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Apparently because I am a white female, I have never experienced
discrimination. I hope those who say that do realize I have just faced discrimination by them saying that. But, let's look at this. I am called dirty and I am called a thief because of my ethnicity. I am called "white trash" because I live in a poorer part of town. I am called a "rich snob" because the town I live in, which is right next to the town I go to school in, is predominately rich. I considered "ignorant" because of my beliefs. Everyone has gone thorugh discrimination. Just because it is different than the sort you've gone through doesn't mean that it doesn't matter.
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Apparently because I am a white female, I have never experienced

90 faves · 16 comments · Jun 7, 2013 2:29pm





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petrichor · 1 decade ago
I'm lost as to where I said you've never been discriminated against, as Im sure I've made it clear that you've never experienced r4cism.
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Hale_Storm18 · 1 decade ago
I hope you know that you saying that because I am white I have never experienced r.acism is actually me experiencing . Goodbye.
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petrichor · 1 decade ago
I understand that you are Romani, however as someone that is visibly white, in America, you act as an oppressor. You can be discriminated against but you can't suffer from r4cism because it is a system of oppression.
It's that simple.
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StarsareRachelBerry · 1 decade ago
I can't help but want to point out what the clear definition of r4cism is:
1.The belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, esp. so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races
2.Prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on such a belief.

You see, the definition of r4cism is not 'white people are oppressors' or 'every other race except caucasian can suffer from r4cism'. Your logic is flawed because oppression is a method used for r4cism but it's not what r4cism /is/. And any race can suffer r4cism.
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petrichor · 1 decade ago
Can we stop using the dictionary definition? The dictionary was written by old, white, r4cist men.
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StarsareRachelBerry · 1 decade ago
What you're actually telling me is to /not/ use the actual definition of r4cism, but use the 'definition' of r4cism written by a random blogger?
Does that make sense to you?
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petrichor · 1 decade ago
You seem a little lost. Obviously you are unaware of any social problems arise in the US, because if you were aware, you would realize that this definition is actually one that has been in use and agreed upon by the oppressed group. That is just a reference, since you don't seem to have any clue of what I'm talking about.
Don't participate in discussions if you don't understand what's being put down.
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StarsareRachelBerry · 1 decade ago
I don't see why that has anything to do with this.
You tell me I can't use the actual definition of r4cism and I ask you if it makes any sense to use the 'definition' of r4cism from a random blogger.

Oh, I understand what's being put down. Why else would I participate?

Who is this oppressed group according to you?
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petrichor · 1 decade ago
Are you actually critically analyzing any comments or are you only skimming so you can provide little-to-none rephrasing of the first comment you made?
You don't understand much of anything that is related to how the social hierarchy in the US is, because if you did, you would actually answer some of the questions you just made.
I really don't see why I should have to educate you when you choose to be a bigot, so use Google, and come back when you're ready to have a discussion.
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StarsareRachelBerry · 1 decade ago
If I wanted answers from Google, I'd have searched, wouldn't I? Seems quite sensible. But I want answers from you, therefore I'm asking you. It's you who I have the discussion with, not Google. It's your interpretation, arguments, opinions; I’m asking for - not Google, am I not? What use is a discussion if you’re going to direct someone to a search device? I know what I interpreted from 'oppressed group', but what do you?
I'm asking 'according to you' not 'according to Google', am I not?
You see, when I think of oppressed group, I see everyone who suffers suppression. Not just a specific race, but anyone who suffers oppression.
But that's not really the definition of r4cism is it? And the discussion was never about social hierarchy or Google, was it? And we’re dwelling off from the original point, aren’t we? It's about you claiming that because a person is Caucasian they cannot suffer from r4cism, and that's not true. Flawed, an opinion, not a fact.

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petrichor · 1 decade ago
What makes you feel so entitled for me to answer your questions, when you're whole entirety of replying in the first place is to prove me wrong? I refuse to waste my time on people who are relentless bigots, who don't want to acknowledge their privilege, don't want to acknowledge what their founding fathers did.
"Dwelling off the point", the point never had you in it? So, in bigger perspective, you shifted the whole point to focus on /you/ rather than I or hale_storm18.
If you want to be a bigot, and perceive the definition of r4cism from a r4cist perspective then so be it. But I'm not here to talk to r4cist, sexist people like you.
Go hold your oppressive idealistic dreams somewhere else.
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StarsareRachelBerry · 1 decade ago
Perceive the definition from an r4cist perspective? Why is it that you think I'm looking at it from an r4cist perspective when all I've done is point out that any race can suffer r4cism? How is it that r4cist? You know what’s more r4cist; implying that only a certain group of people can suffer from r4cism, apparently Caucasian cannot suffer from r4cism, according to you. That's far more r4cist than my perspective.
Sexist? I've by no means made any indication that I dislike, treat, discriminate or have been derogative to another one’s gender.
Oh, no, no, of course you’re not entitled to answer my questions, but it would have made your statement far more understandable if you could have explained why it is you think r4cism does not occur to Caucasians.
Relentless bigot? I’m sorry you feel that way about me.
I didn’t think the point was forbidden for everyone else, did you? It should have been made clearer that people who do not agree with your statement are not allowed to interfere in this free country where we are, actually, allowed to interfere.
Oppressive dreams? Now why do you think I have oppressive dreams? I’m all for freedom, you know.

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petrichor · 1 decade ago
boo f*ckin hoo
"im all for freedom" i think you mean youre all for white peoples freedom
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StarsareRachelBerry · 1 decade ago
White people freedom? Now you're just making assumptions.
I'm black, you know. Is that a shocker?
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petrichor · 1 decade ago
Correct link: http://racismschool.tumblr.com/Ra(remove)cism:Definitions
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MissyLizzie · 1 decade ago
I suffer from all the time. The school next to me is filled with a different race who have no problem hurling abuse at me calling us 'milk bottles' and 'white b/tches' happens to everyone and really, you shouldn't be ignorant saying we are the oppressors because we are not.
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