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Best Feet Quotes Today

  1. Hale_Storm18 Hale_Storm18
    posted a quote
    May 4, 2013 1:47pm UTC
    Have you ever tried going down the stairs
    on all fours? Don't.

  2. Jahyvie Jahyvie
    posted a quote
    January 25, 2013 7:29pm UTC
    Interviewer: He's got tiny hands, thats why he's got a tiny guitar.
    Ed Sheeran: Big feet though.

  3. Zorox Zorox
    posted a quote
    August 14, 2014 3:28am UTC
    Dance with your heart
    and your feet will follow.

  4. desperado* desperado*
    posted a quote
    May 6, 2013 6:32pm UTC
    feet don't fail me now
    Take me to the finish line
    All my heart, it breaks every step that I take
    format by

  5. CharliesTheName CharliesTheName
    posted a quote
    August 13, 2013 8:15pm UTC
    What the heck is up with toes?
    They don't do anything.
    They're just....there.

  6. kiwi* kiwi*
    posted a quote
    May 8, 2013 5:47pm UTC
    Next time I'll be free but my own savior
    standing on my own two feet

  7. macdaddy118 macdaddy118
    posted a quote
    December 6, 2015 4:44pm UTC
    Used to be running
    through my mind
    Now you're jogging
    Now you're just walking
    And footsteps lightly
    Until they start to fade away
    And all I hear is silence

  8. musicure musicure
    posted a quote
    February 1, 2016 12:31pm UTC
    I walked across
    an empty land,
    I knew the pathway like the back of my hand
    I felt the earth
    beneath my feet,
    Sat by the river and it made me complete

  9. Ninja918 Ninja918
    posted a quote
    November 26, 2013 6:08pm UTC
    That mini heart attack you get when your foot misses a step.

  10. of_mice_and_lucifer* of_mice_and_lucifer*
    posted a quote
    October 24, 2013 5:25pm UTC
    One day I will accept the fact that guys have feet.
    Today is not that day.

  11. AutumnSadness AutumnSadness
    posted a quote
    October 13, 2013 2:48pm UTC
    they say you have to have a stand in life with both feet on the ground
    but I just want to drift with the wind and see everything the wind sees

  12. mtndewhm* mtndewhm*
    posted a quote
    October 4, 2013 7:55pm UTC
    So there's this guy in my town who wears like short shorts and crop tops and he's old and he has like a major foot fetish. Like if a woman wears sandals and he sees them he will actaully attack their feet and oh my god what I need to move.

  13. clearlytruthful clearlytruthful
    posted a quote
    January 26, 2013 6:59pm UTC
    Would you rather have:
    ( ) creativity
    ( )smarts
    ( )athletic ability

  14. Ralph* Ralph*
    posted a quote
    April 18, 2013 6:42pm UTC
    My heart plunges to the bottom of my feet when someone spoils a book for me.
    Novels are an escape for just a few moments, stripping away all your worry &misery.
    It is an adventure you have not yourself experienced exactly as the protagonist has.
    It is a piece of life that will make you laugh and cry over people that do not exist.
    The book itself along with the characters can be there for you when nobody else is.
    The book can have a meaning to you afterwards.
    Novels are a gift, a simple piece of literature that makes you listen with your eyes.
    My heart demands an apology when it is taken from what could have been an adventure.

  15. musicure musicure
    posted a quote
    June 24, 2016 3:42pm UTC
    take me down to the paradise city
    where the grass is green and
    the girls are pretty

  16. converse_girl17 converse_girl17
    posted a quote
    October 14, 2013 9:06pm UTC
    I can brush my hair with my feet, apparently that's weird..

  17. deleted* deleted*
    posted a quote
    July 5, 2013 2:41pm UTC
    May your feet serve you well and the rest be sent to hell
    Where they always have belonged, cold hearts brew colder songs
    Fate will weigh us out with a song of pure romance
    Stomp your feet and clap your hands

  18. clearlytruthful clearlytruthful
    posted a quote
    January 26, 2013 7:04pm UTC
    It's always darkest before the dawn
    I've been a fool and I've been blind
    i have left everything bbehind
    I can see no way I can see no way
    its hard to dance with a devil n your back so shake him off woowahoooo

  19. coolsuperstarz coolsuperstarz
    posted a quote
    September 13, 2013 11:01am UTC
    If my feet were happy,
    Would they call me
    Happy Feet?♥

  20. emilygm* emilygm*
    posted a quote
    June 24, 2013 10:20am UTC
    You know you're a dancer when...
    You see a non-dancer with great feet and think, "What a waste..."


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