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Best Bio Quotes Ever

  1. CharliesTheName CharliesTheName
    posted a quote
    November 19, 2013 4:40pm UTC
    Me: *looking through my profile*
    Me: *notices my bio says "happy summer"
    Me: *realizes it's November 19th*
    Me: ......
    Me: I'll change it later

  2. tomcatt tomcatt
    posted a quote
    October 15, 2013 5:05pm UTC
    Bio Time
    My name is Tommy. I am 17 years old and 6'3ish, and I am a Junior in highschool. My birthday is June 2nd, 1996. (You are all invited to my birthday party). I'm single. I have a brother named Mike who is 23 and divorced parents. I love Alabama. I like country music and rap music(when I'm with friends). I go to an all-boys Catholic school. I'm pretty respectful to girls and I like to talk about myself, obviously^^^^^^^^.
    I play soccer on three teams. And my favorite color is green. Got any questions? ask aawway

  3. seeinggrayinacoloredworld seeinggrayinacoloredworld
    posted a quote
    May 22, 2013 10:11pm UTC
    my bio teacher: thats a lovely picture of acid rain
    me:i can honestly say ive never heard that before
    woody:no one cares
    my bio teacher: woody no cares about you, shut up

  4. Dudu* Dudu*
    posted a quote
    May 13, 2015 4:42am UTC
    A teacher who I thought didn't like me much called me sweet, considerate and kind, the other day. It was just a small comment, but I'm not someone who is used to getting compliments so I haven't forgotten it. To add onto that I had a presentation today that I was really nervous about, and I turned out to be one of the top two. The teacher also mentioned that I sounded really confident and at ease while presenting, which was the complete opposite of how I was feeling, so I'm just so happy right now. I don't know why I'm posting this here, but I guess I just want to document this so I can look at it when I feel like I'm not good enough. I'm just so hard on myself and sometimes I need a little encouragement so yeah. Thanks Mrs Khan and Mr Mahmoud! I may have brushed off those comments but I love you more for them! :)

  5. khalifur khalifur
    posted a quote
    February 11, 2013 8:19am UTC
    ♥geogia carol wood.
    year 8, artist, leicester.
    music is life. photography&&drawing are my passions.
    wiz khalifa.kid ink.odd future.tyler the creator.kid cud.kendrick lamar.

  6. tigersforever tigersforever
    posted a quote
    April 18, 2013 7:39pm UTC
    Today in bio, my science teacher asked: what did we talk about yesterday?
    Drew: uh reproduction.
    Teacher: Right its all about makein babies.
    Whole class: *bursts out laughing*
    Mak: MR.FINLEY!

  7. Yall need jesus* Yall need jesus*
    posted a quote
    November 7, 2013 5:59pm UTC
    Only when the last tree has died and the last river has been poisoned and the last fish been caught will we realize we cannot eat money.

  8. mtndewhm* mtndewhm*
    posted a quote
    January 7, 2014 11:47am UTC
    It's -3 degrees out right now and I don't have a boyfriend so no cuddles for me and my dog looks kind of mad at me tbh i think it's because I haven't fed him or watered him but it's not my fault the damn pipes froze oops I'm bored I should probably be doing my bio homework since I'm failing but oh well who needs bio am i right

  9. MayaLorinda MayaLorinda
    posted a quote
    May 16, 2013 10:18am UTC
    That awkward moment when...
    An awkward moment quote isn't that awkward.

  10. _Suhaannna_ _Suhaannna_
    posted a quote
    September 3, 2013 9:06pm UTC
    HAIii , Ermm I am Suhana and I am 15 years old ^o^ .. I ish gonna turn 16 on January 24th so dont forget to wish me Happy birthday jk xD .. I made this cause my frnd told me to and i had to cause I love her >:D and fine me in Stardoll my username ish Suhana. Dont forget the period xD mmk bye

  11. CloudyWithAChanceOfDeath CloudyWithAChanceOfDeath
    posted a quote
    November 10, 2013 11:05pm UTC
    I have spent the past hour re-writing my bio
    and I'm still not happy with it...
    At least I fixed up my profile tho!

  12. Crazy girl* Crazy girl*
    posted a quote
    June 17, 2014 1:50pm UTC
    How do people write an auto biography? I can barley remember what I had for lunch yesterday.

  13. mtndewhm* mtndewhm*
    posted a quote
    September 3, 2013 9:03pm UTC
    Friendly reminder: If you ever need to talk I have my kik on my bio, and if I have wifi I will get back to you right away and if I'm somewhere without wifi I will get back to you as soon as I have it.

  14. Dudu* Dudu*
    posted a quote
    September 6, 2014 8:42am UTC
    I've decided to take all the three sciences next year. Let's hope I don't lose my mind along the way.

  15. clearlytruthful clearlytruthful
    posted a quote
    October 31, 2013 5:06pm UTC
    Happy Halloween to you all!
    So I know I haven't blogged in a while cuz nothing really happened. Over the weekend I got to meet jack white from the white stripes at his recording studio, he even signed my book for school. So x and I hadn't talked at lunch for two weeks or so but on Tuesday that changed. We had texted Sunday night and everything was cool. Monday was OK we only talked I'm bio like we had been for the past two weeks. During the day though we had made awkward eye contact a couple of times. On Tuesday we made awkward eye contact like 5 times, and after having another one at lunch he came over and talked. Yesterday he came over again and we talked for the whole time at lunch. in elgish thismoring i had a grammar test and x and i turned in are tests at the same time, like always. towards the end of the class he turned arounf\d and stared at me i was really confused untill i realised that he had never seen me with makeup on.Today he came over again today and omehow my friend and x and i were talking and got to the point of sarcastily "YOU WANNA GO!" shouting. x grabbed my hand and put it on his chest and was shouting at my friend see she has to told me back and this point i hit him in the stoumach with my free hand but was really fun. my friend couldnt stop saying how beautiful i looked today because i actually wore makeup and it was kinda getting annoying but its fun to change things up now and then. was like, " if i was a lesbian i would go for you man!" two more of my friends said this to and i broke out laughing. at the end of lunch x comented on my outgoigness because im usually really quite. in religion we slipt onto little groups to do questions from our books and as soon as our teachwer staopped talking x said my name and i already knew he ment hey i wanna be in a group with you! it only lasted a copuple of minutes but it was fun. in bio we had a lab to do and i was with my friends\ who sits behind me as always. before class though x asked m about my eating nd i had to explane how i dont have food at home that i can bring to school and he was like, then let me buy you food!, but i was like no. you will not buy me food. whn class started there were two stations set up because we had to fill tubes with chemichals and the whole class crowded around them. somehow x managed to get next to me t both of the stations and "needed my heklp" to tie off a plastic tube thingy.after class the tree of us were alking and h asked me if he should be superman tonight( for halloween duh) and in my head i was like" no bbut you could me my man" but i jmust said you dont have a costume yet? he went to chack if he made the bbal team after class and i could tell by the look on his face going back to his locker that he didnt make it.
    tonight i get to scare the crap out of small children by wearing all black and hiding in the bushes next to my front door, and screeaming at people. afte that im going to watch the walking dead with my sister.my friends said i lived to far away for them to come to my house ut yet its not to far away for me to go to their houses, idk so im gonna be alone tongight but thats ok i guess.

  16. clearlytruthful clearlytruthful
    posted a quote
    November 11, 2013 5:59pm UTC
    So today was ok. X and Talked before first period about how I was" jelly" that he watched the hobbit yeasterdya( nerd probs) after lunch he sat next to my friend at the picnic table but that's ok I guess. Its so hard not to be jealous but I think I'm doing ok cuz its natural. We started talking about hair and my friend was like OMG feel xs hair its so soft. I was like ya I know. X gave me a look like half funny half creeper out and asked me when I had felt it. I responded with saying, remember the homecingin football game. He blushed a little and it said oh ya but it was really cute. Anyway in religion we talked a little before the bell rang. But he came into the room and put his hand half on my face half on my hair, idk. After religion I always wait for one of my friends and walk with her to the next class. She told me that x got really scared about me eating today and that he told her that she was like a sky kinda to make sure that I eat. She said that was before religion so maybe that's why he talked to me but again idk. In bio I walked In to find x sitting on the top of my desk, which is kinda usual now.we talked but he didn't ask me about eating, but I he kept looking over at me like he wanted to say something. As I said today was ok, nothing really big happened but I feel really guilty now because I don't want him to worry about me.


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