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Member Since: 21 Dec 2011 11:13pm

Last Seen: 13 Mar 2012 12:15am

user id: 254043

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Hello Beautiful(:
Welcome to my page.
My name is Sami(:
I like to write here on Witty
If you fallow/fave/comment/look at my page,
thank you(:
You're all beautiful and amazing!(:
Keep your head up!(:

  1. attackingsugar attackingsugar
    posted a quote
    March 12, 2012 8:35pm UTC
    Chapter One.
    Amabel: http://images4.fanpop.com/image/photos/16000000/Lucy-Hale-lucy-hale-16045946-664-1000.jpg
    Trance: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-43ed1yTLS1s/ThBYdDfbJiI/AAAAAAAAAY8/PD78XF5zv9s/s1600/1299701408-82.jpg
    Trance stuck the cigarette in his mouth as the lit ashes dropped onto his bare, dirt covered feet. The smoke poured out from the poison stick as it covered the air with filth. I watched his gray eyes settle to a close. There were dark circles under his eyelids. Trance never looked so horrible. He hasn't slept in days. Dirt was clasped to his body along with oil and other matter I didn't even want to find out. His greasy blonde hair swept across his shut eyes that fought to stay awake. "The smoke..." I choked my words. The dirty air filled my mouth. "I-I-I can't s-stop. I'm addicted." Trance's raspy voice croaked as he stamped the cigarette into the ground. Then he slid open a brown package, and popped another stick into his mouth. "This is what it does to you..." My voice trailed off as I kicked the dirt. Ever since Trance started smoking six years ago, his body has become frail and pale. His hair began to thin and his face broke out a lot. He sleeps more than he moves. He's a mess. I remember when Trance was the most gorgeous guy in the 10th grade. Now, he's just a kid from the hood."What'd you say?" Trance's squinted eyes narrowed as his tone changed from careless to angry. "N-nothing" "Thought so."
    Whoops...forgot to introduce myself. I'm sorry. Well my name is...Amabel. It's french. My name means lovable. I don't know anyone would call me lovable...I'm not very well-liked. I have dark brown hair and pale skin. Dark brown eyes too. Trance is not my friend. He's my brother. Older brother*
    Here we are. Now. In an orphanage because our parents passed away in an accident. Here we are outside, in the cold wind. Me and Trance. Well me, watching Trance slowly die.

  2. attackingsugar attackingsugar
    posted a quote
    February 8, 2012 5:52pm UTC
    Easy There, Killer
    Chapter Four
    "We need to get out of here" Jarod threw my muddy rain boots at me. The rubber shoes whacked me in the face. "I don't think one picture is going to-" "YOU DON'T KNOW THAT RAIN. YOU DON'T. Humans can do whatever they want! They can believe whatever they want!" He threw me one of his black hoodies as we trailed through the snow, all the way to meet the rest of the pack in the woods. The mud mixed snow crunched under my feet as the bitter cold pinched my pink cheeks. Soon enough, we stumbled across everyone else. Another Jarod was dressed just like me. Rainboots and black hoodie. I call them another Jarod, because they try to act just him, even though he's a complete original. He's alpha of our pack. "Looks like hurricane made another mistake" Christine rolled her bright blue eyes and threw her curly black hair into a ponytail. "You don't have to help us" I started. Jarod cut me off. "We need her" He placed a hand in front of me until I pushed it away. HIs jaw always tightened when he was annoyed. Usually, annoyed with me. The plan was just to escape this place, until the whole WOLF EVOLES thing calms down. One we changed into wolf form, and galloped deeper into the woods. I nodded at Christine as she was about to change, until she stopped. "You don't really think were just leaving for things to calm down, do you? She stepped closer to me. I nodded my head yes. What was she talking about. "I hope you realize then when we leave this place, Jarod is just going to kill you so we don't have to escape all the time." She closed her eyes, changed into a wolf, and then sprinted off to the rest. Leaving me, behind, with tears of anger and confusion streaming down my face.
    Sorry My last chapter meant to be 2...not three. So i'll just continue saying that this one is 4 even though it's three. Thank you(: You are all beautiful and amazing!(:

  3. attackingsugar attackingsugar
    posted a quote
    February 7, 2012 6:33pm UTC
    Easy There, Killer
    Chapter 3
    "So you found her?" Three tanned, shirtless guys in ripped shorts slid through the back screen door. "Where you been Tornado?!" One guy with short black hair slapped my arm, joking around with my name. Tornado. They always did that. Changed my name around, making fun of me. I threw my long braid behind my shoulders. "In hiding" I modestly slid the tight jeans above off gashes on my leg, from where I was shot by the officers. "Darnnn girl!" The short black haired boy laughed. His name was Raymond. They were all Jarod's friends. Broad, muscular, tight jaws. That was their signature look. "Rain! You're in the paper!" Raymond slid the newspaper towards me. I quickly tied up my blue converse, and glanced at the paper. "WOLF EVOLVES?" The Headline shouts. I curiously scanned the paper. First the was a picture of me, as a light brown, hairy wolf in the woods, howling on the ground, right after being shot. Then it shows a picture of a girl ten minutes later, in the same spot, screaming for help. I scanned the paper a few more times. That's when it hit me. I started to flip. Mortals usually weren't supposed to know about werewolves! "What does it say?" Another Jarod started to prepare dinner. We always had dinner together. The whole pack. We were like a family. "You don't want to know..." I slowly handed the paper to Jarod's friend Emerson.

  4. attackingsugar attackingsugar
    posted a quote
    February 7, 2012 4:36pm UTC
    Easy There, Killer
    Chapter One
    "Maybe if you didn't decide to run off, we all would've been fine" Jarod furiously scrubbed the blood off of my tanned leg. It's been days since I showered, since I ate, since I spoke. He dunked the worn out rag into an overflowing bucket of soapy water, and then rung it out over my slashes. "You idiot" He huffed. "You're lucky we found you, Rain. Any second later the officers would have blasted their bullets towards you. You really need to be careful when you change. Being a werewolf that attacks humans when their angry isn't the best idea in this small town. News spreads fast, kid." Jarod glared his dark brown eyes at me, as his long brown hair tips were soaked in sweat. He had a tight jaw and a muscular body, yet he was one of the meanest werewolves in our pack. You're probably wondering why he called me Rain. Rain is my name. My parents named me Rain because on the day that I was born, it was raining. Pretty simple huh? About a week ago, my pack and I were hunting for humans. Yes, I just said humans. I must of gotten lost because the next thing I new, there was a police officer with bloodshot eyes with his hands around my bare neck. I was changed into a wolf then, so it would make sense for someone to try to tranquilize a wolf who was attacking people. Waking up as a human, feeling numb from the tranquilizer, and being slashed by the same bloodshot eyed officer, with Jarod and the rest standing over you wasn't necesarily the most fun i've ever had. But now I'm back home, in our house, with my dark brown hair flowing besides me and my bright green eyes wandering, I still felt lost. Ever since those few days, I've felt alone. Like I've finally figured out what danger was for my kind. Not just for my kind, for everyone.

  5. attackingsugar attackingsugar
    posted a quote
    January 24, 2012 7:25pm UTC
    Chapter One
    Sara pushed her long, flowy, dark blue, hair behind her firm shoulders. Her brown eyes matched her brown leather jacket, and her pale skin brought out her small freckles. "Hi, you're new right?" She extended and big hand out towards me. "Yeah..." I slowly nodded my head, shaking her freckled hand. I threw my wavy blonde hair into a messy bun. "I'm Sara! I'm your guide" She jumped and smiled, showing off her bright white teeth. "I'm Natalie. I think I kind of got this whole school figured out...I don't think I need a guide...But thank you anyways" I pivoted away and started walking. Sara grabbed my wrist. "Those are really cool bracelets!" She ran her fingers across the colorful beads. "Thank you" I once again, tried to step away, only this time bumping into a guy. He had messy dark hair, and olive toned skin. I was so mesmorized until I realized all my books had been dropped. "I'm sorry" I stumbled to grab my books. "It's okay...You're Natasha right? The new girl?" He tilted his gorgeous head sideways. "Natalie." I sternly corrected him, collecting the rest of my books off of the floor. "Sorry...I'm Leon" Leon mumbled. "It's too bad, I'm her first friend, better luck next time Leon!" Sara teased and playfully slapped Leon's arm. "Well I'll see you around" He chuckled and then scurried off to his next class. "Nat and Leon sitting in a tree-" "Shut up!" I cut Sara off from singing a little rhyme about me and Leon. "Watch out." Sara's smile dropped into a fist clenching frown. Her eyes were concentrated on the floor. "Don't make eye contact" Sara demanded as a girl with pin straight brown hair, and bright red lipstick approched us. "Back off of Leon, or trouble will be started" The lipstick girl snapped, and continued her glorious walk.

  6. attackingsugar attackingsugar
    posted a quote
    January 24, 2012 4:52pm UTC
    Jealous 0f Them
    Chapter One
    Anabelle's POV
    I managed to zip my old backpack shut as the class dismissed. I was so happy to get out of Science. I didn't like that class. Why? Lindsie was in it. I quickly threw my backpack onto my shoulder. "Anabelle?" Lindsie bounced to my side. "Anabelle I have to ask you something" She smirked and placed her freshly manicured hand onto my shoulder. Her highlighted brown hair was curled and sprayed with holding spray. I could tell because when she walked, those curls didn't move even a tiny bit. "How come you didn't tell me you're dating David Marks?" She knit her eyebrows with a pouty look. "He asked me out yesterday..." I mumbled and then nudged her to the side. She sprinted to catch up with me. "But David's the most popular guy and school, and I mean I don't want to be rude but you're...a loser..." "Look Lindsie, just leave her alone" A low voice responded to Lindsie from behind me. The stranger slid his arms around my waist as my cheeks turned pink. Lindsie snarled. It was no stranger. It was David. "Hi..." I could feel my lips already curved into a huge smile. "Hello beautiful" David pushed my long, wavy, blonde hair out of my face. His light brown eyes were lit up. They were also covered by his long, messy, dark, brown hair. He slowly kissed my cheek, and then scurried off to his next class.
    Lindsie's POV
    WHAT? HOW COULD DAVID LIKE HER? THIS COULDN'T HAPPEN. I smiled at my fallowers, Jordy and Lia. "We have to break them up" I grinned, as they nodded with a big smirk. "Are you Jealous of them?" Lia tilted her head sideways, and asked.

  7. attackingsugar attackingsugar
    posted a quote
    January 17, 2012 5:42pm UTC
    Chapter Four
    "I think she can hear us... Carlynn? Carlynn?" People surrounded me while shouting. I quickly sat up and starting rapidly throwing up the water I had swallowed onto the sandy beach. "I'm sorry...Somebody get me a towel please" I groaned while plumiting back down onto the sand. "Towel..Somebody get her a towel.." This one life gaurd with messy brown hair and cold, dark eyes ordered while trying to get me up. "Look at me Carlynn, Can you see me?" He stared into my eyes. Everything was blurry and I felt dizzy. All I could remember was drowning and thinking, "This was it Carlynn...This was it." But now, I was fine. "Thank you" I said to the life gaurd that saved me as he carried me over to a white beach chair. "No problem" He squinted his cold eyes at the sun. It was like he didn't smile, or at least around me he didn't. "Put me down, I can walk" I snapped. He dropped me onto the sand. "Suit yourself" He smirked and jogged away. "Ouch" I grumbled while dusting the beige sand off of my hands.
    "Need some help?" A sarcastic voice craved. I slowly turned my head around to see a tall girl with tan skin and pink streaks in her thick brown hair, leaning against my chair, smiling. "Carlynn, Dear, tell me about your fabulous kiss with my boyfriend." Melissa declared, while inching closing to me. "Don't even try to pertend like you didn't. Don't kid me honey. Damien told me how you were all over him. He said how he yelled at you to stop, but you just couldn't resist." She added with a grin. "That didn't happen Melissa. He kissed me. He's lying to you-" I tried to tell her until she cut me off. "Don't try to play nice girl, next time you try to mess with my boyfriend, you'll be very unhappy with your results." Melissa suggessted and tip toed away. It's kind of funny how this is about to get into a real messed up fight. You'll see.

  8. attackingsugar attackingsugar
    posted a quote
    January 16, 2012 5:02pm UTC
    Chapter Three
    It was almost midnight, and the beach was dark and empty. The wind whipped my wavy hair around as I stared out towards the ocean. "Carlynn!" Somebody hollared my name. I knew who it was. It was Damien. I just didn't bother to answer after what had happened the other night. He called my name again. "I know you hear me" I couldn't resist to just peek my head around so I did. He was burrying his hands in his pockets. His long blonde hair was also whipping around in the wind, just like mine. Right when he saw me look at him, I noticed he was already jogging towards me. "Carlynn please talk to me. It's been a week." He lifted my chin up as I pushed his hand away from me. "You lied to me Damien." I felt my cheeks burning from the small tears that streamed down my face as if my cheeks were a slide. "Are you crying?" He laughed a bit but suddenly stopped when he realized I wasn't laughing. At all. "You know what, just forget it. Leave!" I yelled at him. It sounded more like a high-pitched scream because I was so upset and angry. "It's not my fault! Melissa is my girlfriend!" He admitted, not realizing what he had just said until after it was out of his mouth. "Your g-girlfriend? Your girlfriend doesn't know that you tell girls that you're not dating her, and then kiss those girls that night? Hmm..you're just so great." I sarcastically remarked and started walking away. I was done with Damien. I didn't want to see Melissa. I just wanted to leave this place. I wanted Summer to be over already. I had been thinking so long that I hadn't realized that Damien had already left me there on the beach and just walked away. I was so aggrivated that I decided I wanted to just cool off. I slid off my black and pink romper into just my bathing suit I was wearing from this morning, and dove into the ice cold water. The current was high and the waves were rapidly pushing and yanking me around. I had water flowing into my mouth as I was begging to drown. I felt my mind fill with fear speed up as I sunk deeper and deeper. When was this nightmare going to end?

  9. attackingsugar attackingsugar
    posted a quote
    January 15, 2012 12:51pm UTC
    Chapter Two
    "So how long are you staying in California for?" I ran my fingers through my long hair. "A few months, I'm staying in Melissa's house. We're like family." He explained to me how he's only in California for the Summer. We ended up walking on the beach for hours, just talking about stuff. It was starting to get dark out as the temperture dropped. I shivered. My feet became numb as the ice cold water splashed up against them. "Here take my jacket" Damien pertended to put an "invisible" jacket on me, because he wasn't actually wearing one. "Thanks" I laughed. "Can I ask you something?" He slowed down to a stop and brushed his hair out of his eyes. "DAMIEN!" A voiced squealed from behind us. My heart dropped when I saw a jumpy girl with thick brown hair and pink streaks attack Damien. It was Melissa. Damien looked up and my and mouthed "I don't like her like that" "Whatever" I mouthed back. I started to walk away when Melissa snapped "Who's that?" I heard Damien whisper something to her and right when I turned around I saw them kiss. Right on the lips.

  10. attackingsugar attackingsugar
    posted a quote
    January 14, 2012 7:10pm UTC
    Chapter One
    "Who is that?" I pointed at a guy with shaggy blonde hair. He was wearing a purple flannel and black jeans. Him and his friends were playing bumper cars at the fair today. I saw him get bumped by his friend as he starting cracking up laughing. "That's Damien Smith. See the girl next to him with the long brown hair and red shirt? Apparently they have a thing. It's too bad..He's cute" My friend Jamie cocked her head sideways as we both started at Damien. I was more concentrated on the girl he was apparently with. She had pink streaks in her long brown hair. Her skin was tan like Damien's skin and her pink lips were pouty. She scrunched her nose and close her eyes when Damien slammed his bumper car against the back of hers. It was kind of funny. I watch them flirt for what felt like hours but was probably minutes until the bumper cars ride ended. Jamie let her curly blonde hair out of her ponytail and sprinted towards Damien and his group of friends. "Hi" She smiled and extended an arm out. The entire group started walking as Jamie left me behind. I stood right next to the food stand waiting for one of them to come back when I heard someone whisper to me "You know the funnel cakes here are really tasty." I jumped. It was Damien. He pushed his hair out of his bright green eyes and chuckled. "Hi, I'm Damien." He grinned. "Nikki" I twirled a peice of my light brown hair around my finger. "You're Jamie's friend right?" He narrowed his bushy eyebrows. "Yeah...Uh I think you should go back to you're girlfriend. I've got to get going anyways" I lied. I really had nowhere to go but I was getting really nervous. "My girlfriend? You mean Melissa? Nooo she's just my good friend!" His face turned pink. We just stood there in a moment of awkward silence until he suddenly asked me "Do you want to go walk along the beach with me?" "Sure" I smiled. Little did I know Melissa was more than his friend. This was about to go bad. Really. Really bad.
    (Should I continue? Thank you for you're feedback and fallows/faves(:

  11. attackingsugar attackingsugar
    posted a quote
    December 24, 2011 10:45pm UTC
    A Few Chances
    Chapter Three
    *That Night*
    "Jake and Alex sittin in a tr-" "shut up!" I hushed my friend Zara as she sang about me and Jake's first kiss. We we're all attending Jay Rame's big holiday bash tonight. Everyone at school blabbed about how his parents were out of town, so this was probably going to be the party of the year. I didn't want to go the the party because I knew Ryan and Danielle would be all over each other there, but Jake was forcing me to come."You two would be a cute couple" Zara stood confidently in front of my mirror, turning side to side with one hand on her hip. She swung her wavy blonde hair that contained red streaks down the side in front of her purple blazer. "I don't think he's really that into me.." My voiced trailed off as Zara but into my sentence. "HE KISSED YOU! HE OVBIOUSLY LIKES YOU AL!" "Whatever, let's go, we're already late." I grabbed my car keys and headed out the front door.
    (Next chapter will be up before Dec. 25th, 9:00 PM)

  12. attackingsugar attackingsugar
    posted a quote
    December 24, 2011 12:10am UTC
    Im sorry my last chapter was supposed to say chapter two not chapter one... thank you all for the feedback! Your all beautiful and amazinggg!

  13. attackingsugar attackingsugar
    posted a quote
    December 23, 2011 11:46pm UTC
    A Few Chances
    Chapter One
    "Jake?" I sprang off my bed and met his gaze. "Hey babe" He smiled and grabbed my hand. Me and Jake have been best friends since third grade and ever since Ryan dumped me, Jake has been here for me almost 24/7. "Your a mess.." He mumbled and ran his fingers through his short black hair. "Thanks!" I sarcastically exclaimed with a huge smile and then slumped onto my bed. Jake climbed over to the other side and then layed down next to me. His cologne was really strong, which made me start coughing. "Your c-colgne" I choked on my words and then grabbed his muscular tanned arm. He laughed and then brushed my long sandy blonde hair out of my face. For a second, our eyes connected, and then lost trace. "What?" I smiled and then playfully slapped his hand. "You're..really.." He trailed off and then rested his head back onto my pink pillow with one arm around my waist..just like Ryan used to do..but when Jake did it, it felt better, it felt right. "I'm what?" I laughed and smushed my head onto his shirtless chest. "Beautiful" Jake gently pulled my head closer to his and kissed me slowly.
    (Next chapter will be up before Dec. 24th, 11:00 PM)

  14. attackingsugar attackingsugar
    posted a quote
    December 23, 2011 11:21pm UTC
    A Few Chances
    Chapter One
    "Alexandra. Alexandra get out of your room now. I know your upset about Ryan but things will get better. Honey, please come out. You need sunlight. It's been three days!" My mom constantly knocked on my white door. I could tell she was adjusting my purple and princess crown shaped "Please knock" sign that I had since I was seven. I always try to take it down but my mom doesn't let me. She tells me i'll want it when I'm older but really, that old thing has sparkles crusting off of it every time it's touched. "Alex?" She knocked again, this time a little harder. "What!?" I snapped. "Let me in." Mom demanded. I groaned and rolled onto my side. My hair was a mess and my twin sized bed was covered in tissues. You see, I had been dating this guy for almost two years. His name is Ryan. He has long brown hair that would flow and big light blue eyes. Ryan always wore a hat that matched some sort of clothing he wore along with it. Everyday he would walk me to my locker, with one arm wrapped around my waist. On the weekends, we would lay on the grass, side by side at the park, and let the sun blaze and melt into our skin. At night, we would usually sleep at his house, and my body would sink into his arms, as we watched movies on his flat screen T.V. But a few days ago, Ryan met a perky girl with curly red hair and broke up with me. Her name is Danielle. Ryan and Danielle had "some connection" and now their going out. I layed in my bed, sniffling and day dreaming, about the times me and Ryan had together when my door creaked open. "GET OUT MOM" I barked. "calm down its just me" A deep voice whispered.
    (Comment if I should continue..Thank you!
    Next Chapter Will Be Up Before 12:00 PM, Dec. 23rd)


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