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90skids Quotes

  1. xNeonCookiiex xNeonCookiiex
    posted a quote
    December 21, 2013 6:19am UTC
    Remember when witty used to be witty?When top quotes had over 1000 likes, when everyone used to be friends? Now its got the new generation on it, W I T T Y I S N ' T T H E S A M E A N Y M O R E

  2. BravoSierra BravoSierra
    posted a quote
    December 18, 2013 4:07pm UTC
    90s kids know true excitement
    when you open your new VHS and it isn't black.

  3. someoneinhiding someoneinhiding
    posted a quote
    November 23, 2013 7:00pm UTC
    Me and my friend: *sing rejected song from zoey 101*
    Me: OMG. People are going to think we are crazy.
    Her: Why?
    Me: We are like those people in movies that somehow start singing and know all the words and the dance moves.
    Her: We don't sing and dance.
    Me: No we just sing and terrorize.
    Her: True.

  4. KassieKiss KassieKiss
    posted a quote
    October 6, 2013 8:37pm UTC

  5. 5teenagedirtbags 5teenagedirtbags
    posted a quote
    September 17, 2013 6:22pm UTC
    Put 100 kids in a room...
    Then kill 10...
    Now only 90 kids will remember this.

  6. breezy_mac breezy_mac
    posted a quote
    August 25, 2013 8:28am UTC
    Only 90's kids will remember this

  7. 24601* 24601*
    posted a quote
    August 10, 2013 10:15pm UTC
    Human: Reblog if you were born in between 1990-1999, the last generation with common sense.
    Me: Hurtful....

  8. SammyPajammy SammyPajammy
    posted a quote
    August 10, 2013 7:16pm UTC
    only 90's kids remember yahoo's old logo design.

  9. Vic Fuentes* Vic Fuentes*
    posted a quote
    July 22, 2013 3:53am UTC
    "No mom,
    they're not online strangers and pedophiles, they are in the same fandom as me.
    We basically share everything."

  10. mtndewhm* mtndewhm*
    posted a quote
    July 18, 2013 6:01pm UTC
    I would like to congradulate the '90s kids for being the proudest about their generation for no apparent reason.

  11. NEM0 NEM0
    posted a quote
    July 5, 2013 5:13pm UTC
    December 31, 11:59PM, Year 1999.
    *A woman is giving birth at a hospital*
    Doctor: "Hurry up. I want this child to be able to make a '90's kid' reference."

  12. ladybu272 ladybu272
    posted a quote
    June 9, 2013 9:54pm UTC
    YOU'RE FROM THE 70's BUT I'M A 90's

  13. kelseyy_alexandra kelseyy_alexandra
    posted a quote
    May 12, 2013 1:38am UTC
    All the "90's kids" quotes are always only about the great TV shows, is that all you guys did ?

  14. Dollface22 Dollface22
    posted a quote
    April 29, 2013 9:00pm UTC
    Cuz I know you really want me
    I hear your friends talk about me
    So why're you tryin' to do without me
    When you got me
    When you want me?

  15. yourcool yourcool
    posted a quote
    April 28, 2013 7:33pm UTC
    shoutout to the 90s kids
    for being the most annoying generation out there.

  16. crazylifelover crazylifelover
    posted a quote
    April 16, 2013 9:18pm UTC
    can you imagine when your future kids ask
    when you were born and you're just like, oh. last millenuim.
    yeah 90's kids!

  17. gab* gab*
    posted a quote
    March 23, 2013 5:53pm UTC
    but seriously i think it's weird how the younger half of kids born in the 90's are a bunch of hormonal teenagers who think they're the coolest for being born in the 90's and then the older half aren't even kids and are in college and might even be starting a family

  18. gab* gab*
    posted a quote
    March 23, 2013 4:42pm UTC
    wow the 90's nostalgia. those good old days when i used to make 90,000 dollars a year. now i only make around 60k

  19. unionjlittlemix unionjlittlemix
    posted a quote
    February 23, 2013 12:50pm UTC
    I feel left out. I'm not a 90s kid. It's like all of you 90s kids have a big group and I'm just sitting here being a boring 00's kid

  20. WouldYouLikeSomePopsiclesInMyBasement WouldYouLikeSomePopsiclesInMyBasement
    posted a quote
    January 26, 2013 3:42pm UTC
    So it basically seems like everyone hates disney channel and Nickelodeon. I kinda agree.
    They are supposed to be kid programs but nothing ever takes place in an elementary
    school. Everything is in high school. (Ironic) .
    But hey, at least cartoon network is still standing ! xD


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