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Member Since: 22 Nov 2010 05:49pm

Last Seen: 3 Feb 2014 05:43pm

user id: 135358

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I <3 Outlaws Softball!!!
Name: Reina, Age:13
Fave number: 12
Fave color: Sky blue
Fave hobby: Softball, hanging out with my friends (especially Nicole<33), Art, Writing, reading, and talking bout Him.
Besties: Nicole, Tori, Mia, Ally, Britney, Deanna, Jaime, Jess, Jordan, Taylor, Valerie, Blakely, Grace, Emily, Sloane, and Christina
Best Guy friends: Harrison, Adam, Justin, Eric


So far I have only have two stories,
one that was untitled that I abondon,
and my current story: UNDENIABLE.
Please check it out. I love anyone who
comments, faves, and/or follows. <333

  1. yankeepups12 yankeepups12
    posted a quote
    August 3, 2011 8:07pm UTC
    And Sometimes I Wish
    That Someone Would
    Love Me For Who I Am,
    Not Who I Want To Be...
    Format by Sandrasaurus

  2. yankeepups12 yankeepups12
    posted a quote
    July 27, 2011 5:19pm UTC
    Violence is not the Answer. Its the Question, and the Answer is Yes! :)

  3. yankeepups12 yankeepups12
    posted a quote
    June 18, 2011 11:00pm UTC
    Alex's POV:
    "I had so much fun tonight Jesse. Thanks." i murmured as we walked back to my house from the restaurant. It was incredibly far, but I wish it was farther. i didn't want Jesse to leave. I squeezed his hand.
    "I should thank you. I had a great time. Thanks for coming." he said. I giggled shyly. He smiled and let go of my hand and out his arm around my shoulder and pulled me up against him. I started to laugh harder.
    "Stop it!!" I laughed.
    "Alright, whatever you say." he said and pulled his arm away from me.
    "No!!' i shrieked and pulled his arm back around me. He started to laugh and I continued to laugh like an idiot. I was laughing so hard i didn't realize we were at my house.
    We walked up to the porch. i turned to face him.
    "No really Jesse I had a great time. Thanks so much."
    "No problem. How about next friday again. maybe we can do something different."
    "I'd like that." i replied shyly.
    "Great." he said and kissed me. it lasted longer then I expected, but I didn't care. This was the greatest moment of my life.
    We broke apart and we waved goodbye. Soon he was halfway down the driveway. I turned around and ran inside and pulled out my phone.
    Me: Best night of my life!!
    Madison: Details!!
    Me: Not now! But I think we will be together for a long time though Madison... I'll come to your house tomorrow and we can talk. I have to go. Bye! :D
    Madison: Grr fine... bye.
    I ran upstairs and hopped onto my computer and logged into facebook. The first and last thing I did that night was go into my profile and changed my status to 'In a relationship'. I had a feeling it would stay that way for a while.
    The End!!!
    Note: This is my last quote on this profile. I am making a new story profile!! Check out my next story on xxSuperStories12xx THANKS FOR ALL YOUR SUPPORT!! i LUV U ALL <333

  4. yankeepups12 yankeepups12
    posted a quote
    June 18, 2011 3:03pm UTC
    Madison's POV:
    I giggled as Alex scrambled around her room looking for something to wear.
    "How does this look together?" she rushed.
    "Okay you need to relax." I said as I spun around in her desk chair.
    "How am I supposed to relax? My date with Jesse is in 2 f••king hours!!"
    "Okay you shower and clean up, and I'll get you your outfit and all the other crap your gonna need."
    "Alright. I trust you Madison." Alex said as she took a deep breath.
    "Good. now calm down and go." I said as I pushed her out of the room. "I'll probably be gone by the time you get out. My mom wanted me home by three."
    "'Kay. You're just walking?"
    "Yeah. Text me about how things go."
    "I will. Thanks Madison." Alex mumbled as she hugged me.
    "No prob." I said as I hugged her back. Then she walked out of the room.
    I walked over to her closest and pulled out a pair of black shorts. I also pulled out a yellow and white t-shirt with a white tank top for underneath. i didn't take out any shoes; i was going to leave them up to her. Then I left. it was as simple as that. Alex was panicking about something that took me less than 2 minutes. I laughed as I pictured her panicking again.
    I was halfway home when my phone vibrated.
    Alex: Thanks for picking out my outfit :)
    Me: Np. u were just panicking way too much.
    Alex: I know. I just finished doing my hair. Jesse is going to be here in a half hour.
    Me: Good luck text me when you get back :)
    Alex: thanks. I will byee :)
    Me: bye.
    Note: Sorry. It's been a long time!! but I'm back and finally going to end this story. Thanks to those who waited it out. and one last thing. I wrote this when my 'Jesse' was sitting across from me. AWKWARD!!! :0

  5. yankeepups12 yankeepups12
    posted a quote
    March 21, 2011 8:26pm UTC
    To all of my followers:
    I'm really sorry I haven't written in a while. I've been writing another story off of witty and witty has been irritating me lately. SO please just bear with me and I'll have the end of UNDENIABLE up soon!!! THANKS SOO MUCH FOR UNDERSTANDING <333

  6. yankeepups12 yankeepups12
    posted a quote
    March 6, 2011 3:07pm UTC
    Alex's POV:
    I squealed as I closed the door. I darted up the stairs and ran straight to my room. I slammed the door behind me and dove onto my bed. I screamed into my pillow excitement flooding through me. My phone vibrated and I opened it.
    Madison: Did you get home safe??
    Me: MADISON!!!
    Madison: Alex...
    Me: HE ASKED ME OUT!!! :D
    Madison: Jesse?! NO WAY!!
    Me: HE DID :D
    Madison: That's so awesome!!!!
    Me: :D
    Madison: I gtg :/ My mom needs me. I'll talk to you tomorrow. BYE!!!
    Me: grr bye...
    I closed my phone and lay there for a minute. I was so happy; I didn't know what to do. My phone vibrated. I looked to see who it was. My heart skipped a beat.
    Jesse: Hi :)
    Me: Heyy :)
    Jesse: Interesting day. Lots of ups and downs.
    Me: Tell me about it. Oh and I have a question.
    Jesse: Yeah?
    Me: How'd you find me in the woods today??
    Jesse: I saw the guy. I saw u walk into him. then all of a sudden u were gone. I followed the sound of ur screams and his footprints. I guess it was just the timing of the whole incident.
    Me: He had a knife. he could of killed me. He could of killed YOU.
    Jesse: But he didnt kill either of us.
    Me: I was scared
    Jesse: So was I.
    Me: No you weren't
    Jesse: Yeah I was. trust me. but I did it for u. I couldn't let him do anything to u.
    Me: Thanks :)
    Jesse: Np :) I gtg. I'll see you in school tomorrow.
    Me: mmk byyeee :)
    Jesse: By
    I shut off my phone. I looked at the time. It was nearly eleven oclock. I was exhausted. I didn't bother putting on pajamas, I just rolled over and closed my eyes. The faster I fell asleep, the faster Friday came.
    Note: sorry I haven't written in a while, I've been busy and i had writers block :P Anyways, Comment? Fave?? Thanks <33

  7. yankeepups12 yankeepups12
    posted a quote
    March 4, 2011 8:45pm UTC
    Hey Witty,
    Sorry I haven't written in a while. I was busier than expected. Anyway I'm not sure if I'm going to write tonight so....yeah. thanks for understanding. :) <33333

  8. yankeepups12 yankeepups12
    posted a quote
    March 1, 2011 9:54pm UTC
    Jesse's POV:
    "You were saying?" This was it. I couldn't back down now.
    "Yeah...uhh." I scratched the back of my head. I couldn't believe I finally accepted that I liked her. No. That I LOVED her. I couldn't say liked because everyday I had gained more passion for her. Now I can finally say that it has turned into love.
    "Alex...I uh... kinda... like you."
    "Well I would hope you like me." She said sarcastically.
    "No Alex. Like, like,like. more than just a friend. I can't keep it a secret anymore. I know you can't like me still after what I did to you in the beginning o I f the school year but-" She kissed me. Wait... SHE KISSED ME!! I kissed her back, until I realized what I was doing. I pulled away.
    "I'm sorry, I uh. got carried away."
    "Stop it! I wouldn't have kissed you if I didn't want you to kiss me back." She kissed me again. She does like me. I was so overjoyed, and I kissed her back passionately. But there's no way she likes me as much as I LOVE her.
    When we finally broke apart, I looked at her. Her cheeks were bright red and she wore a smile that spread from ear to ear.
    "Alex...do you wanna catch a movie with me friday? Then maybe go get some dinner afterwards?" She smiled and grabbed my hand.
    "Yeah. I'd like that."
    I was about to leave her house when she called my name.
    "Jesse?" I turned around.
    "Thanks for saving my life today. I appreciate it." She kissed me on the cheek, waved, then walked inside. My stomach twisted with happiness and turned to walk home. That's when it all caught up to me. What just happened???

  9. yankeepups12 yankeepups12
    posted a quote
    March 1, 2011 8:36pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  10. yankeepups12 yankeepups12
    posted a quote
    March 1, 2011 7:56pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  11. yankeepups12 yankeepups12
    posted a quote
    March 1, 2011 5:54pm UTC
    Jesse's POV:
    I texted Alex.
    Me: I can see you.
    She went to take out her phone when she walked into someone. I didn't see what happened next. Someone walked in front of me. I walked around them. When I looked back over Alex was gone. All i saw was a flash chestnut brown hair disappear into the cover of the woods. My heart skipped a beat. I walked slightly faster over to where she was just standing. I looked around. She was no where to be found. I sighed and looked at my feet. That's when I saw it. Her phone was laying half open in the middle of the sidewalk. I picked it up and looked at it. Entered in was 911. I stopped breathing. I shoved her phone in my pocket and ran to the spot where she had disappeared. I heard a very faint scream come from inside the woods. I lunged into the woods, running as fast as I could. I have to find her!! I thought over and over again. i half footprint here and there kept me on track along with faint screams that were slowly getting louder as I ran. After a minute of me running, the screams stopped. I paused, trying to listen. I couldn't hear anything besides my own heart, beating so fast i thought it was going burst through my chest. I looked down, trying to find another foot print. I stepped forward quietly, listening for anything that would help. I heard a cry, followed by a man yelling, then a deafening slap. I ran to the source of the commotion. I rounded one last tree and that's when I saw her.
    Note: Sorry it's short, i need to Alex's POV. Comment?? Fave??

  12. yankeepups12 yankeepups12
    posted a quote
    February 28, 2011 9:06pm UTC
    6 Months Later...
    Alex's POV:
    I was walking home from school. Well, not home but to the pizza parlor down the street from my school. I was meeting Jesse, Jason, and Madison there. I couldn't wait!! It was actually starting to seem like Jesse actually liked me!! I was hoping he was going to ask me out today. My phone vibrated. I opened it.
    Jesse: Hey
    Me: Heyy, I'm on my way. Are you there?
    Jesse: Nahh. I think Madison and Jason are though. They left earlier because I had to do something for my mom so I'll be there in like 5 minutes.
    Me: kk me too. I'll see you there.
    I put my phone back in my pocket. They had all gone home after school and met up at my place. I had to stay after to do something so I was just going straight from school to the pizza place. I'm guessing Jesse ended up not meeting at my house like planned other wise he would have been there with Madison and Jason. They must've been screaming at each other by now. I couldn't blame Madison. Someone could only take so much Jason. My phone rang and I was going to take it out when I walked into someone. I looked up. It was a guy. He was tall, and handsome, but not like, amazing. he looked familiar. I gave him a warm smile and politely said, "I'm sorry. Please excuse me." He nodded and I went to walk around him. He grabbed my arm. I stopped and looked at him, shocked.
    "You look familiar. Come with me please. He turned and walked in the opposite direction I was walking, dragging me behind him. A knife of fear stabbed my heart.
    "You must have the wrong girl. I don't know you. Please let go!" I almost shouted the last part. I tried to grab my phone to call for help. He yanked my arm. I dropped it.
    "Shut up and follow me." I winced in pain. Oh no! This can't be good. I looked at my phone laying on the ground as he dragged me away. I looked at him again. That's when I remembered. He's the guy that checked me out like 6 months ago!! What's he gonna do to me?
    "Let go!! I hit his arm. He pushed me into a bush. We were off to the side of a somewhat busy road, right by the woods of my town. I panicked. He dragged me behind a tree, me kicking and screaming the whole time, and then he picked me up and slung me over his shoulder. He carried me further into the woods. I punched him and kicked him and screamed all the way. It was no use. No one could here me now. he was going to get what he wanted, and when he was done. So was I. Except i would be done forever.

  13. yankeepups12 yankeepups12
    posted a quote
    February 28, 2011 8:22pm UTC
    Jesse's POV:
    Things after that were good with me and Alex. We had actually become closer than before the incident. We talked all the time and she was starting to become one of my best friends. I kind of...secretly liked her more than just a friend, but I was sure she couldn't like me after what I had done to her. So whenever that thought came into my head, I pushed it to the back of my mind and enjoyed whatever i was doing.
    Life was good.
    Alex's POV:
    Jesse was becoming one of my BEST FRIENDS!!! We talked constantly and were becoming more and more comfortable around each other. I still liked him, and every now and then, the thought of him kissing me would ring through out my mind. Obviously, he didn't like me and just wanted to be friends, so I didn't push it. I acted just how I used to, which was be just friends with him, then obsess about him to Madison. I knew she didn't like it too much but she was my best friend so she dealt with it and supported me. I loved that girl.
    Life was good.
    Madison's POV:
    Alex and Jesse are becoming so close. I didn't mind though, I knew Alex loved me like a sister and that she would always be there for me. I was happy for her. This is something she had always wanted. Obviously, she was still head over heels in love with him, so Why in the world should I stand in her way. She is my best friend and no matter how annoying she gets about him, I have to put up with her, pretty soon Jesse and her relationship is going to move, in either direction. So until that point, I'm Alex's relationship therapist. Anyway, things with me were going good. My family was pulling the same old crap as always, but I was getting sucked into it less often so that made me happy.
    Life was good.
    Jason's POV:
    I was happy that Alex and Jesse were getting along well. It would be kind of awkward if my sister and best friend weren't talking and I was stuck in the middle, so yeah, I was glad that it was all over. The only thing that got annoying was that sometimes Alex wouldn't leave us alone. Sometimes I needed some guy time. Jesse didn't mind though. I knew he liked her. I knew that she liked him. I didn't tell them though because if they were going to be together, they needed to figure it out on their own. So...yeah.
    Life was good.
    Note: Trying to build suspense: Notice a pattern? Well hint, hint: Not for long ;) Comment?? Fave?? Follow???

  14. yankeepups12 yankeepups12
    posted a quote
    February 27, 2011 7:33pm UTC
    Heyy Witty People!!
    To anyone interested, I've just made a website that I'll be posting my stories, pictures, drawings, etc. on. (mostly my stories) I'd really appreciate it if someone would check it out and spread the word. I will LOVE you if you do!!! Thanks!!! :) <333
    Sorry, I know i keep posting this, but After a day or two, no one reads it, so I need to keep it fresh. :)

  15. yankeepups12 yankeepups12
    posted a quote
    February 27, 2011 7:30pm UTC
    Alex's POV:
    I sighed. Science was never ending! Ms. Dariff wouldn't shut the hell up and Jesse looked like he was about to make a life or death decision. I huffed and continued to scribble down notes, trying to keep up with Ms. Dariff. Suddenly, a crumpled up piece of paper landed on my book. I jumped a little. It scared me. Well everything scares me. One time I jumped because my I forgot I put my binder away. I unfolded the paper.
    Alex, I'm sorry, truthfully. I don't know why I kissed u yesterday...I just.. got caught up in the moment...I think. Please forgive me.
    I looked at Jesse. his stare was sincere. I sighed and wrote on the crinkled piece of paper.
    I don't know Jesse, telling someone to f••k off, then kissing them, that's a bit hard to forget. especially if he wont stop making excuses to get out of it.
    I folded the piece of paper back up and threw it ontop of his note book. He read it, scribbled something else down fast, and tossed it back.
    Im not trying to make excuses! I care about you... your my friend....I don't want to lose one of my best friends....
    I wrote:
    Then why would u say something like that? And then end up kissing me!!!!
    He wrote:
    I didn't think. I'm sorry. Just please. i want the old Alex back. I want my friend back.
    I sighed. i couldn't believe I wanted to forgive him. Especially after what he did. But he was right. I did miss him. I wanted my friend back.
    I want my friend back too. But don't think this is it. It's never going to be the same. u still hurt me. u cant change that.
    He wrote:
    No Alex. I no... trust me. but I do regret it. I can't say I'm sorry enough.
    I wrote:
    Okay, so now i have a question.
    He wrote:
    I wrote:
    How do you like my hair??? :)
    Note: UNDENIABLE is coming to an end. I'm predicting there will be around 30 parts of UNDENIABLE. but don't hold me to it. It's just an estimate.

  16. yankeepups12 yankeepups12
    posted a quote
    February 27, 2011 5:12pm UTC
    Jesse's POV:
    I stood alone before school. I just didn't want to talk to anyone. I saw Alex standing off to the side with Madison. I had to look twice. Alex looked so different!!! She had short hair and light blonde highlights in her chestnut brown hair. It surprised me. She never got to wrapped up in how her hair looked. Madison was admiring it when she caught sight of me. She gave me the same icy glare she did the day I said what I had said about Alex. Alex turned to see what she was looking at. Her eyes met mine and we stayed like that for a second, her icy blue eyes sending me into a trance. The bell rang. I jumped and shook my head. Alex quickly looked away, her cheeks starting to turn red. I grinned. My stomach flipped. Every time!!! Maybe... I do.. like her... I shook the thought out of my head quickly. I didn't want to. I missed just being friends. I missed going over to Jason's and laughing at disgusting, immature, well, GUY stuff and her not caring. I missed the old Alex. I wanted this all to end. I wanted the old Alex back. Not this new Alex that wanted to change because, truthfully, she didn't have change. She was perfect the way she was and I was an idiot for not seeing that.
    Note: Sorry It's short. didn't know what else to write. Comment?? Fave??

  17. yankeepups12 yankeepups12
    posted a quote
    February 27, 2011 4:24pm UTC
    Madison's POV:
    Me: What happened?
    Alex: omg Im freaking out!! FREAKING OUT RIGHT NOW!!!
    Me: Tell me what happened!
    Alex: HE KISSED ME!!!
    Me: JESSE?!?!?!?!
    Alex: Yep! in the middle of the street he kissed me!!! OMG PLEASE HELP ME!!! WHAT DO I DO???
    My mind was reeling. Why would Jesse kiss her?? After what he said. He has some nerve!!!
    Me: Well, uh, what did you do??
    Alex: Idk. i was about to kiss him back, then i realized what i was doing, pushed him off me and called him a pig and ran away. :P
    Me: Well if you were about to kiss him back then you mustve liked it right? i mean that's what you've always wanted... don't u regret running off on him?
    Alex: GRRRR!!! I hate this. I wanna be over him, but now... ugh! hes making it sooo hard!!! DX
    Me: Sorry.... Im here for ya tho.
    Alex: Thanks <3333
    Just then my mom called me. "MADISON!!! COME DOWN HERE!!! IT'S TIME FOR DINNER!" I groaned.
    Me: My mom just loves proving me wrong. I gtg time for dinner. sorry. I prob wont text you later cuz i got a ton of hw. Shouldn't you too.
    Alex: I did it in study hall. ;)
    Me: I should off but I was tired. so I slept ;)
    Alex: I know.. you were sitting next to me -.-
    Me: hahahaa yeah.
    "MADISON!!!!" my mom screamed.
    "I'm coming mom!" I yelled back.
    Me: okay really gtg. bye <333
    Alex: Byeee <33 thanks for helping me.
    Me: Np!! :)
    I put my phone down. What a day...
    Note: A thanks to my 4 new followers!! Thanks soo much <333

  18. yankeepups12 yankeepups12
    posted a quote
    February 26, 2011 4:15pm UTC
    Jesse's POV:
    I kissed her. I kissed her right there in the middle of the street. After a second she pushed me off her.
    "You pig!!" She wailed. Then she turn and ran. i didn't chase her... I didn't know what to do. I sat down on the curb and put my head in my hands. My mind was reeling. Why did I kiss her? I don't like her...do I? No stop. You're being ridiculous. You don't like her... She's just a friend. I sat there for a while. I couldn't figure out why I kissed her. Maybe I just got caught up in the moment. I sighed and walked back to my house. I walked up and went into my room. I sat at the computer desk and signed onto Facebook. I typed in So confused... and entered it in as my status. within a minute, my friend Dan commented.
    Dan Jacobs: do you want me to call Dr. Phill for ya??
    Jesse Ragno: hahaha very funny. no thanks.
    Dan Jacobs: Yo dude what's wrong?
    Jesse Ragno: Nthin, just forget it.
    I deleted the status. The last thing I needed was people asking what was going on. I went back to the home page. I saw Alex's name at the top. I read her status.
    Alexa Raccoltaaa:) HELP ME!!!!
    Damn! She's going to tell everyone!! I clicked on see all comments and read threw them.
    Sapphire Jones: What's up sistaa??
    Alexa Raccoltaaa:): It's a long story. dont really wanna talk about it now.
    Sapphire Jones: Ya sure???
    Alexa Raccoltaaa:): Yeah, thanks tho <333
    Sapphire Jones: Np :)
    Madison Rabbiaaa:): TEXT ME!!!
    Alexa Raccoltaaa:): kk.
    I sighed and signed off. At least she didn't tell the world. I expected her to tell Madison so I guess that was okay. Tomorrow is gonna be even worse than today!!!!!!
    Note: Comment? Fave? Follow?? Feedback? Thanks to all who care <33

  19. yankeepups12 yankeepups12
    posted a quote
    February 26, 2011 3:36pm UTC
    Alex's POV:
    Jesse grabbed me from behind.
    "LET GO OF ME!!" I wailed. I was about to start crying. He was about to ruin it!
    "Alex!!! Please stop and just lemme explain." He begged.
    "Explain what?! When are you gonna get it through that stupid head of yours that I never want to see you again!" I was yanking my arm and punching him, trying to get him off of me. I was failing. He was stronger than he looked.
    "You're a friend. I don't want to lose a friend. A good friend at that. "
    "You should have thought about that before you said you wanted me to f••k off! Now let go!!"
    "Only if you promise not to run away."
    "Fine I promise." He let go. I turned to walk away.
    "Alex! Come on! Just hear me out."
    "You have 30 seconds." I looked at him. There was sincerity in his eyes. He almost cracked my shell. I was so close to breaking down and throwing my arms around him. But I couldn't do that. I had to stay strong.
    "I only said what I said because...i didn't want Jason to get mad at me for hitting on his sister." He looked away. What a liar!!!
    "Yeah right. You and I both know that Jason wouldn't get mad at you. He knows I'd get mad at him. He knows your his best friend. He knows you wouldn't do anything bad to me. Okay so you said it 'cause you didn't like me. I can live with that. Okay so stop trying to make excuses and leave me ALONE!!" I turned around to stomp away.
    "Alex..." He called. I ignored him. That's when he spun me around and kissed me.

  20. yankeepups12 yankeepups12
    posted a quote
    February 26, 2011 3:00pm UTC
    Alex's POV:
    I walked out of the hair salon. I smiled to myself. The beginning of a new me. I kept thinking over and over to myself. I didn't need Jesse. He was an oblivious loser who found his life in sports and videogames, like most obnoxious guys. I walked down the street. I noticed a guy checking me out. I smiled and waved. He didn't say anything, just murmured amongst his friends. This new me is working already. As happy as I was to see a random stranger check me out, it was kind of awkward and new to me. I wasn't into the whole slutty thing so I didn't really try to impress any other guy beside Jesse. What's the big deal. I thought to myself, he checked me out. That's a compliment. It's not like I'm ever going to see him again. After a while I decided to shrug it off. It wasn't worth me getting hung up over it. That's something I tend to do often. Get hung up over stupid stuff...hung up over stupid stuff... am I over reacting about this whole Jesse thing? I mean, he said I should f••k off. That's something to get hung up on right? I sighed. That's when I realized I was walking on Jesse's block. Sh•t!! I forgot I had to walk past his house to get to mine!!! I don't want him to see me and try to 'explain himself'. I'm sick of his excuses!! Damn! I lowered my head and walked faster. His house was coming up. I pulled my hood over my head. Just keep walking. I thought over and over. I glanced over at his house. I saw Jesse playing with his 7 year old brother out in the front yard. F••k me!!! I almost broke into a run. i had to get out of there.
    "HI ALEX!!!!" his brother squealed.
    "God dammit." I mumbled under my breath. It's always the little one that gives it away.
    "Alex! umm... Matt go inside I'll be in in a minute." Jesse told his brother as he herded him toward the front door. Once Matt was inside, Jesse ran to catch up with me. That's when I broke into a run. My hood blew off my head as I picked up speed. "Alex!!" He called from behind me! It was no use. Jesse was super fast. There was no way I could out run him. That would mean he would try to 'explain himself' again. He was going to ruin everything! He was going to ruin the new me.
    Note: Feedback??? Please


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