Witty Profiles

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  1. SuperNovaChic SuperNovaChic
    posted a quote
    March 7, 2014 10:27pm UTC
    Disney movies are excellent remedies for when you have crushes on guys who are out of your league.

  2. SuperNovaChic SuperNovaChic
    posted a quote
    July 15, 2014 3:45pm UTC
    The problem with reading a good book is that you want to finish the book but you don't want to finish the book.

  3. 1mrsseguin9 1mrsseguin9
    posted a quote
    March 16, 2014 8:31pm UTC
    So I went to American Eagle today and I was trying stuff on so I walked out to show my aunt, who was with me, a shirt. When I walked out, this guy that worked there saw and his jaw dropped and he said "wow that outfit looks amazing on you!" I talked to him and my aunt for a few minutes and then before I went back into the dressing room the guy was like "I cannot get over how cute that looks on you!" Then he told me he had another shirt he knew I would love and asked me if I'd try it on for him. So he handed me it and said "I know it is going to look gorgeous on you!" Then when I came out he told me I could pull anything off because I was so pretty.
    This one guy made me realize that there are still nice guys left in the world. I haven't stopped smiling since then, and I realized that one day a guy will love me, even with all my flaws, and I shouldn't be so insecure. This may seem like just a way of tricking me into buying more or just being a good worker, and it may have been, but I took more from it than that and he literally made my day.
    Why do all good guys I meet have to be either way too old for me, gay, or taken?

  4. epictacos epictacos
    posted a quote
    August 20, 2014 6:02pm UTC
    "Your bra strap is showing."
    Oh no, no one can know that I, a teenage girl, am wearing a bra.
    Someone call Victoria because her Secret's out.

  5. _Jannette _Jannette
    posted a quote
    February 28, 2014 3:33pm UTC
    That's the thing about pain,
    it demands to be felt

  6. MadiCakes MadiCakes
    posted a quote
    March 13, 2014 8:23pm UTC

  7. AtmosFEAR AtmosFEAR
    posted a quote
    June 8, 2014 9:29pm UTC
    Hazel called herself a grenade.
    In Issac's video game, Gus jumps on a grenade to save the children.
    It's a metaphor.
    Gus saved the children by becoming the grenade.
    Hazel is the children.
    Gus saved Hazel by becoming the grenade she was going to be.

  8. McDreamer* McDreamer*
    posted a quote
    August 25, 2014 11:53am UTC
    Are you gonna kiss me
    O r d o I h a v e t o l i e t o m y d i a r y ?

  9. britany* britany*
    posted a quote
    April 13, 2014 12:10am UTC
    Finn: it's your own star
    Rachel: you named a star after me?
    Finn: no, i thought about it, but then i named it Finn Hudson, because there already is a star called Rachel Berry, and she's right here on earth and she's brighter than any of those stars up there. So I wanted to make sure that whenever she feels lonely, she can look up at the sky and no matter where i am, she can know that i'm looking down on her.

  10. the1975* the1975*
    posted a quote
    June 10, 2014 12:10am UTC
    I hope you fall in love withSomeone who always textsBack and never lets you fallAsleep thinking you'reUnwanted

  11. Infinity on high* Infinity on high*
    posted a quote
    April 5, 2014 4:59pm UTC
    What is the point of being
    to do something remarkable?
    ~John Green
    Please don't remove this!

  12. *Elena;~ ♥* *Elena;~ ♥*
    posted a quote
    March 9, 2014 5:29pm UTC
    Okay, this is awkward.
    The top quotes are all about how Witty is slowly being abandoned.
    This is most likely because of school and homework.
    I can almost guarantee that by summer time, there will be at least 100 faves for the top quotes of the day.
    Some people remember how quotes had 2,000 faves EACH DAY.
    Quotes that only had around 300 faves were deleted, because they "didn't have enough faves."
    Now, the top quotes of the MONTH have like, 200.
    New people are joining Witty, and they're leaving because they look at the top quotes and see a bunch of complaints.
    We should all contribute and make nice quotes with nice formats and maybe something that will catch an eye.
    I miss when Witty had a whole lot of people. There was a lot of drama, but there was also a lot of people who you could talk to and become friends with.
    We should all try to pitch in to make Witty better.
    I'll start by making quotes with formats that look nice, and avoid using Tumblr jokes.
    People went to Tumblr because that's where originality comes from. When they come here, the see the same thing over and over again.
    Let's try to bring out our funny side.
    okay bye

  13. DawnRaven DawnRaven
    posted a quote
    August 30, 2014 12:23pm UTC
    Letting go of someone you love is like letting go of a balloon. You know there are millions of other balloons... but yours is gone. And you might see it again some day, miles and miles from where you set it free, but it's never the same.
    Gif taken by

  14. dom_unique dom_unique
    posted a quote
    March 11, 2014 9:29pm UTC
    Made my witty when I was a Freshman in High School (2009)
    and now here I am five years later as a Sophomore in College wanting to share some things I learned:
    1. Having a set lunch time is something beautiful and should never be taken for granted even if the cafeteria food sucks.
    2. The boy who you spent years of high school in love with, heart broken, will eventually be replaced and forgotten.
    3. You'll get your heart broken multiple times while it's never as bad as the first time, it still hurts like hell.
    4. Your parents become waaaaaay less annoying and soon you catch yourself wanting to spend time with them, wut?
    5. Learning to drive a car is amazing, but secretly you'll miss carpooling with your friends and their parents.
    6. You'll have moments of complete solitude and while at first it's scary, it can soon turn beautiful.
    7. Geometry never comes in handy.
    8. One day you'll realize how much you've grown throughout high school, but other days you'll look in the mirror and see the same girl who cried for months and months over a jerk who broke your heart. Learn to love this girl because like it or not she was once you and she comes out every now and then when you are at your lowest. Embrace her and tell her that you're from the future and don't need to worry because you are STRONGER and can overcome anything now. This is the most important of the lessons learned.

  15. seafoam* seafoam*
    posted a quote
    March 2, 2014 5:37pm UTC
    1 If it feels wrong, don't do it.
    2 Say exactly what you mean.
    3 Don't be a people pleaser.
    4 Trust your instincts.
    5 Never speak bad about yourself.
    6 Never give up on your dreams.
    7 Don't be afraid to say no.
    8 Don't be afraid to say yes.
    9 Be kind to yourself.
    10 Let go of what you can't control.
    11 Stay away from drama and negativity.
    12 LOVE.
    — 12 Steps to Self-Care

  16. SuperNovaChic SuperNovaChic
    posted a quote
    April 17, 2014 7:13pm UTC
    Anyone who doesn’t like musicals because,
    “no one just starts singing in dancing all of a sudden in real life”
    has clearly never visited my house.

  17. happiest* happiest*
    posted a quote
    March 18, 2014 12:17pm UTC
    The truth is that the more intimately you know someone, the more clearly you’ll see their flaws. That’s just the way it is. This is why marriages fail, why children are abandoned, why friendships don’t last. You might think you love someone until you see the way they act when they’re out of money or under pressure or hungry, for goodness’ sake. Love is something different. Love is choosing to serve someone and be with someone in spite of their filthy heart. Love is patient and kind, love is deliberate. Love is hard. Love is pain and sacrifice, it’s seeing the darkness in another person and defying the impulse to jump ship.

  18. yourcool yourcool
    posted a quote
    May 12, 2014 7:01pm UTC
    Growing up I always thought true love was red roses, dates on Saturday nights, little block box that held expensive things, and always knowing what to say. I thought true love was a kiss in the rain, deep explanations, and the perfect story. But now that I’m older I’ve realized it’s not like that at all.
    See because true love for me is ugly snapchats, and peeing while you’re on the phone. True love is kissing at 6 AM despite the morning breath and singing at the top of your lungs. It’s saying all the wrong things, at all the wrong moments. It’s sarcasm and being honest even when it hurts. It’s late hours of the night when it’s been a long day and it’s no make up and bad hair. It’s tears from laughter, it’s tears from sadness and it’s nothing like any storybook you’ve ever read. It’s never running out of things to talk about, and it’s being comfortable in the silence of things. True love is watching The Titanic though you swore you never would. It’s getting mad over stupid things. It’s “you’re an idiot,” and “you’re a little sht” and knowing you’re so lucky to hear those every day. It’s spilling your feelings at 4 AM when you should be asleep. It’s that song you hear on the radio that always makes you smile. It’s the worst story you could imagine, but thank God it worked out anyways. True love is never losing the magic. True love is not leaving when things get hard.
    I like my definition better anyways.

  19. SuperNovaChic SuperNovaChic
    posted a quote
    March 9, 2014 6:41pm UTC
    Little girl of fourteen,
    Flipping through a magazine,
    Says she wants to look that way.
    Like the stunning girls on every page.
    But her hair isn't straight,
    Her body isn't fake,
    And she's always felt overweight.
    Weighed down by her own self hate.
    Well little girl of fourteen,
    I wish that you could see,
    That beauty is within your heart.
    And you were made with such care,
    Your skin, your body and your hair,
    Are perfect just the way they are.
    More beautiful than any movie star.
    There could never be a more beautiful you,
    Defy the lies, disguises and hoops they make you jump through.
    You were made to fill a purpose,
    One that only you could do,
    So there could never be a more beautiful you.

  20. SuperNovaChic SuperNovaChic
    posted a quote
    April 11, 2014 1:47pm UTC
    If you can’t handle me randomly blurting out song lyrics that relate to what you just said, we can’t be friends.


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