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Member Since: 29 Mar 2010 06:58pm

Last Seen: 27 Sep 2011 04:04am

user id: 104786

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  1. shelbs66 shelbs66
    posted a quote
    March 8, 2011 11:02pm UTC
    My father is half the cause of my insecurities,
    the other half is because I choose to believe everything he says.

  2. shelbs66 shelbs66
    posted a quote
    March 8, 2011 11:01pm UTC
    And no matter how much you hurt me, I still love you.
    I try and fight for you but you just let me down like always.
    You're just not worth the fight anymore.
    I still love you no matter what though, Dad. </3

  3. shelbs66 shelbs66
    posted a quote
    March 1, 2011 12:29am UTC
    You never managed to smile at me,
    Or tell me I made you glad.
    You never told me I was special,
    Or make me smile when I was sad.
    You never held my hand,
    Or checked under my bed.
    You never laughed with me.
    Or when I was sick, felt my head.
    You never drove me to school,
    or made sure I was doing my best.
    You never made me feel beautiful,
    Above all the rest.
    You never gave me that lecture about boys,
    Or give me one of those great big daddy hugs.
    You never told me there was nothing to fear,
    Like the monsters and bed bugs.
    You never read me stories
    Or tucked me in at night.
    You never put me on your shoulders
    And made me feel alright.
    You never taught me to stand tall,
    Or let me dance on your shoes.
    You never told me I did great when I really tried.
    Or took me to see the animals at the different zoos.
    You never will walk me down the isle,
    On that very special day.
    You never did or will protect me,
    In every kind of way.
    You never were proud of me,
    Even when I did something good.
    But I guess you did all of these things,
    Because you never loved me all along.
    You never acted like my father,
    Although you were supposed to be.
    I thank you every day,
    For choosing not to be in my life.
    I envy all those girls I see with their perfect father,
    The only thing I know is I'll choose well when I decide to become a wife.
    And even though you may have not treated me the best and have no desire to love me,
    I hope one day you wake and you you'll see.
    The pain you caused me is a tragedy that'll stay with me forever.
    I'm sorry me as a daughter is what you never had,
    You will always be my father, but you will never be my dad.

  4. shelbs66 shelbs66
    posted a quote
    March 1, 2011 12:13am UTC
    Hi, so this isn't pretty but here goes nothing...
    When they call for the father/daughter dance at my wedding, I'm going to take my mom by the hand and dance with her, my father probably won't even be there. My father left me when I was 3. He didn't come back for 5 years. Now he only wants to see me when it's a good enough time for him and when nothing else better is going on. He's the reason for most of my insecurities. The only time he's talking to me he's bringing me down, never has anything nice to say about me. Sometimes he shows up and tries to take me when i'm home alone, sometimes he succeeds and I have to find away out. Sometimes he calls late at night when he's drunk to tell me how much he hates me, I don't tell mom because I don't want her to worry. She has enough to worry about, she doesn't need to worry about me. I'll be fine. I'm fine until I see all these girls talk or watch them with their fathers, it kills me inside. I want that. I want a guy who gives me lectures about boys, always tells me to do my best, yells at me when I have done wrong and encourages me, no matter what but mostly a man I look up to. I don't have that and I never will...
    I'm not looking for you to feel sorry for me, heck I'm not even sure if you'll read this. I just want you to know, no matter how mad you get at your daddy, be appreciative that you have one, some people don't even have that...

  5. shelbs66 shelbs66
    posted a quote
    February 27, 2011 2:58pm UTC
    It's not pretty, but worth reading. <3
    Her hair was up in a pony tail, her favorite dress tied with a bow. Today was 'Daddy's Day' at school, and she couldn't wait to go. But her mommy tried to tell her, that she probably should stay home. Why the kids might not understand, if she went to school alone. But she was not afraid, she knew just what to say. What to tell her classmates of why he wasn't there today. But still her mother worried, for her to face this day alone. And that was why once again, she tried to keep her daughter home. The little girl still went to school, eager to tell them all. About a dad she never sees, a dad who never calls. There were daddies along the wall in the back, for everyone too meet. Children were squirming impatiently, anxious in their seats. One by one the teacher called, a student from the class to introduce her daddy. As the minutes slowly passed, at last the teacher called her name, every child turned to stare. Each of them was searching, for a man who wasn't there. "Where's her daddy at?" she heard a boy call out. "She probably doesn't have one," another student dared to shout. The words did not offend her, as she smiled up at her Mom. And looked back at her teacher, who told her to go on. And with hands behind her back, slowly she began too speak. And out from the mouth of a child, came words incredibly unique. "My daddy couldn't be here, because he lives so far away. But I know he wishes he could be here, since this is such a special day. And even though you cannot meet him, I want you to know he loves me very much. I know if he didn't live so far and was with me and mommy, he would've told me stories to make me go bed, teach me to ride a bike. We we would've shared fudge sundaes and ice cream cones. And he would've carried me on his shoulders so I would be high above everyone else and I'd be daddy's little girl and have that man I love so much." And from somewhere in the crowd of dads, her mother stood shedding a couple tears. Proudly watching her daughter, who was wise beyond her years. For she stood up for the love of a man not in her life. Doing what was best for her, doing what was right. And then she said, staring straight into the crowd, "I love my daddy very much, he's my shining star. Even though he's not here today or hasn't called in years, I know he loves me." And there her mother was trying to fight the tears because all that her little girl said was a lie, her father lefted them when she was only 3. He had nothing to do with her and yet she stills believes in him, hoping one day he will come back even though the mother knows he never will.

  6. shelbs66 shelbs66
    posted a quote
    December 2, 2010 11:04pm UTC
    My grandfather died the morning after thanksgiving, he wanted all the family to be together one last time i guess. he'd been sick for 6 years. He held on for awhile, but his sickness and disease made him sicker and sicker as the months go by. This is a poem i wrote for him, i read it at the funeral that was held today. I miss him and love him with all my heart. <3
    The world isn't the same,
    since the day the angels came.
    Heaven has received another angel. The night sky, another star.
    His life has become a loving memory, I know he will never be too far.
    Together we have all cried an ocean of tears,
    as we feel so empty and hold many fears.
    But Granddad would want us to know he's in a good place,
    and that hes watching us all with a smile on his face.
    I know I'm not perfect, I never will be,
    but I hope he's up there, and he's proud of me.
    He changed who I am today,
    A debt I can never repay.
    He has played a special part.
    Memories, I will treasure and keep close to my heart.
    Because of the disease he could not defeat,
    his life is now, sadly, complete.
    He had to let go, he was holding on for so long.
    There's not a day I don't think of him and how he was so strong.
    To each one of us, he has loved and cared.
    We're all so thankfull for the good times we shared.
    I love and miss him with all my heart,
    but as long as I have our loving memories, we will never be far apart.
    He really was one in a million, a cut above the rest.
    All that knew him would agree, he simply was the best.
    Although he is gone, we will always be together,
    And his spirit will live on each one of us, forever.
    As times passes, our tears will dry, our hearts will mend
    but our love for him will never end.
    R.I.P. Granddad, 11/26/2010. <3

  7. shelbs66 shelbs66
    posted a quote
    October 31, 2010 1:32pm UTC
    so this isn't a pretty quote but i just wanted to say that last night, i told him how i felt, and even though i knew there wasn't a chance with him, and he just told me who he liked and it wasn't me, i still told him and i feel soo glad to get that off my chest, and he said its best for us to just be friends and for some reason i was completely fine with it, i just hope he knows that im still madly inlove with him, i hope things won't be akward at the halloween party tonight.. ]: <3

  8. shelbs66 shelbs66
    posted a quote
    October 18, 2010 1:46pm UTC
    "My Crush"
    Say your crushes name six times.
    Now close your eyes and make a wish about them.
    Decide what's more important, love, or 10 million dollars.
    Now make one last wish, the love, or the money.
    Repost this in 60 seconds with the subject
    "My Crush"
    And you'll get an unexpected talk from your crush...
    DON'T screw it up

  9. shelbs66 shelbs66
    posted a quote
    May 22, 2010 2:37pm UTC
    in life ; the greater things are always unseen,
    that`s why we close our eyes when we
    kiss , cry or dreaam.. < 3

  10. shelbs66 shelbs66
    posted a quote
    May 22, 2010 2:33pm UTC
    Give me a hint,
    Just one little clue.
    To let me know why
    I have a crush on you
    Don't make me feel silly
    Or worse, even shy
    And I'll listen to what you have to say
    If you just tell me why
    Is it the way you listen,
    And talk to me,
    Or the look on your face
    When i do something silly?
    Is it the cute habits you have unlike no one else
    That make me wish I could have you all to myself? (:

  11. shelbs66 shelbs66
    posted a quote
    May 22, 2010 2:31pm UTC
    I think about you day after day,
    sometimes, i even plan out what i will say.
    You have no idea; you have no clue,
    of just how much i think of you.
    I remember the time, i remember the day,
    i had no idea what i was going to say.
    I remember getting lost into your eyes,
    i must of let out a million of sighs.
    I hope we could be together sometime in our life,
    and sometimes at night, i dream that I'm your wife.
    I love you now and always, i hope you can see,
    that if you give our love a chance, how happy we'll be.
    I'm going to bed, please be in my dreams,
    because in real life you don't know what this means.
    I will never forget you no way, no how;
    i know we'll be together some way, some how.

  12. shelbs66 shelbs66
    posted a quote
    May 22, 2010 2:29pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  13. shelbs66 shelbs66
    posted a quote
    May 22, 2010 2:27pm UTC
    For all the times,
    You weren't by my side.
    For all the times,
    You just watched me cry.
    Everything you put me through,
    Hurts me so bad now,
    And the pain wont fade away,
    So now i have to live with it everyday.
    I cant believe you would do this,
    After you told me you loved me,
    And i thought it was true,
    But i guessed you lied.
    Now I'm here alone,
    Without you by my side,
    No one for me to talk to,
    About what I'm going through

  14. shelbs66 shelbs66
    posted a quote
    May 22, 2010 2:25pm UTC
    girls are like apples on trees, the best ones are at the top. the boys don't reach for the good ones because they're afraid of falling and getting hurt so they get the rotten apples on the ground that aren't as good but easy, so the apples at the top think there's something wrong with them when in reality they are amazing. they just have to wait for the right boy to come along, the one who's brave enough to climb all the way to the top of the tree

  15. shelbs66 shelbs66
    posted a quote
    April 13, 2010 3:18pm UTC
    The blonde test (:
    lets see whos a dumb blondeeee.
    36 out of 40 :D
    1 [x] Gum has fallen out of your mouth when you were talking
    2 [x] Gum has fallen out of your mouth when you were NOT talking
    3 [x] You have ran into a glass/screen door
    4 [x] You have jumped out of a moving vehicle
    5 [x] You have thought of something funny and laughed,then people gave you weird looks
    6 [x] You have ran into a tree
    7 [x I've Tried. :/ It isn't possible to lick your elbow
    8 [x] You tried to lick your elbow after you read this
    9 [x] You never knew that the Alphabet and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star have the same rhythm
    10 [x] You just tried to sing them
    11 [x] You have tripped on your shoelace and fallen
    12 [x] You have choked on your own spit
    13 [x] You have seen the the Matrix and still don't get it.
    14 [x] You didn't notice that in the last question 'the' was spelled twice
    15 [x] You just looked at it
    16 [ ] Your hair is blonde/dirty blonde
    17 [x] A LOT of People have called you slow
    18 [x] You have accidentally caught something on fire
    19 [x] You tried to drink out of a straw, but it went somewhere else on your face
    20 [x] You have caught yourself drooling
    21 [ ] Nearly, does that count? You've fallen asleep in class
    22 [x] Sometimes you just stop thinking
    23 [x] You are telling a story and forget what you were talking about
    24 [x] People are often shaking their heads at you and walk away from you
    25 [x] You are often told to use your 'inside voice'
    26 [x] You use your fingers to do simple math
    27 [ ] You have eaten a bug
    28 [x] You are taking this test when you should be doing something important.
    29 [x] You have put your clothes on backwards or insideout, and didn't realize it
    30 [x] You've looked all over for something and realized it was in your hand or pocket
    31 [ ] You sometimes post bulletins because you are scared that what they say will happen to you if you don't even when you know it won't happen to you, like on a myspace...
    32 [ x] You break a lot of things; just about everyday
    33 [x] Your friends know not to use big words around you
    34 [x] You tilt your head when you're confusedd
    35 [x] You have fallen out of your chair before
    36 [x] When you're laying in bed, you try to find pictures in the texture of the
    37 [x] The word 'umm' is used many times a day
    38 [x] You called a friend and then completely forgot what you were gonna say
    39 [x] You have spelled your name wrong
    40 [x] You have packed to go somewhere and totally forgot the most important thing

  16. shelbs66 shelbs66
    posted a quote
    April 6, 2010 12:09am UTC
    i fell for you, i didnt expect to fall that hard.
    maybe i fell for you because;
    of the way you said you loved me
    or because you always told me how i meant the world
    or maybe from all those songs you wrote for me that meant so much
    or just because you were so different from every other guy out there.
    and maybe i was just too caught up in the lies, i never really thought that;
    when you said you loved me and i meant the world you would be saying that to several other girls
    and maybe when you wrote them songs that they would be nothing but a lie, and you would send them to other girls and let them believe the same bullshit as i did
    and maybe just maybe i was absolutley, positively wrong because you turned out to be exactly who i thought you wouldnt be.

  17. shelbs66 shelbs66
    posted a quote
    April 3, 2010 8:19pm UTC
    shelbb is a friend that ill always have till the end,
    no matter what happens, our friendship will never bend,
    all the memories madee
    knowing they will never fade (:
    my bestfriend , no sister sarah morgan bunce made this for me <33333

  18. shelbs66 shelbs66
    posted a quote
    April 3, 2010 8:16pm UTC
    He's just a boy,
    who doesn't understand what he has right there infront of him
    she's just a girl
    who never quite understood how to let go.

  19. shelbs66 shelbs66
    posted a quote
    April 1, 2010 10:51pm UTC
    sometimes i just wish that i could be like Max or Emme
    and have a room in my house where if i want to escape,
    i just have to go to that room, open a drawer,
    take out a little box with a scale in it, recite a couple words
    and ill be in a whole different place,
    where ill have friends who don't judge me,
    love me for me,
    don't care how often or how long we see each other,
    just that we do hangout and don't care what i look like.

  20. shelbs66 shelbs66
    posted a quote
    April 1, 2010 10:33pm UTC
    and just because she comes over as strong;
    doesn't mean she didn't fall asleep crying.
    and even if she acts like nothing is wrong maybe, just maybe, she's really good at lying.


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