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Easy There, Killer
Chapter 3

"So you found her?" Three tanned, shirtless guys in ripped shorts slid through the back screen door. "Where you been Tornado?!" One guy with short black hair slapped my arm, joking around with my name. Tornado. They always did that. Changed my name around, making fun of me.  I threw my long braid behind my shoulders. "In hiding" I modestly slid the tight jeans above off gashes on my leg, from where I was shot by the officers. "Darnnn girl!" The short black haired boy laughed. His name was Raymond. They were all Jarod's friends. Broad, muscular, tight jaws. That was their signature look. "Rain! You're in the paper!" Raymond slid the newspaper towards me. I quickly tied up my blue converse, and glanced at the paper. "WOLF EVOLVES?" The Headline shouts. I curiously scanned the paper. First the was a picture of me, as a light brown, hairy wolf in the woods, howling on the ground, right after being shot. Then it shows a picture of a girl ten minutes later, in the same spot, screaming for help. I scanned the paper a few more times. That's when it hit me. I started to flip. Mortals usually weren't supposed to know about werewolves! "What does it say?" Another Jarod started to prepare dinner. We always had dinner together. The whole pack. We were like a family. "You don't want to know..." I slowly handed the paper to Jarod's friend Emerson.

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Easy There, Killer Chapter 3 "So you found her?" Three

3 faves · Feb 7, 2012 6:33pm






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