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Truth Quotes

  1. TheCovertComic TheCovertComic
    posted a quote
    September 1, 2023 10:08pm UTC
    Was ignorance supposed to know bounds???

  2. TheCovertComic TheCovertComic
    posted a quote
    May 19, 2023 11:11pm UTC
    Gleek truth to power.

  3. TheCovertComic TheCovertComic
    posted a quote
    April 21, 2023 11:08pm UTC
    Now that I know the truth, the truth has made me free.
    (Though to be honest, before knowing the truth it wasn't like I was all that expensive.)

  4. airatmaninravi airatmaninravi
    posted a quote
    November 10, 2022 12:12pm UTC
    Flip over from Mind to Consciousness
    Are you looking for a life of Peace and Happiness?
    Are you looking for a way to Tranquillity and Bliss?
    If you just flip your life over from NEP to PEP
    You can be sure to achieve this
    Who doesn't have sorrow, who doesn't have stress?
    Is there anyone who is free from unhappiness?
    Anybody born in this world with Ego and Mind
    Fear, worry and anger in life, they are sure to find
    As long as there is the Mind, as long as there is the Thought
    In misery and sorrow, we are going to be caught
    This is because the Rascal Mind is our enemy
    And this simple Truth we simply forgot
    The Mind fills us with poison, fills us with NEP
    Negative Energy Poison at each and every step
    Until we flip over to Positive Energy Power, to PEP
    We will forever be caught in a web
    Imagine living a life with jealousy, revenge and hate
    Imagine there is anger, fear and worry at life's gate
    How can we then live a life of joy and smile?
    Toxic NEP emotions will make our misery longer than the Nile
    Just flip over to love, courage and faith
    Just live with confidence and to NEP, shut the gate
    You will move from pessimism to optimism
    And your life will be full of enthusiasm
    This is not magic, this is a task
    You have to flip over and change your mask
    You have to flip from NEP to PEP
    For your life to be blissful at every step
    Is this all, is PEP our Ultimate Goal?
    No, we will suffer till we Realize, we are the Soul
    As long as we live with the Ego, Body and Mind
    Thoughts will make us miserable, this we all find
    What, then, is the way to Eternal Happiness?
    Is there a way to love, live with Joy and Bliss?
    Yes, if we flip from Mind to Consciousness
    We will be free from all misery and stress
    For it is Thoughts that bombard us with pain
    Thoughts make us miserable, again and again
    As long as there are Thoughts, we are sure to cry
    And we will be miserable right till we die
    So, we must move from Thoughts to Thoughtlessness
    We must flip over to the state of Consciousness
    If we want to live with Eternal Happiness
    We must be Thoughtless, and then, there will be no stress
    For, Thoughts create fear and worry and anxiety
    It is Thoughts that make us prisoners and steal our liberty
    It is Thoughts that fill us with worry and fear
    Thoughts rob our Bliss, Peace and Cheer
    ‘It is impossible to live without Thought’
    It is in this myth that the world is caught
    Just like we can stop eating, walking and singing
    We can stop thinking, but this Truth, we are never taught
    The way to Consciousness is to silence the Mind
    Meditation is important, this, we will find
    We must eliminate Thoughts so that the Mind, we kill
    The only way to do it, is to make the Mind still
    When there is no Thought, we are in Consciousness
    Our Intellect is activated in that state of Thoughtlessness
    We are no more prisoners of the Rascal Mind
    The Intellect starts to Discriminate, this we will find
    For in Consciousness, there is no Mind
    In Consciousness, we are not ignorant and blind
    In Consciousness, we leave all misery behind
    Consciousness is where Happiness is defined
    Consciousness is a state where we are the master
    To a state of Bliss, Consciousness takes us faster
    When we flip over to Consciousness from a state of Mind
    Sorrow and misery we will leave behind
    Our Mind is our enemy, it fills us with junk
    We must tame the Monkey Mind to be a Monk
    When we flip from Mind to Consciousness
    We end all our anxiousness
    For Thoughts create feelings, actions and habits
    Thoughts destroy us for sure, but in bits
    Learn the simple Truth, that thoughts, you must not permit
    If you do, you learn Life's Ultimate Secret
    Don't let messengers of misery knock at your door
    Thoughts come uninvited; they will push you on the floor
    Be in Consciousness and kill the Mind
    Push all Thoughts out and shut the door
    If you don't kill the Mind, the Mind will kill you
    This is a universal law, it is absolutely true
    Those who live with the Mind, are sure to cry
    They will just live and ultimately, will just die
    What is our Life's Ultimate Goal?
    To Realize that we are the Divine Soul
    But this Truth is concealed by the Devil Mind
    As long as there are Thoughts, this Truth, we won't find
    Everybody wants pleasure, nobody wants pain
    But we are miserable, again and again
    If only we learn the art of how to flip
    Peace and Bliss, we will grip
    So today, resolve to live a life without stress
    Flip over from Mind to Consciousness
    Make a vow to flip from NEP to PEP
    You will have Peace and Joy and be free from all mess
    Today, you have learned a secret; to be Glad, not to be Sad
    You learned to remove junk, tame the Monkey to a Monk
    If only you flip over from NEP to PEP
    You will be able to flip over from Mind to Consciousness
    While the whole world is stressed by the Thoughts of the Mind
    You will be free, Peace within yourself, you will find
    All you need to do is to learn to flip
    And you will start your trip on a very happy ship

  5. airatmaninravi airatmaninravi
    posted a quote
    October 26, 2022 11:16am UTC
    Realizations of a Yogi
    ‘Realizations of a Yogi' is not just some theory
    It is the life experience of a Yogi
    In a Quest for the truth, an account, a testament
    Realizations and experiences that led to Enlightenment
    Are you seeking to find the true purpose of life?
    Are you in a quest of a way to be free from strife?
    Then, you have a treasure right in your hand
    That will liberate you from returning to this land
    You can get knowledge in any college
    But the eternal truth is hard to find
    It is a very personal experience that happens
    When one transcends the body, ego and mind
    It all starts when you go in a quest
    You put all your beliefs to test
    The first thing you must do is unlearn Only then, wisdom of life will you earn
    To get to the matter's root
    You have to Ask, Investigate and Realize the truth
    And to do this, it's not enough to be an ace
    You have to have the Divine grace
    A seeker of the truth, who has this passion
    To realize God, if this is his mission
    Then in his journey, a Master he will meet
    Who will make his life complete
    It's all about finding a Spiritual coach
    And for this, you don't search, you don't need to approach
    The Yogi, the Guru will be there waiting
    If you are on the path, if you are truly seeking
    And then you will start to question every myth
    You will overcome your ignorance, and realize the truth
    Whatever you were taught, mostly they were lies
    Even that God was someone who lived in the skies
    At first, for sure, it will give you a shock
    For you to change beliefs, as tough as a rock
    But as you use your intellect to discriminate
    It is on earth you will find heaven's gate
    First you will realize, you are not the body, not the mind
    You are not the ego, this truth you will find
    And from the triple suffering you will be free on earth
    And learn the way to escape rebirth
    For this, you will realize the truth of life and death
    Where you will go when you lose your breath
    You are not the one who is made of bone and skin
    You are that spark of life that is within
    You will start living as the Divine Soul
    As you attain your ultimate goal
    'Realizations of a Yogi' will take you onward
    To Self-Realization that will take you Godward
    By questions getting answered, this is how it will begin
    You will overcome ignorance as you go within
    Then that Spiritual flash, you will experience one day
    And to your epiphany, you will find the way
    I brought nothing here, nothing is mine
    There are many Realizations, we must find
    We come alone and we go alone
    Then, why in life, should we whine and groan?
    The quest will lead us to true happiness A life of true love, peace and bliss
    We will be free from worry and stress
    As we overcome all unhappiness
    The journey starts with Purification
    And then, there will be Illumination Realization will lead to Liberation Ultimately, there will be Unification
    We will realize that this world is just a show
    We are just actors, we come, and we go Everything is an illusion, it is just a drama
    And life is unfolding as per our Karma
    We will realize that God is not God, God is SIP
    We will not just repeat God's name on our lip
    We will experience God in every creature on earth
    Realize that the Lord manifests in every birth
    One by one, the truth we will realize
    Pieces of the puzzle will open our real eyes
    Till one day, we will experience a transformation
    And then, we will be free with Liberation
    All this time, we were crawling on earth like a worm Living with beliefs, all lies, we affirmed
    Till we learned to untie all the strings
    To fly like a beautiful butterfly, opening our wings
    This is called a metamorphosis
    A transformation that is permanent, no reversal there is
    We let go of the ego, we let go of ‘I’
    As we become one with the Power in the sky
    But this is not for everybody who lives on earth
    Not each one of us can escape rebirth
    If we learn from a Yogi, in life we can evolve
    If we make this the priority, in the Divine we can dissolve
    There will be many who will read this book
    But how many will change their life's outlook?
    How many will go beyond all logic?
    To experience Enlightenment, the real magic?
    How many will transcend all Karma in life?
    How many will overcome all sorrow and strife?
    How many will give up the ordinary pleasure
    To achieve life's goal, unlock the real treasure?

  6. Andie* Andie*
    posted a quote
    July 19, 2022 7:53pm UTC
    When your intentions are pure you don't lose people.
    They lose you

  7. Andie* Andie*
    posted a quote
    July 19, 2022 7:51pm UTC
    Karma says sometimes you will suffer not because you were bad but because you didn't know when to stop being good

  8. Andie* Andie*
    posted a quote
    July 16, 2022 7:36am UTC
    Healthy love will not make you curse your ability to feel

  9. Andie* Andie*
    posted a quote
    July 13, 2022 8:01pm UTC
    I strongly believe that everybody deserves to be treated the way they treat people.
    Treat people bad you deserve that back.
    Treat people good you deserve that back.
    The sad thing is people don' always get what they deserve.

  10. Andie* Andie*
    posted a quote
    June 19, 2022 6:43am UTC
    Your peop are the ones who would see you hit rock bottom and stay to hold your hand until you climb back to the top of yourself again.

  11. BlackInkRevenge BlackInkRevenge
    posted a quote
    March 24, 2022 6:35am UTC
    Y̑̈ȏ̈ȗ̈ ̑̈c̑̈ȃ̈n̑̈'̑̈t̑̈ ̑̈g̑̈ȏ̈ ̑̈h̑̈ȏ̈m̑̈ȇ̈ ̑̈ȃ̈g̑̈ȃ̈ȋ̈n̑̈

  12. TheCovertComic TheCovertComic
    posted a quote
    December 24, 2021 9:55pm UTC
    There are more true stories based on movies, than movies based on true stories.

  13. TheCovertComic TheCovertComic
    posted a quote
    October 16, 2021 1:57am UTC
    The true story is not based on a true story.

  14. coolgroup666 coolgroup666
    posted a quote
    November 23, 2020 3:14am UTC
    God himself is the sin creator as the bible and coran say. what's the hell then?

  15. coolgroup666 coolgroup666
    posted a quote
    November 23, 2020 3:13am UTC
    Hey, D. Ahmed Protais traveled 16 countries in 8 years.
    Gotta know certain cultures and beliefs. Never found a truth if bible or coran are real. Never found Satan's book recommending people to sin, but bible says God does everything. so, the religion is big liar.

  16. coolgroup666 coolgroup666
    posted a quote
    November 23, 2020 3:08am UTC
    Sometimes you don't need to believe in the reality, until you know well what the hell is all about.

  17. TheCovertComic TheCovertComic
    posted a quote
    June 13, 2020 3:10am UTC
    The heart never lies. It asserts alternative facts.

  18. Raxin Raxin
    posted a quote
    March 15, 2020 5:01pm UTC
    A worried mind
    seeks anchor
    such as
    even a lie
    might provide
    to limit
    its wandering.
    quote by Raxin

  19. TheCovertComic TheCovertComic
    posted a quote
    September 13, 2019 9:32pm UTC
    I can't handle the truth? That's not what the truth said last night.

  20. Corinne  ☀️* Corinne ☀️*
    posted a quote
    July 28, 2019 7:30am UTC
    What's the point in being alive if you already feel dead


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