Witty Profiles

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A Few Chances
Chapter One

"Alexandra. Alexandra get out of your room now. I know your upset about Ryan but things will get better. Honey, please come out. You need sunlight. It's been three days!" My mom constantly knocked on my white door. I could tell she was adjusting my purple and princess crown shaped "Please knock" sign that I had since I was seven. I always try to take it down but my mom doesn't let me. She tells me i'll want it when I'm older but really, that old thing has sparkles crusting off of it every time it's touched. "Alex?" She knocked again, this time a little harder. "What!?" I snapped. "Let me in." Mom demanded. I groaned and rolled onto my side. My hair was a mess and my twin sized bed was covered in tissues. You see, I had been dating this guy for almost two years. His name is Ryan. He has long brown hair that would flow and big light blue eyes. Ryan always wore a hat that matched some sort of clothing he wore along with it. Everyday he would walk me to my locker, with one arm wrapped around my waist. On the weekends, we would lay on the grass, side by side at the park, and let the sun blaze and melt into our skin. At night, we would usually sleep at his house, and my body would sink into his arms, as we watched movies on his flat screen T.V. But a few days ago, Ryan met a perky girl with curly red hair and broke up with me. Her name is Danielle. Ryan and Danielle had "some connection" and now their going out. I layed in my bed, sniffling and day dreaming, about the times me and Ryan had together when my door creaked open. "GET OUT MOM" I barked. "calm down its just me" A deep voice whispered.
(Comment if I should continue..Thank you!
Next Chapter Will Be Up Before 12:00 PM, Dec. 23rd)
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A Few Chances Chapter One "Alexandra. Alexandra get out

2 faves · 3 comments · Dec 23, 2011 11:21pm






attackingsugar · 1 decade ago
thank you both(:
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xojordannnxo · 1 decade ago
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