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  1. memall7 memall7
    posted a quote
    November 7, 2012 4:45pm UTC
    If you cheated
    I will leave
    on purpose
    quote credit:cherrybam.com

  2. memall7 memall7
    posted a quote
    November 7, 2012 4:35pm UTC
    Liking your own quote
    is like high-fiving yourself in public.

  3. memall7 memall7
    posted a quote
    November 7, 2012 4:27pm UTC
    Your the reason why I wake up every morning
    LOL, just kidding. I have school.
    Credit for quote: cherrybam.com

  4. memall7 memall7
    posted a quote
    November 7, 2012 4:23pm UTC
    Sh/t always sounds better in French
    Quote Credit: Cherrybam.com

  5. memall7 memall7
    posted a quote
    November 7, 2012 4:19pm UTC
    ♥Looking for your knife?
    You should try my back.
    That's where I've last seen it. ♥
    Credit format: CookieDoughFornats
    Quote Credit: cherrybam.com

  6. memall7 memall7
    posted a quote
    November 7, 2012 4:16pm UTC
    ♥If each day is a gift then I'd like to know where I can return Mondays♥
    Credit format: CookieDoughFornats
    Quote Credit: cherrybam.com

  7. memall7 memall7
    posted a quote
    November 7, 2012 4:14pm UTC
    ♥Raisen cookies that look like choclate chip cookies are the main reason why I have trust issues ♥
    Credit format: CookieDoughFornats
    Quote Credit: cherrybam.com

  8. memall7 memall7
    posted a quote
    November 7, 2012 4:02pm UTC
    Everybody lies
    but its alright since nobody listens

  9. memall7 memall7
    posted a quote
    November 6, 2012 7:51pm UTC
    I found that there is only one way to look thin: hang out with fat people
    Credit:Rodney Dangerfield

  10. memall7 memall7
    posted a quote
    November 6, 2012 7:48pm UTC
    Weather forcast for tonight: Dark
    Credit: George Carlin

  11. memall7 memall7
    posted a quote
    November 6, 2012 7:46pm UTC
    Alot of people are afriad
    of heights.
    Not me, I'm afraid of widths
    -Steven Wright

  12. memall7 memall7
    posted a quote
    November 6, 2012 7:33pm UTC
    Me: I hate you
    Sister: We break-up
    Sister: You call me
    Me: ...
    Sister: ....
    Me: Yeah, I still hate you

  13. memall7 memall7
    posted a quote
    November 1, 2012 10:54pm UTC
    I need your opinion
    So I want to write a story but I want people to actually read it so if you can do me a favor and comment which out of the two stories are nice and interersting and you'd like to see?
    Title: Slowly Broke
    July 17,1995, an average female wittian was born with the name Kate placed on her. Brown eyes, brown hair, and 5'3. She was only four when she learned what self harm meant and ten when she learned what suicide meant, though she never really thought of it.
    Until one day, when she finally couldn't take it no more! oh, you thought she was teased by her class mates and other kids attending her school? No... It was her family who "Slowly Broke" her heart.
    Title: Taken Far
    I was 18 when it happened. I never thought I would be the victim. I never thought that I, Lilly Montoe, would be on everyone's milk carton with the heading 'Missing'. I never felt more frightened. But I liked it there. I know..you must think I'm crazy but I'm not. Here I was a useless, ugly, little piece of garbage. But "Taken Far"... I was a beautiful,meaning Princess.
    Please Help! :)

  14. memall7 memall7
    posted a quote
    October 19, 2012 9:29pm UTC
    That awkward moment
    when your singing along with a song but it freezes and you end up singing alone...

  15. memall7 memall7
    posted a quote
    October 19, 2012 9:27pm UTC
    Once upon time
    A few mistakes ago
    I was in your sights
    You got me alone
    You found me
    You found me
    You found me
    I guess you didn't care
    And I guess I liked that
    And when I fell hard
    You took a step back
    Without me, without me, without me
    And he's long gone
    When he's next to me
    And I realize the blame is on me
    Cause I knew you were trouble when you walked in
    So shame on me now
    Flew me to places i'd never been
    So you put me down oh
    I knew you were trouble when you walked in
    So shame on me now
    Flew me to places i'd never been
    Now i'm lying on the cold hard ground
    Oh, oh, trouble, trouble, trouble
    Oh, oh, trouble, trouble, trouble
    No apologies
    He'll never see you cry
    Pretend he doesn't know
    That he's the reason why
    You're drowning, you're drowning, you're drowning
    And I heard you moved on
    From whispers on the street
    A new notch in your belt
    Is all I'll ever be
    And now I see, now I see, now I see
    He was long gone
    When he met me
    And I realize the joke is on me
    I knew you were trouble when you walked in
    So shame on me now
    Flew me to places i'd never been
    So you put me down oh
    I knew you were trouble when you walked in
    So shame on me now
    Flew me to places i'd never been
    Now i'm lying on the cold hard ground
    Oh, oh, trouble, trouble, trouble
    Oh, oh, trouble, trouble, trouble
    When your sadest fear comes creeping in
    That you never loved me or her or anyone or anything
    I knew you were trouble when you walked in
    So shame on me now
    Flew me to places i'd never been
    So you put me down oh
    I knew you were trouble when you walked in
    So shame on me now
    Flew me to places i'd never been
    Now i'm lying on the cold hard ground
    Oh, oh, trouble, trouble, trouble
    Oh, oh, trouble, trouble, trouble
    I knew you were trouble when you walked in
    Trouble, trouble, trouble
    I knew you were trouble when you walked in
    Trouble, trouble, trouble!
    read the lyrics again to "I knew you were trouble"
    and tell me not that these lyrics sound like Taylor Swift got
    pregnant with a guy and the guy is now trying to avoid her . . .
    or is this only me . . .?

  16. memall7 memall7
    posted a quote
    October 1, 2012 9:03pm UTC
    You say society's
    ugly but you
    even realize
    Your part of

  17. memall7 memall7
    posted a quote
    September 23, 2012 8:32pm UTC
    Cousin: This girl in my class has blond hair with brown highlight's
    Her Sister: You mean dirty blond?
    Cousin: No! It's clean!
    Me: *Laughing*
    *True Story*

  18. memall7 memall7
    posted a quote
    September 16, 2012 8:48pm UTC
    Paste the last thing
    you've copied on the
    comment box

  19. memall7 memall7
    posted a quote
    September 8, 2012 4:37pm UTC
    Bless your soul ,
    a n d b o y ////////////////♥
    she's bringing ♥
    Down -Adele.

  20. memall7 memall7
    posted a quote
    September 2, 2012 8:26pm UTC
    I wish I had Dora's
    parents, they let her go anywhere, anytime


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