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Pink and Purple
Chapter 4
Annoying as it is, life gets around to you. It teaches us that no matter how different, we can still learn to love. This is about me and my very different sister. I hope you all enjoy.
Bridgette Remmilard

 1st period started and ended, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th went by fast too. 6th period came fast. Gym had some of the cutest boys in it. Anthony walked up to me. I looked around for Ilana. She wasnt here. "Hey." He said. "Hi...Im Bridgette" I mumbled. Another boy walked up and then came another. "Hi im Tyler, that Braidee." He interdouced. Tyler's eyes were amazing. They looked at me and I just melted inside. A girl walked up and hugged Tyler. "Hey Ty! Who's that?" She asked. "Im Bridgette." I mumbled. She smiled at me.

Tyler waved goodbye to me and walked away with the girl. "Thats Destiny Reed." Shayla whispered. I nodded and watch her run away from Tyler. She was in tears. Tyler walked up to me. "Hey you wanna go out with me?" My mouth dropped. Destiny watched him ask me. She nodded for aprovall. I nodded weakly. He nodded and walked away. Destiny ran up to me. "Thank you for saying yes. Now he will leave me alone." I nodded again. "You dont talk much do you?" She asked. "I do, you just dont know me that well." I repiled.

School ended early for some reason. Me, Shayla, Ilana, Bryce, Anthony, and Tyler all got on. Tyler sat next me and Shayla. I sat in the middle of them. Tyler held my hand. Bryce noticed and turned her head. Anthony hated Tyler. My phone vibrated. It was from Anthony. It said, 'Tyler is a player. Dont go out with him please.' I looked over at him. He nodded.

Tyler got off and Anthony came over and sat next to me. He gave me a hug. Ilana saw him. She gasped. ''ANTHONY!" " WE ARE THROUGH!" She sreamed. Anthony stood up and walked to the front of the bus. He stepped off at his house. Ilana sat down, crying. I walked up to her. "You broke up with him. Hes my best friend. Your a fool." I yelled. Bryce looked at me. "Oh please. Go be a nerd somewhere else." She yelled in my face. I slapped her across the face. Ilana stood up. SHe hit me. Shayla stood up and pushed Ilana. It was my first fight on the first day of school.
 Feeed back please!


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Pink and Purple Chapter 4 Annoying as it is, life gets around

1 faves · Jan 13, 2012 11:35am






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