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Still the One
Chapter Seven
Parte Uno

***The Next Year***
“Maggie hurry up!” I hollered. “We need to beat Harry and the other guys to the bungalow.”
“Why?” Maggie asked, throwing one of my snapbacks at me.
“Because I want to,” I whined and Maggie laughed.
“Do you miss little Harry?” she said and I stuck my tongue out at her.
“It’s not my fault Lauren refuses to let me watch the X-Factor and it’s extremely hard for me to sneak around her,” I said and Maggie laughed.
“Do you have everything?” she asked and I threw my hands up.
“For crying out loud, Mouse, I’ve had everything for the past three days now! You’re obsessed! Get a hobby! Kiss a guy! Do something besides organize crap!” I shouted and she just looked at me.
We sat like that for a solid five minutes, just looking at each other. Then, at the same time, we burst into a fit of laughter.
“We’re such losers,” Maggie said and I nodded, tears stinging my eyes from laughter.
“Girls are you ready?” Lauren hollered.
“Yeah,” I hollered back, grabbing my suitcase and running out to the car.
Maggie followed and soon we were headed to Harry’s dad’s bungalow.
“Can I trust you two alone with five guys?” Lauren asked while we were driving and I laughed.
“No,” I said and she chuckled. “You’re absolutely crazy. You can’t trust us with a toaster; there is something seriously wrong with you for letting us do this.”
“Well it’s too late now,” Lauren said, stopping the car. “Now get out.”
“Love you too Lauren,” I said and she laughed.
Maggie and I grabbed our stuff and Lauren drove off.
“Well look who it is,” Harry’s voice rang out and I dropped my stuff and ran into his arms. “Why hello there love.”
“Lauren wouldn’t let me watch X-Factor,” I said, muffled into his shirt, and he chuckled.
“Little girl missed me did she?” he asked and I looked up at him and nodded.
“You didn’t miss me?” I asked and he looked shocked.
“Of course I did!” he said, tilting his head down to kiss me.
“So you’re the famous Andrew,” another voice rang out.
I looked up to see a boy, probably a year or two older than me, walking towards Harry and I. I looked for Maggie, whose eyes lit up after seeing this kid.
Harry let go of me as Maggie and I were introduced to him.
“Girls, this is Louis Tomlinson,” Harry said. “Lou, this is Andrew and Maggie Collins.”
“Hi!” Louis beamed and Maggie and I smiled.
“You seem hyper,” Maggie said, “I like you.”
“Good,” Louis said and we all laughed.
“Is it me or did their eyes like, light up when they saw each other?” Harry asked me quietly and I smiled.
“Young love,” I said and Maggie and Louis looked at me. “Guard your hearts now.”
The two of them laughed and we started to go inside.
“Oh yeah, Andrew,” Harry said. “Do you remember Niall Horan?”
I thought for a moment and then chuckled.
“Yeah I do,” I said. “We were like best friends, why?”
“Hey,” a familiar blonde kid with bright blue eyes said quietly.
“Niall!” I said, hugging him but he didn’t hug back.
“Forgot about me pretty quickly I hear,” he said and I furrowed my eyebrows.
“I did not,” I said and he laughed at me, mockingly.
“Okay,” he said sarcastically and I scoffed.
“Well hi,” a boy with darker skin and black hair said and I smiled, forgetting about Niall.

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Still the One Chapter Seven Parte Uno ***The Next Year*** “Maggie

12 faves · Mar 3, 2013 4:03pm





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