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  1. TheGreatConfessor TheGreatConfessor
    posted a quote
    July 24, 2013 1:56am UTC
    A vent of being fat
    Why doesn't anyone talk about the sheer difficulty that comes from being a "fat" girl in a thin-obsessed culture? While us "fatties" are constantly told to love ourselves and our curves and accept ourselves, it doesn't change the fact that the norm of our society is that that thin=beautiful. In movies, the "pretty" girl is always skinny, with protruding collar bones and a flat, often tanned, stomach. As we all know, the world is an extremely varied place, and this air-brushed perfection isn't the reality. Here I've compiled a list of reasons why being "fat" in a thin-obsessed society is so incredibly difficult.
    1.) Clothes. Clothes are made for thinner people. Trends are centered around thin people. Crop tops, cut outs, leggings, short skirts. While anyone and everyone can and should rock these looks, its often a fact that heavier girls may feel uncomfortable in these skin-bearing clothes. And in a society where the more taut and tanned skin you show the "sexier" you are, this is a difficult pill to swallow. Being a girl, you want to feel sexy and pretty and wanted, and when all of your friends are wearing clothes that you can't, it hurts.
    2.) You think that if you could just be thin, all of your problems would be solved. That boy would like you. You'd have more friends. You'd feel happier. You could be picked up and spun around.
    3.) You shy away from things like makeup or nice clothes because if you use them you'll feel more of a pig with some eyeliner and less of a model. Like someone trying to be something they aren't.
    These are things I feel, being a heavier girl. I made this post not to "fat shame" anybody, but to maybe make my fellow curvy girls feel less alone.

  2. Amenah Amenah
    posted a quote
    July 23, 2013 5:16pm UTC
    Your voice chased away all of the sanity in me.

  3. DeathOfASon DeathOfASon
    posted a quote
    July 23, 2013 5:29pm UTC
    guys are like
    i dont want much
    but she has to have
    -big boobs
    -big butt
    -nice eyes
    -nice tan
    this ain't build a bllitch workshop. you get what you get, and you dont throw a fit.

  4. ThatWeirdGirl* ThatWeirdGirl*
    posted a quote
    July 24, 2013 12:40am UTC
    Dear Heart,
    This isn't fun anymore. I NEED to get over him.
    Sincerely, a frustrated girl

  5. paramoregirl23 paramoregirl23
    posted a quote
    July 24, 2013 12:57am UTC
    Stay Stong

  6. bye* bye*
    posted a quote
    July 23, 2013 9:04am UTC
    why double dipping isnt actually a problem:
    if i want some more dip im getting some and u aint gonna be a lil b/tch about it

  7. Princess* Princess*
    posted a quote
    July 23, 2013 12:15pm UTC
    just like she already owned it

  8. *Elena;~ ♥* *Elena;~ ♥*
    posted a quote
    July 23, 2013 4:55pm UTC
    What if you were holding a puppy,
    And said "Who's the cutest wittle puppy in the whole wide world?"
    & it responded in a grown mans voice just like,
    "I'm the cutest puppy in the whole wide world."

  9. Cammie Cammie
    posted a quote
    July 23, 2013 3:49pm UTC
    If you love 2 people at the same time choose the 2nd one because
    if you really loved the 1st one you wouldn't have fallen for the 2nd one.

  10. happiest* happiest*
    posted a quote
    July 23, 2013 3:21pm UTC
    tbh I just want to walk purposefully through a postapocalyptic wasteland wearing a black shirt, tight jeans, and a leather jacket and boots while the pentatonix remix of radioactive plays in the background.

  11. chickittylover chickittylover
    posted a quote
    July 23, 2013 6:38pm UTC
    Format chickittylover
    Repeat after me:
    I am beautiful and I am worth it. I may not have
    the perfect body or the prettiest hair, but I am me!
    »»» I've done so many things so far, «««
    like making friends and working hard for the future.
    »»» I am me and there's no one else i'd rather be. «««

  12. Ethanol Ethanol
    posted a quote
    July 23, 2013 6:26am UTC
    either terrible, or boring

  13. happiest* happiest*
    posted a quote
    July 23, 2013 2:26pm UTC
    why do women care so much about getting skinny for their wedding
    girl you already got ur man just eat a cake and a wheel of cheese and a fried poptart you dont need to impress anyone anymore you beat the game

  14. yourtypicalwhitegirl yourtypicalwhitegirl
    posted a quote
    July 23, 2013 4:09pm UTC
    white girls on instagram are all like:
    | |
    | |
    | |
    | ~insert picture of self here~ |
    | |
    | |
    | |
    |______________________________ |
    whitegirlinstaaccount: #selfie #curlyhairdontcare #straighthair #cool #pretty #perfect #ugly #tbt #picoftheday #photooftheday #jj #outfit #fashion #makeup #dog #cat #house #furniture #food #website #tumblr #idk #lol #sandwhich #ocean #pink #favorite #lfl #seahorse
    friend: omg you're so pretty!! and so many likes aww!! <33
    whitegirlinstaaccount: @friend omg thanks!! aw i know but who really cares? it doesn't matter how many likes you get really, i obviously don't care <3

  15. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  16. theWalrus theWalrus
    posted a quote
    July 24, 2013 12:28am UTC
    Random Guy: What the f*ck
    My Friend: Holy sh*t watch your f*cking language, there are god d*mn children here. I will c*nt punt you across the river if you don't watch your f*cking mouth.

  17. Becca315 Becca315
    posted a quote
    July 24, 2013 12:20am UTC
    I hate how girls in tampon commercials are always swimming or running through fields of flowers.
    No. Go home, eat chocolate, have many cramps, watch sappy, romantic movies, and gain 5 pounds...
    You must suffer like I do.

  18. ChocoTaco ChocoTaco
    posted a quote
    July 22, 2013 8:28pm UTC
    The only bad thing about eating Jolly Ranchers is
    When you bite down and your teeth get stuck together the only thing left to do is hope that your teeth are still in your mouth afterwards.

  19. purplesloth1331 purplesloth1331
    posted a quote
    July 23, 2013 9:48pm UTC
    The Truth May Set You Free
    But it could also really hurt


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