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Status: Everybody lies and that's the only truth sometimes.

Member Since: 31 Oct 2012 01:15am

Last Seen: 7 Oct 2015 07:14pm

Location: Idaho

Gender: F

user id: 336760

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I'm a really awkward child.
If you really want to you can add me on snapchat and follow me on instagram or twitter with the username hiimawkward247. 
  1. hiimawkward247* hiimawkward247*
    posted a quote
    December 22, 2014 8:37pm UTC
    So you can keep knocking, baby you're knocking but there ain't no way I'm ever gonna let you in. No not again. So keep on knocking but baby you're better off walking cause baby I'm not letting in. Never again

  2. hiimawkward247* hiimawkward247*
    posted a quote
    December 18, 2014 10:24pm UTC
    And once again my pill bottle is my only friend.

  3. hiimawkward247* hiimawkward247*
    posted a quote
    December 18, 2014 6:04pm UTC
    It's pretty sad how when my family says, "Just making sure you're still alive" it isn't a joke and they legitametly have to check.

  4. hiimawkward247* hiimawkward247*
    posted a quote
    December 13, 2014 2:18pm UTC
    As hard as people may try to understand, they never will.
    They will never understand how hard it is or the pain I have to carry around with me everyday.
    They will never understand that just because you tell someone to let go and move on, it isn't that easy.
    They will never understand that I can't explain why I cry sometimes.
    They will never understand how much it hurts.
    They can try and they can try, but they will never understand.

  5. hiimawkward247* hiimawkward247*
    posted a quote
    December 13, 2014 1:21pm UTC
    Feliz navihateyou.

  6. hiimawkward247* hiimawkward247*
    posted a quote
    December 10, 2014 11:37pm UTC
    I really do try to be social and make lots of friends.
    But then I go out and be around people and wish I never left my house.

  7. hiimawkward247* hiimawkward247*
    posted a quote
    December 6, 2014 1:30pm UTC
    Cause baby now we got bad blood.

  8. hiimawkward247* hiimawkward247*
    posted a quote
    December 1, 2014 9:04pm UTC
    "You just don't get it."
    Don't get what? Don't get how YOU were the one who decided to end it? How YOU were the one who decided to leave? How you have feelings and yes while they might have gotten hurt, I was the one being left behind so I did what I had to in order to not fall apart? I don't get what? How you think its okay to lead someone on and then all of a sudden just drop them? How you think its okay to care for everyone else but not let them care for you? How its okay for you to preach about how you know so much about pain and how you would never do that to someone but then turn around and do everything you said you wouldn't?
    You're right. I don't get it.

  9. hiimawkward247* hiimawkward247*
    posted a quote
    November 27, 2014 9:31pm UTC
    I absolutely hate when people say "If you loved them you wouldn't have moved on so fast."
    Everyone has their own definition of love. You don't get to define their feelings for them. Some people think they know what love is and then meet someone better who shows them a better definition of love. You don't know why the couple broke up or why the said person moved on so fast. It's not for you to judge.

  10. hiimawkward247* hiimawkward247*
    posted a quote
    November 27, 2014 11:27am UTC
    What if one day we woke up and only had what we said we were grateful for the day before?

  11. hiimawkward247* hiimawkward247*
    posted a quote
    November 26, 2014 4:59pm UTC
    There is a special place in hell for people who lead other people on and then just drop them.

  12. hiimawkward247* hiimawkward247*
    posted a quote
    November 24, 2014 11:17pm UTC
    Maybe one day I'll have it all figured out.
    Maybe one day there will be no doubt.
    Maybe one day I'll be good enough.
    Maybe one day I'll be wanted.
    Maybe one day I'll be happy.
    Maybe one day I'll get it right.
    Maybe one day I'll spread my wings and fly.
    Maybe one day I can experience this life instead of just suffering through it.
    And maybe one day that day won't be so far away.

  13. hiimawkward247* hiimawkward247*
    posted a quote
    November 24, 2014 9:12pm UTC
    Why is everything so confusing?
    One minute I'm happy and everything's great.
    Then, with the blink of an eye all hell breaks loose and I'm sobbing on the floor.
    One minute I have a clear vision of where my life is going.
    And the next, it becomes a pool of muddy water.
    One minute I can conquer the world.
    But shortly after I take my first step only to shut the door and hide.

  14. hiimawkward247* hiimawkward247*
    posted a quote
    November 24, 2014 2:47pm UTC
    Now you're gone but I'll be alright.

  15. hiimawkward247* hiimawkward247*
    posted a quote
    November 24, 2014 11:50am UTC
    Hear the song within the silence,
    See the beauty when there's nothing there,

  16. hiimawkward247* hiimawkward247*
    posted a quote
    November 22, 2014 11:51pm UTC
    I'd rather have you reject me than mess with my feelings.

  17. hiimawkward247* hiimawkward247*
    posted a quote
    November 22, 2014 11:05pm UTC
    For once I'd like for tears to fall from my eyes because I'm happy.

  18. hiimawkward247* hiimawkward247*
    posted a quote
    November 19, 2014 7:44pm UTC
    Why is it always the same story?
    Why does it always happen the same way?
    Why I do let myself get wrapped up into it?
    Why do I lead myself on?
    But more importantly why are YOU doing this to me?
    Why did you pick me to mess with?
    Because I'm the new girl?
    Because I appealed to you?
    Because I was some prize to be won amongst you and your stupid friends?
    I'm so over this. I am so over letting myself get caught in these situations. I'm so over and done with letting you lead me on.
    Good freaking bye.

  19. hiimawkward247* hiimawkward247*
    posted a quote
    November 16, 2014 8:12pm UTC
    I hate when people act like I'm an idiot for thinking he doesn't like me/ not knowing if he does.
    Yes he holds my hand.
    Yes he and I cuddle a lot.
    Yes he and I go on dates.
    Yes he and I kiss/ make out once in a while.
    No he has not told me he likes me.
    No he has not asked me to be his girlfriend.
    No he has not defined the relationship.
    No he doesn't ask anyone to my knowledge out.
    But I have been with, experienced, seen many a times when the guy is just using the girl. Or he's just stringing her along for his enjoyment. Not everyone's honest and truthful about their intentions. So stop treating me like I'm delusional for how I'm thinking.

  20. hiimawkward247* hiimawkward247*
    posted a quote
    November 16, 2014 6:11pm UTC
    Here's some advice for the next one
    Don't let him lead you to the dark
    Don't tell him all your secrets
    He'll leave you with a broken heart
    He'll try and tell you that he wants you
    Just to keep you on the line
    And right when you're about to move on
    He pulls you back in every time
    Here is advice for the next one
    Run, run, run
    Darling I know that you're just like me
    You give your love up way too fast
    But once it's gone it's gone forever
    And there's no coming back from that
    He's got this perfect way about him
    He'll make you think that you come first
    But you'll get lost in the challenge
    Of trying not to get hurt
    Don't even search for that four-letter word
    You'll never get it out
    You'll try, and try, and try
    But he'll just shut you down
    Don't wanna say I told you so
    So please go now


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