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Best Struggles Quotes Ever

  1. HakunaaMatata HakunaaMatata
    posted a quote
    June 12, 2013 12:52pm UTC
    I try to fight this,

  2. mtndewhm* mtndewhm*
    posted a quote
    December 11, 2013 7:24pm UTC
    Girl: Do I have cramps or has my appendix exploded
    Girl: Does my boob hurt or am I having a heart attack
    Girl: Am I on my period or is this internal bleeding
    Girl: These are our struggles
    Boy: Thinking dirty thoughts and getting an erection in awkward situations
    Boy: The struggles of a man
    Girl: Boo hoo
    Girl: Thinking of my naked grandma isn't going to suck the blood back into my vågina

  3. HakunaaMatata HakunaaMatata
    posted a quote
    June 21, 2013 11:40am UTC
    everybody wants to throw it all away
    sometimes. «

  4. Travis Allred* Travis Allred*
    posted a quote
    March 30, 2013 7:29pm UTC
    Do not judge people what so ever:
    you just called her a names today in class. You see her walking down the hallway being preg.nant. well she was being rap.ed. You just called her fat. Well she actually starved herself. You just called that boy "Auschwitz Boy" because he was so skinny. Well maybe he have a fast metabolism and wish he could gain more weight than he is now and being strong but weak.(Yes I am one of them) You just called that person a cry baby because he/she was crying during class. Well maybe he/she was crying that their mom/dad/sibling don't have much time to live and about to died. You just told that person not to sit by us at the lunch table because they aren't good enough and they actually sit by themselves at the table. Well they need friends and wish that they would one friend who would care about them 24/7. You just made fun of that kid because you found that he goes to church all the time. Well at least he love Jesus and will rise to Heaven. You just made fun of the old man who have ugly scars on his body. Well he served our country. You just made fun of the girl because they are weak. Well let me tell you boys who think they are weak. They aren't weak. They are actually very strong because of the things that they are gonna be going on through their life. You just pushed that girl to the locker. She already been beaten up bad by her parent. You just made fun of that kid who you called them loser, say they you need to brush your teeth cause its yellow, clean your hair cause its all greasy, and say you smell. Well he didn't have time at night to take a shower and brush his teeth and get all ready for school because he would have to support his family to the best to keep them safe and actually care about them and do things to them when they cant that they need help. You just called that kid deaf and cant hear well because he is wearing hearing aids. Well he had a bad ear infection and happy that he can hear things. You just called that person "attention seeker" because they cuts and have scars on their arm. Well once they probably don't like their life and people always picked on them and do nasty things to them to make them feel worthless. They ARE NOT doing for attention. They are doing it because they are calling out for HELP and actually have somebody care about them. If any you do it. Please tell me cause I'm always here for anyone. you just said girl/boy have a crooked teeth. Well surely they don't do it just for fun. Words can KILL. No matter how much you say something like these stuffs I said and there is more, it's can actually hurt their feeling when you don't even know it. You act like you know every little things about them. YOU DON'T. So actually think before you say something. I hope some of you read this and make some good choices out there. So please don't judge. if you have a friend who need help. They can always come to me cause I can help with anybody. Yes there is time I say something that I shouldn't say. But I regret it on the things I say and tell them "I'm sorry" So I hope you make some right choices in your life cause I will too.

  5. flyingbacon7 flyingbacon7
    posted a quote
    February 24, 2014 8:31pm UTC
    It bothers me
    When I hear a song
    But I have no idea who sings it
    Or what the name of it is
    So I try to type some of the lyrics into google
    And still can't find it

  6. wordynerdy wordynerdy
    posted a quote
    February 17, 2013 11:56am UTC
    Everyone has there demons. Everyday we face struggles. Everyone has a story that can inspire others. So whether you're struggling now or have struggled before, comment your story because you never know who's life it may change and let the burden of secrets be lifted off your shoulders.
    Heres my story: I was bullied for 5 years. Friends were few for a long time. I struggled everyday with who I was and why my life was the way it was. Why did they target me? Why couldn't I just be normal? Why did I have to be the smart one? When I was younger I often tried to change myself. All I ever wanted was to FIT IN. I'd be lying to you if I told you that I never wondered if the world would be better off without me, that was the lowest point in my life. Often I feel unwanted. I have a good family, I have food on the table, I'm safe, but there are always the moments when I feel like a child unwanted. I've never cut but when I am sad I often dig my nails into my palms to try to fight back the tears. I take long showers because they help me to think about things and sort through any problems. I always feel like it is my responsibility to do everything and make things perfect, but I also often feel like I can never do anything right. I have lost some friends because I realized they were just using me to help them in school, but I always blame myself for it. I remember every little thing I have said wrong or wish I could change and they haunt my thoughts at random moments. Now that I'm in a new school the bullyinghas stopped and I have a lot more friends but my heart is scarred and even if I appear strong to people, I'll never be as strong as they think me to be.
    Thanks for listening.

  7. TeardropsOnMySoul TeardropsOnMySoul
    posted a quote
    November 14, 2013 7:57am UTC
    The worst feeling you'll ever feel
    is sitting next to the person
    who means the world to you
    knowing that you mean nothing to them.
    ♥ ♥ ♥

  8. ThatLostGirl* ThatLostGirl*
    posted a quote
    October 29, 2013 9:34pm UTC
    Long but worth reading:
    Today in school we had a group of teenagers from a performing arts school come and do some skits for us. They addressed every day scenarios such as bullying, eating disorders, cutting, drugs, homophobia, suicide, and much more, all in the skits they had put on. Normally I would feel really happy that people were finally starting to address these issues, but no, instead, I felt ashamed. Ashamed, because the students in my school, they laughed. They laughed while the skits were being acted out. They laughed while the boyfriend was calling his girlfriend fat. They laughed while the girl admitted to being molested by her father. They laughed while the same girl held a gun up to her own head. They laughed while the teens cut themselves then did drugs to escape the pressure. They laughed. NEVER is it okay to laugh at these things. I have lost so much respect for the student body at my school because of this. The students at my school don't understand that people in their own school go through these struggles every day. What the students at the performing arts school did today was absolutely magnificant, and the students at my school couldn't even bother to realize it. I'm ashamed to admit that while they laughed, I didn't say a thing. I could have spoken up. I could have told them to stop, and that these were serious issues. But instead, I just watched. I was too absorbed in my own thoughts noticing that if they laughed at the skits, they would laugh at me if I EVER told them that I do some of those things too. The things they addressed today, I will admit to only Witty, that I have done. I have self harmed. I have thought about suicide. I have suffered through many terrible things, and it's a terrible feeling to know that my school finds humor in it. And if by any miraculous chance some of those student from the performing arts school that acted out those scenes today have a Witty, and are reading this, just know that I am truly sorry for the behavior of my school. Just know, that while they may have found it humourous, I found it inspirational. I was mesmorized the entire time you were performing. I was absorbing every bit of it. So thank you, for dedicating your time to our school, even if it may not have been worth it to you. It was definitely worth it to me.

  9. ingegorisx ingegorisx
    posted a quote
    October 19, 2013 7:27am UTC
    the most beautiful
    is the one that struggles through

  10. AgainstNoOne AgainstNoOne
    posted a quote
    November 14, 2016 12:45am UTC
    There was a time in my life when everything lined up perfectly. I was on top of the world. I thought, "Life is easy!"
    Then came the time when no matter what I did, I couldn't seem to get it right. I thought to myself "Life is so hard!" After all that, I just wanted to sleep. "Wake me up when this is all over.." I would say.
    That's when everything changed and my life was simply unrecognizable.
    So I learned to ride the waves, appreciate the blessings, and see life for what it really was.
    -- An Adventure

  11. Cody Senpai :3* Cody Senpai :3*
    posted a quote
    June 24, 2014 10:44pm UTC
    It doesn't get easier...
    ...We just get stronger.

  12. TeardropsOnMySoul TeardropsOnMySoul
    posted a quote
    November 12, 2013 4:20pm UTC
    sorry for the overload,
    Tummy ,
    sorry for the butterflies ,
    sorry for the tears,
    sorry for the d amage.
    ♥ ♥ ♥

  13. Abbbbby* Abbbbby*
    posted a quote
    December 21, 2014 9:16am UTC
    I've owned about 1464533456 bobby pins in my life.
    How many do I have left?
    Four. I have four left.

  14. OnceUponAStory OnceUponAStory
    posted a quote
    May 20, 2013 1:02am UTC
    Writers are not happy people. Yes they may laugh, they may smile, they may
    even look happy from time to time, but they aren't truly. Writers all have something in their life they hate: family, friends, school, work, themselves. Things they hate so much they want nothing more than to escape from. That's what writing is, an escape. It allows people to go somewhere they never could, it allows them to control something in a world where nothing is certain. It allows them to change what they hate, to destroy it if they want. Writers battle their demons with pen and paper. So even though they may appear happy on the outside, every writer struggles throughout the day.

  15. Delicate* Delicate*
    posted a quote
    March 28, 2013 8:58pm UTC
    is about passion and pain, love and loss, life and death. It's about the struggles we all face, about the solutions that we can't seem to see ourselves, and the world we wish we lived in.

  16. Delicate* Delicate*
    posted a quote
    February 27, 2013 5:48pm UTC
    I've lived through worse,
    Had a lot less.
    I've been broken down,
    And I've fallen to the ground.
    But I learned to stand,
    Learn to breath.
    Taking it slow,
    Becoming me.

  17. That Girl With Dreads * That Girl With Dreads *
    posted a quote
    November 10, 2016 9:15pm UTC
    "It's okay. You'll be alright."
    "A number doesn't define you. A test score doesn't define you. You're greater than that."
    "Tell that to the people who decided that cramming 70+ questions on a sheet of paper and saying I should know and answer everything in 10 minutes is a good plan to judge if I'm a good and knowledgeable person. Tell that to the people who pay thousands upon thousands to get into college. Tell that to the people who stay up for hours and hours trying to pass an exam they'll forget about the next week. Tell that to the people who are pure geniuses and have the privilege to go anywhere and do anything. Tell that to the business bosses who won't even glance my way unless I have a bachelors degree. Tell those people that a number doesn't define me. They won't listen. They'll look at my skin and look at my gender and look at the number that has graded me for 12+ years and say ' I'm sorry. You aren't qualified. ' That simply isn't how the world works and I simply don't fit in."

  18. *gloomy* *gloomy*
    posted a quote
    June 1, 2013 1:03am UTC
    Please keep all credit in the codes/parts of codes you'd like to use. [That includes keeping this little message thing here as well. c:] (c) Gilded
    If you must be a fish out of water, do not be the one that flails and struggles. Be the one that sends everyone off kilter and confuses people.

  19. NicoleErin16 NicoleErin16
    posted a quote
    April 25, 2013 5:14pm UTC
    When you see a quote that you really like but it has
    69 faves so you don't know whether to fave it or not....

  20. tweedle dee* tweedle dee*
    posted a quote
    July 6, 2016 2:21pm UTC
    Sometimes, I tell myself I'm okay,
    Especially when I'm not,
    I'm okay,
    I'm okay,
    Because at the end of the day,
    I'm afraid if I stop telling myself I'm okay for a single moment,
    I will slip into the empty pit filled with reasons that I'm not


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