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Guys: uh why do girls care so much about being skinny? it's so annoying
Guys: eww fat chicks

why do girls care so much about shopping and romance and nail polish ugh it's so stupid
ew crazy butch lesbian manly feminazis they need to be feminine ugh

why do girls wear makeup they look so much better without it
Guys: eww you look gross are you sick?? tired?? Dying???                                       

Guys: haha girls suck at math/science/sports
Guys: a girl who does math/science/sports? well? get back in the kitchen b/tch thats not gonna get u a husband

Guys: why are girls so sensitive when we look at their boobs and stuff cmon lighten up
Guys: oh my god a gay guy just hit on me how f/cking disgusting what a creeper doesn't he have any boundaries??
Next Quote >

Guys: uh why do girls care so much about being skinny? it's

59 faves · 16 comments · Aug 4, 2014 3:07pm





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Zorox · 9 years ago
I know a guy who is nicer than most girls. I know another guy who would beat you up if you look at him wrong. I know a girl who cries when other people get hurt. I know a girl who would drag you through the mud by your hair, and then step on you. I know a guy who is one person one day, and a totally different person the next. I know a guy who you can always predict his reaction, good or bad. I know a girl who has constant mood swings and you never know if she's going to love you or hate you today. I know a girl who won't even look at you if she doesn't like what you're wearing.

I'm just saying everyone's different in their own way, and stereotypes shouldn't exist.
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* Sabaism * · 9 years ago
Here's the thing
There are guys who like girls based off of their personalities, not their weight
There are guys who don't care if they're girly or a tomboy
There are guys who like girls with or without makeup
There are A LOT of guys who find intelligence a turn on
There are guys that don't look at boobs and all that jazz.

All I ever see on Witty (When it comes to guys) is quotes about how terrible ALL guys are. Granted, no guy is perfect, I'm not trying to say we are. But no one is perfect.

I understand the point of this quote is to express your rage and all towards what is going on in your life, but you need to know this isn't true in every single male.

And if you wanna go with stereotypes then think about it this way,
Girls want tone guys with muscles, not fat guys
Girls want guys that dress well but find it 'gay' when they do
Girls want guys that look attractive
Girls want guys that are smart, sporty, has money, etc.etc.
Girls want guys who are sensitive, but not too sensitive.
You and I know that that isn't the case for every single girl because guess what, everyone is different. Everyone has things they like and things they don't like. It's part of being human.

I'm sorry for this long rant, I guess I'm just sorta sick of being offended like 25/7 over quotes about how bad ALL guys are. I'm not saying some guys aren't douches because there are jerks out there, but for every guy who is a jerk, there is a woman who is a jerk as well.

Oh and just for the record, most gay guys don't hit on every guy they see.
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swagmasta · 9 years ago
Damit, not all guys are like that! >.<
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SimpleStrength · 9 years ago
Try to be fair now, honey. It sucks that guys can be like this, but girls can be just as horrible.
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DanielaMN · 9 years ago
WOW, that's so true!
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brightvampierqueen · 9 years ago
so true ^
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FriendZoned · 9 years ago
The male of the species aren't always the bad guys. You can flip this around as easily as 123.

Girls: He has to have personality, and heart, looks aren't everything.
Girls: Eww, he's ugly, who cares if he's sweet?

Girls: I like geeks.
Girls: Eww, not that kind of geeks.

Girls: I like a guy with a sense of humor.
Girls: He's not funny, he's a moron.

Catch my drift?
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Amazing*Panda* · 9 years ago
lol. ya, im not that kinda girl... at all!! but I know some who r
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Hale_Storm18 · 9 years ago
lol if a girl says anything like that she's criticized and called a b.tch

and if a girl says something like this / rejects a guy for any reason there is a change she'll be harassed and possibly murdered

ofc you prob won't believe this bc you actually believe that friendzoning is real
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ᴏɴᴄᴇ-ᴜᴘᴏɴ-ᴀ-ᴍɪᴅsᴜᴍᴍᴇʀ-ᴍᴏʀɴɪɴɢ* · 9 years ago
Omfg I love you; you are fabulous.
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FriendZoned · 9 years ago
NOT ALL MEN ARE FREAKING MURDERING MANIACS is all I'm trying to say in return! Yes, there are men like that, but to associate yourself with men like that in the first place is your fault! And yes, friendzoning IS real. GO TO MY GODAMN PROFILE AND READ IT, damit!
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Hale_Storm18 · 9 years ago
"not all men"

there is a bowl of m&m's. 90% are normal, 10% are poisonous. would you reach into that bowl? no? bUT NOT ALL M&M'S!!1!!

ah yes of a woman is murdered it's her fault for associating herself with those sort of people. ofc it's the woman's fault. it's our fault if we're r.aped, assaulted, and/or murdered.

and no it's not. a woman is not obliged to date you or give you s.ex just bc you're nice to her and her friend.
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FriendZoned · 9 years ago
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AtmosFEAR · 9 years ago
Yeah, this goes both ways. Just tryna shine some light on it, cause it's been happening to me a lot.
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FriendZoned · 9 years ago
Try to take it both ways, okay? Not all guys are jerks, you know. :)
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dropdead* · 9 years ago
oh my god. this is true.
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