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Pink and Purple
Chapter 9
Annoying as it is, life gets around to you. It teaches us that no matter how different, we can still learn to love. This is about me and my very different sister. I hope you all enjoy.
Bridgette Remmilard

 I sat on my bed. I was 7 again. "This cannot be happening!" I screamed into my purple unicorn pillow. Bryce walked by me and rolled her eyes. I gave her my 'face' and she quickly walked away.I realized something. This was a chance to start over.

I woke up and remembered it was my birthday. I shooke Bryce and waited for her to open her eyes.
"Bwyce! Wake up! Were 7 today!" I screamed. She shot up and ran downstairs.
"Mommy! Daddy!" We screamed. We saw our grandma. "Gwamma were mommy and daddy? I asked confused.
"Your little sister is being born today!" She screamed with excitment.
Me and Bryce had a glum look on our faces. Gramma gave us a hug and brought us out to her 1967 Buick. We got in and drove to the hospital.

I sat in the hospital waiting room with Bryce.
Our dad walked out. We perked up and put smiles on our faces.
"Theres someone I want you to meet." He whispered. Me and Bryce got up and walked into the room.
"Hi girls." My mom whispered. I looked at the little blanket in her arms. She saw me looking and gestured me to come to her.
"This is your little sister." She whipered with tears of joy.
"Whats her name?" I asked quietly.
"We didnt find one for her, you and Bryce can name her if you want." Mom whispered yet again.
Me and Bryce looked at each other.
"Jocelyn!" We yelled at the same time.
"Jocelyn Marie Remmilard." My mom shouted. It was perfect. I sat there wondering why I was reliving this moment. I realized, this was the day that my grandma had her heart attack, and died.

I sat there and started crying.
"Bridgette whats wrong?" My grandma asked.
"Dont eat anything today grandma." I whispered
She gave me a puzzled look and continued to love Jocelyn.

We all went to Olive Garden later on that day. My grandma got the calimari in alfredo sauce. She took at bite and said she felt sick.
"Get grandma to the hospital,now." I whispered.
My dad rushed his mother to the hospital.
"She almost died."The doctor said to my dad."If someone didnt reccomend going to the hospital, she would have died later that night." The doctor finished.
My dad patted him on the back, and walked over to me and Bryce.
"Bridgette, that was an amazing thing to do." My dad lectured.
I nodded and walked away. This wasnt making sense.


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Pink and Purple Chapter 9 Annoying as it is, life gets around

1 faves · Jan 19, 2012 4:14pm






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