Witty Profiles

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Repost Quotes

  1. *ciara * *ciara *
    posted a quote
    December 14, 2013 10:35am UTC
    nobody faved my poem, so i think im gonna repost it ok i worked really hard on it

  2. clearlytruthful clearlytruthful
    posted a quote
    November 22, 2013 6:46am UTC
    know not many of you will got to read this so here's the deal:
    Tomorrow is national suiside survivor day, in honer of all are amazing friends here on witty and the ones who we see in person I want everyone who reads this to draw a heart on your left wrist, add your mane to the end of the list and spred the word to all of your followers.

  3. adri15purple adri15purple
    posted a quote
    October 7, 2013 7:30pm UTC
    Okay , so like some month ago I was writing a story on Witty called
    "Just Another Mistake" .
    But I never finished it because I'm a loser .
    So I was wondering if I should post it again .
    5+ likes and I'll post the story again and finish it :)
    I will notify by the way . If you want me to .

  4. emilygm* emilygm*
    posted a quote
    October 5, 2013 6:48pm UTC
    Can we please stop with all the really horrible puns here on Witty?
    I have to say, it's getting really punnoying.

  5. mtndewhm* mtndewhm*
    posted a quote
    September 27, 2013 8:08pm UTC
    Hi guys.
    So my friend Ash recently took her profile picture down, and made it black. Well, I want to see her oh so sêxy face for myself. So please repost this and change your picture to black!
    If enough people do it and she changes hers to her face maybe I'll change mine :D

  6. Dishonored* Dishonored*
    posted a quote
    September 25, 2013 9:46pm UTC
    I don't understand why people
    think they're so important that
    the statement "I've lost respect
    for you" should be traumatizing.
    Seriously, it's the f.ucking internet,
    I'm pretty sure they don't care if
    you respect them or not.

  7. MollyCharlotte MollyCharlotte
    posted a quote
    September 25, 2013 2:43pm UTC
    cross off the things you've done.
    Graduated high school
    Kissed someone
    Smoked a cigarette
    Got so drunk you passed out
    Rode in a police car for something you didn't do
    Rode every ride at an amusement park
    Collected Something really Stupid
    Gone to a rock concert
    Help someone
    Gone fishing
    Watched 4 movies in one night.
    Gone long periods of time without sleep
    Lied to someone
    Snorted cocaine
    Failed a class
    Dealt drugs
    Been in a car accident
    Been in a Tornado
    Done hard drugs
    Watched someone die (does in a movie count?)
    Been at a funeral
    Burned yourself
    Ran a marathon
    Cried yourself to sleep
    Spent over $200 in one day
    Flown on a plane
    Sat first class (1st seat ) on a plane
    Cheated on someone
    Been cheated on
    Written a 10 page letter
    Gone skiing
    Been Sailing
    Cut yourself on accident
    Had a best friend
    Lost someone you loved
    Shoplifted something
    Been to jail
    Dangerously close to being in jail
    Skipped School
    Skipped a class
    Had Detention
    Got in trouble for something you didn't do
    Stolen books from a library
    Gone to a different country
    Dropped out of school
    Been in a mental hospital
    Been treated in a mental hospital
    Have watched all the Harry potter movies
    Had an online Diary
    Fired a gun.
    Had a yard sale
    Had a lemonade stand
    Actually made money off of the lemonade stand
    Been in a school play
    Been fired from a job
    Taken a lie detector test
    Swam with dolphins
    Gone to seaworld.
    Voted for someone on a reality tv show.
    Written poetry
    Read more than 20 books a year
    Written over a 30 page essay
    Gone to Europe
    Loved someone you shouldn't have
    Befriended someone you shouldn't have
    Used a colouring book over the age of 12.
    Had surgery
    Had stitches
    Taken a taxi
    Seen the Washington Monument
    Had more than 5 im's/chats online going all at once.
    Had a drug or alcohol problem
    Relative to someone with a serious alcohol/drug problem
    Been in a fist fight
    Gone surfing in California
    Had or have a pet hamster
    Pet a wild animal
    Used a credit card
    Did "spirit day" at your school
    Dyed your hair
    Got a tattoo.
    Had something pierecd

  8. Leslie and Alli * Leslie and Alli *
    posted a quote
    September 22, 2013 2:54pm UTC
    i know these are annoying but im doing it anyways! lol
    How guys flirt:
    > He stares at you a lot
    > He hits you a lot(playfully)
    > He uses the first thing that pops into his head to start a converstaion with you
    > He yelled, "HI" to your mom that day she picked you up from school
    > He tries to make you laugh anyway even if he gets hurt in the process
    > His voice gets softer when ever you two talk
    > You hung up on him. He called you back
    > You where invited by him to a group outing
    > He called you to talk about nothing at all
    . > He imitates your laugh Which makes you laugh even harder
    > He remembers little things you mention in casual conversation
    > He sometimes stares straight into your eyes.
    > He uses every possible way to touch you (your hair, face, thighs, etc.)
    Now make a wish.
    Ok stop!!
    Your wish will come true if you re-post this If you don't repost this then you will never get asked out or you will lose the one you love!
    Repost this in 15 min and your wish will come true in 5 days.
    Repost this in 10 min and your wish will come true in 3 days.
    Repost this in 5 min and your wish will come true in 1 day
    The best part of this is it's true.

  9. NeverFadingBeauty* NeverFadingBeauty*
    posted a quote
    September 18, 2013 6:07pm UTC
    Should not exist. But what is a quote going to do?
    its going to do a lot. I want a petition to go around
    of witty and i want you to repost this quote with your
    name signed. after i get all of these names i am going to
    make a youtube video of all the witty profile names
    that took out a few minutes to read and repost this quote.
    lets show these people how much we care and someday we can put a end to this!
    KateehKracklady of the night

  10. lovenfun1226 lovenfun1226
    posted a quote
    September 7, 2013 11:56pm UTC
    30 day challenge
    1. 15 facts about you
    2. Initials of the person you love
    3. Your closest friends
    4. The thing you most fear
    5. The saddest moment in your life
    6. Favorite sport
    7. Favorite song
    8. Your deepest secret
    9. First impression of the guy you like now
    10. Last time you cried
    11. Thing closest to your heart
    12. When you hear this song you cry
    A. 2
    Initials = J.E.

  11. Fαy Στylες* Fαy Στylες*
    posted a quote
    September 7, 2013 5:47pm UTC
    Hey you...yeah, I mean you. If you have taken a minute to read this...
    God has seen YOU struggling with something. God says its over.
    A blessing is coming your way. If you believe in God send this message on, please don't ignore it, you are being tested.
    God is going to fix two things (BIG) tonight in your favor. If you believe in God… drop everything and re-post it. ♥

  12. br0kenwings br0kenwings
    posted a quote
    September 3, 2013 10:24pm UTC
    These four walls of Farnworth
    are closing in on me.
    My final meal is over;
    they're gonna set me free.
    I can feel the fires burning
    as the devil guards my door.
    I hit my knees in search of Jesus
    on a cold jailhouse floor.
    Please don't remove this!

  13. br0kenwings br0kenwings
    posted a quote
    September 2, 2013 7:29pm UTC
    There's a place in town
    where we all hang out,
    where the country girls go
    Yeah, when the whistle blows
    when the sun sets low on Friday.
    Please don't remove this!

  14. br0kenwings br0kenwings
    posted a quote
    September 1, 2013 7:16am UTC
    “I'm sorry, baby.”
    “Just hold me, please,” she replied.
    I’d hold her forever if I could.
    Please don't remove this!

  15. rec0ver rec0ver
    posted a quote
    August 29, 2013 9:22pm UTC
    “ noTHInG wouLD
    Be THe same IF
    you DID noT exIsT.
    everY PLace You
    have ever been &
    everYone You
    HaVe ever sPoKen
    to would be
    dIFFerenT wITHouT

  16. br0kenwings br0kenwings
    posted a quote
    August 28, 2013 10:53pm UTC
    I know they say if you love somebody
    but it sure is hard to do. It sure is hard to do
    I know they say if you don't come back again,
    then it's meant to be.
    cause I'm still in love with you.
    Please don't remove this!

  17. AnotherGirlW/oASharperKnife* AnotherGirlW/oASharperKnife*
    posted a quote
    August 26, 2013 8:12pm UTC
    Hey you...yeah, I mean you. If you have taken a minute to read this... God has seen YOU struggling with something. God says its over. A blessing is coming your way. If you believe in God send this message on, please don't ignore it. If you believe in God… drop everything and re-post it. ♥

  18. dapz95 dapz95
    posted a quote
    August 22, 2013 2:30pm UTC
    spell your name and see what it means;
    a: hot b: loves people c: good kisser d: makes people laugh e: has gorgeous eyes f: really wild and crazy, adore you g: very outgoing h:easy to fall in love with i: loves to laugh and smile j: is really sweet k: really silly
    l: smile to die for m: makes dating fun n: loving and caring o: has one of the best personalities ever p: can be sweet and funny at times q: hyperactive
    r: good boyfriend or girlfriend s: cute t: very good kisser u: textaholic v: not judgmental w: very broad minded x: never let people tell you what to do
    y: is loved by everyone z: popular with all types of people

  19. SuperSpazzy SuperSpazzy
    posted a quote
    August 17, 2013 8:18am UTC
    I am 60% obsessed with my looks
    I own:
    [ ] hair straightener
    [x] curling iron
    [x] mousse
    [ ] hairspray
    [x] gel
    [x] other sprays
    [x] bobby pins
    [x] hair clips
    [x] hair ties
    [] round barrel brush
    [x] blow dryer
    [x] mirror
    [ ] I have dyed my hair
    [ ] I have/had highlights
    TOTAL: 9
    Eyes: I own
    [ ] black eyeliner
    [ ] other color eyeliner
    [x] eye shadow
    [x] mascara
    [ ] fake eyelashes
    [ ] eyelash curler
    [ ] eye shimmer
    [ ] contacts
    [ ] stunna shades
    [x] eye makeup remover
    TOTAL: 3
    Lips/Teeth: I own
    [x] clear lip gloss
    [x] red or pink lip gloss
    [ ] lipstick
    [x] chap stick
    [ ] lip plumper
    [ ] electric toothbrush
    [ ] teeth whitener
    [ ] more than 15 lip glosses
    [x] toothpaste
    TOTAL: 4
    Complexion/Overall Face: I own
    [x] blush
    [x] moisturizer
    [x] face wash
    [ ] bronzer
    [x] makeup remover
    [x] face wipes
    [x] powder
    [x] cover up
    [ ] blotting papers
    TOTAL: 7
    [x]nail polish/varnish
    [x] filer
    [x] nail clipper
    [x ] nail buffer
    [x] cuticle remover
    [ ] nail hardener
    [x] nail brush
    [ ] fake nails
    [x] nail scissors
    TOTAL: 7
    Now multiply your number by 2
    Then repost as I am % obsessed with my looks

  20. emilygm* emilygm*
    posted a quote
    August 3, 2013 7:32pm UTC
    Which member of One Direction are you most like?
    Harry Styles:
    [x] you have curly hair
    [] you're cheeky
    [] you have dimples
    [] you have a British accent
    [] you talk slowly
    [x] you're the youngest of your friends
    [] you love white Converse
    [] your favorite food is tacos
    [] you have green eyes
    [x] you're under 6ft
    [] you love wearing blazers
    [] you have a great voice
    Louis Tomlinson:
    [] you have straight hair
    [] you love to wear stripes
    [x] you love pants that end above the ankle
    [] you own at least 1 pair of Toms
    [] you have blue eyes
    [] you have a British accent
    [] you're the oldest of your friends
    [x] you're sassy, outgoing and crazy
    [x] you love to sing
    [] you love people who eat carrots
    Zayn Malik:
    [x] you have amazing eyelashes
    [x] you have black or dark brown hair
    [x] you can be very quiet
    [] you're mysterious and the 'badboy/badgirl' of your group
    [] you have piercings
    [] you're the 'devil' of your friends
    [] you love varsity jackets
    [] you have great fashion senses
    [] you have a catch phrase
    [] you hate dancing
    [] you're vain
    [x] you like to rap
    [x] you like to sing solos
    Liam Payne:
    [] you change your hairstyle constantly
    [] you've had your hair straight and curly before
    [x] you're sweet as can be
    [] you love to be on Twitter
    [x] you can pull off a closed or open-mouthed smile
    [x] you have a signature dance move
    [x] you love singing
    [x] you have a British accent
    [x] you're like the 'father/mother' of your friends
    [x] you take care of the people you love
    Niall Horan:
    [] you have an Irish accent
    [] you bleach or dye your hair
    [] you're a hat person
    [x] you have rosy red cheeks
    [] you love sneakers
    [x] you like guitars (I don't play though)
    [x] you're funny/like funny people
    [] you have blue eyes
    [] you have/have had braces
    [] you like to eat sweets for breakfast
    [x] you love Liam
    [x] You love to sing.
    Yay I'm most like Liam! He's my favorite :D


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