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Member Since: 24 Dec 2011 12:17pm

Last Seen: 22 Apr 2012 11:51pm

user id: 254965

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Hello, My name is Bridgette Remmilard.
Im 16.
I live in Orlando Florida and i love it there.
I only have one friend. Shayla. Shes my bestfriiend forever..(:
Im in highschool and im really short. No one thinks I can beat them up..but i can.
People call me Kat because my middle name Kathryn. Bridgette Kathryn Remmilard.
No one will ever understand what i go through. My dad left when I was 4 and my mom died of cancer.I live with my brother, Eric, and his wife, Melanie. I only enjoy witty because it lets me know im not alone. It makes me feel beautiful.

My witty Bestfriend is:
ShayLovesYouxoxo Check her out(:
And remember...YOUR ALL BEAUTIFUL! <3


  1. Unicornleader Unicornleader
    posted a quote
    April 22, 2012 2:40pm UTC
    Guys, I have to tell you something. IM fake! Yea im fake. I thought if I was fak I would gain more followers but ehh.. So unfollow me

  2. Unicornleader Unicornleader
    posted a quote
    February 15, 2012 5:54pm UTC
    Maybe prince charming is waiting for his

  3. Unicornleader Unicornleader
    posted a quote
    January 26, 2012 8:37pm UTC
    I love you my 31 followers
    you give me hope

  4. Unicornleader Unicornleader
    posted a quote
    January 26, 2012 8:16pm UTC
    I fell for him,
    but he wasnt there to catch me.

  5. Unicornleader Unicornleader
    posted a quote
    January 19, 2012 4:14pm UTC
    Pink and Purple
    Chapter 9
    Annoying as it is, life gets around to you. It teaches us that no matter how different, we can still learn to love. This is about me and my very different sister. I hope you all enjoy.
    Bridgette Remmilard
    I sat on my bed. I was 7 again. "This cannot be happening!" I screamed into my purple unicorn pillow. Bryce walked by me and rolled her eyes. I gave her my 'face' and she quickly walked away.I realized something. This was a chance to start over.
    I woke up and remembered it was my birthday. I shooke Bryce and waited for her to open her eyes.
    "Bwyce! Wake up! Were 7 today!" I screamed. She shot up and ran downstairs.
    "Mommy! Daddy!" We screamed. We saw our grandma. "Gwamma were mommy and daddy? I asked confused.
    "Your little sister is being born today!" She screamed with excitment.
    Me and Bryce had a glum look on our faces. Gramma gave us a hug and brought us out to her 1967 Buick. We got in and drove to the hospital.
    I sat in the hospital waiting room with Bryce.
    Our dad walked out. We perked up and put smiles on our faces.
    "Theres someone I want you to meet." He whispered. Me and Bryce got up and walked into the room.
    "Hi girls." My mom whispered. I looked at the little blanket in her arms. She saw me looking and gestured me to come to her.
    "This is your little sister." She whipered with tears of joy.
    "Whats her name?" I asked quietly.
    "We didnt find one for her, you and Bryce can name her if you want." Mom whispered yet again.
    Me and Bryce looked at each other.
    "Jocelyn!" We yelled at the same time.
    "Jocelyn Marie Remmilard." My mom shouted. It was perfect. I sat there wondering why I was reliving this moment. I realized, this was the day that my grandma had her heart attack, and died.
    I sat there and started crying.
    "Bridgette whats wrong?" My grandma asked.
    "Dont eat anything today grandma." I whispered
    She gave me a puzzled look and continued to love Jocelyn.
    We all went to Olive Garden later on that day. My grandma got the calimari in alfredo sauce. She took at bite and said she felt sick.
    "Get grandma to the hospital,now." I whispered.
    My dad rushed his mother to the hospital.
    "She almost died."The doctor said to my dad."If someone didnt reccomend going to the hospital, she would have died later that night." The doctor finished.
    My dad patted him on the back, and walked over to me and Bryce.
    "Bridgette, that was an amazing thing to do." My dad lectured.
    I nodded and walked away. This wasnt making sense.

  6. Unicornleader Unicornleader
    posted a quote
    January 16, 2012 8:16pm UTC
    This isnt pretty like all the other quotes, but it states truth. People make fun of me.They make fun of me because im proud of myself. They hate on me. I watch glee to make me feel better. It helps alot. It teaches me, its ok to be different. Kurt is gay, santana is lesbian. It makes me feel like its ok. Im fine and i have friends. Glee gets me moving. Watch it sometime if your insecure about yourself, or you feel different. Its perfect for people like us(:

  7. Unicornleader Unicornleader
    posted a quote
    January 16, 2012 7:46pm UTC
    Why did I cross the road?
    To stop the pain.

  8. Unicornleader Unicornleader
    posted a quote
    January 16, 2012 4:55pm UTC
    Pink and Purple
    Chapter 8
    Annoying as it is, life gets around to you. It teaches us that no matter how different, we can still learn to love. This is about me and my very different sister. I hope you all enjoy.
    Bridgette Remmilard
    I sat there on my couch. Loooking at my lamp, I saw something. I read it in my head.
    Bridgette, one wish. Thats all it takes.
    I held the lamp close to my heart.
    "I wish none of this happened." I whispered with tears streaming down my face.
    I opened my eyes and found myself in my old house. In my old living room.
    "Bridgette! Lets go!" My mom called from the kitchen.
    I sat there. Amazed.
    "Bridgette! Now!" My mom called yet again.
    I walked out to the kitchen.
    "Help me put away the China." My mom demanded.
    "Bridgette tommorow is your 7th birthday! Dont make me cancel your party!" My mom threatened.
    I helped her with the China and ran up to mine and Bryce's room.
    "Bwyce!" I yelped.
    I had a lisp when I 7. I forgot all about it.
    "What Bridgette?" She said with her attitude.
    "Do you rememeber Ilana, Shayla, Tyler, Anthony, or Bwooke?" I asked confused.
    She shook her head with her blonde hair bouncing everywhere.
    I ran into Jocelyn's room. It was painted a pretty pink with stripes of purple. She wasnt even born yet. I gasped. I ran in my room and saw my lamp. I picked it up and searched for where it said One wish, Bridgette. Thats all it takes. It was gone.

  9. Unicornleader Unicornleader
    posted a quote
    January 16, 2012 3:01pm UTC
    Hi couldnt you be more polite? UGHH I HATE YOUR GUTS! GROW UP!
    Yes... !

  10. Unicornleader Unicornleader
    posted a quote
    January 16, 2012 1:37pm UTC
    Pink and Purple
    Chapter 6
    Annoying as it is, life gets around to you. It teaches us that no matter how different, we can still learn to love. This is about me and my very different sister. I hope you all enjoy.
    Bridgette Remmilard
    The ambulances got there fast. They took away Shayla's parents to hospital. I ran over to my house to find my parents.
    "Mom where is Jocelyn?!" I screamed.
    "She hasnt been seen since last night." My mom whispered in tears.
    Mac ran up to me and licked my knee. I ran upstairs and into Joceyln's room. I saw her favorite doll on the ground. I lifted up her blanket and saw her.
    "Jocelyn!" I screamed.
    She was in full blown tears. I picked her up and rushed her downstairs.
    "I saw him." She whispered.
    "Saw who?" I asked.
    "The killer." She whispered.
    I stopped.
    "How?" I asked again.
    "He came in my room. I got under my covers and stayed still. He looked like daddy." She whispered weakly.
    I opened the door and went outside. Bryce had Mac in her arms. I walked over to my dad. I set Jocelyn down on the ground.
    "You did this daddy!" I screamed.
    He had terrified look on his face.
    "No! You cant prove it!" He yelled.
    I grabbed his butcher knife.
    He squealed.
    "Shayla! Im so sorry!" He yelled as the cops took him to the cruiser.
    My mom started crying. I ran over to Shayla.
    "Shayla! Im so sorry! I didnt know!" I said with tears in my eyes.
    "Dont waiste your breath!" She screamed.
    Shayla walked away. I cried and cried.
    "Bridgette get over yourself!" Bryce yelled.
    I ran up to her and smaked her.This wasnt supposed to happen to me. I ran in my house and grabbed my favorite lamp.
    Yes. her favorite lamp. (: Feedback?

  11. Unicornleader Unicornleader
    posted a quote
    January 15, 2012 9:56pm UTC
    What About

  12. Unicornleader Unicornleader
    posted a quote
    January 15, 2012 8:59pm UTC
    Pink and Purple
    Chapter 6
    Annoying as it is, life gets around to you. It teaches us that no matter how different, we can still learn to love. This is about me and my very different sister. I hope you all enjoy.
    Bridgette Remmilard
    We pulled up to my house and Bryce pushed me out of the way to get off. I fell back into the seat. I looked in the back of the bus and saw a bunch of guys look at me. They nodded at each other and winked. I rolled my eyes and stepped off the bus.
    Shayla opened her door and walked in. "Mom! Bridgette is coming over!" She yelled up the stairs. "MHM!!"
    Owen called down acting like his mother. Shayla rolled her eyes and walked into the kitchen. She saw a pool of blood. "OWEN GET DOWN HERE!" She yelled up the stairs. Owen ran down the carpet stairs and into the kitchen. He saw the blood. I looked over in the corner and saw a body. "SHAYLA!" I screamed in terror. She ran over to me. "OWEN!" She screamed helplessly. He ran over to. We saw the body of their father.
    "OWEN CALL 911 QUICK!" Shayla screamed. I picked up my cell phone and dialed the number.
    "911 whats your emergency?"
    "We have a dead body on maple st! Come quick!"
    "Were on our way.''
    I hung up my phone. I picked up my bag and ran up stairs into Shaylas room. I saw a huge butcher knife laying on Shayla's bed.
    Shayla ran up stairs and into her parents room.
    '' BRIDGETTE PLEASE! '' She called to me.
    I ran toward the master bedroom. Laying on the carpet floor, was Shayla's mother.
    Lol this story is nothing like the prolouge. Dont even bother reading it. feedback?

  13. Unicornleader Unicornleader
    posted a quote
    January 15, 2012 8:27pm UTC
    Im wonderstruck, blushing all the way home
    Taylor Swift.

  14. Unicornleader Unicornleader
    posted a quote
    January 15, 2012 11:35am UTC
    He Needs Us.
    I think that to show our love and support we should all put FramingMatthew's picture on our profiles. I know it would mean alot to him, and he needs us. I already got the code so I will post it in this quote. So, here's what we need to do, repost this and sign your name if you put his picture on your profile. Let's keep it going.
    Please do this, he needs us.
    Code is;
    P.S.- Please fave this if you do it because I'll try and follow all of you.

  15. Unicornleader Unicornleader
    posted a quote
    January 13, 2012 12:48pm UTC

    Here in Massachusetts,
    Its snowing,
    for the first time,
    since October♥
    Format credit - RunawayRachel and somewhat me (: Im on vacation,This is the best birthday wish for my brother..EVER(:

  16. Unicornleader Unicornleader
    posted a quote
    January 13, 2012 11:35am UTC
    Pink and Purple
    Chapter 4
    Annoying as it is, life gets around to you. It teaches us that no matter how different, we can still learn to love. This is about me and my very different sister. I hope you all enjoy.
    Bridgette Remmilard
    1st period started and ended, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th went by fast too. 6th period came fast. Gym had some of the cutest boys in it. Anthony walked up to me. I looked around for Ilana. She wasnt here. "Hey." He said. "Hi...Im Bridgette" I mumbled. Another boy walked up and then came another. "Hi im Tyler, that Braidee." He interdouced. Tyler's eyes were amazing. They looked at me and I just melted inside. A girl walked up and hugged Tyler. "Hey Ty! Who's that?" She asked. "Im Bridgette." I mumbled. She smiled at me.
    Tyler waved goodbye to me and walked away with the girl. "Thats Destiny Reed." Shayla whispered. I nodded and watch her run away from Tyler. She was in tears. Tyler walked up to me. "Hey you wanna go out with me?" My mouth dropped. Destiny watched him ask me. She nodded for aprovall. I nodded weakly. He nodded and walked away. Destiny ran up to me. "Thank you for saying yes. Now he will leave me alone." I nodded again. "You dont talk much do you?" She asked. "I do, you just dont know me that well." I repiled.
    School ended early for some reason. Me, Shayla, Ilana, Bryce, Anthony, and Tyler all got on. Tyler sat next me and Shayla. I sat in the middle of them. Tyler held my hand. Bryce noticed and turned her head. Anthony hated Tyler. My phone vibrated. It was from Anthony. It said, 'Tyler is a player. Dont go out with him please.' I looked over at him. He nodded.
    Tyler got off and Anthony came over and sat next to me. He gave me a hug. Ilana saw him. She gasped. ''ANTHONY!" " WE ARE THROUGH!" She sreamed. Anthony stood up and walked to the front of the bus. He stepped off at his house. Ilana sat down, crying. I walked up to her. "You broke up with him. Hes my best friend. Your a fool." I yelled. Bryce looked at me. "Oh please. Go be a nerd somewhere else." She yelled in my face. I slapped her across the face. Ilana stood up. SHe hit me. Shayla stood up and pushed Ilana. It was my first fight on the first day of school.
    Feeed back please!

  17. Unicornleader Unicornleader
    posted a quote
    January 13, 2012 10:54am UTC
    Pink and Purple
    Chapter 4
    Annoying as it is, life gets around to you. It teaches us that no matter how different, we can still learn to love. This is about me and my very different sister. I hope you all enjoy.
    Bridgette Remmilard
    Shayla sat with me toward the back of the bus. We pulled up to a house right near mine. A boy walked on and sat across from us. I looked in his blue eyes. I sat there and thought, "Anthonyy." We had a few more stops before Ilana's house. SHe got on and sat next to Anthony. She glared at me and I looked away.
    We pulled up to big school that seemed broken with smiles. Everyone was happy to be there. I stepped off with Shayla and we ran into the big double doors. I looked back to see Ilana stand next the kids who were smoking. She pulled out a cigarette and lit it. I gasped and turned around. "Shay?" I asked.She turned her head around and looked at me. "Yea Bridgette?" She replied. "Ilana smokes?" I asked again. She nodded with a frown. "Me and Ilana were best friends. Until Brooke showed up." She said sadly. I looked deep into her green eyes and whispered,"Shayla, Im your new best friend." I said with a huge smile. We were almost up tot he front of the line to get our schedule. Bryce ran up and gave me hug. Ilana followed behind her. "Bridgette I have health!" She hollered. "REALLY?!" I gasped. She nodded. We grabbed each others hands and jumped up and down.
    I got my schedule and looked over everything. Me and Shayla compared. We both had homeroom, math, ELA, gym, Theater , and science. All of my classes. we walked together to our lockers. We were upstairs and Bryce was down. I saw locker 642 and opened it. I put my bag in and my north face. Shayla's locker was 2 away from mine. This was gonna be a good school year.
    Feedback please(: I know its short I was tirredd

  18. Unicornleader Unicornleader
    posted a quote
    January 12, 2012 3:54pm UTC
    Pink and Purple
    Chapter 3
    Annoying as it is, life gets around to you. It teaches us that no matter how different, we can still learn to love. This is about me and my very different sister. I hope you all enjoy.
    Bridgette Remmilard
    I sat on my bed and rolled over. I fell asleep but woke up around 2:30. I heard a strange noise and went to investigate. Bryce heard it too and got her bat ready too. We crept down the stairs and looked in every room. We heard the noise come from the basement. I pushed Bryce forward and she glared back at me. "Sorry." I whispered with a giggle. She opened the the door and a little creature ran up.
    It was a dog.
    It basically dragged us down stairs. It wagged its little golden tail and wanted us to pet him. I thought for a minute. "Bryce?" I asked. She whipped her head around and gave me the 'what?' stare. "Lets name it." I whispered. She nodded and I sat and thought. "Mac." I whispered. She nodded rapidly. We heard footsteps. It was coming from upstairs. We looked at each other and ran into the laundry room. We grabbed Mac and brought him into the laundry room too. The basement door opened. Joceyln had her bat ready and walked down the stairs. She went into the basement living room and looked back and forth. Bryce screamed really loud. I looked back to see a huge spider. We ran out holding Mac and went up the stairs. Joceyln ran up too.
    Mom and dad woke up and ran down the stairs. Mom saw me holding Mac and knew what I was thinking. "Yes Bridgette, we can keep him." She whispered.I jumped up and down with Mac. "Whats his name honey?" "Mac, hes Mac Miller." I looked at the time. It was 6:00 am. School started soon and I had to get ready. Me and Bryce ran up stairs and got ready. The bus pulled to our house. Shayla ran up to catch it. I couldnt wait to get to school and meet everyone.
    Feed back please!

  19. Unicornleader Unicornleader
    posted a quote
    January 10, 2012 8:39pm UTC
    Try this and repost
    foot: bddjiidxgbedefggttdee

  20. Unicornleader Unicornleader
    posted a quote
    January 10, 2012 4:29pm UTC
    Pink and Purple
    Chapter 2
    Annoying as it is, life gets around to you. It teaches us that no matter how different, we can still learn to love. This is about me and my very different sister. I hope you all enjoy.
    Bridgette Remmilard
    I stuck the iPod in my pocket and continued to eat. Jocelyn fell asleep and was brought out to the car by my dad. "Bridgette hurry up we need to get a move on." My mom muttered. I rolled my blue eyes with a tint of purple. Everything was so calm. I finished and we went back to the car. My dad started the Honda Accord, and we took off.. again.
    "WELCOME TO CALIFORNIA!" I screamed. My mom clapped and Jocey yelled YAY! Bryce rolled her blueish pinkish eyes and laughed. Everyone was happy. I rememebered that i had the iPod still. I curled up and acted like i was going to sleep but really just played on the iPod. I went to TEXTNOW and saw a text from a California cell phone.I read it to myself carefully. I said,"Hi, whoever found this please keep good care of it. I love it and I effing need it. LOVE SHAYLA!"I giggled. Jocey pointed to sign and whined. I looked at it. It said,
    I shook Bryce repeatedly. She blinked her eyes. " Bryce were here... at our new house." She shot up and un buckled. She opened the car door and ran out. She kissed the grass and rolled in it. She unziped her coat and threw it into the neighbors yard. "FINALLY!!" She screamed. The neighbors door opened quickly and some kid walked out. I looked at her closely. I thought,"That must be Shayla!". My mom saw her parents walk out and they all greeted each other. She walked over to me. "Hey...im Bridgette." I mumbled. She gave me hug. 'Im Shayla. I was the ONLY girl in this neighborhood and then you and your sisters came." She interdouced herself nicely. Some more people came out of there houses. I saw a really cute boy walk over to meet me and Bryce. "Hey, im Anthony." He greeted. A girl stepped out from behind his back."Im Ilana...his girlfriend." She said rudely.I said hi and me and Shayla walked away to go into my new house.
    "So uhmm what high school do you go to?" I asked. "Eastbrook high." She answered. "You will probally end up there too." she continued. She took me on a tour of the house. My bedroom was basically connected to Bryce's. Her closet led right into my room. Jocey's room was connected to mom and dad's. The mover guys got here around 4:00. The unloaded everything out on the lawn, and left. My mom threw a vase at the truck as it left. She and my dad picked up the couch and brought it in. One by one she brought every item in until it was almost time for bed. Shayla opened the door to get ready to leave but I stopped her. "Shayla, this is yours." I said as i handed her the iPod. She looked at me funny and then gave me a hug. "Bridgette," she started. "Thank you so effing much for bringing my iPod back." she finished. I hugged her and then she left. I thought to myself,
    "My first friend in California"
    Thank you for faving chapter 1(: this chapter is a bit longer but its really interesting.... fave comment and follow pleasee!
    the real,
    Bridgette Remmilard(:


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