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  1. Fancyfiction_collabx4 Fancyfiction_collabx4
    posted a quote
    July 1, 2011 1:24pm UTC
    Cloudy With a Chance of Death
    C h e l s i e B r o o k s // P a r t O n e
    That night at Tara's, I had a dream. Or rather, a nightmare.
    I was sitting on a log, in front of me was a fire. Beside me, were Tara, Mercy, Sadie and Sydney.
    "You know what you have to do," Dream-Tara whispered.
    My dream-self nodded. There was a knife in my hand. It was bloody. A deep crimson red. The color of my favorite lipstick. I tossed the knife into the fire, and watched it sit there.
    "You have to lie, Chelsie. You have to lie to protect the people you love." Tara suddenly said.
    "If you don't lie, then you'll burn." Mercy continued.
    "You'll lose everything," Sadie said.
    "Everything," Sydney echoed.
    And all together, in an eerie and mocking tone, they whispered: "Lie."
    And instantly, I knew what they meant. My fathers' trial at court was in a week, and if I told the truth, he'd be arrested, and I could be too. I had to lie to protect everyone around me. To protect my reputation.
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  2. Fancyfiction_collabx4 Fancyfiction_collabx4
    posted a quote
    July 1, 2011 1:16pm UTC
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  3. Fancyfiction_collabx4 Fancyfiction_collabx4
    posted a quote
    July 1, 2011 12:36pm UTC
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  4. Fancyfiction_collabx4 Fancyfiction_collabx4
    posted a quote
    July 1, 2011 12:24pm UTC
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  5. Fancyfiction_collabx4 Fancyfiction_collabx4
    posted a quote
    July 1, 2011 11:43am UTC
    Cloudy With a Chance of Death
    [Sydney Part II]
    My green eyes fluttered open the second I heard Chelsie's distinct snoring. I had been waiting for her to fall asleep for what felt like a lifetime. Finally, I was alone.
    On my tip toes, I crept to Tara's bathroom. Standing in the doorway, I checked back to make sure the girls were all asleep. The coast was clear.
    With a giddy smile, I closed the door and flicked the light switch.
    As odd as it may sound, I was never so happy to see a toilet in my whole life. I eagerly ran over to Tara's pink porcelain toilet, took a seat next to it, and stuck my finger down my throat. After a bit of gagging, the burger that Tara eventually persuaded me to devour returned for a visit.
    After I flushed the toilet, I heard the door squeaking its way open.
    My head gradually turned to the doorway and didn't stop turning until my eyes locked with a pair of ice blue ones.
    I felt more puke traveling up my throat, and I didn't even need my finger to do it that time.
    "Do you usually do that?" Tara whispered.
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  6. Fancyfiction_collabx4 Fancyfiction_collabx4
    posted a quote
    July 1, 2011 11:32am UTC
    Cloudy With a Chance of Death
    [Sydney Part I]
    There was a pyramid of beefy, juicy cheeseburgers displayed on a big dish that was sitting in the middle of the Lobsta family's dining table.
    Resist the urge, I told myself mentally, eyeing one of them with a few lettuce leaves sticking out.
    "If you want one, just have it," Tara insisted. She snatched a glass dish from the stack next to her and placed the lettuce-laden burger on the dish. I glowered as she placed it in front of me.
    I pushed the dish away as if it had an eyeball on it, rather than a luscious cheeseburger. "Nah, I'm good." I nervously tugged on my white Juicy Couture night shirt. Money was tight, and I had to cautiously steal $70 from my mother's purse to purchase it. Maybe being better dressed than Tara would aid me in becoming the hottest girl at Hollist Private Academy.
    "Well you were eyeing it like Mercy eyes my boyfriend," Tara told me with a chuckle.
    Mercy's mouth dropped wide open- the same mouth she kissed Chase with 24 hours ago. But Tara was completely oblivious to that fact.
    "Mercy, you know I'm just joking," Tara defended with a coy little wink. "But anyways, Syd, you're obviously starving. Just eat the burger. You're not Snow White, I'm not an evil witch, and that burger isn't poisoned."
    "No, I'm fine."
    Tara raised her right eyebrow. "If you're going to lie to someone, lie to Rihanna. Because she loves it... I don't."
    "I'M NOT HUNGRY!" I shouted, slamming my fist down at the table forcefully. Uh, maybe a little too forcefully. Next I knew, Sadie's cup tipped over, and a river of Hawaiian Punch came flowing toward my expensive night shirt.
    "Oh. My. God." Not only was I soaked, but my shirt looked like the bloody World War II battlefield.
    The other girls stared at me in silence, except for Tara. Of course she had to say something.
    "Sweetie, you're drenched. You can't wear that all night. Come with me and I'll get you some pajamas."
    I reluctantly followed Tara to her closet, missing everyone else's company. It hurt... watching Tara. All I could think was; "What does she have that I don't?"
    When we reached Tara's walk-in closet, she immediately took an A&F tank top and matching pajama bottoms off their hangers and tossed them at me, as if she had the whole thing planned.
    I slipped the nightgown over my head and dressed myself in the selected outfit. Before I put on the tank top, I stepped into the pants.
    Hey, these actually fit, I thought as I pulled them up.
    RIIIIIIIIIIIPPPPPPP! I spoke too soon.
    "Oh my God!" Tara shrieked, pulling the pajama bottoms off of me. "They're ruined!"
    "I-I'm sooo sorry Tara!"
    Tara shrugged, and her eyes shined bright once again. "No, don't apologize. This is my fault- I'm a smaller size than you. My mom is a bigger size- I'll ask her if I have anything for you." With that, she dashed out of the room.
    There I was, as alone as I felt in the middle of Tara's bedroom. Even if there were a million people witnessing that moment, I would have felt just as embarrassed. Was it a pure accident? Or had Tara planned that.
    Suddenly, I felt a tingly sensation in my nose,\ and a single tear ventured down my cheek. But then I heard Tara's dainty footsteps getting closer and closer.
    Just wait, I told myself. In a few hours, the girls will be asleep. Then you'll be able to do what you need to do.
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  7. Fancyfiction_collabx4 Fancyfiction_collabx4
    posted a quote
    July 1, 2011 9:51am UTC
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  8. Fancyfiction_collabx4 Fancyfiction_collabx4
    posted a quote
    June 30, 2011 11:44pm UTC
    Cloudy With a Chance of Death.
    (Chelsie, Part I);
    Ever since I met Tara and the girls, I never spent any time at home.
    It was always: School, mall, Tara's house, party, etc..rinse and repeat. Sometimes I thought it was for the best that I stay away from my home. I'm one of those only children who lives in a broken home with broken parents and the imperfect life. But once I'm outside of my front door, I'm Chelsie Brooks, Number Four - Flawless Four.
    "Hey, girl," Tara greeted me as I knocked on her door. "Mercy, Sadie, and Syd are upstairs already."
    I knew my way around her house, so I skipped upstairs and into her room. "Hey, T," I said, "What's up with the cleaning crew outside your house?"
    Her usually confident look faded for a moment, and she said in a low voice. "Don't worry about it. We're here to have a fun sleepover, just forget it."
    I nodded, and entered her room with a smile.
    "So, Chels. Did you break up with Adam?" Sadie questioned as I sat down beside her, plopping my stuff on Tara's canopy bed.
    I frowned. "Not yet, but I'll do it now, I guess."
    Tara's approving signature smirk glowed. "Get 'er done, Chels."
    To: Adam Mayors
    From: Chelsie Brooks
    Message: We're over.
    "Send," I announced. "Screw him."
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  9. Fancyfiction_collabx4 Fancyfiction_collabx4
    posted a quote
    June 30, 2011 6:22pm UTC
    Cloudy With a Chance of Death
    Exclusive Chapter: Tara Lobsta
    Before the disapeareance.
    Part II
    I could feel a smirk creeping onto my perfect face.
    2. Sydney Milson
    3. Mercy Christof
    4. Chelsie Brooks
    5. Sadie Hope
    I approved of the list, mentally. Sydney was my Number 2, Mercy was 3, Chelsie was 4, and Sadie with 5. They were my back-ups. My wolf pack. And I was the alpha.
    Beep. Beep. Beep.
    My phone started to vibrate in my pocket, so I plucked it out.
    The caller ID read, Hot List.
    My smirk grew, and I opened the phone. "Just saw the List. No changes in the Top 5? Perfect."
    "Yeah. So, where's the money? We've been keeping you as Number 1 for the whole school year so far. We want our pay."
    I know it was totally bitchy to pay my way into the Number One slot but ever since I found out who the Hot List owner was, I couldn't resist. And based on the popularity data, I wasn't Number One.
    Someone else was. One of my friends who didn't deserve the spot. Risking my popularity like that, is like social death.
    "Fine. I'll get someone to leave it at your doorstep,"
    "But one last thing," I began. "Do you think you can do me a favor? Make sure my friends' stay in the Top 5 too. If you do, I'll throw in an extra hundred."
    "I don't think you have to worry about their reputations, but sure, throw in the cash. Mama needs a new haircut,"
    "Thanks," I hung up. I looked at the List for a few moments.
    Anyone would kill to be in the Top 5. But my girls and I? We deserved it.

  10. Fancyfiction_collabx4 Fancyfiction_collabx4
    posted a quote
    June 30, 2011 6:16pm UTC
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  11. Fancyfiction_collabx4 Fancyfiction_collabx4
    posted a quote
    June 30, 2011 6:12pm UTC
    Cloudy with a Chance of Death
    Mercy Part 2
    I wokeup in Chase's arms, completley naked.
    The perfect way to wake up on a Friday morning.
    I felt a little bit guilty, but hey. Tara stole him from me.
    Right after i sat up, and started to get dressed his alarm clock went off.
    It's 6:30, a whole hour before we have to be in school. He sat up as well, smiling.
    " Good morning beautiful." He said.
    I smiled, and kissed him goodbye, running back over to my house.
    Right when i closed the door, my little sister almost gave me a heart attack.
    " Mercy!" She screamed. I froze.
    She ran down the steps, smiling.
    " How was your night... At CHASE'S?" She asked.
    I smacked her, and ran to my room.
    I grabbed the shorts me and the girls bought yestorday. My butt just fit them,
    size three. I rolled my eyes, it's not my fault my butt is big. That's the only thing I have
    that Tara doesnt, which should totally make me number one on the list.
    My iphone vibrated.
    Sydney: Hey girl, i;m going to pick you up this morning.
    Me: Just you?
    Sydney: Yes, be there in like 45 minutes.
    I spent the next half hour trying to look better than usual, coating my lipgloss a million times and
    making sure i had just the right amount of mascara on.
    There was a car beep outside, it was Sydney.
    I ran for her door. Out of our little "" Posse" I was prob closest to her. I told her more things
    than i told Tara.
    " Why are you smiling so big this morning?" She asked me.
    " Lastnight... Me and Chase -- Did it."
    Her mouth fell open, but i knew she wouldn't tell anyone.
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  12. Fancyfiction_collabx4 Fancyfiction_collabx4
    posted a quote
    June 30, 2011 5:45pm UTC
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  13. Fancyfiction_collabx4 Fancyfiction_collabx4
    posted a quote
    June 30, 2011 12:01am UTC
    Cloudy With a Chance of Death
    Sadie's POV:
    -June 2010, a week before Tara disappeared.
    I glanced at myself in the changing room mirror. What do I have that I don't? I may not have money, but still that gives them no right to move me from second on the hottie list to fifth. I didn't do anything wrong. I looked at the short's price-tag and sighed. I carefully pulled out the ink-tag, cautiously putting it in my Coach handbag. "It's the only way" I thought. I walked out of the changing room. "Hey," I smiled. "I need to leave. Mom's on my case again." I lied.
    "Oh please, you use that excuse every time we walk in here." Tara snapped, the number one girl on the Hottie List. My icy blue eyes glared hard into her eyes. I rolled my eyes, "Whatever Tara, Since when did you turn into such a bitxch?" I snapped, turning my back, feeling the glare she held on my back. "Just remember Sadie, I know your secret, I know everyone's secret. If you mess with me, your secret will be let loose. Oops, my bad." I walked away knowing this could go on forever.
    I silently walked home, looking at my neighbor Riley. Third on the Hottie List for boys. He waved at me, I waved back, that's our usual thing for the day. God, why did he have to be head over heels for Tara, in my opinion she's ugly and goes around and hangs on every guy she sees. Why her and not me? I'll do whatever it takes, even if it means having something against her. I just need to find out what. She never told us her secrets, but boy, she made us tell her all ours.
    I signed on chat, nobody was on except for Tara. Maybe this was move to find a secret.
    Me : How come you so desperately need our secrets and we can't have yours?
    Tara : Because that's how it is.
    Me : C'mon. Tell me a secret, I tell you everything. It makes us close and everything.
    Tara : No can do babe.
    Tara has now signed off of chat.
    Just my luck. Maybe I will have to come up with a secret. Maybe then when I tell Riley, he'll go for me and not her. But hey, anybody will do anything to have that number one spot on the Hottie List. Even if it means getting rid of Tara. For good.
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  14. Fancyfiction_collabx4 Fancyfiction_collabx4
    posted a quote
    June 29, 2011 6:21pm UTC
    Cloudy With a Chance of Death.
    (Chelsie, Part I);
    If I could describe Tara Lobsta in one word, I'd say: Maneater. A maneating b*tch who's life goal is to ruin my life.
    "What're looking at, Chelsie?" Mercy asked as we strutted out of the store, ignoring all the jealous and longing stares aimed towards us.
    "Um," I muttered, "I just got an annonymous text from someone."
    "Ew, stalker much?" Tara plucked my phone right from my hands. Her expression went from disgust-to-shock-to-proud. "Is
    that me with Adam Mayors? Oh, yeah, I remember that night." She laughed evilly.
    "Isn't Adam your boyfriend, C?" Sydney said in a low voice.
    Tara shrugged her shoulders, and tossed me my phone. "Not anymore, Chelsie. Break up with him. Anyone who'd cheat on you isn't worth the time. Anyway, he totally seduced me. He has the most amazing abs."
    "Yeah, I know," I muttered, blinking the tears from my eyes.
    This isn't the first this has happened. Tara steals everything from me. My boyfriend, my clothes, my life, my happiness.
    "Oh, don't be a b*tch, stop crying over him," Tara snapped at me, stopping in front of Hollister, peering into the store.
    She turned to Mercy, Sydney and Sadie. "Go into the store. Buy something cute. But not too cute,"
    They rolled their eyes, but walked into the store. Tara opened her compact mirror, and stared at herself in the tiny mirror. "Listen, C. I was thinking, maybe you should ride solo for a bit. I mean, Adam was a waste of time and being single might mend the heartbreak," She spoke in a sweet but fake voice.
    "Plus, a little birdie just so happened to tell me about your little secret. You know, the secret that could ruin your reputation. I mean, you're already Four on the Hot List. If this rumor got out, you'd be in the Top 100's or something and we'd be forced to never hang out with you again."
    My heart sank as she said this. "Who told you?" Tara was right. This secret could ruin everything. This secret could socially and mentally kill me if anyone found out.
    Tara shrugged, and smirked. "Just promise me this - you'll be a good little b*tch or else I'll ruin you with this secret. It's nothing personal," She winked, "For a very pretty girl, Chelsie. You have a very ugly secret."
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  15. Fancyfiction_collabx4 Fancyfiction_collabx4
    posted a quote
    June 29, 2011 9:07am UTC
    Cloudy With a Chance of Death
    [Sydney Part II]
    In the dressing stall, I sat on the bench while my friends pranced around in their shorts.
    Those do look cute, I thought.
    I fished through my Juicy Couture tote and eventually salvaged three $20 bills, enough to cover the shorts.
    "Hey, can someone please go get me a pair of those shorts?" I asked, pushing a lock of my blonde hair behind my left ear.
    "I'll go get it!" Tara offered, sprinting to the door. "What size?"
    A snicker escaped from Tara's lips.
    My head froze in place, but my eyes raised their gaze to her. "What?"
    Tara simpered and shrugged. "Oh, nothing. It's just that... your size is a 2 and you're number 2 on the Hot List. How ironic."
    "Why, what size are you?" I snapped.
    She leaned over her purse and grabbed her water bottle from it. "Double zero," she replied. While she took a sip of her water, she eyed my Frozen Hot Chocolate, her way of subtly mocking me for weighing a little more than her. But I took the hint.
    "I'll get the shorts myself," I mumbled, scrambling out the door with my purse in hand.
    But I sprinted past the rack of shorts. As a matter of fact, I left the store and didn't stop running until I reached the bathroom in Macy's. I locked myself in one of the stalls and whipped out my Blackberry. Ryan was the only one who could make me feel better.
    Me: Hey!
    Ryan: Any news on Tara?
    I closed my emerald green eyes as I felt a sharp pain in my heart.
    Me: Nothing but the fact that she's a 00
    Ryan: Wow, IMPRESSIVE (:
    Me: Oh. So you like skinny girls, I see?
    Ryan: I like smart & beautiful girls. But skinny is def. a plus.
    A long time ago, I promised myself that I wouldn't do it again, but that text provoked it.
    Leaning over the toilet, I stuck my right index finger down my throat. After a coughing fit, my Frozen Hot Chocolate and BLT from lunch reappeared.
    I flushed with a satisfied grin displayed on my face. Soon enough, Sydney Milson would be the name in the #1 slot on the Hot List.
    And the name engraved on Ryan's heart.
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  16. Fancyfiction_collabx4 Fancyfiction_collabx4
    posted a quote
    June 29, 2011 9:00am UTC
    Cloudy With a Chance of Death
    [Sydney Part I]
    The five of us walk strode into Abercrombie & Fitch with our arms linked together like the 24kt gold necklace around Tara's neck. That was another thing of hers I wanted.
    Can anyone name a reason why you shouldn't be jealous of Tara Lobsta? She had gorgeous red hair and blue eyes, clear skin. And if you asked me if I envied her, I'd lie.
    Her features weren't the only thing that made me wish to be her every night at 11:11. The Hot List went to my head, as well. Of course Tara had to beat me out- her as #1 and myself as #2- but there was something way deeper than the Hot List that made me hate Tara.
    Ryan Rondonta. Our moms were best friends, causing our families to do everything together. Somewhere between all the cookouts and family game nights, I realized he stole my heart. I searched for his heart so that it could be mine... but Tara had it. Not that she intentionally snagged it, because she didn't. Tara was happily dating Mercy's love, Chase, and she didn't have a single clue that Ryan liked her, or that I liked Ryan.
    The reason why I befriended Tara in the first place makes no sense. I became her friend in the beginning of Freshman year so that I could feed information about her to Ryan. Somehow, I hoped that doing these deeds for Ryan would make him love me back. But here we are at the tail end of Sophomore year and my live for him remains unrequited.
    "These are so cute!" Tara squealed, snapping me out of my trance. She checked the side on a pair of light-wash short shorts then snatched it off the rack. "You guys should each get a pair too! We can all match on the last day of school."
    Chelsie, Mercy, & Sadie scoured for their own sizes while I casually leaned against a rack of skimpy bikinis and took a sip of my Frozen Hot Chocolate.
    Tara squinted at me with her curious blue eyes,
    "Money's tight," I explained with a sigh.
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  17. Fancyfiction_collabx4 Fancyfiction_collabx4
    posted a quote
    June 29, 2011 12:17am UTC
    Cloudy With a Chance of Death
    Mercy's POV:
    -June 2010, a week before Tara disappeared.
    "Mercy! Pay attention!" Mrs. Gerger yelled, thinking it would actually make me listen. I rolled my eyes, and continued to whisper to Sydney. We were planning mine, hers, Sadie's, Tara's, and Chelsie's Friday night sleepover, that was our weekly plans.
    To keep the rep, we need to look good. The mall was later. Going with Tara alone was the best way to keep our reputation's up, she was Tara after all. The gorgeous, popular, every boys -- and girl's dream girl.
    We met up in the hallway, and locked arms. Walking down the hall was fun. People stopped to look me straight in my hazel eyes. "Did you guys see the list last night?" I asked. The four of them nodded, we were still the top five. Me being third. Personally, I think I am prettier than all of them. Maybe not Tara, but my eyes shined brighter than theirs, my curly brown hair was every girls dream. C'mon, I'm captain of the field hockey and cheerleading team. I deserve second.
    "Hi Tara," Chase, her hot boyfriend that I've been in love with for almost two years said as he came up behind her and gave her a peck. I looked away, Chelsie, Sadie, and Sydney looked at me. They knew I was in love with him. "Guys, I got to go." I said, running through the crowded halls. Tears started streaming down my face. Everybody stared, feeling a little sympathy.
    I locked myself in the third stall, ironic it's the third. I am third, that's all I'll ever be. I pulled out a tiny piece of glass, hesitant to what I was about to do. Even though I hated myself for doing it, any sign of imperfection makes me do it.
    I took the glass, and dug it into my wrists. My tears stopped. I walked out of the stall and towards the mirror. I am Mercy Misowski, and I, I am beautiful.
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  18. Fancyfiction_collabx4 Fancyfiction_collabx4
    posted a quote
    June 28, 2011 6:07pm UTC
    Cloudy With a Chance of Death
    Two years ago, misery was in Hollist, the private school on the east side of Maryland. It had secrets, lies and drama written in its history. An unknown person made a list, it wasnt any list. A hot list. Everybody would kill to be on that list, and maybe just maybe somebody did.
    The school was close for two years because all the people on the top ten was killed. They reopened after the mystery could not be solved.
    In every school, there is a girl that everybody envies. Everybody wants to be, or look like. She may be the head cheerleader or the volleyball captian. In hollist, Tarra was one of those girls. She was number one onthe school's hottie list, and had her four close friends in pure jealousy.
    One day, just before the start of eleventh grade, she was killed. First place on the hottie list was given to her four friends, thats what kept them attatched.
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