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4 faves · 17 comments · Jan 1, 1970 12:00am




Kaleidoscope Eyed* · 1 decade ago
break up with him and send a pizza to his house already paid for IF hes upset
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mtndewhm* · 1 decade ago
Tell him the truth, I'd probably say something like "I like someone else, and me and you never get to see each other, so I just think its better for both of us if we just end it now."
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Sapphire101 · 1 decade ago
on a more serious note, tell him the truth, i'm sure he'll understand. Bu whatever happens DO NOT use :
it's not you it's me.
let's stay friends
or my personal favourite - we just need to see other people.
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Sapphire101 · 1 decade ago
buy him pizza, he'll be upset but, it's pizza so, he'll get over it :)
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HoppyFrog4 · 1 decade ago
Just be honest, good luck :)
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darkeyeangel · 1 decade ago
don't tell him about this "someone else"
just don't ...
be tactful
meet up
it helps to see the honesty in someone's face; to see they do care about you and they don't want to hurt you.

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rebecca* · 1 decade ago
First I wanna say I'm so glad you recognise you cannot do this through a text because that happened to me recently and it just, to put it bluntly is crap. It's utter crap.
Be as kind about it as you can, but be honest.
Unless you think somewhere deep down that there is a chance of getting back together, make sure he knows it is definitely over but that that doesn't mean there are any hard feelings between you. It just isn't working any more and it's not his fault, it just is the way it is.
It's also a really bad idea to continue the conversation for a long time or to talk a lot after it happens because it makes it hard on both of you.
That isn't to say if he calls just ignore it, if you feel up to answering, go on and talk but make it short. And short doesn't mean cold.

I dunno, that may have been sh/t advice but from my experiences that's the best way to handle it and the way I ***wish*** the people who have broken up with me in the past had done it.

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*Elena;~ ♥* · 1 decade ago
Awh, I'm sorry you have to go through this.
You probably don't want advice from a total stranger, but oh well!

So, his name is Jim? Do you think that he still really likes you? Maybe he feels the same way, and that could be why the relationship is going no where.

I'm sorry you're going through this. :/ :/ But everything will be okay, don't worry. Just tell him that you feel like the relationship isn't how you wanted it to be, like you guys don't talk, don't hang out, you know.

About the girl you like, tell him that you feel like he's drifting away, and that you think you might be too. (Okay that sounded harsh sorry!)

He has Strep Throat? I guess you should call him, but first text him asking if you can talk, and it might be a long convo, so make sure you call at a good time, and if it's short, then call when you can.

If any of your friends are around, ask them to kinda tell him. (That's even more harsh, nevermind.)

Let this girl know how you feel, but tell her you're with someone else, but it's complicated. Don't lost hope though, everything will work out. I promise.

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capsized* · 1 decade ago
Be honest with him. Sure, he's gonna be p.o.'d at first, who wouldn't be, but he'll appreciate your honesty and that you didn't just string him along while your heart was with the girl.
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BrokenTwilight · 1 decade ago
I think you should try to explain that you'd rather be friends and talk and do stuff all the time instead of being together and not doing anything at all, idk :/ Orr you could just tell him flat out, how you feel. He'll appreciate that you don't want to hurt him because of the girl you like. So erm yeah advice sucks >.<
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BrokenTwilight · 1 decade ago
..and i just realised what i wrote is completely incoherent ^-^
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hiimawkward247* · 1 decade ago
The longer you wait, the more it's going to hurt the both of you. Call him. give him your reasons. Say its not his fault but you just met someone new. Tell him not to get obsessed and second guess everything you ever said and did for him. tell him that at the moment you meant everything. Tell him you didn't mean to hurt him. Then tell him that the only way his heart is going to repair is when he loves again
tell him let's just be friends because there is no way that won't be awkward for both of you.
tell him its not him, its you. or he deserves better. I love you, im just not in love with you.
those words hurt a lot.
But only break up with him if you know for sure you're over him completely and that you're truly into this new girl.

Hope all goes well. and hope this helped
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CharliesTheName · 1 decade ago
Thanks. That helped a bit. I'm going to call him later. Of course I texted him and I'm going to ask what's up to make sure he's not out with his family or something and then I'm going to call.
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Fading.From.Reality* · 1 decade ago
*sorry not me, him :S
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Fading.From.Reality* · 1 decade ago
well I read that in one of your old quotes about Jim and this girl, to be honest, if your relation ship was going nowhere, just tell me that, see what he thinks about it. I'm not sure about how you can talk to him because of his throat, sorry if this was crap advise :')
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Oniichan · 1 decade ago
Wait until his sore throat is gone...then you can call him? sorry if this isnt the best
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CharliesTheName · 1 decade ago
Well I know I'm not going to wait because I decided that if I like someone and it's not just a little "she's cute" thing then I should break off what I have with Jim, and I'm sure about it.
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