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Grade Quotes

  1. Dishonored* Dishonored*
    posted a quote
    February 25, 2016 1:30am UTC
    what my jokes have resorted to~
    sister: go buy me poptarts
    me: *arrives with thy poptarts*
    me: okay so I didn't know what flavors so I got two
    sister: strawberry and cherry? I would have just pickes strawberry.
    me: well, it's been awhile since you had a cherry so yknow.

  2. dontsellyourselfshort dontsellyourselfshort
    posted a quote
    December 3, 2015 4:15pm UTC
    Be a true heart not a follower

  3. dontsellyourselfshort dontsellyourselfshort
    posted a quote
    December 1, 2015 8:00pm UTC
    My mind is a warrior.
    My heart is a foreigner.
    My eyes are the color of red like a sunset.

  4. omgitsglish* omgitsglish*
    posted a quote
    November 18, 2013 1:29am UTC
    i'm still having trouble
    searching for myself

  5. Secret42 Secret42
    posted a quote
    November 17, 2013 2:56pm UTC
    In third grade,I didn't know how to do the hokey pokey so I thought it was teaching us to do the macarena.So,when they said,"you put your right hand in",I did the macarena.
    My quote.Do not Steal

  6. nothing Important* nothing Important*
    posted a quote
    October 22, 2013 10:09pm UTC
    Me: * hangs up pictures of me in the 6th grade as Halloween decorations

  7. coolsuperstarz coolsuperstarz
    posted a quote
    September 22, 2013 11:10am UTC
    Left to the hands of the foreigner,
    Be a true heart not a follower,
    We're not done yet now...
    Grade 8~Edsheeran.

  8. happiest* happiest*
    posted a quote
    September 20, 2013 2:42pm UTC
    in 5th grade i used to suck on my arm and i dont know why but it was a really bad habit of mine like how kids sucked their thumbs, i sucked on my arm and my cousin who was in like 10th grade at the time asked if i had a hickey on my arm and i didnt know what it was and i said yes and he told me i was a “playa” and i told him i liked sports

  9. help_me_im_drowning help_me_im_drowning
    posted a quote
    August 17, 2013 8:35pm UTC
    "My 3rd grade teacher once told me to read books that are the most damaged
    on the outside because you can tell by the damage its been read by a lot of people,
    and there's usually a great story on the inside . This advice has not failed me yet."

  10. acannistraaax3 acannistraaax3
    posted a quote
    August 13, 2013 9:42pm UTC
    soo , guys i know i haven't been on latley, but.. i have news (: so i have had a bestfriend, guy . since 3rd grade when he moved here, and ive seriously liked him ever sense, and he told me he felt the same way yesterday <3 .. im so happy ! im gonna go chill w/ him tomo ; and hopefully things go good . im myself around him & he's himself . ugh . YES .

  11. Alexisiscool Alexisiscool
    posted a quote
    August 4, 2013 12:11pm UTC
    My story year 6: Okay so first off, it started off great but half way through the year my teacher started to treat me like a dog... I felt worthless, other people also treat me like a piece of white trash... I was isolated for nothing... Also my no.1 enemy, Elliot was my teachers favourite despite torturing and bullying everyone in sight..... I started to become suicidal once more also hom!c!dal... I started having problems I'd rather not mention... I kept falling I. Love with different people and one day Elliot discovered a secret about my s3xu4lly, I'm bi, hi! Any who he to,d everyone, and made fun for it, I was soo embarrassed I wanted to die! But it didn't stop their, I started feeling pushed around, like a slave! I started getting paranoid because my old buddy, Megan started too turn into a sl//t, Katy had a boyfriend and then they broke up, then Megan dated Katy's boyfriend, which Katy didnt mind! After that Megan started been rude to everyone we passed on the way home! Me one day we got into a large arguement and Megan charged at me and I grabbed her hair and she screamed mbl00dy murder! Although the year I was called selfish, a bully, inconsiderate, mean, ect... I was also bullied online, you know the usually retorts to depressed girls who are psychopathic!and up other stuff.. On YouTube a guy told me 'cut deeper f4gg0t"#39; yeah..thanks to that guy! Any who I was a big metal head/emo/punk which my parent thought was goth, sorry mum and dad I'm a gothic plunks emo kid, hey! Well okay I'm Eloise but mainly scene! I loved (and still do) mcr, bvb, 3dg, bb, Amy lee, simple plan, linkin park and a few other singers and bands. I wasn't into Justin Bieber or 1D or anything like that and I spent all my time alone and still do now! I had a few problems and started to cut myself! My mum noticed and took me too the doctor, I told her the main reasons why, too get out hatred and too free myself from the burning hatred inside of me which hurt a lot... It worked but, I was left with one scar for life, I cut it in the same place 9 times and also cut other places, but they didn't make any marks, thank god! I only told my friends about the cutting, so I scared them... Sorry guys, oh and by the way my friends were: Katy, Alicja, Klaudia and Natalie! 3/4 a way through the year Megan and Natalie came over too mine too hang out, me and Megan played truth or dare, it got outta hand and it got sexual and nasty, it embarrassed me soo much... Let's just say Megan has seen places on my body YOU may never see! ;( she told Alicja, the one person I would die not to know about it, I told Katy because I knew Katy wouldn't judge me and she wouldn't go on at me about it, but with Alicja I was scared because at the time I loved her! Soo.. Yeah.. You will know how that feels, maybe!
    year 7:
    I finally found where I belong... I'm happy now!
    Year 8:
    This year is mow, I'm 13 and happy, smiling, still depressed with a few problems but happy never the less.... I am still extremely haunting, angry and revenge hungry but best not to hold a grudge... I'm still extremely insecure but nevermind!

  12. Alexisiscool Alexisiscool
    posted a quote
    August 4, 2013 12:03pm UTC
    My story year 4: I had a fine teacher ,who made me a better pupil and kinda helped me a lot, she inspired me into been a better person, I actually felt happy, but the bullying continued.... I spent most of my time online.... Which meant I had become an outcast... New pupils had joined our school, Miriam, alicja, calcium and tai. A year later column left too go else where... Along with Miriam... School got harSh but year 4 was the best year I have too say... But.... I was only young when a guy took advantage of me online, I was gullible. I didn't know this guy but he made me feel good and happy... But what was sadder was that he lied to me for my I can't say this since it will cause me too cry... He used me and then threw it back in my face causing me too cry every night.... But this went onto year 5 and well.... He hurt me and damaged my trust... So don't expect anything joyful...
    Year 5:
    Okay, this year was the worst year of my life, the bullying got worse and worse too the point where I needed consoling again, I was depressed and started too hurt myself....I had 100000000000 flaws and I was suicidal, I was torturing my hatred strong... I had no one! My only friend kept ditching me, and leaving me... I was left for dead! I talked to childline and soon enough a police officer came round, sent by ceop. It wasn't just suicidalneepss, I also felt haunted, i had horrid memories which added to myself hatred... I started wanting too kill myself soo much more! I cried myself too sleep, I started going crazy, I was lost in my s3xu4lly aswell. I felt confused, s3xu4lly.. I had developed easily which meant... Well... I had trouble been in control of myself! I often got into trouble. One time I choked someone, I didn't even realize what I was doing... It was scary too know I could of killed someone... Oh god that horrific image.... I want cry right now, but nevermind... the only thing I thought was good was that my teacher, who was the nicest person ever! Helped me discover I needed glasses, THANKS MISS!

  13. Alexisiscool Alexisiscool
    posted a quote
    August 4, 2013 11:58am UTC
    My story. Year/grade 2/3:
    Yay, still seeing the consuliour, and another 2 years of hell.. We had the same teacher of two years! I would often have a tantrum... I would storm off, and sometimes people would bug me! I had been made fun or a lot, since I was different. I had also a short attention span, I hated every lesson and at that point I should of known my times tables but sadly nope... Since I was such a bad kid, who punched people....which I didn't... I got bored easily and well, sometimes I would stay in the bathroom... One unfortunate day I was playing on the playground when I younger boy started torment me (year 2) I decided to ignore him and walk away, later I was brought inside, the headmaster at the time was there, angrily glaring down at me, her eyes hissing at me... I wanted to cry, because that same boy was standing there with his friend saying I had choked him... At which I had not but the accusion caused me to lock my self in the girls bathroom crying yelling " I didn't do it" yet... His friend, who obviously knew I hadn't done it, said I had sticking up for his friends.. Thoughts went in my mind about the dreadful things I could do to them, like burn the word 'liar' into their backs, I was punished, but still I refused to leave the girls bathroom! One year later the anger had grown stronger and stronger, now I was psychopathic, and sociopathic! Anger turned my stomach inside out! end of year three, my consuliour was up at the front of the hall receiving flowers because, she, herself, was retiring... And leaving me, I cried for three days straight...

  14. Alexisiscool Alexisiscool
    posted a quote
    August 4, 2013 11:54am UTC
    My life story year/grade 1:
    I tried my very best to behave, but people judged me unfairly so as of last year. I acted the same. With screaming, shouting and trying to eat people's heads off.. Heehee..yeah...the good times :) I often enjoyed going on trips, like the sea life centre where a snake wrapped itself around my necking, almost choking me and my aunts and uncles dog sat on my face... Hahahhahahaha! I started t notice, that, life was a load of poo... My parents argued a lot and I would suffer some what... I still saw the consoliour, but didnt help me too much! I did make a few more friends, which was a bonus for me! Okay I made one other friend... And I had a little boyfriend, well friendship with a boy... :)... Jordan and Katy were my two new friends, but soon after making new friends... I well got into an arguement... Megan started teasing me one day and well I had too stand on the wall, Megan still proceeded to mock me so I threw something at her, then I got into big trouble! Grrr! By one dinner lady I was tort like a monster, but whatever she meant nothing too me! moving on, one lady who used to serve us lunch used to force us too eat everything on our plate, if we didn't she would shove it down our mouthes. Yucky!

  15. dancegurliee dancegurliee
    posted a quote
    July 19, 2013 4:17pm UTC
    when i was in 5th grade
    we had this presentation on how your body changes when you get older and there was a doctor there to ask question and one girl forgot what bo.obs were called so she called them "human milkers"

  16. lost dreamer* lost dreamer*
    posted a quote
    June 21, 2013 2:45pm UTC
    funny, isn't it?
    i never listened when they said be careful what you wish for.
    I just kept hoping I'd one day be in the same grade as him and maybe then I'd have a a chance.
    well got what I wanted,
    just on the wron g side of the world.
    ...it's not funny.

  17. Fαy Στylες* Fαy Στylες*
    posted a quote
    June 12, 2013 4:41pm UTC
    If someone you know forever tells you they like, you grab them and never let them go
    'Cause they knew how you looked in
    6th grade and still like you.

  18. blondieblue12 blondieblue12
    posted a quote
    May 19, 2013 8:17pm UTC
    Math Class:
    My friend: Do you EVER check homework?
    teacher: no. we are not allowed to count it towards your grade anymore.
    Me: So your telling me, I have been doing the homework everyday for NO REASON?!

  19. Hale_Storm18 Hale_Storm18
    posted a quote
    May 17, 2013 3:59pm UTC
    Life is unfair. You put someone first who puts you second. You study your
    a.ss off for a final and you only get a C. You give 110% to someone in a relationship who only gives 40%. You're there for a best friend at 3:00am and the next day they don't pick up the phone. It seems you're giving everyone everything and they're just walking away with it.

  20. nativebaby nativebaby
    posted a quote
    May 10, 2013 12:42pm UTC
    That moment when you in the best mood then
    you walk into math class and get yelled at for a bad grade.
    Very depressing


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