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  1. shelbs66 shelbs66
    posted a quote
    April 1, 2010 10:14pm UTC
    I saw you walking with her after school today.
    There was a little voice inside my head that said,
    "Why are you with her instead of me ?!"
    But my heart told me to,
    "Just let it go."
    The pain will be worth the wait in the end.

  2. shelbs66 shelbs66
    posted a quote
    April 1, 2010 9:02pm UTC
    i want to be the girl who;
    he thinks is the cutest; not necessarily
    the hottest or prettiest, but the cutest,
    because hottness refers to the body,
    and god knows mine isn't perfect.
    and pretty refers to the face,
    i know plenty of girls prettier than me;
    but cuteness is refering to every
    imperfection that he loves.
    every weird little habit.
    the funny little things that make me
    different from any other girl he could have;
    how dorky i laugh, the way i talk,
    or the way my hair smells.
    all of the little things he notices and adores.
    i want to be that girl

  3. shelbs66 shelbs66
    posted a quote
    April 1, 2010 11:02am UTC
    I want all of you, forever
    you and me everyday.
    -The Notebook

  4. shelbs66 shelbs66
    posted a quote
    April 1, 2010 10:56am UTC
    when his girlfriend agreed with me on a comment,
    idk why but my heart sank
    knowing he chose her
    but we think the same

  5. shelbs66 shelbs66
    posted a quote
    April 1, 2010 10:53am UTC
    my biggest mistake wasn't falling for you.
    it was thinking you had fallen for me too.

  6. shelbs66 shelbs66
    posted a quote
    April 1, 2010 10:51am UTC
    And why does it feel like everything fell crashing to the ground
    in front of my eyes all at once.
    Why do I sit here and just wish I could disappear and never come back.
    Just so it would all stop hurting.
    Why do I wish everyday that I could be just like her.
    Have it all.
    A perfect life.
    If only.
    Why does a smile take so much effort these days.
    Why can't I just stop crying.
    Why does it all have to be like this.

  7. shelbs66 shelbs66
    posted a quote
    April 1, 2010 10:46am UTC
    People who are too weak to follow their own dreams,
    will always try to discourage yours.

  8. shelbs66 shelbs66
    posted a quote
    April 1, 2010 10:44am UTC
    And honestly, who wants to be perfect?
    It wouldn't be fun if everything went the way it was supposed to.
    I like choas, it makes me realize that nothing is perfect,
    its not always going to be easy,
    but its life, you just have to keep living it

  9. shelbs66 shelbs66
    posted a quote
    March 31, 2010 11:06pm UTC
    one day you'll miss me like hell, you'll wish you never
    screwed it up and one day you'll come running back to what could've been yours, should've been yours, would've been yours, & you'll see that this time I'm not giving a damn. (:

  10. shelbs66 shelbs66
    posted a quote
    March 31, 2010 11:00pm UTC
    You know that feeling when you look at him and think, wow i love him but we're just friends, or maybe when he looks at her and it hurts so much sometimes. when your inlove with him, and hes in love with her. you love everything about him and he loves everything about her. you wasted all your 11:11 wishes on him. you kept it in for so long. no one knows how confused you are. do you tell him you like him? or do you keep it all in, as usual.
    Its confusing or its "complicated" is your answer when someone asks you whats wrong. when you look at them together and your eyes fill up with tears because you love him, you love his so much, and sometimes you just wish he knew .. ):

  11. shelbs66 shelbs66
    posted a quote
    March 31, 2010 1:21pm UTC
    This is hard enough as it is,
    saying goodbye without getting a kiss.
    The feeling of rejoice when i see you at anytime or anywhere,
    makes me realize i'm lost in my own despair.
    I have to know if i have a chance or if i don't,
    but giving up without knowing is something that i won't.
    Here you go again sending me a text,
    i wonder what will happen next.
    Why am i still interested in you,
    when your moving soon, what do i do?
    I don't even think the problem is you, it's me,
    mainly because your perfect and i'm too blind to see.
    From your laugh, to your friendliness, toi your open heartedness,
    that sure is a lot to impress.
    Just know i'm always there for you, your someone i care for,
    and who knows, one day this could be more.
    If not, i hope you find someone that cares for you the way i do,
    you deserve it, even though i'm stuck on you.

  12. shelbs66 shelbs66
    posted a quote
    March 31, 2010 12:57pm UTC
    She's smiling but she doesn't mean it.
    She misses how they use to be.
    She misses how it was, so real how they cared for each other without end
    But most of all, she misses him always being there
    and telling her everything will be okay
    because she need's that now, more then ever.
    She's sick of feeling like something's missing

  13. shelbs66 shelbs66
    posted a quote
    March 31, 2010 12:53pm UTC
    We can achieve anything together.
    We can be the sun and moon.
    Hopefully that'll be sometime soon.
    We are oppostites, you and me.
    That's why we are a pair.
    You take me higher with every breath.
    There is no falling down,
    We can only going up.

  14. shelbs66 shelbs66
    posted a quote
    March 31, 2010 12:44pm UTC
    Never take a person for granted.
    Hold every person close to your heart,
    you might wake up one day and realise that you've lost a diamond while you were too busy collecting nothing but stones.

  15. shelbs66 shelbs66
    posted a quote
    March 31, 2010 12:40pm UTC
    without you, everyones lives would be hell, all that drama that just completes life & you can forget the boys, when they cheat, play you and the breakups, thats just the best part and getting called just about everything and anything. yeah, gotta love that so feel free to stop by and say it any time. and most importantly, is the broken friendships. because we used to be bestfriends, sisters but look what you did, high school. you broke people apart, changed them, and ruined their lives.
    so heres to you.

  16. shelbs66 shelbs66
    posted a quote
    March 31, 2010 12:34pm UTC
    i honestly believe..
    the hardest part of life
    is wondering whether
    you should move on,
    or hold on for a little longer.
    if you move on,
    you could be missing out
    on a chance that wont
    ever come back.
    but if you hold on,
    youre putting yourself
    in great danger of getting
    hurt one more time from him,
    and sometimes your heart just
    cant take another beating

  17. shelbs66 shelbs66
    posted a quote
    March 31, 2010 12:30pm UTC
    be the froot loop
    in a world full of cheerios.

  18. shelbs66 shelbs66
    posted a quote
    March 31, 2010 12:22pm UTC
    sometimes you need to tell yourself
    'let it go'
    because face it,
    in 10 years
    none of this is going to matter.

  19. shelbs66 shelbs66
    posted a quote
    March 31, 2010 12:20pm UTC
    everyone says i need to "get over him", do they realize that its pretty much impossible?
    he may seem like nothing to them, but to me?
    hes the world.
    i may be young & naive and i probably won't even remember his name in a couple years
    but right now i love him with my whole heart and it hurts that he can't love me back.

  20. shelbs66 shelbs66
    posted a quote
    March 31, 2010 12:14pm UTC
    now when i see you;
    i don't get butterflies anymore,
    instead i get tears in my eyes.


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