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  1. gab* gab*
    posted a quote
    November 1, 2013 3:43pm UTC
    i still think about him and talk to him because can't get over him and move on, and i end up hurting myself.→
    they say the best way to move on is to put yourself out there and find other guys. simple, right? ↓
    wrong, at least for me. guys at my school are either taken, wouldn't date me, are just plain unattractive all together or total dïcks. i feel like i have to lower my standards. it isn't like i don't try, it's just that guys are never interested; guys just never like ME. they never make effort with me to get closer because there's always someone better. guys don't want anything to do with me.

    'maybe look for guys outside of school' once again, the guys i know from other schools aren't interested. yes, i could meet guys at places like the mall, the park, etc. but my luck is very, very slim.

    constantly seeing couples just makes it worse. i've never been in a relationship and i just wish i could know what it's like to have mutual feelings with someone. i wish i could have someone besides family to hug and kiss and tell me that i'm beautiful. i'm beyond tired of getting hurt and let down. it almost hurts more than words can express. i know it's not something to make a big deal out of, but it still sucks. so then i'm left lonely and depressed, and i go back to someone i know who doesn't like me. and the cycle continues.

  2. gab* gab*
    posted a quote
    October 31, 2013 6:13pm UTC
    what's so wrong with me that
    everyone can leave so easily?

  3. gab* gab*
    posted a quote
    November 17, 2013 1:30am UTC
    i like natural smiles.
    not the ones we all force our face to make sometimes when we try to look happy in front of others, and try to fake our emotions. i like the smiles that form on our face uncontrollably when we think happy thoughts or think of a funny joke we've heard. i like the smiles that appear when we see that special someone who makes you so happy, you can't help to brighten up your face. i like the smiles we get when we're with our best friends. natural smiles are the best smiles.

  4. gab* gab*
    posted a quote
    November 17, 2013 1:06am UTC

    love will never be forever,
    feelings are just like the WEATHER.

  5. *♥︎Lady Ave♥︎* *♥︎Lady Ave♥︎*
    posted a quote
    October 20, 2013 7:51pm UTC
    Bold All That Apply
    I'm female
    My hair is naturally brown
    I like pizza
    I am british
    My favourite colour is Purple
    my second favourite colour is Blue or Pink
    I am afraid of heights
    My favourite food is italian food
    I love walking in the rain
    I have a pet cat
    My hair is below my shoulders
    I have a boyfriend
    I cant drive and dont want to either
    My favourite icecream flavour is mint choc chip
    I empathic - I feel other peoples emotions
    I am afraid of dummies/dolls/puppets/robots etc
    I've had 3 serious boyfriends so far
    I have 2 sisters
    I have 0 brothers
    I had a twin but it died before I was born
    I will try almost anything once
    The sound of the hoover/vacuum makes me go to sleep
    My parents are still together
    I have a sibling I don't get along with very much
    I have green eyes
    I can't watch anyone suffer even people I don't like
    I listen to music for the lyrics and their meaning more than anything else
    I am a contradiction I can be two exact opposites both at the same time
    Abuse of any sort infuriates me considerably
    I have really small feet
    People often misunderstand me or believe false rumours about me
    I've been victim to prejudice
    My father has or does work in a law related job i.e. prison officer, police, drug rehab etc
    My mum is a carer or nurse
    I wish I could be a abnormal psychology studierand criminal psychologist
    I have a sight problem
    My house is near the sea
    I am fascinated by Urban Legends and scary stories in general
    I find it hard to trust people
    I'm a lover, not a fighter but if you push me, I can turn into the latter
    I look younger than I am
    I act or used to act older than i am
    I am relatively pale
    More than one boy is currently crying for my love/attention even though I'm in a relationship
    I am afraid of nobody really liking me
    I love taking quizzes, doing surveys and learning new trivia
    The motto I live by is treat others how you'd like to be treated yourself
    Total so far: 32
    Ok, times your total by 2.
    Put here or at top how much your total is: 64 (oh good lord o-o)

  6. PosdataaTequiero PosdataaTequiero
    posted a quote
    October 26, 2013 6:47am UTC
    No crown led, led cap. It did not collected, took bows. No heels led, led vans. I'm a Princess but my way:)

  7. J I L L I A N ; )* J I L L I A N ; )*
    posted a quote
    October 18, 2013 9:47am UTC
    can never be long enough for me.

  8. J I L L I A N ; )* J I L L I A N ; )*
    posted a quote
    October 18, 2013 9:59am UTC


  9. PosdataaTequiero PosdataaTequiero
    posted a quote
    October 25, 2013 12:31pm UTC
    It's finally Friday and you are alone at home and none of your friends bother to come to your house to spend a few minutes with ati

  10. Petyr Baelish* Petyr Baelish*
    posted a quote
    October 25, 2013 11:46am UTC
    today I had people laugh at me, throw things at me and talk about me.I started crying in school, but I wasn't embarrassed in the slightest know why?because sometimes, its alright to cry.

  11. Amenah Amenah
    posted a quote
    October 24, 2013 9:31pm UTC
    You'd never guess,
    but most of my 'advice' quotes are what I wish someone had told me three years ago.

  12. Amenah Amenah
    posted a quote
    October 24, 2013 10:58pm UTC
    Make today an awesome day.
    Read through all of your really old favourite quotes. Put your hair in a really
    messy bun. Wear the laziest, comfiest clothes you own. Watch your favourite
    disney films, and I don't just mean one - have a marathon. Spend the whole day
    drinking weak tea. Experiment with make-up and end up looking like a clown,
    and love it. Compliment everyone you can. Smile non-stop. Listen to the cheesiest
    music you know, and hey, why not get up and dance to it as well? Call your friends and
    make the most random plans for this weekend. Laugh at even the smallest things. Eat as much as
    you want and enjoy the taste. Take selfies and pull the weidest faces. Have fun, chill out, and relax,
    and at the end of the day, curl up under your blanket and go straight to sleep with a smile on your face
    because you know that you made the most of today.

  13. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  14. PosdataaTequiero PosdataaTequiero
    posted a quote
    October 22, 2013 11:06am UTC
    I love you

  15. * Sabaism * * Sabaism *
    posted a quote
    October 20, 2013 10:55pm UTC
    That moment when..
    It's 10 pm
    On a Sunday
    And you havn't even started your homework.

  16. CharliesTheName CharliesTheName
    posted a quote
    October 20, 2013 5:59pm UTC
    Me: *listening to Pandora*
    Me: *lip syncing songs*
    Me: *accidently sings part of it really loud*
    Me: *searches my entire house to make sure nobody heard*

  17. happiest* happiest*
    posted a quote
    October 7, 2013 3:01pm UTC
    Me: Why is this book over
    Me: Why couldn't it be longer
    Me: What am I supposed to read now
    *glances at pile of unread books*
    Me: Don't look at me like that


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