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I told my little sister that I like 'Little things' by One Direction.
Somehow, she has managed to convince me - someone who little interest in One Direction and hates screaming pre-adolescent girls, including most of my sisters friends - to take her and a few other girls to a One Direction concert and stay over night in a hotel.

Say what you want
about Directioners, but they're definitely devoted.
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I told my little sister that I like 'Little things' by

1 faves · 2 comments · Nov 6, 2012 3:47pm






nicolexoxohugsandkisses · 1 decade ago
Pre-adolescent girls?? So they're like, fetuses or something?
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princessdie · 1 decade ago
Adolescence is puberty. Pre-adolescence is the few years which come before that. Approximately 8-12 years old.
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