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Member Since: 30 Oct 2012 07:25pm

Last Seen: 23 Dec 2012 04:17pm

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user id: 336732

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I'm a fifteen year old girl from England. I love music, fashion, art and puppies. My choice of muusic varies but I love Trevor Hall, All Time Low, You Me At Six, Lady Gaga, Ed Sheeran, We Are The In Crowd & a lot more. Awkward may as well be my middle name. I am the queen of conversation killers and people often assume I dislike them due to my shyness, but its often untrue. I overuse the words 'fab', 'great' and 'fabulous'. I love to read. I have ednos and I decided to write that last because I don't think my state of mind should effect the perception you may have formed of me.

If you ever need to talk please comment on my page and I'll give you my email. I love each and everyone of you and even if you don't want advice and just want to rant about something, I will always be here. I will always protect you.

This song was written about the loss of great forces in the world and how the world becomes too over-whelming for these great forces and somehow, we are the ones that lose out. I want you to try and interpret this song in a new way tonight. Imagine that Princess Dianna is up in the sky and imagine that she is sitting next to Amy, and imagine that her and Amy are having tea with Slyvia Plath and maybe the ran into Isabella Blow. Then McQueen showed up and he gave Amy and the princess new dresses. Now they're having a tea party and they're all wearing McQueen. And Then Issy Blow reaches in her purse and she pulls out a joint and she rolls it up and she puts a little PG tips in there to celebrate British culture. They smoke that tea together and they say, "Here, here, to British Culture. here, here to all those who came before will come after. We'll be waiting for you to have a tea party in heaven." Now listen to this song again..


Its not about suicide,
its about celebrating
your fucking life no
matter how short or
long it is.

  1. princessdie princessdie
    posted a quote
    December 23, 2012 4:53pm UTC
    I gave you my all,
    But our love hit a wall,
    now, I'm jingle belling,
    And everyone's yelling,
    We'll drink 'til the bars shut us down.
    Ain't that just what Christmas is all about?

  2. princessdie princessdie
    posted a quote
    December 6, 2012 5:38pm UTC
    Taylor was born into a lovely family, full of lovely men and women. They weren't wealthy, but they got by; just like everyone else. Taylor grew up with everything she needed. She was never deprived. She spent a lot of time with her extended family, because they were so lovely. It was like having three built in best friends and she loved it.
    When she started school, she was placed in a class with lots of children and everyone told her how lovely they were and how she would love going to school. Excitement filled her. She wasn't the brightest child or the most talented, but she had lots of friends and all the teachers adored her. After all, she came from a long line of loveliness.
    When she turned eight, there was a new girl in her class. Everyone loved making friends with the new kids & looking after them, so Taylor joined in. This new little girl laughed at her. "I don't want to play with you, you're fat!" she would say. All the other kids would reassure her that she wasn't fat. Her friends would tell her that she was pretty. The question was, did she believe them?
    As the grew up, more girls got involved in the name-calling. They would call her fat, worthless, ugly & more. Eventually, she told her mother, who told the school, who told the parents of the bullies, who told the bullies. It calmed down for a while.. she was happy.
    When she was thirteen, she started talking to boys and wearing make-up. She loved fashion, since she inherited a vintage sewing machine from her grandparents. She'd spend her nights teaching herself how to make various garments. The talent she had was obvious. Her teachers adored her, like they always had. She was a lovely girl. Her growing interest in fashion blossomed, as did she.
    She got beautiful curves and lost the tight curls she had as a child and replaced them with soft waves. She was known as the lovely, bubbley girl with the big smile. Everytime she went out with her friends, she would be the life and soul of the group. Cracking jokes, dancing, laughing, cheering them up. She was great at making others smile, even if she couldn't do it for herself. There was still those few girls who would make little comments about her appearance. Theres more to you than looks, she told herself.
    When she was almost 15, she began purging after each meal. She couldn't take the pressure of the bullies. She couldn't fix her face, but she could 'fix' her body. Her parents noticed her rapid weight loss, but they ignored it. They refused to accept that anything was wrong with their lovely daughter. Taylor made herself cope. She coped with school, her friends, the bullies and her disorder all at the same time. It worked for a while.. but nothing lasts forever, does it?
    She lost herself. Speaking became almost impossible because of the shame and guilt which washed over her whenever she thought clearly. 'Why can't you just eat?' they all asked her. 'Why can't you just keep food down?' they all asked her. Its not that simple, she thought. Taylor wasn't Taylor anymore. She had been taken by a monsterous disease. They called it Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified. She had the same laugh, the same smile, the same old jokes; but they were all forced. She no longer looked in the mirror like you do. She looked in the mirror and all she could see was fat. All she could see was something which wasn't there.
    This beautiful, little girl would never fully recover from this disease. In years to come, perhaps she would go through treatment, gain weight, eat like other people.. but she would never be the same again.
    She wasn't lovely. She was gone.

  3. princessdie princessdie
    posted a quote
    December 5, 2012 6:23pm UTC
    Stephen King wrote: "Monsters are real, and
    ghosts are real, too. They live inside us. And
    sometimes they win."

  4. princessdie princessdie
    posted a quote
    December 4, 2012 6:57pm UTC
    Just think about this.
    Alice is seven. She loves the same things as every other little girl: drawing, dressing up, running around, watching disney channel & more. She goes to school everyday. Her teachers think she could go far. She is a great writer for her age and her maths skills are beyond her years. Her parents are very proud of her. She is a very happy little girl. She has friends who always play with her and make her laugh. Some of the boys in her class call he a 'teachers pet' or a 'nerd' but she doesn't care. Boys are stupid.
    Everyday, her daddy picks her up from the school gates and drives her home. On Tuesday and Friday nights she goes to dance class with Sophie from school. She loves dance, she has always been good at that too!
    Alice was now twelve. She stopped going to dance class now, her new friends told her it was for babies. She enjoys art though. Her mother hands her paintings in the kitchen. She also likes playing with make-up, but dad won't buy her any so she borrows it from Polly, her sister.
    Polly is fourteen. She loves music and spends all her money on concert tickets. She has lots of friends at school. Like Alice, Polly is very smart. She is ahead in most of her classes and loves to read; not that she would ever admit that to Evan, her boyfriend who is a year older. Polly is beautiful, everyone says so. Her hair is dyed and her ears are pierced twice. Dad didn't want her to dye her hair or pierce her ears, but he would do anything for his little girls.
    Alice thinks her sister is cool. She loves introducing her friends to her because the are always impressed. She would never tell Polly that she thinks she is cool though, they're always fighting. Alice doesn't get called a 'teachers pet' anymore. Now, most of the boys like her, but she doesn't like them back... boys are so immature. They don't even call her anything when she gets 98% in her maths tests. Her teachers still think she will go far, especially in English. She's always writing poetry. Everyone always tells her what a great talent she has. She wishes to persue it in the future.
    Dad still picks her up after school everyday. She wanted to get the bus with her friends at first but now she was happy she didn't have to wait in the rain with all the other kids. They usually go home and they all eat dinner together: Polly, Alice, Mom & Dad. If Dads feeling generous, he'll take let them chose somewhere to eat and they can order whatever they want. Anything for his little princesses.
    One day, Dad didn't show up to pick Alice up. He was sometimes late on Wednesdays, but today was Thursday. She had no idea where he could be, the drive from his work to her school was no more than ten minutes. She checked her phone and she had no texts... oh wait, she had one from Polly. It said three simple words:
    'I love you.'
    Alice thought nothing of it for a while, he would be here soon. Twenty minutes passed and she was starting to get worried. Dad was never this late. Maybe he had got into an accident on the way here? Her heart thumped at the thought. She told herself she was being silly. He would be here soon.
    Then she remembered the text.
    It sent her into a panic.
    Finally, her English teacher drove out of the school and spotted little Alice sitting on the curb, looking pretty miserable. 'Hop in, I'll drive you home!' the teacher called. Alice liked her English teacher, so she got in without hesitation. She was desperate to get home.
    When she reached the door of her house, she gave her teacher a small wave and pushed the door open.
    She called out, hoping to here the voices of her parents - or more importantly, Polly.
    She started to cry. What had happened? Where was everyone? A few moments later, her Dad stepped through the door. His eyes were red and his shirt was creased. Alice had never see her Dad cry; he hoped she would never have to. Before he even said a word, she ran into his arms and he guided her into his old, beaten up car.
    'Wheres Polly?' she finally asked, as they drove. The car jerked forward. She knew she had been right. He didn't even have to say anything. What could he have said? What could he possibly have told his little girl?
    Polly had killed herself; swallowed handfuls of pills and bottles of whatever she could find. She just couldn't take it anymore. She was tired of how people treated her. She needed it to stop. She had no other way out. It wasn't Pollys fault. It was the fault of the people who made her feel like this. No one could blame Polly. No one.
    Alice was now fourteen. She had stopped writing her poems when her teachers started giving her funny looks when she handed them in. They were all about death, pain and loss. She was afraid they would send her to some hospital if she kept writing them. She didn't have the motivation anymore anyways. She'd stopped painting too, it reminded her of how things were before and how it would never be the same again. Painting caused more pain to her than it released.
    Her hair was dyed and she was covered in piercings. Dad told her no when she asked, but she didn't care anymore. She did it anyway. Everyone told her how beautiful she was, but she didn't see it. The only thing she could see were her scars, which covered her thighs.
    She was now the same age Polly had been when she died. She still couldn't let go. She refused to believe Polly would be gone forever. Her parents had accepted the loss and put on happy faces all the time. Alice tried that too, but it got difficult sometimes.
    Her friends thought she was messed up, that she needed help. This was probably true, if Alice was honest with herself. She started smoking and drinking on the weekends. She would do anything to forget. She had never blamed Polly. It wasn't Pollys fault that people could be so cruel. Alice had learned just how cruel they could be in the years after Pollys death. Her friends would try their best to try and help her, but how could they? They only way she could be happy is if she had her big sister back.
    Being at home was just as hard as being out with friends. She saw the look in her Dads eyes everytime he heard the name Polly. She noticed her Moms body freeze for a moment whenever they talked about her. She didn't know how to talk to them anymore, apart from when she discussed school or were around other people. Eventually, she just stopped talking all together.
    Thier family was broken. Nobody could fix it.
    Just think.
    The problems you have today will blow over. It always gets better. If you do this now, your family will never be the same. If you don't have a family, think about your friends and those close to you. They will never recover from the fact that you were suffering and there was nothing they could do to stop it.
    You're beautiful, strong, inspiring, loved, smart, independant and you can do this. I know you can.
    Don't make a permanennt decision because of a temporary problem. You are worth it.
    If you ever need to talk, comment on my profile and I'll help as best I can or even just listen if you need me to. Please. Do not hesitate.

  5. princessdie princessdie
    posted a quote
    November 29, 2012 5:44pm UTC
    "What's the worst part of your eating disorder?" I was asked the other day.
    The example I've set for my little sister. The person she is supposed to look up to is disgusted in herself. If I can do this, why can't she? The thought of it makes me want to cry. Shes my little sister. I need to protect her, but I can't. Its what makes me determinded to beat this; to show my sister that I can do it.

  6. princessdie princessdie
    posted a quote
    November 29, 2012 5:33pm UTC
    People at school: Who's Elton John?
    Me: *kills self*

  7. princessdie princessdie
    posted a quote
    November 22, 2012 5:07pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  8. princessdie princessdie
    posted a quote
    November 15, 2012 6:23pm UTC
    Want to be part of my story?
    This story is going to be about all the girls of different fandoms on witty that go to a boarding school together. It can be any fandom you like {eg. harry potter, ed sheeran, one direction, the big bang theory, perks of being a wallflower, hunger games.. or whatever else you're into, i don't care what it is}, I'll use your name and you can write a bio so I know how to write about you. I want between five and eight fandoms, one or two main characters per fandom and a couple of minor characters. I'll post a list of you all and chapter one asap! - inspired by a story a read before on here, i can't remember the name -
    All you have to do is fill out the form on this quote;
    Academy of the Fandoms.

  9. princessdie princessdie
    posted a quote
    November 14, 2012 12:45pm UTC
    Razors pain you,
    Rivers are damp,
    Acids stain you,
    Drugs cause cramps,
    Guns aren't lawful,
    Nooses give,
    Gas smells awful,
    You might as well live.

  10. princessdie princessdie
    posted a quote
    November 13, 2012 5:16pm UTC
    “So, this is my life. And I want you to know that I am both happy and sad and I'm still trying to figure out how that could be.”
    - The perks of being a wallflower, Stephen Chbosky.

  11. princessdie princessdie
    posted a quote
    November 12, 2012 2:32pm UTC
    Want to be part of my story?
    This story is going to be about all the girls of different fandoms on witty that go to a boarding school together. It can be any fandom you like {eg. harry potter, ed sheeran, one direction, the big bang theory, perks of being a wallflower, hunger games.. or whatever else you're into, i don't care what it is}, I'll use your name and you can write a bio so I know how to write about you. I want between five and eight fandoms, one or two main characters per fandom and a couple of minor characters. I'll post a list of you all and chapter one asap! - inspired by a story a read before on here, i can't remember the name -
    All you have to do to be a part of this is fill out this form in the comments;
    fandom ;
    about yourself // bio;
    do you want to be a main // minor character;
    Academy of the Fandoms.

  12. princessdie princessdie
    posted a quote
    November 10, 2012 8:23pm UTC
    Today, I went into KFC with my dad. He ordered our meals and then left me to wait for the food so he could go and get something from another store. It took them no longer than ten minutes to make it. When I went to get the meals, the guy who was serving me handed me the food we'd ordered plus an ice cream. When I told him I didn't order an ice cream, he responded with,
    'Oh, I know - but pretty girls like you shouldn't be waiting around for stupid guys to do stuff for them.' ♥

  13. princessdie princessdie
    posted a quote
    November 9, 2012 1:30pm UTC
    Ed Sheeran: I'm falling for your eyes but they don't know me yet.
    All Time Low: Forevers never seemed so long as when you're not around.
    Trevor Hall: I ain't gunna stop until you're mine.
    You Me At Six: We're like noughts and crosses in that opposites always attract.
    The Script: Love is why we fall down and get back up again.
    One Direction: Its you that they add up to, and I'm in love with you and all your little things.
    Owl City: The spaces between my fingers are right where yours fit perfectly.
    Biffy Clyro: I still believe its you and me till the end of time.
    Snow Patrol: If I just lay here, would you lie with me and just forget the world?
    Jason Mraz: Look into your heart and you'll find that I'm yours.
    All I'm asking for is someone who can use proper grammar, likes cuddling and can make a decent cup of tea. There must be someone.

  14. princessdie princessdie
    posted a quote
    November 8, 2012 2:39pm UTC
    What you doing with your night?
    You're too young to ruin your life.
    What you doing with your life?
    You're too young to die here tonight.
    Lucy Spraggan - You're too young.

  15. princessdie princessdie
    posted a quote
    November 6, 2012 4:27pm UTC
    If I ever have children:
    They will know how beautiful they are.
    There will be no scales in the house.
    The words 'diet' and 'fat' will be like swear words.
    They will never feel the way I feel.

  16. princessdie princessdie
    posted a quote
    November 6, 2012 3:47pm UTC
    I told my little sister that I like 'Little things' by One Direction.
    Somehow, she has managed to convince me - someone who little interest in One Direction and hates screaming pre-adolescent girls, including most of my sisters friends - to take her and a few other girls to a One Direction concert and stay over night in a hotel.
    Say what you want
    about Directioners, but they're definitely devoted.

  17. princessdie princessdie
    posted a quote
    November 6, 2012 1:53pm UTC
    That girl over there. The one you just called fat.
    Shes heading to the bathroom to throw up her lunch.
    That boy who is eating alone. The one you called a f-g.
    He just got kicked out of his childhood home because hes gay.
    That girl with the bruises, who spends her money on cigarettes.
    Her father made those bruises, she doesn't know how to escape.
    Oh, and that teacher that you were giving a hard time.
    His wife just left him for someone else. She took his children.
    That boy who is trying to not to cry. The one you called weak.
    He just found out his little sister only has six months left.
    That girl who is trying to smile. The one you just called ugly.
    You should ask to see her thighs.
    That boy who can't look anyone in the eye. The awkward one.
    He was sexually abused.
    That girl who tries her best but it is never enough.
    She has servere learning disabilities but is too ashamed to tell anyone.
    That kid over there, he gets called so many things you've lost track.
    His suicide date is today. Tomorrow, he will be gone forever.
    Stop. Think about what you're saying.
    Over one million people commit suicide each year. Think about the
    effect this persons life has and could have in years to come. Think
    about their family and friends; the impact this could have on them.
    One day they could look happier than ever, the next they could be
    You don't want to be the person who pushes them over the edge.

  18. princessdie princessdie
    posted a quote
    November 4, 2012 2:20pm UTC
    When I'm sad, I stop being sad and
    be awesome instead.
    - Barney Stinson

  19. princessdie princessdie
    posted a quote
    November 1, 2012 2:00pm UTC
    Me at school: *stands awkwardly, avoiding eye contact.*
    Me at home: *sits awkwardly, ignoring family.*
    Me on witty / alone: WHY AM I SO FUNNY, REALLY.

  20. princessdie princessdie
    posted a quote
    November 1, 2012 1:40pm UTC
    "I love you,"
    said the teenage girl to her (insert band name / singer name here) poster.
    Format by Sandrasaurus


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