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652 faves · 102 comments · Jan 1, 1970 12:00am




dont_forget_i_love_you · 1 decade ago
ermahgawd no way
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SarahDrewIngle · 1 decade ago
@xHello Okay, I'm sorry to tell you this, love. But, the Mayans.. never factored in leap years. Therefore.. this 'reseting' would've happened 13 months ago. So, yeah. c:
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JamesMaslowBTR · 1 decade ago
@xHello Dinosaurs existed for more then 6,000 years, so WRONG.
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Gryffindor123 · 1 decade ago
....Well, for me it's: 21/12/12
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olivia* · 1 decade ago
@xHello you fricking scared the damn daylight out of me.
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_lifeisamazing · 1 decade ago
When we all lol @ xHello when the world doesn't end .
Did you consider that the Mayans thought about leap years ? They didn't .Or maybe did you see that the people who discovered the calendar were 50 years off ? Guess you didn't see that either ? Did you maybe consider scaring people before you went and ran your mouth ? Considering the size of your comment and the information it contained I'm guessing no . Do you know how many times the world was going to end ? So yeah maybe someone can take two dates of tragedies and add them up to equal 12/21/12, cause it takes a real genius to do that ? That's what I thought .
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beachbabe7 · 1 decade ago
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Hold_Me_Closer · 1 decade ago
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MrsNiallHoran13 · 1 decade ago
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kaitlovesyou · 1 decade ago
don't scare me now..
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NamesZane11 · 1 decade ago
Well if the worlds going to end, I will be have a party with my best buds and getting drunk out of my mind. And if the world decides not to end I'll count it as a pretty successful party night. That is all.
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xHello · 1 decade ago
Actually the world isn't going to end, but it's going to "reset".
If you watch documentaries it's proven that it will reset.
The poles are going to switch on the 21st and all technology
will be lost. Hence the "reset". Because every 6,000 years
the world resets, why do you think there's no true science and
facts beyond 6,000 years? Because the poles switch every
6,000 years.

Also, the mayans were very advanced astronomically. Far more advanced than
we are today. They built highly accurate astrological equipment out of stone, and
their other predictions were true. Only off by seconds. So odds are they are right

Another reason to prove that it's ending is the sun storms that are taking place
on the sun. Basically when there is a sun storm it creates an outburst of radiation
and sends it towards earth. Right now the sun is supposed to be stable. However,
recent solar storms have been bombarding the Earth with so much radiation energy,
it's been knocking out power grids and destroying satellites. This activity is predicted
to get worse, and calculations suggest it'll reach its deadly peak sometime in 2012.

Surprise! there's more reasons why it will end. If having scientists warning us about
the end of the world isn't bad enough, religious people are getting involved as well.
Interpretations of the Christian Bible reveal that the date for Armageddon, the final
battle between Good an Evil, has been set down for 2012. The I Ching, also known
as the Chinese book of Changes, says the same thing, as do various sections of
the Hindu teachings.

OH and from what I was saying at the top of this obnoxiously long comment, about the
poles switching, scientists have noted that the poles are drifting apart roughly 20-30kms each year, much faster than ever before, which points to a pole-shift being right around the corner. While the pole shift is underway, the magnetic field is disrupted and will eventually disappear, sometimes for up to 100 years. The result is enough UV outdoors to crisp your skin in seconds, killing everything it touches.

Hope I didn't scare some of you too much, but it will happen. That is all.
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ChickFlick · 1 decade ago
I my God. The worldd isn't gonna end.
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sofiakr16 · 1 decade ago
the mayans didn´t say that they said that a new age was going to start and like a lot of mexicans i hate it when people say that
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Travis Allred* · 1 decade ago
Exactly v
i know this wasnt a real quote
i knew this the tsnuami didnt happened on the 10th.
ive seen this before and i post it because i was boored
so dont preach things in to a big paragraph because
matter of fact none of you guys are like expert at these
types of stuffs. but oh well its your guys opinions and different
storys from it. ive seen this before many times before.

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Kailey♥* · 1 decade ago
The tsunami was on the 11th.
And anyways people, stop making a big deal of it! I don't really know him but I doubt he REALLY believes that the world is going to end. I mean, not a lot of people who. However, look up Nostradomus. He has predicted hurricanes and wars and things that have happened in the past ten years, and he made his predictions 500 years ago. He also predicted the end of the world. Just saying.
Don't make such a big deal of this quote. And anyways, @storypanda99 and other people that posted comments like that - THIS ISN'T EVEN HIS QUOTE. I've seen it a thousand times before. It's gotten to the point that if we don't see 'nmq' at the bottom we assume it's their original quote and that they made it up. Well he didn't make it up, it's a repost.
And honestly, @musiclover45 - I don't believe in 'God' and not everyone here does, so tbh your comment irritates me. Yes you have the right to your own opinion and blah blah blah, but I'm just saying, not everyone here believes in God and is religious and stuff. Just saying..

Okay. I'm done with my ranting. Carry on with your lives now. Shoo. Go away. :L
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Sparksfly322 · 1 decade ago
It's not going to happen they can't even predict the weather for tomorrow but they can predict what happens 2000+ yrs later and plus the Mayans just disappeared no one knows what happened. So it's highly unlikely that its the end of the world, people have been predicting the end of the world time and time again and no one is ever right.
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musiclover45 · 1 decade ago
The Mayans didn't account for leap year, so the actual "dooms day" there talking about wouldove happened months ago. Also, God tells us not to worry about things like this.
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lilmisslittle · 1 decade ago
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CharlAldisx · 1 decade ago
I dont believe any of that crap , it is just a coincidence , we have been told the world is going to end before and we are still here.
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