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  1. JustAnotherWittyGuy18 JustAnotherWittyGuy18
    posted a quote
    May 6, 2013 5:21pm UTC
    I'm sitting here rocking myself telling myself this is all a bad dream... i sent her pictures of you, and i stare into your eyes and i tell myself you can't be gone... Alex you can't be gone... Please someone tell me this was a sick joke, please i need him back so freaking bad. I miss his smile, the ways he called me weird cute amazing pet names. How he knew all of you, and he asked me about the "W site" as he called it. I miss the ways he wanted to make me happy no matter what. How he never failed to make me happy. Alexander Fruk i miss you today, i miss you tomorrow, i miss you always. And i will love you forever too. You will never part from my heart.
    ~Forever yours,

  2. sarryc333 sarryc333
    posted a quote
    January 6, 2013 7:15pm UTC
    Let love come to you,
    Be patient.
    In fairytales they dont find eachother until
    The last page.

  3. sarryc333 sarryc333
    posted a quote
    January 6, 2013 7:19pm UTC
    Don't go back for less,

  4. yourcool yourcool
    posted a quote
    January 12, 2013 2:56pm UTC
    i make weird faces in photos because
    it's better to look ugly on purpose.

  5. yourcool yourcool
    posted a quote
    December 30, 2012 5:51pm UTC
    i had a dream where i killed all the shirtless
    guys with "swag" and their duckface girlfriends, too. it was called the "yolocaust."

  6. makenna123 makenna123
    posted a quote
    January 28, 2013 9:39pm UTC
    HEY YOU.
    NO, NOT YOU..
    YES, YOU.

  7. TheAryeLynet TheAryeLynet
    posted a quote
    January 29, 2013 12:41pm UTC
    Little Johnny's teacher asks him to make a sentence using the following words: defeat, deduct, defense and detail.
    Little Johnny says, "De feet of de duck went over de fence before de tail."
    Notmine :)

  8. StayingStrongForever StayingStrongForever
    posted a quote
    January 29, 2013 5:33pm UTC
    The difference between me and her?
    I can make him smile with my clothes on.
    nmq.funny though (;

  9. doublesidedice doublesidedice
    posted a quote
    January 29, 2013 4:37pm UTC
    I'm not clumsy!
    It's just the floor hates me.
    The tables and chairs are bullies.
    And the wall gets in the way.

  10. doublesidedice doublesidedice
    posted a quote
    January 29, 2013 4:51pm UTC
    Unless life also hands you sugar and water, your lemonade is going to suck.

  11. Raymatts Raymatts
    posted a quote
    January 29, 2013 3:13pm UTC
    I'd say about 90% of my conversations go like this:
    Person: This bagel tastes nasty.
    Me: You taste nasty.
    Person: My shoes are covered in mud.
    Me: You're covered in mud.
    Person: I ordered Coke. This is Pepsi.
    Me: You're Pepsi.
    Person: That sunset is beautiful.
    Me: You're beautiful.
    Person: Thanks.
    Person: I'm hungry.
    Me: You're hungry.
    Person: Yea, I said that.
    Me: Oh...

  12. Livelovemusic11 Livelovemusic11
    posted a quote
    January 28, 2013 9:27pm UTC
    "Would you like a table?"
    "No, I came to the restaurant to eat on the ground. Carpet for 5 please."

  13. EmilyxLovesxU EmilyxLovesxU
    posted a quote
    January 29, 2013 4:48pm UTC
    Me in the morning: I'm tired don't look at me.
    Me during school: I'm tired don't touch me.
    Me after school: I'm tired don't talk to me.
    Me at bedtime: Who wants to swim to Africa and back?

  14. sierra17 sierra17
    posted a quote
    January 28, 2013 10:37pm UTC
    See you later, Alligator.
    In a while, Crocodile.
    Keep it real, Spotted Seal.
    In a few, Cockatoo.
    Take care, Black Bear.
    Bye bye, Butterfly.
    Good luck, Little Duck.
    See you soon, Racoon.
    Another time, Porcupine
    Best wishes, Little Fishes.
    Peace out, River Trout.
    Gotta go, Buffalo.
    Good day, Sting Ray.
    know any more? comment below

  15. Onism* Onism*
    posted a quote
    January 29, 2013 4:30pm UTC
    "That chicken died just for you to eat it. Have a heart, eat vegetables"
    Hundreds of thousand of vegetables are sacrificed just so you could be a vegetarian.
    Have a heart, eat a rock.
    The rock took millions of years to form and it probably had a family and now you ate it.
    Have a heart, drink water.
    The water has come from the top clouds and the bottom of the sea forever just so you could drink it and turn it into pee.
    Have a heart, breathe air.
    The air was just being all cool as O2 and stuff until you decided to breath it.
    Now it's just CO2
    You disgust me.

  16. BravoSierra BravoSierra
    posted a quote
    February 22, 2012 9:44am UTC
    Fuckerr's signature format. Please don't remove credit. Or I will hunt you down. You do NOT want to get on my bad side.
    Am I the only one
    Who will spend 20 minutes trying to get my messy bun perfect?

  17. ThatsSoMeee ThatsSoMeee
    posted a quote
    June 21, 2012 2:41pm UTC
    Have you ever laid on your bed
    at night and cried because you're not good enough?
    Counted all your flaws and felt worse about yourself.
    And just felt too ugly and alone...

  18. Sunny1703 Sunny1703
    posted a quote
    July 15, 2012 3:18pm UTC
    I bet there's going to be more teenagers;
    at the premiere of Monsters Inc. 2 than little kids.

  19. Oliviaxo Oliviaxo
    posted a quote
    June 30, 2012 10:07am UTC
    Here's to the girls
    that joined witty, BEFORE One Direction took over.

  20. Tempest* Tempest*
    posted a quote
    February 28, 2012 3:06pm UTC
    Science Class
    1% learning
    99% thinking about how people have found out all of this stuff


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