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Struggles Quotes

  1. fighting_to_live fighting_to_live
    posted a quote
    September 17, 2013 3:40pm UTC
    I never understood why people would congratulate/make a big deal about birthdays, it never made sense to me why it was such a big occasion because all you were doing was living - but now through the years I have understood why, I know understand the struggle involved in living in making it to your next birthday.
    I know understand why birthdays should be celebrated and that makes me kinda sad.

  2. AshleyyMariee AshleyyMariee
    posted a quote
    September 8, 2013 10:08pm UTC
    I started talking to this boy yesterday. I like talking to him, but I don't know what to say. #demstruggles

  3. BiteMyLip BiteMyLip
    posted a quote
    August 19, 2013 6:47pm UTC
    How do you hold yourself together when you want nothing more than to fall apart?

  4. teddybearhugz teddybearhugz
    posted a quote
    June 30, 2013 10:27pm UTC
    \/The Little Dancer\/
    I know a girl whose smile never falters,
    she dances and dances through day and night.
    Over the mountains and the rocky hills,
    the little girl shows off her white tu-tu frills.
    Leaping high and leaping low,
    she makes allies of encountered foes.
    Spinning in circles and gliding through air,
    where she is, little does she care.
    Skipping in circles and gliding on water,
    the little girl's dizzy, but she's drowning in her laughter.
    In every monster she meets, she sees no harm,
    so she gathers them all and links their arms.
    Not once does she take a backwards glance,
    as she takes them all on her merry little dance.
    Through rough terrains and icy lands,
    through dark, foggy forests and on the desert sand.
    These places are dangerous, but she doesn't have a clue,
    because dancing is all she wants to do.
    She trips and falls and bruises her knee,
    but she knows that the greatest dancer is she.
    So the little girl hops up and masks her pain,
    and with her stained white tu-tu, she dances on in the rain.
    The little dancer is having so much fun,
    but little does she know, a big storm is to come.
    Once, twice, thrice, she collapses to the ground,
    and the thunder takes over her music's sound.
    She sinks into a deep sleep, smile still on her face.
    Sincere or habit? Maybe we'll know one of these days.
    Though her dancing has ceased, her song goes on,
    in our hearts, the girl remains dancing, on and on.
    I knew a girl whose smile never faltered,
    she danced and danced through life and death.

  5. ImOnlyATeen ImOnlyATeen
    posted a quote
    June 28, 2013 10:41pm UTC
    "are you happy?" is such a difficult question.
    I've always said yes, because I have friends, I laugh at jokes, I go out a lot and have fun. my life isn't as bad as it could be, and I don't have terrible problems. It could be worse.
    but then one night at 3 AM when I'm alone still awake, thinking about life, I find myself crying my heart out. Suddenly I'm convince that nobody likes me, or nobody will ever like me. I feel horrible and I question everything I had
    and I dont know if I was ever happy after all.

  6. HakunaaMatata HakunaaMatata
    posted a quote
    June 21, 2013 11:40am UTC
    everybody wants to throw it all away
    sometimes. «

  7. HakunaaMatata HakunaaMatata
    posted a quote
    June 12, 2013 12:52pm UTC
    I try to fight this,

  8. *gloomy* *gloomy*
    posted a quote
    June 1, 2013 1:03am UTC
    Please keep all credit in the codes/parts of codes you'd like to use. [That includes keeping this little message thing here as well. c:] (c) Gilded
    If you must be a fish out of water, do not be the one that flails and struggles. Be the one that sends everyone off kilter and confuses people.

  9. OnceUponAStory OnceUponAStory
    posted a quote
    May 20, 2013 1:02am UTC
    Writers are not happy people. Yes they may laugh, they may smile, they may
    even look happy from time to time, but they aren't truly. Writers all have something in their life they hate: family, friends, school, work, themselves. Things they hate so much they want nothing more than to escape from. That's what writing is, an escape. It allows people to go somewhere they never could, it allows them to control something in a world where nothing is certain. It allows them to change what they hate, to destroy it if they want. Writers battle their demons with pen and paper. So even though they may appear happy on the outside, every writer struggles throughout the day.

  10. _UniversalGiver_ _UniversalGiver_
    posted a quote
    April 27, 2013 10:18pm UTC
    Falling for someone is easy
    Getting back up after the fall is the

  11. NicoleErin16 NicoleErin16
    posted a quote
    April 25, 2013 5:14pm UTC
    When you see a quote that you really like but it has
    69 faves so you don't know whether to fave it or not....

  12. Delicate* Delicate*
    posted a quote
    March 30, 2013 8:12pm UTC
    The sky isn't mine,
    But I'd still make it yours if you asked.

  13. Travis Allred* Travis Allred*
    posted a quote
    March 30, 2013 7:29pm UTC
    Do not judge people what so ever:
    you just called her a names today in class. You see her walking down the hallway being preg.nant. well she was being rap.ed. You just called her fat. Well she actually starved herself. You just called that boy "Auschwitz Boy" because he was so skinny. Well maybe he have a fast metabolism and wish he could gain more weight than he is now and being strong but weak.(Yes I am one of them) You just called that person a cry baby because he/she was crying during class. Well maybe he/she was crying that their mom/dad/sibling don't have much time to live and about to died. You just told that person not to sit by us at the lunch table because they aren't good enough and they actually sit by themselves at the table. Well they need friends and wish that they would one friend who would care about them 24/7. You just made fun of that kid because you found that he goes to church all the time. Well at least he love Jesus and will rise to Heaven. You just made fun of the old man who have ugly scars on his body. Well he served our country. You just made fun of the girl because they are weak. Well let me tell you boys who think they are weak. They aren't weak. They are actually very strong because of the things that they are gonna be going on through their life. You just pushed that girl to the locker. She already been beaten up bad by her parent. You just made fun of that kid who you called them loser, say they you need to brush your teeth cause its yellow, clean your hair cause its all greasy, and say you smell. Well he didn't have time at night to take a shower and brush his teeth and get all ready for school because he would have to support his family to the best to keep them safe and actually care about them and do things to them when they cant that they need help. You just called that kid deaf and cant hear well because he is wearing hearing aids. Well he had a bad ear infection and happy that he can hear things. You just called that person "attention seeker" because they cuts and have scars on their arm. Well once they probably don't like their life and people always picked on them and do nasty things to them to make them feel worthless. They ARE NOT doing for attention. They are doing it because they are calling out for HELP and actually have somebody care about them. If any you do it. Please tell me cause I'm always here for anyone. you just said girl/boy have a crooked teeth. Well surely they don't do it just for fun. Words can KILL. No matter how much you say something like these stuffs I said and there is more, it's can actually hurt their feeling when you don't even know it. You act like you know every little things about them. YOU DON'T. So actually think before you say something. I hope some of you read this and make some good choices out there. So please don't judge. if you have a friend who need help. They can always come to me cause I can help with anybody. Yes there is time I say something that I shouldn't say. But I regret it on the things I say and tell them "I'm sorry" So I hope you make some right choices in your life cause I will too.

  14. MamaPanda MamaPanda
    posted a quote
    March 28, 2013 10:36pm UTC
    Sometimes I Don't Know How To Stop.

  15. Delicate* Delicate*
    posted a quote
    March 28, 2013 8:58pm UTC
    is about passion and pain, love and loss, life and death. It's about the struggles we all face, about the solutions that we can't seem to see ourselves, and the world we wish we lived in.

  16. SoftballMyLife22 SoftballMyLife22
    posted a quote
    March 21, 2013 9:04pm UTC
    I keep my problems, my struggles, my mistakes to myself because in reality no one really gives a f//ck.

  17. wordynerdy wordynerdy
    posted a quote
    March 20, 2013 4:42pm UTC
    I'm confused. What more can I say?

  18. ClassyGecko ClassyGecko
    posted a quote
    March 19, 2013 8:23pm UTC
    "Of all the animals, man is the only one that is cruel. He is the only one who inflicts pain for the pleasure of doing it." Mark Twain

  19. ClassyGecko ClassyGecko
    posted a quote
    March 19, 2013 8:16pm UTC
    "Of all the animals, man is the only one that is cruel. He is the only one who inflicts pain for the pleasure of doing it." Mark Twain

  20. crazy1 crazy1
    posted a quote
    March 10, 2013 9:04pm UTC
    And maybe I'm a little smarter now than I was before for all the stupid things I've done.


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