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Cloudy with a Chance of Death
Mercy Part I
"Perfect" I thought when i looked in my over-sized wall mirror.
My hair was straightened, and my eyes are a lovely shade of blue. They resemble the sky, but just a tab bit darker.
I spun around, and my Abercrombie pencil skirt stayed in place.
I had like 20 minutes until
school, and facebook was calling my name. I haven't been on since the day of Tara's and my heated argument. Three days.
Ready to read the lifestream, something on top news caught my eye. Tara's relationship status, it went from " being in a relationship" to being "single"
I laughed, and actually started clapping. I couldn't help myself. Right as I picked up my phone to text chase, my doorbell rang.
I actually though it was him, but to my suprise it was Tara, she had her car, and everybody else was in it. Confusion crossed my face quicker than a car driving 60 miles per hour.
Before I could start talking, she beat me to it. Not a suprise.
" Mercy, i'm really sorry." She said, lies.
I saw chase poke his head out his bedroom window,
I sighed, " Hang on, let me get my school stuff."
I ran upstairs to grab my oversized Juicy purse, screw the backpack. It's not like i used it that much anyway. I peeke out the window, and
Chase was already looking my way. He looked confused.
So i texted him, and promised I would tell him what happens.

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Cloudy with a Chance of Death Mercy Part I "Perfect"

61 faves · Jul 2, 2011 12:21pm






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