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The most scariest thing about this whol thing is that this will be in the history books one day. Kids from the year 3090 will learn about this day and all the other events. Black president, gay rights movement, war in iraq, 9/11, sandy, hook shooting, boston marathon bombing.

We are living in history now.

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The most scariest thing about this whol thing is that this will

491 faves · 27 comments · Apr 15, 2013 8:25pm





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josiewdog123 · 1 decade ago
We live history every day? Am I wrong?
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georgiexxxx · 1 decade ago
And the Texas plant explosion
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hermione23katniss · 1 decade ago
That is, if the idiotic human race doesn't burn Earth down by then....
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3wordssayitall · 1 decade ago
Dear god women, way to give someone shivers.
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marie1616 · 1 decade ago
I know that we're living actual history, but you never actually sit there and think about it, so this is pretty weird.
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kby246 · 1 decade ago
thats some deep sh/t
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daisy101 · 1 decade ago
History happens everyday
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Jyeismine · 1 decade ago
Obama is only half black, OMGOSH WHO SAID THAT WHAT
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zxcvbnmx29 · 1 decade ago
i literally say this to everyone all the time. theyre like first black president and im like half* oh well but theyll call him first black president in.history books in the future i guess in a way he is
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Jyeismine · 1 decade ago
Yes he technically is. But I wonder what they'll say when we get a ALL black President... Eh, whatever.
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HinataUsagi · 1 decade ago
oh my god. It's weird,because I was literally thinking the exact same thing today in 3rd period.
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justkiddiing · 1 decade ago
I'mù sorry but I'm not so sure about that, I mean.. America exsists for 200 year or something, you're talking about 1000 years, that's SO long we barely know anything about that time, I'm not even sure if Amirica will exsist, if they'll know about presidents, about 9/11 ect, let alone the shooting. Remember the shooting in 2002, that was just as bad and nobody really talks about that anymore, and there've been many more shootings....
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josiewdog123 · 1 decade ago
What? We have extensive records of history over 3000 years back in time. The Boston bombing, and 9/11 play significant roles in history, because 9/11 sparked so far the second longest war in American history. This bombing was during an event that every country is affiliated with. Boston coined the term marathon. These are pretty significant. Now, the first black president is significant, but not really with international history. Most shootings are significant now, but only the major ones will be mentioned in the history books. The major battles of all wars are only mentioned, so why should it be different for shootings?
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justkiddiing · 1 decade ago
we don't know the mayor happenings in the most wars before WO1, as far as they tought me. but I don't deny that these happenings are horrible. I jhust tought it was a bit overexageration to talk about 1000 years from here. and if you believe scientists we won't live for 100 years with the global warming anyways
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josiewdog123 · 1 decade ago
Sorry, didn't know you could push aside the extensive records about the Civil War, and the American, French, Egyptian, Russian, and Chinese revolutions. Plus, all the ancient wars that are depicted and written to us so we can understand everything about the war. History, no matter what happens to society, will always be there. You don't hear about Pompeii anymore, but the ruins are still there. The Egyptians do not mummify people anymore, but the evidence is still there. The French do not use the guillotine anymore, but there is still evidence to prove that it happened. Just because humans won't be around, does not mean that the next superior species will not have any clue about the past of their planet. 1000 years is not a lot on earth. That is like a week, in the universe's calendar.
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bubbles92294 · 1 decade ago
true but if you think bout it shes right i mean the still talk about stuff that happned in like the 1600s and bake then they didn know we would still be exsisting by this time
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justkiddiing · 1 decade ago
we learned about the wapons they had back then, and I'm sure one day they'll learn about our wepons too, but not when used, exfept, as stated under here, things like A bombs ect. I don't think they'll know anything more that the WO's and so.
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KatiiLouisex3 · 1 decade ago
Yeah, I'm British so my opinion is probably irrelevant but I agree xD there have been so many bombings, not just in America but a lot here too, and I don't think I've ever learnt about one from a history textbook - just Hiroshima really and "bombing" is a bit of an understatement for that xD
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josiewdog123 · 1 decade ago
However, it was still a bombing? How is that even an understatement?
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KatiiLouisex3 · 1 decade ago
Crap now I look like a jerk because I put a really happy face after talking about Hiroshima... /facepalm/ I didn't mean it to sound like that
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justkiddiing · 1 decade ago
u don't look like a jerk, you've made a good point :) I'm European myself too, so your opinion isn't irrelivant at all. you probebly noticed it by my bad English.
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zxcvbnmx29 · 1 decade ago
you dont look like a jerk! i think we'll definitely learn it here in america in the future but other countries wouldnt. although i am taking european history amd learned of the bombings in london during wwII so who knows? we'll all find out when we have kids and grandkids
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skittlesXx · 1 decade ago
whoa. i actually had to look away from my screen and think a bit there.
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---* · 1 decade ago
maybe they'll talk about witty and how we worshiped cats and sat in our rooms all and be unsociable potatoes ????
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emilygm* · 1 decade ago
That would be so amazing :')
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finding_nemo · 1 decade ago
That's incredibly scary to think about.
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Livelovemusic11 · 1 decade ago
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