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Best Stilltheone Quotes This Week

  1. peanut1299 peanut1299
    posted a quote
    March 9, 2013 12:43pm UTC
    Still the One
    Chapter Ten
    “No one can know about this,” Niall said, breaking the silence.
    “No crap,” I said. “It’d be awkward.”
    “Only Liam knows I still like you,” Niall said and I nodded. “So he’s alright.”
    “Okay, so Liam and Maggie are the only two who know,” I said and Niall nodded.
    “Good,” he said. “Wait, Maggie?”
    “I tell her everything,” I said and he smiled.
    “You know, I’ve missed you,” he said. “Maggie too. It was hard getting used to not calling you in the morning to see if we could hang out or waking up to you kicking me in the crotch.”
    “You liked waking up to me kicking you in the crotch?” I asked and he laughed.
    “You grow used to it,” he said and I smiled.
    We both heard someone walk by and Niall looked at me.
    “Why are you even in here then!?” I shouted and he smiled. “To remind me that my parents left me?”
    “Yeah,” he shouted back, standing up. “Just making sure you know how absolutely terrible you must’ve been to live with, even at nine, if both of your parents and your brothers left you!”
    “Don’t even mention my brothers,” I said sternly, forcing tears to come out of my eyes. I gave Niall a reassuring smile, after noticing him grow sympathetic, and then the door burst open.
    “Seriously Niall!?” Louis asked, grabbing the boy by the arm and dragging him out of the room.
    He pushed Niall out the door and then closed it, sitting down next to me.
    “How are you feeling?” he asked and I shrugged.
    “Alright I guess,” I said and he smiled.
    “Sorry about Niall,” he said and I felt a huge grin start to form on my face.
    “It’s alright,” I said and Louis chuckled.
    “Why are you so smiley?” he asked as I felt myself blush.
    “No reason,” I said and he shook his head, laughing.
    “You like him don’t you?” he asked.
    “No,” I scoffed.
    “Then say his name without smiling,” he said, an evil smirk forming on his face.
    “Niall,” I said, muffled into my sweatshirt because I covered my mouth.
    “You’re blushing though,” Louis said and I buried my face in my sweatshirt.
    “Niall,” I said. “Niall, Niall, Niall, and his perfect blue eyes and cheeky little grin.”
    “What about him?” Louis asked, probably smirking even more.
    “I hate him,” I lied through a laugh, removing my face from my sweatshirt to see Louis shaking his head.
    “Sure you do,” he said and I stuck my tongue out at him.
    “Shut up,” I whined and he laughed.
    “Come on,” he said, standing up, “I heard you’ve got quite the voice on you and Maggie, the guys and I are gonna have a little fun with Niall’s guitar.”
    “Who put that crazy idea in your head?” I asked.
    “To have a little jam session?” Louis asked.
    “No,” I laughed. “That I can sing.”
    “Niall,” he responded quietly, almost mockingly, as a grin began to spread across my face again.
    “You like him,” Louis said, his back to me as I followed him to the door.
    “Do not,” I said and he shook his head.
    “Okay,” he said and I chuckled.
    Author's Note
    So how do you guys like it? What do you think's going to happen next? Leave comments of what you'd like to see (maybe with Harry and Kyra or Maggie and Louis even) and if I like your idea I'll try to add it somewhere. I will give you credit (and a little shoutout) and let you know ahead of time. Also, I will try to notify if any of you would like me to. Just let me know!

  2. peanut1299 peanut1299
    posted a quote
    March 8, 2013 11:51pm UTC
    Still the One
    Chapter Nine
    Part Three
    What do you mean it’s going to go downhill from here, Mom?
    I mean it takes time to get used to the ability to talk to the dead.
    I can—
    Yes, you can. Andrew, honey, this is going to be hard for you but you can get through it. I can only give you one piece of advice.
    What? Mom… what can you tell me?
    Trust the blonde one…
    My eyes opened and pain still pounded in my head. I was dizzy and very thirsty.
    “Andrew? Guys, she’s awake!” Louis exclaimed and I moaned.
    “Lou, please no shouting,” I said and he nodded.
    “Sorry, love,” he said and I tried to smile, but failed do to the terrible pain in my head and eyes.
    “You look hurt,” Niall said and I nodded. The nod sent a shooting pain down my spine.
    “Just a tad,” I said and Niall sighed.
    “Guys, can I have a moment alone with Andrew?” he asked.
    “I actually need to talk to her first,” Harry said. “Niall you can have her right after me, it’s just important.”
    All the guys and Maggie left, as Harry sat down on the edge of the couch where I was laying.
    “Andrew, I know this is probably a really bad time and I know I probably seem like a jerk right now, but I need to break up with you. It’s just—“
    “There’s another girl and we have nothing in common?” I asked and Harry laughed.
    “It’s a good thing you are an understanding person that makes every awkward situation kind of funny,” he said and I managed a weak chuckle.
    “You’re a lucky boy,” I said and he laughed.
    He stood up and opened the door.
    “Can I talk to her now?” Niall asked and Harry nodded.
    “She’s all yours,” he said. “But she’s like my little sister, so keep it in your pants.”
    “HARRY!” I gasped and he laughed.
    “So,” Niall said, closing the door behind him.
    He sat down next to me and sighed.
    “What?” I asked.
    Next thing I knew his face was right before mine, his lips brushing mine ever so slightly. Noticing that he was hesitating, I put my hands by his ears and brought his head down so our lips met. After pulling away, Niall smiled.
    “I hate you,” he chuckled.
    “I hate you too,” I said and we sat there for a moment, just in silence.

  3. StormForceHeart StormForceHeart
    posted a quote
    May 29, 2013 3:49am UTC
    i-i-i know you’re still the one

  4. peanut1299 peanut1299
    posted a quote
    March 8, 2013 6:28pm UTC
    Still the One
    Chapter Nine
    Part One
    “Alright?” Harry said and he and Lou got up.
    ”Niall? Really? Come on you’ve held all this in for long enough now. Are you scared? Can’t handle the fact that you’re a little different than everyone else?” The voice laughed and then continued. “You’re weak. It’s not my fault you’re this way.”
    “It is to,” I said and Niall sighed.
    “Don’t let him get to you,” he said quietly.
    “It’s not that easy,” I said, my voice shaking as well as most of my body.
    “Calm down,” he said. “What’s he saying?”
    “Don’t tell him. You think he cares? He just made fun of you because I left. I mean, it’s not his fault I’m dead but he didn’t have to pick on you for it. This kid was your best friend and he turned on you. He ditched you.”
    “Don’t you go telling me he ditched me,” I said. “You did the same thing to me and then went and killed yourself because of it. Way to make me feel guilty.”
    “Andrew stop talking to him,” Niall said. “You know what he does to you. You need to stop, block him out, find a distraction.”
    “SHUT UP NIALL!” I shouted as tears streamed down my face and he took a few steps back. “For crying out loud why do you care?”
    “I don’t,” he scoffed. “Harry wanted me to help you. You called for me remember?”
    “Well I don’t need you,” I said. “Get outta here.”
    “Thanks,” he laughed, “I didn’t want to be in here anyway. Go cry to Harry. Although, he’ll probably leave you after he finds out your little secret.”
    “He’s not gonna find out,” I said, starting to grow angry.
    “He will if I have a say,” Niall said and I stood up.
    “You wouldn’t,” I said and he chuckled.
    “I think we both know I would,” he said and I lost it… again.
    I pinned him to the ground and he laughed.
    “You’re not gonna hit me again,” Niall said. “He’ll tell you not to and you’ll listen to him.”
    “Why do you care if Harry and I are together?” I asked, ignoring his previous remark. “It’s been six years. Since we’ve talked.”
    “I don’t care about you and Harry together,” he said. “I care about you and how miserable you are.”
    “So after all we’ve been through, and after years of being closer than brother and sister, you’re going to try to make me as miserable as possible?” I asked and he smirked and nodded.
    “I am,” he said. “Have you heard about Kyra?”
    “Kyra?” I asked and he smiled.
    “Harry’s little crush,” Niall said. “Completely forgot about you, he did.”
    “You’re messing with me,” I said and he shook his head.
    “I’m afraid not,” he said, the evil smirk beginning to grow.
    I got off of him and sat back down on the couch.
    “He’s not lying, you know. There is a Kyra and Harry does have a little thing going on with her. He wants to break it off with you but doesn’t know how. Just saying.”
    “Would you stop ruining everything, Dad!?” I shouted and Niall smirk turned into a scared frown as his eyes widened.
    “It’s your dad this time?” he asked in shock and I nodded as I started to shake and cry again.
    Niall muttered some rather colorful words under his breath as he rushed to sit down next to me.
    “I am a terrible person,” he said, wrapping one arm around me and letting me cry into his chest.
    “You think?” I said and he chuckled.
    “Thank you for forgiving me and telling me not to feel bad,” Niall said and I smiled. “There you go, there’s a smile.”
    “What are you smiling for? Get Niall’s arm off of you before Harry sees. Oh, wait, he’s caught up in some other girl isn’t he? Too bad for you. Looks like everyone’s going to ditch you.”
    “Would you stop?” I said angrily and Niall sighed.
    “What’s he saying?” he asked.
    “Stuff about Harry and Kyra,” I said. “He’s telling me to get your arm off of me before Harry sees and then changes his mind, like, oh wait, Harry’s busy with some other girl.”
    “I’m sorry,” Niall said. “I shouldn’t have said anything.”
    “No,” I said, shaking my head. “Thanks for telling me. Truth is, Harry and I haven’t been getting along great anyway. We don’t have a lot in common and it’s just recently been hitting us.”
    “Oh,” Niall said sadly although a smirk played at the corners of his mouth.
    Then, all of a sudden, I got a terrible pain in my head. I screamed something, I’m not too sure what it was or if it was even a human language, but I screamed and loud. The pain spread all around my head and shot down my spine.
    “Andrew, Andrew?” Niall asked and then sound faded out.
    I’ve experienced something like this before, but to a lesser degree. I wasn’t prepared for the agonizing high pitched screaming that filled my head next.
    “Would someone shut whatever is screaming up!” I shouted, a lot louder than I meant to.
    “Andrew,” Niall said, kneeling down on the floor and putting his hand on my back.
    At this point I was on all fours and breathing heavily, tears streaming down my cheeks.
    “Andrew,” he said again. “No one’s screaming. Look at me, you’re having another attack.”
    “WOULD SOMEONE TELL THAT BOY TO SHUT THE (enter curse of your choice here) UP!” my father’s voice screamed, causing my head to pound even harder.
    “What is going on in here!?” Maggie’s voice yelled as my arms and gave out and I collapsed onto the ground. “Dang it, Niall do you know who it is this time?”
    “It’s her dad,” I heard Niall say, and then everything went black.

  5. peanut1299 peanut1299
    posted a quote
    March 3, 2013 8:23am UTC
    Still the One
    Chapter Six
    We walked down to the ice cream shop, got out ice cream, and sat down in a booth.
    “So you moved here from Ireland right?” Harry asked and I nodded.
    “Yeah,” I said, “I lived there for eight years. Before that I lived in Boston.”
    “That’s cool,” he responded. “I know this might be kind of awkward, but what happened to your parents?”
    “Beats me,” I said. “I haven’t heard of them in six years, nor do I want to. They took my little brother, Connor, and older brother, Patrick, with them and left me. When it comes to Maggie and her parents, they’ve talked over the last few years. No one will tell me where my family is and, frankly, I don’t care. I miss my brothers but if my parents left me why should I worry about finding them? They’re the ones that left.”
    Harry sat there and nodded, probably not understanding the feeling.
    “So what kind of stuff do you do?” I asked. “Besides sing because you’ve obviously got something going for you when it comes to that.”
    “I do not,” Harry chuckled and I smiled. “I mean have I been told I’m alright, yeah, but I’m not like this kid everyone knows can sing.”
    “Well you should be,” I said and he smiled.
    “Hey, how come I’m the victim?” Harry asked, laughing. “You’ve got a voice on you too.”
    “Thanks,” I chuckled. “But don’t you try to turn this on me, curly.”
    We both continued to laugh until it got dark out.
    “We should probably head back,” I said and Harry nodded.
    “My mom’s gonna kill me if I’m home any later than seven without dinner,” he said and I checked my phone.
    “It’s seven fifteen, curls,” I said and he sighed but chuckled too.
    We walked down the street, fairly close to each other, talking and laughing.
    “But why wouldn’t you just kill it?” Harry laughed. “Like, it took you three hours to catch it why not just step on it?”
    “It was too young to die!” I said and he continued to laugh.
    “You’re cute,” he said and I smiled.
    “You’ve got the dimples,” I said. “Yeah I’m the cute one,” I muttered and he smiled.
    We continued to walk down the road when I felt his hand get close to mine, but then stop. I looked at him, and he looked from me to the ground. I turned my attention to his hand that still hadn’t moved. I took it and Harry looked at me and smiled.
    “You know,” he said as we got to my house, “I do really like you.”
    “Good,” I said and smiled. “Because I like you too.”
    “No,” he whined. “I like you more than you like me, that’s how it has to be.”
    “Oh really?” I asked playfully and he nodded. “Prove it.”
    Right then he crashed his lips on to mine quickly and pulled away.
    “And the point goes to the one with the dimples and curls, Harry Styles,” I said and he laughed.
    “What are you up to tomorrow?” he asked.
    “Probably just hanging out,” I said and he shook his head.
    “Nope,” he said. “You’re hanging out with me.”
    “I don’t have a choice?” I chuckled and he shook his head some more.
    “Nope,” he said again, “I’ll lock you in my basement.”
    “That’s not creepy,” I chuckled and he smiled.
    “Andrew!” I heard Lauren yell. “Come inside please it’s dark out.”
    “See you tomorrow?” Harry asked and I nodded, opening the front door.
    Harry Styles had me head over heels, completely forgetting about Niall… Niall… what’s his name? Then, the next year rolled around, and things got complicated.
    Author's Note
    Anyone here know why things get complicated the next year? Comment why you think so and I'll give you a small part!

  6. peanut1299 peanut1299
    posted a quote
    February 26, 2013 4:53pm UTC
    Still the One
    Chapter One
    He put his head up and looked around the classroom. The only empty seat was next to me, on my right, but I was kind of excited to be the first person to talk to him.
    “H-hi,” he said nervously, sitting down next to me.
    “Hi!” I chimed and he smiled at my enthusiasm. “I’m Andrew.”
    “I’m Niall,” he said quietly, probably thinking we’re not supposed to be talking. “You’re not Irish, are you?”
    “No,” I said. “My entire Dad’s side moved here last summer from Boston.”
    “Like in America?” he asked, his eyes widening and I nodded.
    “Yep!” I said. “It takes a long time to fly all the way here from Massachusetts.”
    “I know,” he said. “I have a cousin who lives in Boston.”
    “Cool!” I said and he smiled.
    “Are we allowed to talk?” he asked and I nodded.
    “Yeah,” I said. “Miss Lauren lets us talk as long as we get our work done. Since she’s not here to give us work, we can talk until she gets back.”
    “I like this class,” he said and I chuckled. “But when’s snack?”
    “I ask the same question every day,” I said and he smiled. “We’re allowed to eat at 10:30 until recess which is at 10:45. That means there’s an hour until snack time.”
    “You’re smart,” he said and I shook my head.
    “No,” I said. “I just like to know when I’m allowed to eat.”
    He smiled and the Miss Lauren barged through the door.
    “Hi Miss Lauren!” we all chimed and she smiled.
    “Hi guys,” she said, plopping her bag down on the floor and tucking a loose strand of curly red hair behind her ear. “Thanks, Jane,” she said to Mrs. Parker as she got up and headed towards the door.
    “Miss Lauren,” I said. “We got a new kid!”
    “I see,” she smiled. “Hi honey what’s your name?”
    “Niall,” Niall said, “Niall Horan.”
    “Well hi, Niall,” she said, “I see you’ve met Andrew.”
    Niall smiled and nodded and then Miss Lauren looked at me.
    “Andrew, during snack time would you like to walk Niall around the school so he knows where to go?” she asked me and I nodded.
    “Sounds like an adventure!” I said and Miss Lauren laughed.
    “It’ll be an adventure for Niall, yes,” she said. “I’d hope you’d know your way around the school by now.”
    “I do,” I said, “but I don’t know all of its secret hiding spots yet.”
    “Secret hiding spots?” Niall asked.
    “Miss Lauren says that when the builders made the school, they made loads of hiding spots for kids if they were being bullied or didn’t want to go to class,” I said and Miss Lauren chuckled. “She took us out of lunch one day so she could show us some of them.”
    Niall smiled and I leaned over to whisper in his ear.
    “Me and Maggie made a club house in one that only me, her, and Miss Lauren knows about,” I said. “You can join if you want but you need to become a member first.”
    “How do I do that?” he asked as the rest of the class started working on the times tables in which I’ve already memorized.
    “I’ll show you at recess,” I said and he nodded.
    “Andrew,” Miss Lauren said, “just because you know your times tables doesn’t mean Niall doesn’t.”
    “Sorry Miss Lauren,” I said and she smiled.
    The time leading up to snack time went by quickly and I stood up.
    “Okay little leprechaun get your snack and let’s go walk around the school until a teacher questions us!” I said and Niall laughed.
    “Little leprechaun?” he asked and I nodded.
    “Sure why not?” I said. “You’re small and you’re Irish.”
    “You’re smaller than me, and everyone in this room except you and Maggie are Irish too,” he said.
    “Don’t bring logic into it,” I said and he smiled. “Come on!”

  7. peanut1299 peanut1299
    posted a quote
    February 28, 2013 8:12pm UTC
    Still the One
    Chapter Five
    So here we are, Cheshire. It’s a small place, but people seem friendly. Maggie, Lauren and I started to unpack when there was a knock at the door.
    “I’d tell you it’s open but I don’t know anyone in this town, so I’m coming!” I shouted, running to the door.
    I opened the big, dark green, door to reveal a boy my age and his mother.
    “Hi!” his mother said. “I’m Anne and this is my son, Harry.”
    “Hiya!” I said and Harry smiled. “I’m Andrew and my idiot cousin is Maggie. Don’t ask me where she is I can’t answer that question.”
    Anne and Harry chuckled and Harry whispered something to her.
    “Do you mind if Harry hangs out here?” she asked and I shook my head.
    “Not at all, curly, come on in!” I said and the two of them smiled.
    “Got a nickname for me already, have you?” he chuckled and I nodded. “So you moved here with your cousin?”
    “My cousin and my… um… Lauren,” I said and he looked at me funny.
    “Your what?” he asked.
    “My parents and Maggie’s parents ditched us when we were kids,” I said. “A woman named Lauren took us in. So, yeah, I have a Lauren. Only special people get them.”
    Harry laughed. He has a nice smile.
    “Who’s the curly haired boy with dimples?” Maggie asked and I looked at Harry.
    “This is Harry,” I said. “And only I’m allowed to call him curly.”
    “Fine,” Maggie said. “I’ll call you dimples.”
    Harry smiled and the three of us ran up to what was going to be me and Maggie’s room.
    “So, how do you like it so far?” Harry asked.
    “It’s alright,” I said as Maggie started to put on music. “Oh put on Love Drunk.”
    Maggie put on the song and the three of us just hung out until the chorus came on.
    “I used to be love drunk but now I’m hung over,” Harry sang quietly and I smiled.
    “Hey,” I said. “You’re pretty good keep going.”
    “Nah,” he said. “It’s awkward.”
    “I’ve lived in Ireland for eight years and now I live in Cheshire and I still have a Boston accent,” I said. “Don’t you tell me one thing about awkward boy now sing. I’ll sing with you.”
    “Okay,” he said.
    “I used to be love drunk but now I’m hung over,” I started quietly.
    “Love you forever, forever is over,” Harry continued a little.
    “We used to kiss all night now it’s just a bar fight. So don’t call me cryin’ say hello or goodbye,” the two of us sang, getting louder and stronger.
    “Hey,” Harry said, “you’re pretty good too.”
    “Stahp it,” I said and him and Maggie laughed.
    “Really though, you’re good,” Harry said.
    “I told you I wasn’t only saying it because I’m your cousin!” Maggie said and I laughed.
    “Shut up,” I whined.
    “I think we’re gonna have a lot of fun,” Harry said and Maggie and I laughed.
    “Yeah,” I chuckled and he smiled.
    I got up to go into the kitchen and Harry followed me.
    “You know,” he said. “I know we only met but you’re kind of cute.”
    “Thanks,” I chuckled and he smiled. “You’re not so bad yourself.”
    We both laughed and he just looked at me.
    “Want to go to this ice cream shop a little while from here,” he said. “Just the two of us?”
    “Sure,” I said smiling, and he smiled too.

  8. peanut1299 peanut1299
    posted a quote
    March 3, 2013 4:12pm UTC
    Still the One
    Chapter Seven
    Parte Dos
    ***MAGGIE’S POV***
    “Well, hi,” a boy with darker skin and black hair said to Andrew and she smiled, obviously forgetting about Niall.
    I looked over at him and he didn’t notice me.
    “Hi!” I heard Andrew chime to the boy.
    I continued to watch Niall and his eyes grew thinner as Andrew and that boy, I think I heard him say his name was Zayn, continued to talk.
    “Alright babe,” Harry said and Niall looked like he lost it.
    “I still don’t understand why you’re with her,” Niall scoffed. “Like, you can do better mate.”
    “What the heck Niall?” Harry said and Andrew looked like she was about to beat the crap out of the kid.
    “Niall, you should know I don’t put up with crap,” Andrew said. “You should also know I can easily put you in a hospital.”
    “You wouldn’t be able to take down Connor,” Niall said. “I mean, first of all he’s probably tougher than you, and second didn’t your family ditch you?”
    “That’s it,” Andrew said throwing a punch at Niall and hitting him in the nose.
    She kicked him in the stomach and sent him to the ground. No one bothered to stop her. I think we were all just in shock.
    “I don’t care what you say about me,” she said, getting on top of him to keep him pinned to the ground. “But as soon as you start saying crap about my family, you better hope and pray I don’t kill you in your sleep.”
    “What family?” Niall laughed, his nose bleeding like crazy. “All you’ve got is Maggie.”
    “And in a moment all you’ll have is yourself because I will make sure you are unable to have children,” she said and Niall laughed.
    “Yeah sure,” he said and Andrew stood up.
    Before Niall had the chance to stand up too, considering he just took a nasty blow to the stomach, Andrew kicked him in the… you know… and ran off.
    “I’m sorry for my behavior,” Andrew said to the other guys. “But you have now learned what will happen to you if you start saying crap about my family.”
    She stormed off, followed by Harry who ran after her, and Louis tapped on my shoulder.
    “Does she talk about her family leaving her often?” he asked and I shook my head.
    “She’s got a lot buried deep inside her,” I said. “She needs to get it out.”
    “Yeah,” Louis said. “I feel bad.”
    “I do too,” I said. “My family left to but I still see them. No one will tell me or Andrew where her parents and brothers are.”
    “Poor girl,” he said. “I wish I could help.”
    “Get to know her,” I said to him. “I feel like you two would get along.”
    “I feel like we’d get along too,” Louis said. “But I’d like to get to know you as well.”
    I smiled and Louis did too.
    “What do you say, after everyone goes to sleep, you and I can go hang around back on the trampoline. Just the two of us?” he asked.
    “I’d love that,” I said and he smiled.
    After that we all looked at Niall, and another boy came out.
    “I’m Liam,” he said. “What the heck happened here?”
    “Andrew got angry,” I said. “I’m Maggie, by the way. Now, Niall, what have we learned.”
    “If you talk about Weasel’s family she breaks your nose, punches you in the gut, and kicks you were a man should never be kicked,” he moaned.
    “Boy,” I corrected him. “Not man.”
    “She’s sassy too!” Louis exclaimed and I laughed, stepping over the boy who was Andrew and my best friend, and heading inside with Louis.
    Author's Note
    What. Just. Happened? What do you guys think of Andrew's little attack on Niall? Will they forgive each other or will they continue to hate each other? And what will happen between Niall and Harry? Will it ruin One Direction?

  9. peanut1299 peanut1299
    posted a quote
    February 27, 2013 10:56pm UTC
    Still the One
    Chapter Four
    “What?!” Maggie and I shouted, running to the bathroom where Lauren was. Niall met us there, obviously upset.
    “I got the job,” Lauren said, “the three of us are moving to Cheshire.”
    “Cheshire!?” Niall, Maggie, and I yelled and she nodded.
    “I’m sorry guys,” she said. “I really need this job.”
    I looked at Niall who sighed and nodded. “When are you guys leaving?” he asked.
    “Tomorrow morning at eight,” she said. “There’s a small house there for us that the job supplied. I’m sorry guys. I know you’ve been best friends since the second grade, I was there when it happened, but I don’t teach anymore and I need this job.”
    I looked at Niall, then at Maggie, and back at Lauren.
    “So this is it?” I asked and Maggie and Niall nodded.
    “I guess so,” Niall said. “I mean you and Maggie still have each other and I’ve got other friends.”
    I nodded and looked back at Lauren. The next morning Niall and Maura, Niall’s mom, came to the empty house as we prepared to finally leave.
    “Do you have to leave?” Niall asked and I nodded.
    “Lauren needs to job,” I said. “We need the money.”
    Niall nodded and I sighed.
    “Andrew,” Lauren said, “say goodbye we need to leave.”
    I looked up at Niall who was holding back tears, you could see it.
    “Niall,” I said hugging him.
    “This wasn’t how it was supposed to end,” he whispered and I let go of him.
    “What do you mean?” I asked.
    “I was supposed to admit that I love you,” he said. “I was supposed to finally ask you out and we’d go out and it’d be perfect. I was supposed to always be there for you. You were supposed to fall asleep in the car with your head on my shoulder. We were supposed to kiss in the rain. You were supposed to fall asleep in my arms. I was supposed to get on one knee and slip a ring on your finger. I was supposed to watch you walk down the aisle, towards me. I was supposed to let you name our first boy Michael, after your dad, like you want to. We were supposed to go to the same retirement home and race each other down the hallway in wheelchairs. We were supposed to get buried next to each other. Now you’re leaving.”
    I looked at my best friend, speechless.
    “N-Niall?” I asked and he put his head down.
    “Just go,” he said, keeping his head lowered almost in shame.
    I put my hand under his chin and forced it up.
    “Niall,” I said again, trying to meet his gaze that kept wandering over my shoulder. “Niall, look at me.”
    He sighed and did as I asked. I smiled but his face stayed serious.
    “You’re leaving,” he said. “Why do you want to talk about this now?”
    I crashed my lips to his quickly and then pulled away. I then looked at him, a goofy grin on his face.
    “If only it was raining,” he said and I laughed.
    “I’ll go get the hose,” I said jokingly and he smiled.
    “You need to go,” he said and I tilted my head slightly in confusion.
    “But-“ I started.
    “I can live the rest of my life knowing you at least like me,” he said and I smiled. “Now go, Lauren and Maggie will leave without you.”
    I smiled at him and ran out to the car. I hope I get to see him again, even by accident.

  10. peanut1299 peanut1299
    posted a quote
    February 26, 2013 10:46pm UTC
    Still the One
    Chapter Three
    ***Seven Years Later***
    “Little leprechaun get up,” I whined, kicking my best friend who had fallen asleep next to the couch I was on.
    “No need to kick me,” he said, sitting up and yawning. “Where’d Maggie go?”
    “Out with Lauren to get food,” I said and Niall nodded.
    “I know I ask you this all the time,” he said, “but why do you call her Lauren? Call her mom.”
    “I call her Lauren because she’s not my mom. I call her Lauren because my parents ditched me and left me with no one. I’ll call her Mom when I crawl up and go into her womb and then she gives birth to me. Until then, I am not calling her Mom,” I said.
    Niall sat there and tried not to crack a smile.
    “You want to laugh,” I said and he nodded. “It’s cause of the whole ‘womb’ situation isn’t it? Okay, go ahead.”
    Right as I finished he burst into laughter. He has such a loud laugh it’s contagious, and I ended up laughing too.
    “What are you two up to?” Lauren asked, walking in the room, followed by Maggie, with a box of donuts.
    “Food!” Niall and I shouted as she put the box on the coffee table.
    “Don’t kill each other for it,” she said. “Maggie, make sure they don’t fight over the food.”
    “Niall would never lay a finger on Andrew,” Maggie said. “He loves her too much.”
    “As a sister,” Niall quickly said, blushing, and I smiled.
    Something’s been up with him lately. He’s been all sweet and stuff. Like, a month or two ago, we’d always fight over who gets the last cookie or something and now he just gives it to me. He’s more like a boyfriend than a brother. Oh… I’m an idiot. But, no… he doesn’t like me? We’ve been best friends for seven years he’s seen all my ups and downs he can’t… he doesn’t…
    “Andrew,” Niall said. “Are you gonna eat or not?”
    “Huh?” I asked and he rolled his eyes, chuckling.
    “Maggie, being the genius she is, only bought one glazed. You know they’re the both of our favorites so do you want it or not?” he asked.
    “Split it?” I asked and he nodded.
    I split the donut in half and gave him the bigger half.
    “Did Andrew Collins just give me the bigger half of her favorite donut?” Niall asked. “Lie down, I think you’re sick.”
    I laughed and he smiled. “I’m just not all that hungry this morning,” I said. “That’s all. Hey Maggie, can I talk to you for a second in the kitchen.”
    “Sure?” she said as we both headed into the kitchen.
    “Niall,” I said and she smiled.
    “You like him don’t you?” she asked.
    “He’s been cute since the second grade, but what do you know about his thoughts on me?” I asked.
    “I know he thinks you’re absolutely adorable and pretty and he has since second grade,” she said and I smiled.
    “Girls!” I heard Lauren call.
    “Yeah Lauren?” I hollered back.
    “We’re moving!”
    “What?!” Maggie and I shouted, running to the bathroom where Lauren was. Niall met us there, obviously upset.

  11. peanut1299 peanut1299
    posted a quote
    March 10, 2013 4:13pm UTC
    Still the One
    Chapter Eleven
    We both went into the main room of the bungalow and everyone was already sitting all squished together. The only space for me was next to Niall.
    “Hey,” he said quietly when no one was paying attention.
    “Hi,” I smiled back at him and then Harry spoke up.
    “Love Drunk?” he asked, smiling at me and I laughed.
    “Why are you asking me?” I asked. “I don’t sing.”
    “You need to start!” he said and I laughed.
    “You do,” Maggie said and I stuck my tongue out at her.
    “I only know the chorus anyway,” I said as Harry began to play the guitar.
    Everyone was singing but me, and when they got to the chorus Harry stopped playing, everyone stopped singing, and they all looked at me.
    “What?” I asked.
    The continued to stare and I sighed.
    “I used to be love drunk but now I’m hung over. Love you forever, forever is over. We used to kiss all night now it’s just a bar fight. So don’t call me crying, say hello or goodbye,” I sang and everyone smiled.
    “Harry, let me see the guitar,” Niall said and Harry handed it to him.
    “’Cause darlin’ I would catch a grenade for you,” he started to sing while playing.
    The other guys and Maggie joined him, no longer paying attention to Niall and I looked at him.
    “Throw my hand on a blade for you,” he sang with a smile and he winked. “I’d jump in front of a train for you,” he put his attention back on the guys and Maggie so we wouldn’t get caught. “You know I’d do anything for you.”
    “Hold on,” I said. “I have an idea. Maggie, come here.”
    I got up and Maggie followed me. We went into the kitchen and she sat down.
    “Hey before you say what you need to say, is something going on with you and Niall?” she asked.
    “I think so,” I said. “Do you remember what we did with Magic?”
    “Yeah,” she responded, nodding and I smiled. “You want to? Okay but I swear if you one up me with your rapping.”
    “I won’t,” I said and she laughed.
    “Alright boys,” she hollered, “let’s do this.”
    We both walked back into the room and the guys laughed.
    “Don’t laugh at us,” Maggie said. “We’re teenage girls what do you expect?”
    “I’M JUST A TEENAGE DIRTBAG BABY,” I sang loudly and the guys laughed.
    “Stick to the script,” Maggie said and I laughed.
    “What script?” Lou asked.
    “Magic,” Maggie said and Niall’s eyes widened.
    “Oh this is gonna be good,” Niall said and I rolled my eyes at him, to keep up with the whole ‘we hate each other’ thing.
    “Shut up Horan,” I said and Louis spoke up.
    “Okay let’s not fight,” he said. “Maggie, Andrew, go.”
    I looked at Maggie who started quietly.
    “I got the magic in me,” she sang quietly, almost insecurely. “Every time I touch that track it turns into gold. Now everybody knows I got the magic in me. When I hit the flow the guys come snapping, at me. Now everybody wants some presto magic!”
    “These tricks that I’ll attempt with blow your mind, pick a verse,” I started to rap. “Any verse I’ll hypnotize you with every line. I’ll need a volunteer, how ‘bout you, with the eyes. Come on down to the front, sit right here, don’t be shy. So come one come all and see the show tonight.”
    I finished the rap and then Maggie and I both sang the chorus the best we could.
    “I got the magic in me,” we sang loudly. “Every time I touch that track it turns into gold. Now everybody knows I got the magic in me. When I hit the flow the guys come snapping, at me. Now everybody wants some presto magic, magic, magic. M-m-m-magic, magic, magic. I got the magic in me!”
    “You two need to be on a stage,” Liam said and Maggie and I smiled.
    “We love to sing and perform,” Maggie said. “But we have school in two days and we were busy all summer, so we weren’t able to do anything for YouTube.”
    “You have school in two days?” Niall said, obviously disappointed.
    “Yeah, why?” I asked rudely and he remembered we hate each other.
    “’Cause,” he said. “Now I’ve only got two days to make you as miserable as possible.”
    “Cut it out Niall,” Liam said. “Um, Andrew, what went on in the bedroom earlier? With your head. We heard you screaming and then you passed out.”
    “I can talk to the dead,” I admitted. “And I’m only learning this now.”
    Author's Note
    I wil notify if any of you want me to! What do you think? Will the guys freak out over Andrew's new little gift? How will Andrew learn how to handle talking to spirit? I want to know what you think!

  12. peanut1299 peanut1299
    posted a quote
    March 8, 2013 2:00pm UTC
    Still the One
    Chapter Eight
    Liam helped me get up and led me into the bedroom.
    “You got beat up by a girl,” he snickered and I glared at him.
    “Shut up man,” I moaned and he sighed.
    “What did you say?” he asked and I shook my head.
    “Terrible stuff,” I said. “Her family ditched her when she was nine and I was picking on her for it.”
    “Isn’t this the girl you have a huge crush on?” Liam asked, helping me stop the blood that was coming out of my nose.
    “Mmhm,” I hummed and Liam sighed.
    “Why’d you say that stuff then?” he asked.
    “Why does it matter?” I said. “She’s with Harry. She forgot about me after a day. It doesn’t matter Liam.”
    “Okay,” he said. “Just say out of the way for a while, okay? I don’t need you to get beat up again.”
    Liam left and I laid there, on the bed, holding a towel against my nose.
    Niall Horan. Niall freaking Horan. This kid was my best friend and that’s what he says to me. He knows how much talking about my family affects me, considering the fact that they just left me one day. Truth is, I’ve never really opened up to anyone about that, not even Maggie.
    “Andrew,” Harry called after me as I stormed into the bungalow. “Andrew! Andrew, babe, slow down.”
    “What Harry!?” I yelled and I could almost see him shrink.
    “S-sorry,” he said, wrapping me in his arms. “What’s going on?”
    I buried my head in his chest and started to cry.
    “Come on,” he pleaded. “Don’t cry. Just tell me. What’s been going on in that little head of yours?”
    “I’ve never talked about my parents,” I said in between little hiccups. “Never ever, not once in my life, have I talked about them.”
    “I think it’s time you do,” Harry said, backing away but still holding me.
    He kissed my forehead, then my cheek, the tip of my nose, and repeated until I cracked a smile.
    “There’s the smile I fell in love with,” he said, making my smile grow. “Come on. I think it’s time you let all this out. It’s been, what, six years?”
    I nodded and he sat me down on a couch.
    “I—I don’t know where to start,” I said and Harry sighed.
    “Hey, Lou!” he called.
    “Harry, I don’t want all of these guys knowing about this, especially Niall,” I said and he smiled.
    “It’s alright,” he said as Louis walked in, confused, “you can trust Louis, I promise.”
    “What’s going on guys?” Louis asked, sitting down next to me.
    “Andrew’s got a lot on her chest,” Harry said. “She needs a couple of listeners.”
    “Oh,” Lou said with a smile. “Well you can trust me.”
    I smiled and sighed. “Do you guys remember, like, back when you were younger on the playground. You would be playing some game with your friends and then they’d find something better to do and run off. Then you’d be there, all alone, because you didn’t want to play what they were playing?”
    Harry and Louis nodded and I sighed.
    “That’s like my life,” I said. “I’ve grown used to being ditched. My parents and two brothers left when I was nine. I went to bed one night, and the next morning they were gone, as well as Maggie’s parents and sister. I’m not allowed to know where my parents are but Maggie is. She talks to them a lot as well as her sister.”
    “We all know that,” Louis said. “Harry’s told us and Niall was there when it happened. Just open up,” he said, “don’t be scared.”
    “I don’t want to talk about it!” I shouted, suddenly growing angry.
    “Yes you do,” a voice inside my head whispered. “Tell them, Andrew. You know you want to… tell them.”
    “I’m not going to tell them!” I shouted and Harry and Louis looked at me funny.
    “Tell who?” Harry asked.
    I thought for a moment about who knew my secret.
    “Niall,” I choked out as my breaths became quicker. “Get Niall.”

  13. peanut1299 peanut1299
    posted a quote
    February 26, 2013 6:09pm UTC
    Still the One
    Chapter Two
    We both got up, grabbed our snacks, and then headed out the door.
    “Hey!” Maggie shouted. “Can I come too?”
    “Do you care if Maggie comes?” I asked Niall, who shook his head. “Okay Maggie come on!”
    My cousin caught up to us and then we headed down the hallway.
    “So the bathrooms are over here,” I said. “The pink door is the boys’ bathroom and the blue door is the girls’ bathroom. Remember that.”
    “Why didn’t they have the blue door the boys’ bathroom and the pink door the girls’ bathroom?” Niall asked.
    “I don’t think the builders went to color college,” I said. “They should have though.”
    Niall and Maggie laughed as we got to the cafeteria.
    “Now this,” I said, “is heaven. The best part of the day happens in here Monday through Friday.”
    “If you haven’t noticed, Andrew likes her food,” Maggie said and Niall chuckled.
    “I like Andrew,” he said. “We both really like food.”
    I heard him say something else, but it was in a whisper so I couldn’t hear.
    “What’d you say little leprechaun?” I asked, turning around to see a smiling Maggie and a blushing Niall.
    “Nothing,” Niall said and Maggie rolled her eyes.
    “He said he thinks you’re—“ Maggie started but she got cut off by Niall covering her mouth.
    “Forget it,” he said and I rolled my eyes.
    “You guys are weird,” I said. “And that’s coming out of me.”
    Maggie and Niall laughed as we got to the library.
    “Now here,” I said, “most kids would hate to be. For Maggie and I, this place is awesome.”
    “Why?” Niall asked.
    “This is where our secret club is,” Maggie said, walking up to a bookshelf against the very back wall.
    “Your secret club is in the back of a library?” Niall asked and I chuckled.
    “No,” I said. “Our secret club is behind the back of the library.”
    Maggie then looked around and pulled the bookcase open as if it was a door, which it was. The three of us walked through a short tunnel and into a big open space that Maggie and I had made our own. Miss Lauren had helped us, but we got to make a lot of the choices.
    It had blue and green walls and wood floors. There were loads of different games in there and we had a giant box of crayons and stacks of paper. Maggie and I have never gotten bored in there, not once.
    “Woah,” Niall said and I chuckled.
    “Maggie and I spend a lot of time in here,” I said as he looked around. “So, do you wanna be able to come here whenever you want?”
    “Yeah,” Niall said, putting more Goldfish in his mouth.
    “I should’ve put money on it,” I said and he smiled. His teeth were kind of crooked, but it was cute. “Now, all you have to do is promise you won’t tell anybody about this space. If you do Maggie and I will cut your tongue off so you’ll never be able to speak again.”
    “Okay,” Niall said. “I promise.”
    “Pinky promise?” I asked, holding out my pinky. “I mean, you can’t mess with a pinky promise.”
    “Pinky promise,” he said, wrapping his smallest finger around mine.
    “Good,” I said and the three of us sat on the couch and ate until recess was over.
    That, everyone, was how I met Niall Horan. Him, Maggie, and I have been best friends ever since.

  14. peanut1299 peanut1299
    posted a quote
    February 26, 2013 4:25pm UTC
    Still the One
    Call me Andrew. I know it’s usually a masculine name but, my parent’s didn’t care. As much as I dislike my parents, I respect the name they gave me and I’d like you to use it too.
    I’m currently 17 years old. I want to start off my story a bit different, though, so I’m going to start when I was eight. I should probably give you a general idea of what I look like too, so here we go. Don’t expect everything to be in serious detail, please, I want to get this story going.
    So, you already know I’m 17, but I’m short. Short as in I’m only 5”5. I’ve got bright green eyes and dark brown hair that needs no straightening. Seriously, straightening it would be completely and utterly pointless. I’m also a tomboy. I mean, not like dress in all guy clothes and stuff like that, but I’m not girly.
    Okay so, I think you’re good for now. Let’s jump right in to the day everything changed. Well, it didn’t change right away but usually when people tell stories like this they say something all dramatic like that to get started. I ruined it, let’s just, yeah.
    “Andrew Collins?”
    “Here!” I chimed, raising my hand for the substitute.
    “Maggie Collins?”
    “Here!” my cousin said, raising her hand but still focused on some paper she’s been working on for a week.
    “Maggie,” I said, “we’re eight. You should be coloring not working on some paper.”
    “This paper,” she said and I rolled my eyes, preparing for another lecture from my cousin, “is a list of phone numbers. I have it organized by name, age, and what types of things these people like to do.”
    “You should be a manager or something when you grow up,” I said and she rolled her eyes.
    I heard the door squeak open and I looked up at it. In came a boy with dark brown hair and blue eyes. He fumbled over his feet a bit while making his way to Mrs. Parker, our substitute teacher for today.
    “H-hi,” he said, looking at his feet and blushing. “I’m the new kid.”
    “Can I have your name?” Mrs. Parker asked, getting ready to possibly find it on her sheet.
    “N-Niall,” he said. “Niall Horan.”
    “Niall Hor—ah! Here you are. I’m only a substitute but Miss Lauren will be back in an hour, she’s only running late. You can take a seat wherever you’d like for now,” Mrs. Parker said to him.

  15. peanut1299 peanut1299
    posted a quote
    March 3, 2013 4:03pm UTC
    Still the One
    Chapter Seven
    Parte Uno
    ***The Next Year***
    “Maggie hurry up!” I hollered. “We need to beat Harry and the other guys to the bungalow.”
    “Why?” Maggie asked, throwing one of my snapbacks at me.
    “Because I want to,” I whined and Maggie laughed.
    “Do you miss little Harry?” she said and I stuck my tongue out at her.
    “It’s not my fault Lauren refuses to let me watch the X-Factor and it’s extremely hard for me to sneak around her,” I said and Maggie laughed.
    “Do you have everything?” she asked and I threw my hands up.
    “For crying out loud, Mouse, I’ve had everything for the past three days now! You’re obsessed! Get a hobby! Kiss a guy! Do something besides organize crap!” I shouted and she just looked at me.
    We sat like that for a solid five minutes, just looking at each other. Then, at the same time, we burst into a fit of laughter.
    “We’re such losers,” Maggie said and I nodded, tears stinging my eyes from laughter.
    “Girls are you ready?” Lauren hollered.
    “Yeah,” I hollered back, grabbing my suitcase and running out to the car.
    Maggie followed and soon we were headed to Harry’s dad’s bungalow.
    “Can I trust you two alone with five guys?” Lauren asked while we were driving and I laughed.
    “No,” I said and she chuckled. “You’re absolutely crazy. You can’t trust us with a toaster; there is something seriously wrong with you for letting us do this.”
    “Well it’s too late now,” Lauren said, stopping the car. “Now get out.”
    “Love you too Lauren,” I said and she laughed.
    Maggie and I grabbed our stuff and Lauren drove off.
    “Well look who it is,” Harry’s voice rang out and I dropped my stuff and ran into his arms. “Why hello there love.”
    “Lauren wouldn’t let me watch X-Factor,” I said, muffled into his shirt, and he chuckled.
    “Little girl missed me did she?” he asked and I looked up at him and nodded.
    “You didn’t miss me?” I asked and he looked shocked.
    “Of course I did!” he said, tilting his head down to kiss me.
    “So you’re the famous Andrew,” another voice rang out.
    I looked up to see a boy, probably a year or two older than me, walking towards Harry and I. I looked for Maggie, whose eyes lit up after seeing this kid.
    Harry let go of me as Maggie and I were introduced to him.
    “Girls, this is Louis Tomlinson,” Harry said. “Lou, this is Andrew and Maggie Collins.”
    “Hi!” Louis beamed and Maggie and I smiled.
    “You seem hyper,” Maggie said, “I like you.”
    “Good,” Louis said and we all laughed.
    “Is it me or did their eyes like, light up when they saw each other?” Harry asked me quietly and I smiled.
    “Young love,” I said and Maggie and Louis looked at me. “Guard your hearts now.”
    The two of them laughed and we started to go inside.
    “Oh yeah, Andrew,” Harry said. “Do you remember Niall Horan?”
    I thought for a moment and then chuckled.
    “Yeah I do,” I said. “We were like best friends, why?”
    “Hey,” a familiar blonde kid with bright blue eyes said quietly.
    “Niall!” I said, hugging him but he didn’t hug back.
    “Forgot about me pretty quickly I hear,” he said and I furrowed my eyebrows.
    “I did not,” I said and he laughed at me, mockingly.
    “Okay,” he said sarcastically and I scoffed.
    “Well hi,” a boy with darker skin and black hair said and I smiled, forgetting about Niall.

  16. peanut1299 peanut1299
    posted a quote
    March 8, 2013 11:13pm UTC
    Still the One
    Chapter Nine
    Part Two
    …… I think I’m dreaming ……
    Do you think she knows?
    Do you think she knows what?
    USE YOUR BRAIN WOMAN! Do you think she knows she can actually talk to us?
    Obviously not considering she just passed out.
    I know, she’s so weak. Nothing like either of us.
    Well maybe if you didn’t scream at her and degrade her every time you tried to talk to her this wouldn’t always happen.
    What are you doing now?
    Shut up
    Don’t you dare tell me to shut up! You’re putting your own daughter through pure heck all the time, Jonathan, it needs to stop.
    Jonathan Collins this is our daughter you’re talking about.
    How dare you? How dare you say that about her? Look at all this stuff she has to go through now because of you and your selfishness.
    What did I do?
    YOU MADE ME LEAVE HER! You think I wanted to leave my daughter behind?
    Hello? Hello? Is this real? Who’s there?
    Andrew? Andrew honey it’s your mother.
    Andrew get out of here neither of us want you. Why do you think we left you?
    Wait… you can hear me? I can talk to you?
    You would be able to see us too but you’re scared right now.
    I think it’s Dad.
    FINE! I’ll leave! For crying out loud you don’t appreciate anything Andrew.
    Ignore him. He’s leaving now though, one day you’ll be able to see us.
    I don’t feel scared anymore.
    I know, that’s because your father left. His spiritual presence frightens you. You’ve had to deal with your father since we died, but I’ve always been here. Your father’s spirit is stronger than mine and often overpowers it. I apologize for that.
    It’s okay, but how come I can speak to you? Am I dreaming.
    You are dreaming, yes, but you can do this when you’re awake too.
    I can?
    Andrew, honey, this conversation is the relevance of a special gift you have. Yet, I’m afraid, things are just going to go downhill from here for a while.
    Author's Note
    Can you guys tell who's speaking when they're speaking? I wanted to make things a little challenging so I hope you picked it up! Let me know how you're liking it!

  17. peanut1299 peanut1299
    posted a quote
    March 15, 2013 11:31am UTC
    Still the One
    Chapter Twelve
    “You can what?” Zayn asked.
    “Talk to the dead,” I said and everyone nodded.
    “So, like how do you talk to them?” Louis asked.
    “I don’t know,” I sighed, sitting down. “But it makes me feel crazy all the time.”
    I felt tears sting the corners of my eyes.
    “It’s like the worst anxiety ever all the time,” I said. “I didn’t know what was causing it, but now that I do it’s worse.”
    I started to cry and then excused myself. I ran down the hallway and into the bathroom. I stood against the door when someone lightly knocked.
    “Andrew, Andrew it’s me,” Niall’s voice said softly and quietly.
    I opened the door and he walked in, closing it behind him.
    “Andrew,” he said. “Princess you’re shaking.”
    He wrapped his arms around me and I buried my head in his neck.
    “I’m sorry,” I said and he backed away a bit so he could look at me.
    “Sorry for what?” he asked.
    “Being me,” I said and Niall sighed.
    “Why are you sorry for that?” I asked as Andrew looked up at me.
    “I’m just, I don’t know,” she said and I shook my head.
    “You’ve got nothing to be sorry for,” I said and she looked at her feet. “Eight years I waited to hold you like this. It is far too late for you to try and convince me you aren’t perfect.”
    She chuckled and I smiled.
    “What do you say, tonight once everyone’s asleep, we can go out back on the trampoline and try not to kill each other,” I said and Andrew laughed.
    “Why would we be trying to kill each other?” she asked.
    “Me and you, on a trampoline, I obviously weigh twice as much as you do,” I said and she laughed.
    “This is gonna be interesting,” she said and I laughed, lightly kissing her and then someone knocked on the door.
    “It’s me,” Maggie’s voice said. “Lauren just called. The child service people found you.”
    Author's Note
    This is a really short chapter but it's about to get really long and complicated so this is actually a good place to stop. What do you think's going to happen to Andrew? How much is she hiding and who has she been hiding from? For how long?

  18. SwiftyForeverAndEver SwiftyForeverAndEver
    posted a quote
    July 6, 2013 9:17pm UTC
    So, here's how it works:
    1. Open your library (iTunes, Winamp, Media Player, iPod, ETC.)
    2. Put it on shuffle
    3. Press play
    4. For every question, type the song that's playing
    5. When you go to a new question, press the next button
    6. Don't lie and try to pretend your cool...
    Opening Credits: The Sinking Man - Of Monsters And Men
    Waking Up: Still The One - One Direction
    First Day of School: Starlight - Taylor Swift
    Falling in Love: Oblivion - Bastille
    Fight Song: Heart Attack - One Direction
    Breaking Up: Little Talks - Of Monsters And Men
    Studying/Working: Flaws - Bastille
    Life: Show Me - Bruno Mars
    Mental Breakdown: Butterfly Wings - Owl City
    Sunny Day: The A Team - Ed Sheeran
    Rainy Day: Bedroom Hymns - Florence + The Machine
    Party/Dance Music: Out Of Town Girl - Justin Bieber
    Sleeping/Dreaming: If I Knew - Bruno Mars
    Nightmares: Never Let Me Go - Florence + The Machine
    Flashback: Remain Nameless - Florence + The Machine
    Wedding: Rocks - Imagine Dragons
    Birth of a child: Boyfriend - Justin Bieber
    Final Battle: Embers - Owl City
    Death Scene: Last First Kiss - One Direction
    Funeral Song: Icarus - Bastille
    End Credits: Grade 8 - Ed Sheeran
    Now you have experienced my excellent taste in music! - LittleDirectionerDeBono

  19. Jamie_x_Lynn Jamie_x_Lynn
    posted a quote
    September 16, 2013 10:35am UTC
    I tried, I tried to start again
    and find somebody.
    But I remember all the times
    and all the things we said.
    Yeah, I can't get it out of my head.

  20. IFindYouExtremelyAttractive* IFindYouExtremelyAttractive*
    posted a quote
    May 1, 2013 2:41am UTC
    And yeah, now I’m back at your door
    You lookin’ at me I’m sure
    I should’ve seen it before
    You’re all I think about, baby


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