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Status: idek, ed's perfect, ok? bye.

Member Since: 24 Apr 2012 12:58pm

Last Seen: 15 Jun 2014 10:02am

Location: inside ed.

user id: 294730

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and we danced all night to the best song ever. 

Beckaaaaaaaaaaaa; Follow my sisterfromanovamister :o She's an absolute LEGEND. Her and her..... Carrot>;) So we're working on a story together, be sure to read it, thanks pals. Mwaah if you do... Back on topic- Beckaaaa, Ahh yeaah, she's mines, try hurting her? I'll heavily disfigure your face, make sure you live the rest of your life with one arm and everytime you sit down, there'll be a very sharp pain in your butt (: 
Twitter: @calfromda_h0od 
Wattpad: its_sapphy

If you follow any of these, I lovyou ^^ x


  1. Sapphire101 Sapphire101
    posted a quote
    August 2, 2013 5:59am UTC
    Omfg, I was looking through the recent quotes and my mum just walked into my room so I panicked,
    and closed every tab and then closed my laptop really quick and my mum just sort of gave me this look and omfg I think she thinks I was watching p.orn, oh god.

  2. Sapphire101 Sapphire101
    posted a quote
    July 31, 2013 9:50am UTC
    Does anyone else keep clicking the 'preview quote' button,
    purely to see the faves and comments number go up?

  3. Sapphire101 Sapphire101
    posted a quote
    July 31, 2013 9:47am UTC
    A lot of people have been getting hate for their opinions.
    I don't see how anyone thinks that's right. If someone makes a quote stating their opinion, you don't have the right to insult/critisize them for it. Equally, you don't have the right to make a quote where you state your opinion but it's insulting idols/beliefs/religions/a person because we're all human, we all have opinions and we won't all have the same opinion. But that doesn't mean we can't try to understand each other. People are hating each other because of their differences. Since when has that been the right thing to do? I'm not saying you can't make a quote stating your opinion and how you feel because it's your witty account, do whatever you want, but be mindful of others because we all share this website and it's better to just get along. Be grateful we have Witty where we can vent/rant/share stories and quotes. This is a privelage and some of you guys are abusing it. Just needed to get that off my chest. I don't mean to offend anyone with this.

  4. Sapphire101 Sapphire101
    posted a quote
    July 24, 2013 11:42am UTC
    I'm thinking of writing a story...
    It's not a sob story of such, it's more of a teen fiction/humour kind of story. Idk, we haven't had a witty story in a while and I just had a great idea for a story so I want to share it with you guys. It's called 50 Shades of Violet.
    Here's a preview :))
    Meet Ryan, typical American bad boy who is absolutely loved and adored. He has girls, friends, and parents who are filthy rich. Did I mention he's stunning? Well he is. Dark hair and light eyes. Cheekbones and abs. He's got it all. including the bit.chy a.ss girlfriend, Hanna, who by the way, lives up to her evil standards. I'm telling you, she's 5"3 of pure evil. Her dad could be satan, but he's not.
    And then there's me. Hi, I'm er, Violet. Yeah, not appealing whatsoever. I'm pretty average. Not pretty, not ugly. Blonde hair and blue eyes. *yawn. Oh and I have two best friends, *mrs popular or whaaaaaat* or what. Ahem, anyway, There's Toby and Ellie. My two best friends since birth. Yeah, that's life. Anyway, I live with my mum and my twin brother who by the way, is a jock. Part of the popular crowd. Oh I know, my life just keeps on getting better. Realise how I didn't mention my dad, oh yeah, maybe because he hates me and my brother so much, he ran away. Eloped, to be exact, yep. With my second grade teacher. I know, my life is pure bliss.
    Yeah, totally normal life, oh and guess what. I now work for Ryan as a tutor because his dumb a.ss, (se.xy nonetheless) is failing every fu.cking class. Yep, another one of my perks, I swear like a sailor. Charming, I know. Anyway, that's my story. Oh how blessed I am. Thanks Jesus. Note the sarcasm.
    So that's the story line basically. I hope you guys want to read this book, I quite enjoy writing it and I hope you'll enjoy reading it :)
    Feedback, and comment after every chapter, and comment for reminder c: xx

  5. Sapphire101 Sapphire101
    posted a quote
    July 3, 2013 4:47pm UTC
    Idek bro, survey.
    1)What is your full name? Sapphire
    2)When is your birthday? 10/09/199_
    3)Who do you live with? Mum, three little bothers and two younger sisters.
    4)What do you do for school and work? school, year 10. CCSE's ugh.
    5)What music do you listen to the most? Pretty much everything. I listen to all types of music..
    6)Do you like to read? If so...favorite book(s)? I love to read and it has to be Stolen by Lucy Christopher
    (READ IT!)
    7)Name your 3 closest friends. Which one is your very best friend? Becky, Corinne and Kerena (and Ellie) Becky because I tell her everything. I don't hide anything from her and I trust her with everything and basically my life.
    8)How often do you really "go out"? Depends on my mood. If I'm happy I'll go out three maybe four times a week. If I'm in a bad mood I won't go out at all.
    9)Have you ever lost anyone you loved? Yes.
    10)Ever been in true love? Not yet.
    11)On a scale of 1-5 how organized are you? about a 4. Depends on what..
    12)Do you excercise regularly? If so, how often? Yeah, half an hour everyday and I play rounders & football.
    13)What is your zodiac sign? Virgo
    14)Have any nick names? If so, what? Sapphypoo, Sapphy, Sapph.
    15)Name a couple of T.V. shows you watch a lot? PLL, Twisted, Teen Wolf (what) Russell Howard's Good News and idek what else, o.

  6. Sapphire101 Sapphire101
    posted a quote
    July 3, 2013 2:30am UTC
    Me: I'll be on Witty for 5 minutes.
    *a loooooong time later*
    Mum: Holy sh.t Sapph it's 2094 please get of your laprop.
    Me: 5 more minutes.

  7. Sapphire101 Sapphire101
    posted a quote
    June 28, 2013 4:59pm UTC
    Do you ever have those days when all you want to do is listen to really old songs
    and just soak up their memories and lyrics and just sit there the whole day, until you fall asleep?

  8. Sapphire101 Sapphire101
    posted a quote
    June 28, 2013 3:56pm UTC
    Only know you've been high when you're feeling low,
    Only hate the road when you're missing home.
    Only know you love when you let her go,
    And you let her go

  9. Sapphire101 Sapphire101
    posted a quote
    June 25, 2013 2:09pm UTC
    I hate it when I hate someone,
    and then all of a sudden,
    They get hot.

  10. Sapphire101 Sapphire101
    posted a quote
    June 24, 2013 3:58pm UTC
    Let me tell you a story, about a girl and a boy,
    He fell in love with his best friend, when she's around he feels nothing but joy,
    Did you know that I loved you, or were you not aware,
    You're the smile on my face, and I ain't going nowhere.

  11. Sapphire101 Sapphire101
    posted a quote
    June 21, 2013 2:24am UTC
    bold all that apply
    I'm female
    my hair is naturally brown
    I like pizza
    i am british
    my favourite colour is Purple
    my second favourite colour is Blue or Pink
    i am afraid of heights
    my favourite food is italian food
    I love walking in the rain
    I have a pet cat
    Total so far: 4
    My hair is below my shoulders
    I have a boyfriend
    i cant drive and dont want to either
    my favourite icecream flavour is mint choc chip
    I am empathic - I feel other peoples emotions
    I am afraid of dummies/dolls/puppets/robots etc
    I've had 3 serious boyfriends so far
    I have 2 sisters
    I have 0 brothers
    I had a twin but it died before I was born
    total so far: 8
    I will try almost anything once
    the sound of the hoover/vacuum makes me go to sleep
    my parents are still togeter
    I have a sibling I don't get along with very much
    I have green eyes (one of them usually is green)
    I can't watch anyone suffer even people I don't like
    I listen to music for the lyrics and their meaning more than anything else (I do but I'm a huge fan of the actual music)
    I am a contradiction I can be two exact opposites both at the same time
    Abuse of any sort infuriates me considerably
    total so far: 12
    I have really small feet
    people often misunderstand me or believe false rumours about me
    I've been victim to prejudice
    my father has or does work in a law related job i.e. prison officer, police, drug rehab etc
    my mum is a carer or nurse
    I wish I could be a abnormal psychology studierand criminal psychologist
    I have a sight problem
    my house is near the sea
    I am fascinated by Urban Legends and scary stories in general
    total so far:16
    I find it hard to trust people
    I'm a lover, not a fighter but if you push me, I can turn into the latter
    I look younger than I am
    I act or used to act older than i am
    I am relatively pale
    more than one girl is currently crying for my love/attention even though I'm in a relationship
    I am afraid of nobody really liking me
    I love taking quizzes, doing surveys and learning new trivia
    the motto I live by is treat others how you'd like to be treated yourself
    total so far:22
    ok, times your total by 2.
    put here or at top how much your total is:44

  12. Sapphire101 Sapphire101
    posted a quote
    June 5, 2013 1:19pm UTC
    You are welcome :)

  13. Sapphire101 Sapphire101
    posted a quote
    May 29, 2013 1:15pm UTC
    So today me and my mum went to Tesco to do some shooping,
    when a kid and his mum walked past us. The kid was wearing a white tennis suit despite the fact that it was pouring outside but anyway, me and my mum walked past the kid and his mum and our shoulders accidently brushed, i shrugged it off but the kid turned around and gave me the dirtiest look ever and scremed 'Crikey!'.
    I don't think my mum and I have ever laughed so much.

  14. Sapphire101 Sapphire101
    posted a quote
    May 23, 2013 3:14pm UTC
    *last day of school*
    Other people: OMG I'm gonna miss you all so much :')
    Me: Adios, b.itchachos.

  15. Sapphire101 Sapphire101
    posted a quote
    May 18, 2013 2:00pm UTC
    Stop judging people on their music.
    You're not emo for liking Rock music.
    You're not gangster for liking Rap music.
    You're not gay for liking Pop music.
    You're not depressed for liking Songwriter's music.
    You're not boring for liking Classical music.
    You're not hillbilly for liking Country music.
    Seriously, stop. You could be insutling the one thing that's keeping them alive.

  16. Sapphire101 Sapphire101
    posted a quote
    May 18, 2013 1:52pm UTC
    I'm not scared of a lot of things. Just the one.
    I'm scared that one day, someone, possibly someone really close, is going to say something, and it's all going to come back.
    All the pain, the hurt, the names, the feelings, the tears. In just a matter of seconds. Like a relapse. All in the space of five seconds. It doesn't even have to be a sentence. It could be one word. That's all it takes for all my walls to come tumbling down. After nearly four years of not self-harming.

  17. Sapphire101 Sapphire101
    posted a quote
    May 12, 2013 5:32am UTC
    I don't believe in 'Karma'.
    Because bad things always happen to good people.

  18. Sapphire101 Sapphire101
    posted a quote
    May 5, 2013 9:29am UTC
    it's the most overrated thing, ever.

  19. Sapphire101 Sapphire101
    posted a quote
    April 25, 2013 5:32am UTC
    [A]vailable: Mhm.
    [B]irthday: 10/ 09 (dd/mm)
    [C]rush: Niall Horan I guess.
    [D]rink you last had: Diet Coke.
    [E]asiest person to talk to: Becky and Saira.
    [F]avorite genre of music: I like One Direction, Ed Sheeran, All Time Low, Paramore, The Script, The Fray, Coldplay, Goo Goo Dolls.
    [G]ummy bears or gummy worms: Ooooh, gummy worms I guess.
    [H]ad your first kiss: Hahahhahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahaha... no.
    [I]nstrument: Guitar, drums and piano. I also like to sing.
    [J]uice: Apple or Strawberry.
    [K]illed someone: No.
    [L]ongest trip: Oh, erm, 21 hours.
    [M]ilkshake flavor: Strawberry or Chocolate. Hmm...
    [N]umber of siblings: Erm, 6 blood related and 3 half brothers/sister. One older half sister, two older half brothers, two younger sisters and three younger brothers. Yeah, pretty big family :/
    [O]ne wish: For my dreams to come true. Cliche, but wgaf.
    [P]erson who holds the best memories with you: My best friend.
    [Q]uiet or loud: Music - LOUD. People - QUIET.
    [R]easons to smile: Idek anymore, I guess food.
    [S]ong: Time Bomb - All Time Low
    [T]ime you woke up: 10 AM
    [U]mbrella: Sometimes
    [V]egetable: Ehh.
    [W]arm at the moment: Yeah
    [X]-rays you've had: My shoulder
    [Y]our favorite animal: Giraffes are cool
    [Z]odiac sign: Virgo!

  20. Sapphire101 Sapphire101
    posted a quote
    April 19, 2013 2:03am UTC
    Guy I like: *likes someone else.*
    Me: What the hell am I supposed to do with this wedding dress now?


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