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  1. Fancyfiction_collabx4 Fancyfiction_collabx4
    posted a quote
    July 12, 2011 8:24pm UTC

    The days were getting longer, darker and scarier until suddenly it was the day of Tara's funeral.
    I drove over with Sadie, my parents and I weren't on speaking terms & the day of my fathers'
    trial at court was creeping closer. As soon as we got there, there was a cold chill in the air and
    a shiver crept down my spine. "It's like I can feel her here."
    Sadie opened her mouth like she wanted to say something, but I could see tears rim
    her eyes, and she got out the car silently. I sat alone for a moment, reflecting on the
    past few days. This was like the week from hell. I shuddered. And I felt so creepy
    throughout the past few days, like Tara wasn't dead, and she was sitting right
    beside me, spitting angry words at me. Perhaps that's how it feels to lose someone
    who ruined your life.
    "Come on, Chels. We have a funeral to go to," Sadie knocked on my window.
    For a moment, I wasn't sure if I could even face her family. I wasn't sure if
    I could face her dead body in that casket. I put on my brave face, and
    stepped out of the car. When we got into the church we sat beside
    Mercy and Sydney in a sea of blackness. It was quiet and no one
    was happy. The church was cold. Just like Tara.
    New format. Belongs to MissAnna.
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  2. Fancyfiction_collabx4 Fancyfiction_collabx4
    posted a quote
    July 12, 2011 5:54pm UTC
    Cloudy With a Chance of Death
    Sydney part II
    Days passed, Tara's murder is the buzz of Hollist.
    Mercy, Saddie, Chelsie & I haven't talked for three days- school's out. We planned on having
    our weekly Friday night sleepover at my house.
    " Three suspects for Tara Lobstah's death" The same blonde reporter from Starbucks said.
    I rolled my eyes. Popular in life and death.
    My laptop beeped, signaling I had a new message in my email.
    I dragged my feet over, and gasped. A new hot list?
    I clicked the link, my eyes wandered to first place.
    A four way tie. Unreal.
    1. Mercy , Sydney, Chelsie, Saddie
    2. Rita
    3. Beth
    -- I stopped after the fourth name, there was something weird about this list.
    No last names? I didn't care much because Hollist is a small town, two people with
    the same name isn't likely.
    I had another email, it was for Tara's funeral.
    My doorbell rang, they were here already. I showed them both of my emails, the funeral was
    tommorow. They questioned if we should go, we all decided we would go at night so we didn't
    have to deal with questions about Mercy's near death expirence.

  3. Fancyfiction_collabx4 Fancyfiction_collabx4
    posted a quote
    July 12, 2011 5:21pm UTC
    Cloudy With a Chance of Death
    Sydney part I
    As soon as the words came from Mercy's pale pink lips, i knew something was up.
    Hundreds of papers couldn't just appear in her locker. Tears escaped her blue eyes, they were filled with terror and questions. We all sat in silence. I grabbed my emerald green juicy purse, i bought it because the color matched my eyes to a T. I searched the over-sized purse for a pack of tissues to give Mercy. A light caught my eye, it was my phone. One new text message, my heart stopped.
    It was from Ryan. My smile suddenly went on steroids, but i shook it off. I knew exactly what to tell him.
    The thought left my mind, if i told him i witnessed Tara's death last night he wouldn't believe me.
    The bell rang, signaling it was time for the next class.
    I helped Mercy up, and we all said our goodbyes. Making plans to meet at Starbucks later.
    We all sat down around our usual table, one seat empty.
    I wanted to tell them all what i witnessed, but i just couldn't.
    Right at that second, the television caught my eye.
    " Breaking news!" The blonde reporter said, " A body was found this morning
    in the lobstah house."
    The three of them froze, fear crossed their face.
    " Dead....." Saddie whispered.
    " They say she was murdered." The blonde continued, " They are checking the evidence as we speak."
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  4. Fancyfiction_collabx4 Fancyfiction_collabx4
    posted a quote
    July 4, 2011 8:02pm UTC
    Cloudy with a Chance of Death
    Mercy Part II
    My hazel eyes watched 100 copies of the hot list note, i couldn't wait to
    show people that Tara payed her way into the number one spot.
    Sure it was bitchy, but that's what i do. I checked my phone, i was late to class.
    Perfect. I managed to hold all the copies in my hand, and after each step i dropped
    one or two. Before i knew it, the whole hallway was filled with the truth.
    During the whole class period i was impatient. I wanted people to see these notes.
    When the bell finally rang, i dashed out the door. They were gone. Just 15 minutes
    ago, over 100 copied were out scattered in the hallway. Now they're just gone?
    I went to my locker, and to my suprise all the papers fell out. The people areound
    me laughed, but the rest went to them and picked up a copy.
    " Mercy, you made these to make Tara look bad" someone called.
    " FAAAAKE." i heard someone else call.
    My eyes teared up and I ran to the bathroom, calling an emergency
    I walked in and texted them all, it was perfect timing to because i felt
    something coming up my throught. I gagged it out, morning sickness.
    Chelsie walked in first, she saw me throwing up and dropped her stuff.
    She patted my back. One by one, Sydney and Chelsie walked in.
    I told them what just happened.
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  5. Fancyfiction_collabx4 Fancyfiction_collabx4
    posted a quote
    July 4, 2011 7:56pm UTC
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  6. Fancyfiction_collabx4 Fancyfiction_collabx4
    posted a quote
    July 4, 2011 6:45pm UTC
    Cloudy With a Chance of Death.
    Chelsie, Part Two
    When I drove home, my mother was waiting for me in the kitchen, sipping on hot tea.
    "Yes?" I said as soon as I saw her.
    "We need to talk," She said. She didn't let me respond before saying. "Your father and I were
    speaking and we think you should switch schools. There's a nice all girls school in your
    Grandma's town and your school is going through a lot what with Tara gone missing."
    I didn't let her continue before yelling. "You just want to get rid of me! Only because dad's
    going to get freaking arrested and you hate me and you wish you never had me! I know
    I'm a freaking nutcase with two personalites and screwed up friends, but that doesn't
    mean you have to get rid of me!"
    She stared at me with blank eyes, but I ran out of the door, and of course, it was raining.
    I didn't know where to go because I had nowhere to go.
    I walked for hours in the rain, shivering from the cold.
    I turned to see my childhood friend, Greyson, staring at me with curiousity. We barely
    talked because he didn't hang out with the popular crowd, but he was a definite
    "Chelsie, do you need somewhere to stay?"

  7. Fancyfiction_collabx4 Fancyfiction_collabx4
    posted a quote
    July 4, 2011 6:39pm UTC
    Cloudy With a Chance of Death.
    Chelsie, Part One
    For the next couple of days after Tara went missing, I had nightmares every single night.
    I felt sick every second of the day just thinking of what could have happened. I couldn't
    help thinking: 'Was this some kind of List thing? Were we next?'
    After many nights of screaming, cyring, and hiding, my mother took me to my therapist.
    "So, Chelsie. Tell me, what's going on?" My therapist's name is Mrs. Greyson. She's an old
    woman who probably knows nothing about the teenage life. But she pays by the hour,
    so I can't ignore her the whole time. I could buy a new pair of Pradas with that kind of money.
    I shrugged. "Nothing really."
    "Oh, don't lie to me. Your mother told me a little bit about your friend that went missing.
    She told me about your nightmares. You can't lie to me, Chelsie. I know you much too
    well," She clucked her tongue.
    "Truth is," I sighed, "I can't really lie to anyone."

  8. Fancyfiction_collabx4 Fancyfiction_collabx4
    posted a quote
    July 4, 2011 3:16pm UTC
    Cloudy with a Chance of Death
    Sadie's POV:
    I sat reading the paper with a bowl of cereal. The headline of the front page was, 'Tara Lobsta, Still missing'. I still can't get out the fact I was there when she disappeared. That was also the day when she tried to kill Mercy.
    Every night I lay awake, waiting for her to come and kill me. To kill all of us. If she's still alive. She probably is. C'mon. She's Tara Lobsta. The girl everyone fears and envies.
    "Sadie, honey, your friend Chelsie is here to pick you up,"
    my mother said in her natural high-pitched tone.
    I smiled. Thankfully I am still allowed to see them after everything that's happened.
    I jumped in Chelsie's car and saw everyone in the car as usual.
    Except no Tara. "Mercy, did you take a pregnancy test yet?"
    I asked taking out my math homework I didn't do. We usually just copied each other's work. I exchanged my english, Sydney exchanged her Biology, Chelise her math, and Mercy her Science. We'd all finish it in our morning homeroom and exchange back in the hallway.
    We walked into the school, all eyes on us.
    Except it was eyes of envie, it was eyes of hate.
    We linked arms, missing Tara, the center girl.
    We kept our eyes forward.
    Ignoring the snickering comments and the looks that could kill.
    "Looks like the rest of this year will be a bumpy ride girls. As Tara would say, hold onto your bra straps," Chelsie said.
    That's exactly right. Hold onto our bra straps, because secrets are unrevealing themselves.
    Friendships are coming undone. Promises are broken. Boy oh' boy, are we all in for it.
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  9. Fancyfiction_collabx4 Fancyfiction_collabx4
    posted a quote
    July 4, 2011 3:05pm UTC
    Cloudy With a Chance of Death
    [Sydney Part II]
    From behind an old Oak tree in the woods behind The Lobsta family's house, I was given an astonishing view of Tara's bedroom. There was a series of windows lining the back of her room, but she had her new white curtains closed in an attempt to foils the plans of any onlookers. But Tara was oblivious to the fact that her white curtains were transparent.
    I readjusted my position on the strong tree branch, and when I did so, a cracking noise echoed throughout the woods. This caused my head to swivel from left to right, the fear of being caught red handed creeping over me.
    I wish I could go back in time and tell myself that should've been the least of my fears.
    The view inside Tara's room was slightly hazy, yet I could make out her lips moving, as if she was in conversation with someone.
    I craned my neck, desperate to witness who she was speaking with. Maybe it was a new boyfriend of hers- that would aid me with my argument against Ryan.
    I failed at catching a glimpse of who was conversing with Tara. However, I did excel at catching a glimpse of the knife striking at Tara's neck.
    A piercing scream escaped from her lips. I hopelessly kept my green eyes on Tara's flailing body, which landed on the floor, spasms occurring throughout it. Next I knew, the body was just lying there, motionless.
    Oh My God, I shrieked inside my head. But I could barely hear my thoughts, thanks to my racing heartbeat. The closest thing I've ever had to a best friend is dead.
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  10. Fancyfiction_collabx4 Fancyfiction_collabx4
    posted a quote
    July 3, 2011 8:59pm UTC
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  11. Fancyfiction_collabx4 Fancyfiction_collabx4
    posted a quote
    July 3, 2011 7:03pm UTC
    Cloudy with a Chance of Death
    Mercy Part I I
    Tara smiled, her eyes turned into Cat eyes and fangs came out of her mouth.
    It was her true self, the evil b*tch she really was.
    It was just me and her, alone in the woods. I saw everything in slow motion,
    Sydney's body was laying on the ground, lifeless. Blood dripped from Tara's mouth,
    she's the reason Sydney's body was lifeless. The blood that was dripping my head
    suddenly dispeared, there wasn't even a bump. Tara walked up to me,
    she looked even more like a cat. " So, my love. I guess your next."
    She pounced, biting my neck, killing me like she killed Sydney.
    I sat up screreaming, people around me looked shocked. Where was I?
    I took in my surroundings. A hospital. What was I doing in a hospital bed?
    My hand went for my head, there was deffenetly a bump. Was I dreaming
    " Excuse me." I called, once again all eyes were on me.
    " Can you leave me alone... With just my friends?" I asked.
    Everyone pilled out of the room, and I bursted into tears.
    " Guys, what happened!?" I asked.
    " Tara tried killing you," Sydney started, I suddenly remembered she was the only one
    there with me, " First she knocked you out and tried putting a gun to
    your head. I took the gun and hid it, Police came and Tara ran.
    No one knows where she is. They've been searching for a day now.
    " A day?" I asked.
    " Yeah," Chelsie butt in, " You've been passed out since yestorday morning
    arount 10. Its tueday now, 3 in the afternoon."
    I was shocked, but also scared. Tara was still out there somewhere.
    She could find me, and kill me for real this time. Terror crossed
    my face, everybody knew exactly why.
    " Mercy, we'll be okay."
    " Guys," I said, feeling a terrible cramp and changing the subject,
    " Do you have your periods yet?"
    they all shook their heads, " Not due for a couple days."
    We were all bestfriends, we all got our periods at the same time.
    It sucked.
    Everyone left, the doctors checked on me, and told me i had
    a broken nose and they would let me leave later in the day.
    I turned on the t.v, the only thing on was the " Tara mystery"
    My head heart, and I suddenly felt a rush of sleepiness. I wanted
    to fall asleep, but before I could chase walked into the room.
    " Oh my god, Mercy." He said, axe filled the room and I started gagging.
    I never would gag, but today the smell made my nose sensative.
    Maybe it''s because it's broken.
    Chase and I talked, and left the hospital together. He made me
    feel whole again.
    The next day I spent the morning throwing up, I thought it was
    because it was my time of the month, and i wasn't having enough
    sugar in my diet. Eveyone skipped with me.
    The next morning when I got ready for school, my size three
    white ruffle skirt was hard to put on. I rubbed it off, and went of to
    Sydney's car. She was now the driver of the group.
    When we finally got back to school, we walked with our arms
    linked as usual, one chain was missing. Nobody seemes to care,
    it was like loosing an ugly, rusty chain. It was the last full day of school, we still
    had tommorow which was a half day.
    We made our way to the only bathroom with five stalls, we did our
    usual routine. Locked the door, made our way to the usual stalls
    and pulled out the tampons. It started with Chelsie, she took one and passed
    it to Sydney, who passed it to Saddie. Saddie then passed me a tampon and
    I sat on the white toilet. When i pulled my underwear down, i expected to see
    blood. There was nothing.
    I walked out of my stall, kind of scare because i never missed my period
    or came a day late.
    " Guys" I called.
    Three " Yeahs?" came one after another.
    " Do you all have your periods?"
    They all said yeah again, I sat on the bathroom floor.
    One by one they came out of their stalls and saw the look on my face.
    The dizziness, throwing up, headaches and weight gain.
    " Guys" I said in a whispered voice, " I think i'm pregnant."
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  12. Fancyfiction_collabx4 Fancyfiction_collabx4
    posted a quote
    July 3, 2011 6:45pm UTC
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  13. Fancyfiction_collabx4 Fancyfiction_collabx4
    posted a quote
    July 2, 2011 9:56pm UTC
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  14. Fancyfiction_collabx4 Fancyfiction_collabx4
    posted a quote
    July 2, 2011 7:24pm UTC
    Cloudy With a Chance of Death
    Sadie's POV:
    -Tara's car&the woods.
    I glanced at Mercy. She was looking at a note on the floor. I read it. My eyes grew wide, revealing temptation to tell Riley. I tapped her shoulder. We exchanged glances. 'How could she do this to us'? I said in my eyes.
    Tara looked back at us with a fake smile so uses at desperate times. She could tell we saw the note. The look in her eyes could kill someone. She turned around and parked the car in a parking lot right beside the woods. Sydney, Chelsie, Mercy and me all exchanged glances in complete utter horror. Tara laughed a devilish laugh and got out of the car.
    We all nodded and got out. We had eachother to protect ourselves. "Where are we going? We're supposed to be at school?" I snapped, hinting fear in my voice. "Darling, you'll see. You'll see." She repeated herself. We all continued walking up the mountain. Nobody saying a word.
    "We need to get away from here," I whispered to my friends, while Tara went to the 'bathroom'. "She could try and kill us." There faces turned in shock. They nodded in agreement. "What are you pretties nodding about?" She smirked. "Nothing." They lied, saying it in unison.
    Something was not right. And darling, things are about to get crazy.
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  15. Fancyfiction_collabx4 Fancyfiction_collabx4
    posted a quote
    July 2, 2011 12:26pm UTC
    Cloudy with a Chance of Death
    Mercy Part I I
    I got into her car, everything was silent. I was so tired, which is funny.
    I had enough sleep, about 10 hours.
    Before Tara started talking, she threw us back boxes. Mine hit my boob,
    and it hurt. " Oh my f**king god!" I yelled.
    Everybody turned to look at me. None of them saw what happened
    so i just held my boob, not in the mood to explain.
    It hurt, and it was most deffenitly not a growing pain. I was alread a
    D cup, i don't think they're going to grow much more.
    Tara looked in the reveiw mirror, meeting my eyes. She gave me a smile.
    Did she try to do that? I thought she was driving us to school,
    but when i looked out the window we were going in the complete
    opposite direction.
    " Uhhm, where are we going?" Saddie asked.
    She laughed, not any laugh. It was an evil laugh, " You'll see
    my pretties, you'll see"
    The car ride was long. I looked down on the car floor and saw a note.
    It said;
    Tara, don't forget. You have to pay us until the last day of school
    if you want to keep your spot as number one on the hot list.
    I smiled. I knew i was supposed to be number one, she payed her way through
    it. Insecure b*tch. I stuffed the paper into my purse. When we got to where we
    were going, i was confussed. It was the woods, in the middle of nowhere.
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  16. Fancyfiction_collabx4 Fancyfiction_collabx4
    posted a quote
    July 2, 2011 12:21pm UTC
    Cloudy with a Chance of Death
    Mercy Part I
    "Perfect" I thought when i looked in my over-sized wall mirror.
    My hair was straightened, and my eyes are a lovely shade of blue. They resemble the sky, but just a tab bit darker.
    I spun around, and my Abercrombie pencil skirt stayed in place.
    I had like 20 minutes until
    school, and facebook was calling my name. I haven't been on since the day of Tara's and my heated argument. Three days.
    Ready to read the lifestream, something on top news caught my eye. Tara's relationship status, it went from " being in a relationship" to being "single"
    I laughed, and actually started clapping. I couldn't help myself. Right as I picked up my phone to text chase, my doorbell rang.
    I actually though it was him, but to my suprise it was Tara, she had her car, and everybody else was in it. Confusion crossed my face quicker than a car driving 60 miles per hour.
    Before I could start talking, she beat me to it. Not a suprise.
    " Mercy, i'm really sorry." She said, lies.
    I saw chase poke his head out his bedroom window,
    I sighed, " Hang on, let me get my school stuff."
    I ran upstairs to grab my oversized Juicy purse, screw the backpack. It's not like i used it that much anyway. I peeke out the window, and
    Chase was already looking my way. He looked confused.
    So i texted him, and promised I would tell him what happens.
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  17. Fancyfiction_collabx4 Fancyfiction_collabx4
    posted a quote
    July 2, 2011 12:11pm UTC
    Cloudy With a Chance of Death
    [Sydney Part II]
    I pretended Ryan's words didn't hurt... when in reality, they absolutely killed me.
    "Ryan... you aren't in love with her. It's just a silly little crush. In 5 years from now you won't even remember her name," I defended. No, he couldn't be in love with her. She wasn't... she wasn't... me.
    Ryan chuckled. "I guess you just don't understand it, Syd."
    "Understand what?"
    "How love feels."
    Even though I felt pain rushing through my veins, I laughed. Why did I laugh? Because the more I got to know this boy, I found out he was an idiot. "Um, I think I know how love feels," I scoffed.
    He furrowed his eyebrows, curiosity rushing over him. "What? Who is it? Now that I think about it, you never told me who you like."
    I stood up, and headed toward the tree. Before I started climbing down, I turned around and stared at Ryan and his perfectly carved features. "Well, I'm not sure if I love the boy anymore. I was so sure he was the one... but now I don't think he's worth my time. I'm always there for him, but he just doesn't see it. The girl he's in love with is blocking his view of me. I'm so sick of standing in her shadow. I'm so sick of her."
    With that, I climbed down the tree and ran to my Mercedes-Benz, the answer to whether Ryan took my hint or not remaining concealed.
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  18. Fancyfiction_collabx4 Fancyfiction_collabx4
    posted a quote
    July 1, 2011 11:03pm UTC
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  19. Fancyfiction_collabx4 Fancyfiction_collabx4
    posted a quote
    July 1, 2011 1:35pm UTC
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  20. Fancyfiction_collabx4 Fancyfiction_collabx4
    posted a quote
    July 1, 2011 1:28pm UTC
    Cloudy With a Chance of Death
    C h e l s i e B r o o k s // P a r t T w o
    To lie or not to lie? Is that really the question.
    That's the first thought that crossed my mind when I woke up.
    The second thought was: Why the hell is everyone screaming? I opened my eyes and saw Tara and Mercy yelling at each other. Probably over Chase. Personally, I was Team Chercy. (Chase/Mercy) But I would never say that.
    I zoned out their screaming for a second, and flipped open my phone.
    Four missed calls.
    Two from my mother, one from my aunt, and one my therapist.
    No one knew I had one. None of my friends knew I needed one. I had a condition. Split personality disorder. But a mild case. Sometimes I was the kind, quiet, and thoughtful Chelsie. Other times, I wasn't. Other times, I was a monster.
    I tried hard to control myself. To control me. But sometimes, it was impossible.
    But that was only one of the secrets I was cursed with. I shook away my thoughts and looked back to Tara and Mercy. Tara's eyes were rimmed with tiny tears and Mercy looked smug. It looked like the tables had turned, and something major happened that I missed.
    I noticed I hadn't said anything in a while, so I offered a feeble: "Well, this is awkward."
    Sometimes, I felt like I wore a mask. Like for me, everyday was Halloween. But as long as I could try to control myself, then I'd keep the mask on. That's me. Chelsie Brooks. The Girl in the Mask.
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