Witty Profiles

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  1. spence* spence*
    posted a quote
    March 22, 2014 1:06pm UTC
    "you have little boobs!" “wow you look really tired!" “you look sick" “you look mad" “i don’t like your outfit, you looked better in that other shirt" “your hair is really messy!" “wow you sure are eating a ton!" “did you just wake up?" “i liked your hair before you cut it!"

  2. #wishicouldgetyouback* #wishicouldgetyouback*
    posted a quote
    December 24, 2013 9:17am UTC
    Sleep good
    ♥ i woke up to that this morning..

  3. 🎀Anna🎀* 🎀Anna🎀*
    posted a quote
    December 25, 2013 10:48pm UTC
    "I used to think the worst thing in life
    was to end up all alone, it's not.
    The worst thing in life is to end up
    with people that make you
    feel alone."

  4. yourcool yourcool
    posted a quote
    December 24, 2013 3:48pm UTC
    buy me cute underwear
    and i will let you see me wearing it

  5. CharliesTheName CharliesTheName
    posted a quote
    September 14, 2013 4:47pm UTC
    Me: *opens witty*
    Witty: Please sign in.
    Me: *signs in*
    Witty: You're already signed in, silly!
    Me: Then why
    Me: the fück
    Me: did you tell me
    Me: to sign
    Me: in.

  6. CharliesTheName CharliesTheName
    posted a quote
    September 14, 2013 5:16pm UTC
    *annoyed teenage girl voice*
    *snaps in a z formation* Bîtch.

  7. CharliesTheName CharliesTheName
    posted a quote
    September 20, 2013 5:19pm UTC
    So my aunt and uncle had their first child today.
    My uncle: *holding her hand* Are you okay??

  8. Hale_Storm18 Hale_Storm18
    posted a quote
    September 9, 2013 2:55pm UTC
    kiss me too fiercely, hold me too tight. i need help believing you're with me tonight.

  9. happiest* happiest*
    posted a quote
    September 9, 2013 2:45pm UTC
    a bicycle is the acoustic version of a motorcycle

  10. capsized* capsized*
    posted a quote
    September 8, 2013 10:08pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  11. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  12. CloudyWithAChanceOfDeath CloudyWithAChanceOfDeath
    posted a quote
    September 9, 2013 7:13pm UTC
    Me and a guy's conversation in gym today
    Him: Let's form an alience.
    Me: What?
    Him: Let's work together and f*ck with both our teams.
    Me: This is gym class, not survivor.
    Him: Well now we are our own team now.
    Me: ...Okay.
    Him: But the team isn't just for gym, we'll need eachother at homecoming.
    Me: I wasn't really planning on goi-
    Him: So I'll see you there?
    Me: Um, okay?
    Him: Okay.
    Guys, did I just get asked out to homecoming? I honestly don't even know.

  13. _storied_ _storied_
    posted a quote
    September 1, 2013 8:54pm UTC
    Chapter 9:
    I waited on the porch for Hunter's orange car to turn the corner. I kicked my heels together and leaned back into the comfy chair. I felt my eye lids get heavy and I let myself fall asleep. I opened my eyes about an hour later and realized I was in Hunter's car.
    "Goodmorning, sleepy-head! I'm sorry I was late, but gosh!" He winked at me and I felt a laugh rattle in his chest. That's when I realized I was on his chest. I sat up,
    "Oh! I'm sorry!"
    He frowned,
    "I was just kidding! And it's not like we're dating, I can be your pillow whenever you'd like.
    The words stung. I don't know why, but they just did. Hunter extended his arm out, with a cheesy smile planted on his face. I let myself fall back onto his chest and his arm wrapped around me back to the steering wheel. It felt right, it wasn't the cold like in Logan's arms. It was warmth, almost as if I was safer within his arms.
    "Where's this museum?"
    "Around Seattle, it's about an hour's drive there."
    "How much longer?"
    I asked in hopes of being far away, so I could spend more time in Hunter's arms.
    "About 20 minutes," he paused, "I got lost.."
    I laughed and he cracked a smile.
    "I hope you know I'm doing this for you!"
    I smiled and nodded my head,
    "You're the best!" I laughed, "How'd I get in here anyways?"
    Hunter laughed,
    "I carried you."
    "You carried me?"
    He raised an eyebrow,
    "Yeah Ari, I think I just said that!"
    I laughed and he laughed with me,
    "Soooo, How's the family, how's the boyfriend?!"
    I took a deep breath,
    "My dad hasn't talked to me since school sarted, and Logan is.. he's good!" I managed a smile, I knew very well it wasn't. Logan was nice, but he wasn't the one for me.
    "Aww, I'm sorry!"
    "It's okay, how's football?"
    He half-smiled,
    "It's alright, you know, footbally.."
    He winked and I laughed,
    "How's your social life, find any girls yet?"
    He took a minute, like he was planning what to say,
    "Yeah, she's beautiful and funny and I think I may even love her, but she's not interested in me!"
    I frowned, 1, because I felt bad. And 2, because.. I was.. jealous?
    "Oh I'm sorry, I'm sure she'll come around!"
    "I'll cross my fingers!"
    He smiled and we pulled into the parking lot. Hunter turned of the car and rested his arm on the steering wheel.
    "Well, are you ready to go in?"
    I waited a moment before nodding my head. He lifted his arm and I longed for it to be back around me. I scooted out of his doorand he helped me down. We walked into the museum, and were handed a flyer telling us about the exhibit. It was dinosaurs and I let my mouth drop as we walked through the double doors, I turned to Hunter,
    "Is tha-"
    He nodded with a huge grin on his face, and I turnedback to the huge dinosaur,
    "I've never seen one for real!"
    Hunter laughed and we walked throughout the rest of the exhibit. We got back to the car around 5 pm. Hunter drove through a Taco Bell and we had taocs,
    "You're such a messy eater!"
    I laughed and he smiled at me as I wiped my face,
    "I'm sorry!"
    "Nooo, it's okay, it's cute!" He smiled and wiped my cheek off with his napkin. I got lost in his eyes and for a second we just sat and stared, but Hunter broke the trance and pulled his hand away.
    "We should be getting home."
    I nodded but frowned. I leaned against his arm, and for a second he just drove. I was about to sit back up, but he lifted his arm up and around me. I laid against his chest and felt my eyes start to droop again. I re-adjusted myself and let myself fall asleep in his arms. I couldn't shake the feeling that this was where I belonged.
    © randomshoutoutaccount

  14. _storied_ _storied_
    posted a quote
    September 6, 2013 8:00pm UTC
    Chapter 13:
    *1 month later*
    I sat in the wicker chair on my porch. My hands were enclosed in mittens. I watched the individual flakes fall and collect on the ground, but melt shortly after. It was October, and a bit too warm for the cold snow to start sticking. I sunk into the chair and took a deep breath, fogging up the air around me. I rubbed my numb hands together as I scanned the road, anticipating the arrival of the familiar orange car.
    When it finally arrived, the windshield had a thick layer of snow. I stood up as Hunter walked up the steps onto the porch,
    "Hey beautiful!"
    He smiled and kissed me gently,
    "I'm sorry I'm late, your house is on the opposite side of the storm, and it's heading this way! I beat it here." He winked dramatically and I smiled, stealing another kiss. I remembered my freezing hands and rose them up, making a pouty face,
    "My fingers are frozen!"
    Hunter half-smiled and took the mitten off of my right hand. He placed it gently between his own warm hands and rubbed it quickly, heating it up instantly. He helped me get the mitten back on and then did the same to my second hand. I smiled and he returned the gesture.
    "Are you ready to go?!"
    I felt a frown envelope my face,
    "My dad called last minute and said his flight was cancelled, and that I have to stay with Lane."
    Hunter placed a finger under my chin,
    "Turn that frown upside down! We'll just hang out here!"
    He smiled and I felt myself smile back. I fell into his arms and he enclosed me in them. We stood there for a while, but eventually found our way inside. Lane was sitting on the couch, but when he turned and saw Hunter he jumped off and ran over,
    Hunter bent down and let Lane run into his arms, then picked him up.
    Lane laughed and looked over at me,
    "Are we having a play-date?"
    His eyes shone with joy like they always did when Hunter was around.
    I nodded and Hunter pushed him into the air, spinning around, then setting him back on the ground.
    "What do you want to do?" He asked in the cutest voice.
    Lane fell onto his knees and thought quietly.
    "Can we have pancakes?"
    Hunter glanced at me and asked me with his eyes if he could say yes. I nodded with a smile and Hunter responded over-enthusiastically,
    "Of course we can have pancakes! C'mon!"
    He stood up and offereda hand to Lane. Being just tall enough to reach it, Lane took his hand. Then Hunter turned to me and extended his other hand, I felt my cheeks heat up and I placedmy hand inside his. He pulled us both to the kitchen and started to make pancakes.
    After we'd all eaten Hunter took Lane to the playroom. But only after I persuaded him to let me do the dishes alone. I set th last dish in the cabinent and walked towards the playroom. I got afew feet from the door and heard them talking inside. Lane was the first voice I heard,
    "Are you going to marry Ari?"
    I heard hunter laugh before he responded,
    "Yessiree! But she has to say yes first!"
    Lane giggled,
    "How do you know you want to marry her?"
    Hunter took a moment, but finally replied,
    "I knew from the moment I met her that she was the girl I wanted to marry! I don't know how to explain it, it's something you have to find out for yourself!"
    I felt my heart skip a beat and Lane continued the conversation,
    "Well, I hope you guys get a baby like me, because you're the best dad ever."
    Hunter laughed and replied in a sweet tone,
    "Lane, I'm not your daddy!"
    "I know, but I wish you were. My daddy isn't very nice to Aries, and I see her bleeding on her side, and I know it's because my daddy doesn't talk to her much. But she hasn't been bleeding since she started to hangout with you. Because you're nicer to Aries than anyone has been for a long long time..." He paused and I felt a tear slide down my face, but he continued. "And that's why you're a better daddy, that's why you have to marry her, and that's why you have to stay."
    I wiped my eyes and walked around the corner,
    "Hey guys, ready to watch a movie?"
    Hunter looked up, not expecting me to be there. Lane jumped up and ran to the living room screaming the word 'yay'! Hunter placed his hands on his knees, pushing himself up, and then bending over again to pick up the few toys they got out. I walked over to help him, and we stood up at the same time. I turned for the toy box but Hunter stopped me. I looked into his eyes and realized he had been crying too. He whispered silently,
    "I love you."
    Then he pushed his lips into mine. It lasted about 10 seconds, before I reluctantly pulled away. I rested against his forehead and whispered back,
    "I love you too."
    He smiled wide and snuck on last quick kiss before dumping his toys into the box. He grabbed my hand and we walked towards the living room together.
    © randomshoutoutaccount

  15. Hale_Storm18 Hale_Storm18
    posted a quote
    September 4, 2013 7:56pm UTC
    Please don't remove this!

  16. Hale_Storm18 Hale_Storm18
    posted a quote
    September 4, 2013 9:28pm UTC
    The fact that I'm only 5'1" and still taller than half the guys in my grade depresses me a little bit.

  17. Hale_Storm18 Hale_Storm18
    posted a quote
    September 4, 2013 9:34pm UTC
    if someone treats you like crap, just remember, there is something wrong with them. not you. normal people don't go around destroying other human beings. jkrgbtjkbgh

  18. _storied_ _storied_
    posted a quote
    September 2, 2013 12:50pm UTC
    Chapter 12:
    I woke up and felt Hunter's arm around me, but I was no longer facing him. I turned around so that I was looking at his face. I felt a smile find it's way to mine and I snuggled against his warm chest. His heartbeat was slow and steady, and his breathing was long and deep. In a way it calmed me, and in way I knew that belonged here. I felt his arm tighten around me and I looked up to see his eyes opening. He smiled and spoke in a cute voice,
    "Goodmorning, beautiful."
    I laughed,
    He smiled and stretched his arms,
    "How are you feeling?"
    I layed up on my elbows,
    He layed back onto his side,
    I smiled at him and he spoke again,
    "Are you hungry?"
    I nodded and he sat up,
    "You stay here, I'll be right back!"
    He got up and started walking towards the door. I sat up onto my knees,
    He spun around and walked back the bed. I leaned in and he returned the gesture, planting a warm kiss on my lips. I pulled away to see him smiling,
    "I'll be right back."
    I smiled and fell back onto the bed, recovering myself with the warm covers. I looked around and noticed all of the trophies and medals hanging in his room, all of them for football. I watched as the sun shining through the window slowly filled the room with its light. Hunter returned about 10 minutes later with two trays of food. He set one down in front of me and then climbed under the covers, setting the other one in front of himself.
    "What is this?" I said in an excited tone,
    He smiled,
    "I made pancakes and eggs and bacon, because I'm really awesome."
    I laughed and kissed his cheek,
    "Well, thank you."
    His cheeks burned pink, but he started to eat his food. I began to eat mine and it was really good. I hadn't had a homecooked meal in a long time. My dad made Christmas and Thanksgiving dinners, but he didn't care enough to cook every night, let alone every morning. I ate every last bite and Hunter took the two trays back to the kitchen. He came back and layed back beside me,
    "I wish I could stay here forever."
    I smiled at him,
    "Me too."
    He smiled and kissed my forehead,
    "So, you're my girlfriend now, right?"
    I laughed and whispered,
    "Of course."
    I leaned over and kissed him again. I just couldn't get enough of Hunter, and how perfect he was.
    He was the one.
    © randomshoutoutaccount

  19. _storied_ _storied_
    posted a quote
    September 1, 2013 10:38pm UTC
    Chapter 10:
    Hunter let me use the bathroom in his room, he left out a pair of shorts that must have been his mom's, and one of his button up shirts, folded nicely on his bed. I pulled on the shorts and buttoned up the shirt, then walked back out to the kitchen. Hunter looked up from the table wearing glasses and grinned,
    "Are you hungry?"
    I nodded and he nodded towards the couch,
    "I found some good ole junk food, and we can watch any movie you want!"
    I smiled and he stood up and was wearing his pajamas. He grabbed a blanket off of the counter. He sat down on the couch and I sat down beside him as he unfolded the blanket and draped it over us and the couch.
    "You look cute in glasses."
    He smiled and his cheeks took a bright red color.
    "Oh, I forgot to take them off."
    I smiled and he reached for the remote. He raised his arm and I rested my head on his chest as he lowered it back down around me.
    I paused,
    "Thank you.."
    He squeezed his arm tight around me,
    "That's what I'm for, beautiful."
    He kissed my forehead and after a while, we decided on The Lorax and I fell asleep 3/4's of the way through. But woke up at the very end. Hunter picked me up and carried me into his room. He set me on the bed and pulled the covers up and over me. He grabbed a pillow and a blanket and went to lay on the floor,
    "What are you doing?"
    He looked up at me,
    "I'm going to sleep down here, it's okay."
    I frowned,
    "No it's not okay, you can sleep up here with me."
    He shook his head,
    "No Ari, it's okay, we're not dat-"
    "I wish we were.."
    His head turned quickly and he rested his arms criss-cross on the edge of the bed,
    "Aries, you're just tired, you don't know what you're talking about."
    I felt tears in my eyes,
    "It's that other girl isn't it?"
    I felt a tear fall and Hunter's eyes went soft,
    "Aries I-." He paused, "It's you."
    My heart skipped a beat,
    He half-smiled,
    "It's you, you're the other girl Aries."
    I felt a smile creep onto my face and I sat up. I brushed my hand through Hunter's hair, and I pressed my lips against his. He kissed back and itwas like fireworks inside me. I smiled and I could feel him smiling against my lips. He pulled away reluctantly and rested his forehead on mine,
    "Please?" I asked again, and he smiled even bigger. He pulled the pillow and blanket up of the floor and crawled under the covers. I turned to face him and he smiled. Reaching his arm around my waist and pulling me next to him. I rested my head on his shoulder and whispered into the darkness,
    "I love you, Hunter."
    He turned so that he was facing me and smiled,
    "I love you too, Aries."
    I smiled and he gave me a quick kiss,
    "I've been wanting to say that since the day I met you."
    I smiled wider,
    "Me too."
    He pulled me closer and mumbled,
    "Goodnight, gorgeous."
    I felt my heart flutter
    "Goodnight Hunter."
    © randomshoutoutaccount

  20. _storied_ _storied_
    posted a quote
    September 1, 2013 9:16pm UTC
    click to see this quote


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