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haley07happy witty anniversary!

  1. ladybuglove ladybuglove
    posted a quote
    May 8, 2013 12:17am UTC
    Witty, needs an app to get me through my days

  2. Ethanol Ethanol
    posted a quote
    May 4, 2013 1:57pm UTC
    BE IN

  3. Ethanol Ethanol
    posted a quote
    May 7, 2013 3:35pm UTC
    Worst feelings ever:
    1) Waiting for something you know won't happen
    2) Feeling like you have no one and all alone
    3) Being ignored.

  4. Ethanol Ethanol
    posted a quote
    May 7, 2013 3:46pm UTC
    I'm over protective of what's mine.

  5. Fαy Στylες* Fαy Στylες*
    posted a quote
    April 30, 2013 11:31am UTC
    And I don't even need your love
    but you treat me like a stranger
    and that feels so wrong

  6. happiest* happiest*
    posted a quote
    April 30, 2013 2:01pm UTC
    Math test question:
    Ba x n2 a2=Banana?

  7. happiest* happiest*
    posted a quote
    April 30, 2013 2:17pm UTC
    Friends:Flawless skin,amazing hair,beautiful eyes,skinny,perfect nose
    Me: Deformed fish

  8. happiest* happiest*
    posted a quote
    April 30, 2013 2:20pm UTC
    Me:* does weird things when home alone*
    Me: I bet there's hiden cameras

  9. happiest* happiest*
    posted a quote
    April 30, 2013 9:08am UTC
    Format chickittylover
    I notice everything
    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I just act like i dont.

  10. heyitscooper heyitscooper
    posted a quote
    April 30, 2013 2:51pm UTC
    Things I would do with my girlfriend:
    1. Hug her from behind
    2. Let her wear my sweatshirts
    3. Kiss her unexpectedly
    4. Show her off in front of my friends
    5. Find a way to walk with her after every class
    6. Get a summer job with her
    7. Listen to her
    8. Make her laugh
    9. Text her "goodmorning love!(:"
    10. ALWAYS text her first
    11. Text her long paragraphs sometimes-it shows a complete thought
    12. Tell her I think she is the most beautiful girl in the world
    13. Cook for her, even though I'm not that good of a cook!
    14. Let her win any game we play
    15. Hang out with her all the time over the weekend
    16. Being really creative when asking her to a dance, etc
    17. Write her cute poems
    18. Tell her I love her
    19. Put her before all of my friends
    20. Love her
    Yes, guys like us ACTUALLY exist

  11. lovecrazy lovecrazy
    posted a quote
    April 30, 2013 3:11pm UTC
    "Where are all the good guys?!"
    They're out there, they're just hiding from you, cause you're a hoe.

  12. happiest* happiest*
    posted a quote
    April 30, 2013 9:11am UTC
    Me: *drops phone*
    Headphones: i got you broo

  13. BlackButterflies BlackButterflies
    posted a quote
    April 30, 2013 5:57am UTC
    oh my gOD I ate lunch at my mum's friend Sarah's house today and Sarah gave her two-year-old daughter a bowl of oatmeal and said, "Libby, don't put the oatmeal in your hair, okay?" Libby goes, "I won't!" Then Sarah turned around for literally two seconds, Libby dumped the entire bowl of oatmeal in her hair and there was a massive moment of silence.
    Sarah: Libby, did you put the oatmeal in your hair again?
    Libby: [with oatmeal dripping into her face] NO, mummy!
    apparently this is a massive problem in their house oh my god

  14. yourcool yourcool
    posted a quote
    April 28, 2013 8:16pm UTC
    does anyone else wonder what would happen if
    a famous person came into your classroom and was looking just for you?

  15. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  16. Hale_Storm18 Hale_Storm18
    posted a quote
    April 28, 2013 4:39pm UTC
    Things that should be less expensive
    -Plane tickets
    -Whole, natural foods
    -Workout clothes
    -Phone bills
    -University (education) tuition
    Things that need to be more expensive
    -Processed foods that are causing the obesity rate to skyrocket

  17. ✨Clueless✨* ✨Clueless✨*
    posted a quote
    April 4, 2013 9:16pm UTC
    Normal guys vs. Ed Sheeran
    NORMAL GUY: I really wanna kiss you
    ED: All I want is the taste that your lips allow
    NORMAL GUY: Let's cuddle
    ED: Cover me up, cuddle me in. Lie down with me and hold me in your arms
    NORMAL GUY: I want to hug you
    ED: I was made to keep your body warm. Now I'm cold as the wind blows so hold me in your arms.
    NORMAL GUY: She's a crack wh0re prostitute
    ED: And in the pipe she flies to the motherland or sells love to another man
    NORMAL GUY: Marry me?
    ED: Settle down with me. I'll be your safety, you'll be my lady.
    NORMAL GUY: I'm sad and lonely
    ED: Cause lately I've been waking up alone. Paint splattered teardrops on my shirt
    NORMAL GUY: I'm going to get wasted and sleep with someone to forget about you.
    ED: I wanna be drunk when I wake up, on the right side of the wrong bed.
    NORMAL GUY: Expect me to drunk call you later.
    ED: And that tonight I'll call ya, after my blood is drowning in alcohol.
    You tell me who the better person is

  18. Ethanol Ethanol
    posted a quote
    March 28, 2013 3:10am UTC
    if you're the luckiest person on this entire planet,
    the person you love decides to love you back.

  19. Ethanol Ethanol
    posted a quote
    March 31, 2013 11:22am UTC
    Every girl
    deserves a guy that can make her forget her heart was ever broken.

  20. Ethanol Ethanol
    posted a quote
    April 4, 2013 1:10pm UTC
    I may not show my feelings to everyone,
    but it doesn't mean that I'm not affected by things.


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