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  1. CharliesTheName CharliesTheName
    posted a quote
    March 22, 2013 6:14pm UTC
    Me: *whispering* If you're stupid say "what".
    Friend: What?
    Me: OH MAN.
    Me: OH

  2. Hale_Storm18 Hale_Storm18
    posted a quote
    March 24, 2013 2:41pm UTC
    Me: You're sitting in my seat
    Kid: I don't see your name on it
    Me: It will be written in your blood if you don't get the f.uck up

  3. xxHelloLovelyxx xxHelloLovelyxx
    posted a quote
    March 22, 2013 3:37pm UTC
    So I'm currently enrolled in a Public Speaking class in school. The first assignment was to write a speech on anything. It could only last from 2-3 minutes. So, I chose Macklemore. I thought you guys might enjoy it.
    "When I was asked the question, 'What are you going to do for your speech?' I answered with, 'Macklemore.' No one really knew who Macklemore was, so to describe him, I said, 'The guy who sings Thrift Shop.' Instantly, everyone knows who I'm talking about. And you guys kind of gave me weird looks or giggled, like, 'How is this girl going to write a 2 minute speech on a guy who sings about thrift shopping?'
    "Well, that guy is actually named Ben Haggerty. Ben was born June 19, 1983, in Seattle, Washington. In the year 2000, when he was 16, he began his music carreer. He released an album under the name of Prof. Macklemore. The album's sales were minimal.
    "In 2005, Macklemore began abusing substances. OxyContin, in specific. He hit rock bottom to the point where he lost everything; his home, his family, and even his music carreer. In 2008, after 3 years of drug addiction, he finally decided to clean himself up. He was sober by 2009.
    "The Heist was the next album to be released. This album was released under the name Macklemore. He dropped the Prof. The Heist features Thrift Shop, but it also has songs like Otherside and Same Love. On this album, Macklemore talks about adolescent violence, suicide, gay marriage and drug addiction. In his song Otherside, where he profiles substance abuse, he uses the quote:
    "You're stuck, looking in a mirror like I can't believe what I've become. Swore I was gonna be someone, and growing up, everyone always does. We sell our dreams and our potential to escape through that buzz.
    "Same Love describes Macklemore's views on gay marriage and gay rights. In that song, he uses the line:
    "It's the same hate that caused war over religion. Gender to skin color. The complexion of your pigment. The same fight that led people to walk-outs and sit-ins. It's human rights for everybody, there is no difference. Live on and be yourself.
    "And this man is famous for the line: I wear your grandad's clothes. I look incredible.
    "Macklemore is so much better than Thrift Shop. Macklemore is an inspiration and my idol. He's the reason why I keep pushing myself to be better and to make the right descions. He's such a poetic genius and it's disgusting that he's famous for potentially the worst song he'll ever produce. Macklemore is not the guy who sings Thrift Shop. Macklemore is the man who's attempting to change the genre of rap and hip hop music.
    "That is Macklemore. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how you write a 2 minute speech on the man who sings about thrift shops."

  4. Hale_Storm18 Hale_Storm18
    posted a quote
    March 22, 2013 7:26pm UTC
    When I was younger, I was in McDonalds and I had my tamagotchi with me
    and I was playing with it and there was another girl, about my age, had a tamagotchi too and we kept looking over at each other. After a while, she went to the bathroom and I followed a few minutes after and she had been waiting for me and we connected our tamagotchi's and we made them have tamababies. To this day, it's the most scandalous I've ever done in my life.

  5. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  6. happiest* happiest*
    posted a quote
    March 24, 2013 1:50pm UTC
    It's not easy being a girl.
    we have to:
    straighten our hair,
    curl our hair,
    deal with periods every month,
    shave our legs,
    shave our underarms,
    shave inappropriate places...
    plan our outfits,
    try to get that guy to notice us,
    wear make-up,
    curl our eyelashes,
    paint our nails,
    paint our toes,
    count calories,
    wear uncomfortable thongs,
    give birth,
    wear skirts,
    deal with uncomfortable shoes
    and tight bras,
    blow our money on beauty supplies
    and deal with mood swings.
    and what do guys go through?
    they're voice gets deeper,
    they shave their face,
    and they exercise.

  7. spence* spence*
    posted a quote
    March 28, 2013 3:06pm UTC
    Teaching you not to talk to strangers,
    Unless they're hot

  8. yourcool yourcool
    posted a quote
    December 28, 2012 3:51pm UTC
    disney should make a princess that's
    obsessed with boy bands so we can feel beautiful.

  9. s4rc4sm s4rc4sm
    posted a quote
    December 13, 2012 7:55pm UTC
    ^ Thats steve, the creator of witty.
    One fave = One high five/hug/thank you
    come on, show him your love<3

  10. happiest* happiest*
    posted a quote
    December 22, 2012 11:42am UTC
    channing tatum: hi i'm your husband, you were in a car accident
    me: ok

  11. yourcool yourcool
    posted a quote
    December 23, 2012 5:21pm UTC
    i'm never going to forgive jamie lynn spears for
    getting pregnant at sixteen and ruining zoey 101.

  12. BlackButterflies BlackButterflies
    posted a quote
    December 18, 2012 9:30pm UTC
    at mcdonalds:
    friend 1: i'll just have a coke
    friend 2: i'll have a salad
    friend 3: anyone want to split a sundae with me?
    me: i'll have a cheeseburger, large fries - make sure there's a lot of ketchup - chicken nuggets, a milkshake and--
    me: a diet coke. that makes it healthy.

  13. AlNicholas AlNicholas
    posted a quote
    December 4, 2012 7:50pm UTC
    I play the keyboard in a band called The Internet

  14. candie12345 candie12345
    posted a quote
    November 30, 2012 3:12pm UTC
    What if Steve is like a hot male model?

  15. Hale_Storm18 Hale_Storm18
    posted a quote
    November 2, 2012 2:32pm UTC
    I hate girls who complain about guys hitting on them.
    Wow, your life myst be hard. Guys find you attractive. That must be terrible. I feel for you.

  16. yourcool yourcool
    posted a quote
    November 20, 2012 9:16pm UTC
    i was on some website and i saw this:
    "my ten year old brother asked if i ever went to a one direction signing, that he would like to come with
    her: why do you want to go? you hate when i talk about one direction or hear their music.
    brother: i want to thank them for something.
    her: what for?
    brother: making the scars on your wrist dissapear."
    faith in the lower generation has been restored.

  17. LacedRibbon LacedRibbon
    posted a quote
    November 3, 2012 6:16pm UTC
    Look, its Kristen Stewart.

  18. akp1015 akp1015
    posted a quote
    November 14, 2012 5:02pm UTC
    me: well, looks like i'm done with my test
    me: but no one has turned theirs in yet...
    me: guess i'll just wait
    me: *waits*
    rest of class: *waits*
    one brave soul: *gets up and turns in test*
    me & rest of class: *gets up and turns in test*
    anyone else?

  19. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  20. bye* bye*
    posted a quote
    November 19, 2012 5:32pm UTC
    i was in a hospital today and i saw this cute boy with a cast on his leg and my first thought was
    hey this one can't run away


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