    "You know people are going to find out about this?" Liam reminded me.
    "Who cares." I said quietly. I start to cry. I seemed to be doing alot of that lately. "Everyone hates me already."
    "No they don't!" Liam said. "How could they!"
    "Have you seen the pictures! Have you seen people tweets!" I asked sarcastically. "Directioners are attacking me!"
    "This is out of control." Liam said to me, but turning his head to look at Harry who was just standing there starring at us.
    I looked up at him, with tears in my eyes. I could tell he was starting to realize how bad this was getting. I just looked at him with a confused and hurt look on my face and he just turned around and walked away. At first I thought he was just being rude, but I saw him wipe a tear from his eye as he turned the corner leaving the park.
    "Kate!" A reporter came running up to me. "Can you tell us what's going on? How are you feeling?"
    "Can you people just leave me alone!" I cried at the reporter. I walked away with my arms crossed.
    "She didn't do anything wrong." Liam said to the camera.
    "Back off!" Natalie said as the chased after me.
    - - - - - - - - - -
    What will Louis think when he sees the pictures?
    What will Nikki think when she sees the pictures?
    What is Harry thinking now?
    Favorite and comment what you think please (:
    Format by twilightgirl995

  10. 1Dprincess143 1Dprincess143
    posted a quote
    September 5, 2012 10:09pm UTC
    Stole My Heart
    M e s s a g e t o r e a d e r s !
    I think I'm gonna start to wrap up the story.
    There haven't been that many comments and
    everybody loves comments! haha
    but once I finish this one I was thinking of starting another one. So if you think you would read that
    and should it be just a regular story or another fanfic
    and follow if your gonna read it!
    Format by twilightgirl995

  11. 1Dprincess143 1Dprincess143
    posted a quote
    September 4, 2012 10:31pm UTC
    Stole My Heart
    C h a p t e r 2 0
    I spent the day locked in my room, again. My mom didn't bother asking what happened. She already knew. Everyone knew. It was plastered on the cover of every magazine. There were pictures of Louis and I holding hands and skating and then next to it there would on of Harry kissing me. Some had Louis reaction. That crushed look on his face. I couldn't look at those. I had seen that look in person. I didn't need a personal reminder of what I'd done on my door step every morning.
    None of my friends called me like they did before. They all must have seen the pictures. I don't blame them for not wanting to talk to me.
    Also, I was trending on twitter. Kate, the girl who used to be invisable, was trending worldwide. "Kate cheated on Lou" and "Harry's new girl" all were. How could this be happening!
    I decided to go out for some air. Just walk in the park or something. I grabbed my cell phone and my jacket anf opened the front door. Camera crews and news reporters were ready to go on my front lawn. I saw Zayn and Niall sitting in Louis' front yard and they rushed over to help me. They pushed through the crowd, linked arms with me and pulled me through, waving to the cameras but still pushing them away. When we finally made it out they walked with me to the park.
    "You okay?" Niall asked.
    "You guys aren't mad at me too?" I said.
    "Well, If you use that attitude we might be!" Zayn said sarcastically.
    "Not funny." I answered.
    "We know it's not your fault." Niall insisted. "But it's not easy convincing him of that. He saw what he saw."
    "I know. And I feel awful." I tried to hold back the tears.
    "You shouldn't." Zayn said.
    "Well how could I not!" I couldn't hold back the tears any longer. They started rolling down my cheeks. "Everyone hates me!"
    Niall wiped away my tears. "Don't worry. We will try to talk to him." He promised.
    "But right now Niall and I have to go. We have dates with Gabby and Laura."
    "I'm glad things are working out for you guys." I smiled and hugged them both. "Thanks for being there for me."
    "No problem!" Niall smiled. "See ya!" They headed back to Louis house.
    I kept walking just to clear my head. I really needed a little break from everything. Every once in a while, someone would snap a picture of me, but I tried to ignore it. It was nice to have a little time to relax and calm down. But It didn't last long because, just my luck, Harry decided on a walk in the park, too.
    I couldn't ignore him, but maybe now wasn't the best time to clarify things. I wasn't sure whether I should just keep walking or go and set things straight.
    - - - - - - - - - -
    What would you think of Kate if you saw the pictures in the magazines?
    Why are Niall and Zayn not mad?
    Should Kate talk to Harry or just ignore him?
    thanks xolimegreenxo101 for helping me come up with the trending thingyy! (:
    Favorite and comment what you think please (:
    Format by twilightgirl995

  12. 1Dprincess143 1Dprincess143
    posted a quote
    September 4, 2012 6:27pm UTC
    Comment a creative headline for the magazines based on the last chapter and I will use my favorite in the next chapter!
    please comment! I don't no what to do! i will give you credit for it!
    comment asap because I was hoping to have the next chapter out tonight!

  13. 1Dprincess143 1Dprincess143
    posted a quote
    September 3, 2012 9:47pm UTC
    Stole My Heart
    C h a p t e r 1 9
    Harry and Nikki looked like were having an okay time. Louis, not so much. I was really focused on making sure Nikki was okay and Harry didn't get all moody like he sometimes does. I could tell Louis was getting frustrated but he should know how important it is for them to have a nice night. So far, Harry was being a little bit of and a**hole.
    We all took a break to get some dinner from the snack bar. It's not like we had time to go to a restaurant. Louis volenteered himself to go get us chicken fingers and fries. The three of us just sat there quietly for a while. Harry across from me and Nikki beside him. Nikki got up to use the restroom leaving me and Harry alone at the table. Probably not the best idea because I was seriously ready to kill him. I jsut starred at him with the most evil look in my eye.
    "What?" He said almost yelling.
    "Why can't you just be nice?" I yelled back. "You know what, Don't answer that." Harry did a little sarcastic laugh. "There you go again! acting like you're too cool for everyone and being all rude and sarcastic. And I'm sick of it!" I said standing up.
    "Oh yeah?" He answered standing up with me.
    "Yeah!" I screamed. By now we had the attention of almost the whole rink. Luckily, everyone besides Louis and Nikki who were ordering our food and in the bathroom. "So why don't you just stop being such a..." This moment was probably one of the worst, most embarassing, guilty, yet exciting moments of my life. He inerupted me before I exploded by grabbing my arm pulling me close to him and kissing me. WHAT? I pushed him away and starred at him a shock. Then looked over his shoulder and saw Louis stadding there. I behind me and saw Nikki standing there. And all around me cameras were flashing. I could feel the tears forming in my eyes. I looked around franticlly like a lost puppy until I just ran out just like I did at the concert. I called my mom crying to come pick me up and she was there in a flash. The only difference between this moment and the concert was Louis didn't come chasing after me. He and Nikki got into his car and he drove Nikki home leaving Hary behind. I didn't care. He deserved it. I hoped he stayed there forever and nobody ever came to get him! Okay, I know that's a little harsh but I didn't know what to think. My mind and my heart were racing. I spent all my time making sure everything went okay with Harry and Nikki were having fun all for nothing. Plus, all the photographers had been taking pictures of us the whole night. Who knows what they would come up with for tabloid magazines! They are some of the mst creative people in existance. Their articles are interesting to read until you're in them. And I didn't do anything! This was not my fault! I jsut wish Louis was there to see that part. He would never listen to my side now. He saw what he saw. If I were him, I would never talk to me again. And Nikki, what was she thinking? That I was using her, that I didn't care about her? I didin't even want to think about that. I sat awake all night, starring at the ceiling, playing back that moment over and over in my head.
    Just as things started looking up this had to happen. But this time, I was loosing Louis and Nikki and I didn't have Harry to confide in,
    I was all alone.
    - - - - - - - - - -
    Why did Harry do that?
    How are Louis, Nikki, and Harry feeling?
    What will happen between all of them?
    Comment a creative headline for the magazines and I will use my favorite in the next chapter!
    Favorite and comment what you think please (:
    Format by twilightgirl995

  14. 1Dprincess143 1Dprincess143
    posted a quote
    September 3, 2012 5:48pm UTC
    sorry i haven't written in a while. i just started school so things have been kinda crazy
    i will probably have the next chapter up tonight or tomorrow.
    ~kate (:

  15. 1Dprincess143 1Dprincess143
    posted a quote
    August 30, 2012 10:51pm UTC
    Stole My Heart
    C h a p t e r 1 8
    Nikki could barely wait. I think she'd forgotten about the fact that Harry was into me. I was so happy that she was excited. I was just praying that she had a good time. I could care less how it was for me. Louis picked Nikki and I up. Harry got out of the front seat so I could sit in the front with Louis. He sat in the back with Nikki. The ride was quiet for a while. Louis decided to attempt to break the awkward silence with the radio. Call Me Maybe was on of course. Being the crazy people that we were, Louis and I started to belt it out. We were singing loud and crazy having a blast. Nikki just laughed.
    "I hate this song." Harry said, making everything awkward again. Louis shut off the radio and we were back to silence.
    "So where are we going?" I asked.
    "You'll see." Louis said with a sly smile.
    "What?" I laughed.
    "Trust me, you're gonna love it."
    We got out of the car a the roller rink. We used to come here every weekend as kids. I looked at Louis a gave him a playful shove.
    "You know how bad i am at this!" I yelled.
    "I'll help you." He insisted. "Don't worry, it'll be fun!" We all headed inside, rented our skates and sat down on a bench to put them on. I pulled Harry aside for a minute.
    "I know you're mad. But you don't have to be a jerk, okay?" He just rolled his eyes. "Nikki's great. Perfect for you. Just give her a chance and don't be an a**hole." I casually turned back around to Louis, who heard the whole thing, while Harry just starred at me with a dropped jaw.
    "Way to set him straight." He laughed.
    "He needed it." I said as if nothing happened at all.
    "I never thought I'd hear that kind of language from you, of all people!" Louis teased. "I love it!"
    "Oh shut up!" I got up to start skating and Louis followed.
    "Ready?" Harry asked holding his hand out to Nikki.
    "Sure." She smiled taking his hand and he led her to the rink. "But I'm no good at skating."
    "Don't worry!" Harry smiled at her. "I'll catch you if you fall."
    Louis looked at me with a proud smile. "What?" I said.
    "You were right." He kept smiling and took my hand. "They are great for eachother."
    "I told you it would work!" I reminded him. "Now we just have to make sure everything goes okay."
    "Can't we just see how it plays out on its own?" His smile was fading. "So we can just hang out?"
    "This needs to go perfect!" I insisted looking back at them.
    "I'm sure they'll be fine." Louis told me. "You shouldn't meddle!"
    I didn't respond. I just kept looking back at them to make sure everything was going okay. The date needed to be perfect. I owed that to Nikki. Harry, well, let's just say he was what she wanted, he's what she gets. But I wasn't fond of him right now.
    - - - - - - - - - -
    How will the rest of the date go?
    Does Harry like Nikki?
    How is Louis feeling right now?
    this chapter wasn't to interesting but it's going to lead into a much better chapter.
    just a heads up: The next chapter will be pretty long
    Favorite and comment what you think please (:
    Format by twilightgirl995

  16. 1Dprincess143 1Dprincess143
    posted a quote
    August 29, 2012 10:43pm UTC
    Stole My Heart
    C h a p t e r 1 7
    "I've been hanging out with Zayn." Gabby told me. I had no way of knowing since I had been so invested in what was going on in my life.
    "Really! That's great!" I said. "What have you guys been doing?"
    "Regular stuff." I could tell she was kinda shy about the subject which is not like her. She must really like him. "We go to movies and we went bowling once."
    "Sounds fun." I smiled. I had just realized how seperate from my friends lives I had been so I had to check up on each of them.
    Laura and Niall were hanging out, but they didn't call it "dating". They just hung out at eachother's houses and went out for fast food. I seriously can't get over how perfect they are for eachother. They are both homebodies. They'd rather be at home doing something simple than going on big extravagant dates.
    Natalie and Liam had been hanging out too. Pretty much the same things as Gabby and Zayn. Usually dinner and a movie.
    It's funny how each one of my friends ended up with exactly who I would have predicted.
    As for Nikki and Harry, that could be a problem. I know that Harry would like her if he got to know her. I just wish he didn't like me because that would make it alot easier to get them together. I wasn't about to let Nikki be the only one of us that didn't get her "happily ever after". She's my best friend. She's been with me through everything. Even when I admitted that the guy she liked liked me, she still tried to comfort me when she was the one who needed comforting.
    So that night I Skyped Louis telling him we had an emergency.
    "What's the emergency?" he asked.
    "I hope this won't be a lot to ask." I said before dropping the bomb. "We need to go on a double date." I told him.
    "With who?" he asked me. I wasn' a big deal to him until I told him who with.
    "Harry and Nikki." He was silent for a minute. "I know it's awkward but I owe it to her. Please!"
    "Harry likes you." He reminded me. "I don't think this will work."
    "Please!" I continued to beg. "They need to be together. I know he would like her if he just got to know her."
    "I still haven't really talked to him since the concert." He said.
    "Well it's time to talk to him and beg him to come. Please please PLEASE!" I kept saying please until he finally said,
    "Okay okay okay! I'll ask him. But I still don't think this will work."
    "I guess we'll see" I teased before shutting my laptop and going to bed.
    - - - - - - - - - -
    Does Harry know about Louis and Kate's new relationship?
    Will Kate's plan to get Nikki and Harry together work?
    How does Louis feel about this double-date?
    Favorite and comment what you think please (:
    Format by twilightgirl995

  17. 1Dprincess143 1Dprincess143
    posted a quote
    August 29, 2012 7:20pm UTC
    Stole My Heart
    M e s s a g e t o r e a d e r s !
    For everyone who's been reading...
    it means the world to me!
    Please comment:
    1.) Your favorite character so far.
    2.) Your favorite part/chapter.
    3.) And any predictions
    I know i've already done this but I wanted to see what you guys like(:
    LOVE YOU ALL! <3
    Format by twilightgirl995

  18. 1Dprincess143 1Dprincess143
    posted a quote
    August 27, 2012 11:52pm UTC
    Stole My Heart
    C h a p t e r 1 6
    Louis and I walked past our houses and into the woods. We headed to the fort and jusr sat and talked for hours. Just like we did when we were kids. I told him about everything that had been going on. I told him about when Ally came to talk to me which surprised him.
    "I didn't expect her to apologize." He said.
    "Yeah, niether did I." I agreed
    "So what's up with Harry?" He asked. I just laughed softly and looked down, hoping to avoid that question. He crossed his arms and gave me that are-you-serious look. So i told him the truth.
    "When you weren't talking to us, we got really close, as friends." I told him. I didn't think anything more of it. But i guess he did."
    Louis sat back against the wall and rolled his eyes.
    "Don't be mad at him." I begged. "You shouldn't let me come between you and your friend." He just starred up at the ceiling.
    I put my hand on his shoulder, "Okay? Promise?"
    He promised to talk to Harry. We decided it was time to head home. We headed out of the woods and stopped at the end of my drive way.
    "So what does this mean," Louis asked. "For us?"
    I was never good at this kind of thing. In my head I was thinking I LOVE YOU! But all I said was, "I don't know." He smiled, took my hand and kissed me again. I took the hint. I walked up to my front door and when I turned around to wave goodbye he was still standing there starring at me.
    I waved and walked inside. I leaned agaist the door and smiled up at the ceiling.
    Surprise, surprise, Nikki, Laura, Natalie, and Gabby were all at my house, sitting in my kitchen raiding my fridge.
    "What's going on Kate?" Gabby asked teasingly.
    "Oh shut up!" I laughed running into the kitchen and opening the fridge.
    "She was with Louis." My mom said walking in on our conversation.
    "Ooooooo!" All my friends joked.
    "So what happened?" Nikki asked.
    "Why do you assume somethign happened!" I yelled trying to hide my smile. "We just talked and walked around town." My mom finally left the room so i thought it would be a good time to throw in, "and we kissed."
    Natalie, Gabby, Laura, and Nikki all screamed like little kids and hugged me.
    "I knew it!" Laura said. "You two were meant to be!"
    "It's fate!" Natalie gushed.
    "No, it's not that big a deal." I told them. "It's just two people who used to be friends, and still are. Just a lot closer friends." We all laughed as we headed up stairs to talk more about our love lives as girls do.
    - - - - - - - - - -
    What will Harry think when he hears Louis and Kate are dating?
    What does this mean for Harry and Nikki?
    Will this affect Louis and Kate's relationship in a good or bad way?
    So Kate got the guy. But does that mean it's smooth sailing from hear on out? Deffinately not! Keep reading! The drama continues!
    Favorite and comment what you think please (:
    Format by twilightgirl995

  19. 1Dprincess143 1Dprincess143
    posted a quote
    August 27, 2012 10:33pm UTC
    For everyone who follows
    I will bake you a pie.
    it's gonna be a cute story by my friend bailey
    okay.. maybe i won't make a pie.. i'd just be really happy(:

  20. 1Dprincess143 1Dprincess143
    posted a quote
    August 26, 2012 10:35pm UTC
    Stole My Heart
    C h a p t e r 1 5
    The next day, I just sat in my room all day. Just thinking. I felt horrible about everything. For yelling at Louis, for not telling Nikki about Harry, for not liking Harry the way he liked me, and even for ditching Natalie, Gabby and Laura at the concert.
    I just couldn't handle all that stress on me. It was all just building up and when Harry came and sang to me, that was what caused me to snap. There was a knock on my door, which was useless because my mom just walked in anyways. "Louis' here." She told me. "He told me to ask you to come out."
    "Ugh!" I said getting up from my bed and sitting at my desk. My mom pulled up a chair and picked up a picture of Louis and I from when we were little.
    "I can tell something wrong," She said pushing my hair behind my ear. "And I'm not going to ask what happened because I know you won't tell me." I laughed in agreement "But I really think he wants to work it out. I've never seen him this way. I really think you should talk to him."
    "Okay." I said reluctantly.
    "My mom kissed me on my forehead and walked downstairs to tell Louis I was coming.
    I went downstairs and he was waiting for me in the kitchen. I didn't say anything I just walked out the door and he followed. We just walked for a while, not saying anything. My arms crossed and his hands in his pockets.
    "Wanna tell me what I did?" He asked. "Because I'm pretty sure I've never been more confused in my life."
    "Neither have I." I laughed kinda sarcasticly.
    "So what?" he said stopping. "What is the problem?"
    "I'm just confused." I admitted. "You dumped Ally and didn't tell me. You kissed me. Harry likes me." I could tell that took him off guard. "There's just to much going on.
    "I'm sorry about not telling you about Ally. But, Harry likes you?" He repeated.
    "Yeah." I looked down and then back at him. "Sorry. I thought you knew that."
    He rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. "Well good for him." He started walking again. I followed. "So is that why you're mad at me?"
    "No." I insisted. "It's just overwhelming."
    "Why?" He said almost yelling. "We've been friends since we were kids. Now suddenly our friendship is overwhelming you!?" I was a little scared. I had never seen him like this.
    "This isn't me!" I told him, yelling back. "You have this amazing life. You travel the world everyday and I'm still in highschool, where you used to be with me! I'm nothing special like you are now. I just don't fit into your life anymore." I turned around to start walking home and he followed.
    "Yes you do. We were friends then and we are now." He stopped me by putting his hand on my shoulder. "I don't understand why you're so mad."
    "I don't either." I said looking down at my shoes. He turned my head up to look at him.
    "I'm sorry." He said calmly, looking straight into my eyes.
    I tried to look away. For some reason I just wanted to be mad at him. When I looked back he was still looking at me. He came closer too me until our foreheads were touching. "Can you ever forgive me?"
    I laughed a little and nodded my head yes, just before he leaned in to kiss me.
    - - - - - - - - - -
    What will Louis do about Harry liking Kate?
    What does this mean for Louis and Kate?
    What does it mean for Louis and Harry?
    Sorry this chapter was REALLY long!!!
    Favorite and comment what you think please (:
    Format by twilightgirl995


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