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  1. saarahhhh saarahhhh
    posted a quote
    January 12, 2011 5:06pm UTC
    The people in 1910 probably thought in 2010
    we would have flying cars and robots
    ... but no.
    So far, all we've come up with is
    backwards robes and
    rubber bands shaped like animals.
    not mine

  2. emma21 emma21
    posted a quote
    December 2, 2011 4:15pm UTC
    did you know you can bite off yourfinger
    as easily as you bite a carrot?
    but your brain is like
    "no! don't eat your finger!"
    and that's why you can't.

  3. xashleyx01 xashleyx01
    posted a quote
    August 21, 2011 9:42pm UTC
    "Who's that?"
    "What are they doing?"
    "What's happening?";
    "Shut up and watch the movie".

  4. oxjoyyxo769 oxjoyyxo769
    posted a quote
    February 1, 2011 10:39pm UTC
    ----> A kid gave his teacher
    a blank piece of paper. <----
    Teacher: What is this?
    Kid: It's a drawing of a cow eating grass.
    Teacher: *looked at the paper* Where's the grass?
    Kid: The cow ate all of it.
    Teacher: *looked at the paper again* Then, where's the cow?
    Kid: It left because there was no more grass..

  5. xoalicecullenxo xoalicecullenxo
    posted a quote
    March 4, 2011 7:17pm UTC
    That Awkward Moment
    .: w h e n a g u y a c c i d e n t l y h i t s y o u r b o o b :.

  6. trapped trapped
    posted a quote
    September 10, 2011 9:00pm UTC
    It's been a year daddy.
    I really really miss you.
    Mommy said your in a safe place now.
    In a beautiful place called Heaven.
    We had your favorite dinner tonight.
    I ate it all up!
    Even though I don't like carrots..
    I learned how to swim this summer.
    I can even open my eyes when I'm under water.
    Can you see me?
    It's been 5 years daddy.
    And I'm in 5th grade now.
    I really like computers.
    But, math is hard.
    Mommy lets me sleep in one of your tee shirts.
    I think it still smells like you.
    I don't need to sleep with the light on anymore.
    I try not to cry daddy,
    but it still hurts.
    I really miss you daddy.
    Can you see me?
    It's been ten years daddy.
    I started high school.
    I made the honor roll,
    I hope you're proud of me.
    I'm also on the soccer team.
    Can you see me on the field?
    I started thinking about colleges.
    Do you think I could be a doctor?
    I know you'll be with me when I walk down the isle..
    I try not to be sad.
    But it hurts.
    I hope you know you're my hero.
    I love you so much.
    Can you see me?
    This is for all the kids who have lost a parent, sister, brother, uncle, aunt, grandparent, etc. in their life due to 9/11.
    Rest in peace. 

  7. Lollipop69 Lollipop69
    posted a quote
    October 1, 2011 11:34am UTC
    *Fav if you have ever
    given or received
    > > > The "Sup" nod < < <

  8. XxprettixX XxprettixX
    posted a quote
    November 11, 2011 2:39pm UTC
    Format by XxprettixX
    ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥I'm Do You Realize That
    any of us could have walked past each other at any moment in our lives and not have known it
    Format by XxprettixX Removal of credit is punishable by DEATH.

  9. Mollyyy Mollyyy
    posted a quote
    September 4, 2011 7:54pm UTC
    dear leg hair,
    i JUST shaved you like 15 minutes ago...
    sincerely, what is this!?

  10. Remember_December Remember_December
    posted a quote
    November 19, 2010 2:09pm UTC
    The reason that seesaws have
    two seats is because that way there is always
    someone to bring you back up when you go down.

  11. Kirstyx33 Kirstyx33
    posted a quote
    June 20, 2010 1:48am UTC
    'I hate my mother'
    long but worth reading.
    My mom only had one eye, I hated her...
    she was such an embarrassment.
    She cooked for students and
    teachers to support the family.
    There was this one day during
    elementary school where my mom
    came to say Hello to me.
    I was so embarrassed. How could
    she do this to me?
    I ignored her, threw her a hateful
    look and ran out.
    The next day at school one of my class mates
    said "EEEE, your mom only has one eye!"
    I wanted to bury myself. I also wanted my
    mom to just disappear.
    SO i confronted her that day and said, "If
    you're only gonna make me a laughing stock,
    then why don't you just die?!!!"
    My mom did not respond...
    I didn't even stop to think for a second
    about what i had said, because
    I was full of anger.
    I was oblivious to her feelings,
    I wanted out of that house, and have
    nothing to do with her.
    So i studied real hard, got a chance to go
    to Singapore to study.
    Then. i got married. I bought a house of my
    own. I had kids of my own.
    I was happy with my life, my
    kids and the comfort.
    Then one day, my mother came to visit me.
    She hadn't seen me in years and she didn't
    even meet her grandchildren.
    When she stood by the door, my children
    laughed at her, and i yelled at her
    for coming over uninvited.
    I screamed at her, "How dare you come to my
    house and scare my children!"
    "Get out of here now!!!"
    And to this, my mother quietly answered
    "Oh, im so sorry. I may have gotten the
    wrong address." and she
    disappeared out of sight.
    One day, a letter regarding a school
    reunion came to my house in Singapore.
    So i lied to my wife that i was going on
    a business trip. After that reunion, i went to
    the old shack which was my childhood home
    just out of curiosity.
    My neighbours said that
    she had passed away.
    I did not shed a single tear.
    They handed me a letter that she had
    wanted me two have, it read:
    My dearest son,
    I think of you all of the time, I'm sorry that
    i came to Singapore and scared your children
    I was so glad when I heard you are
    coming for the reunion.
    But i may not even be able to
    get out of bed to see you.
    I'm sorry i was a constant embarrassment
    to you when you were growing up.
    You see... when you were very little you got
    into an accident, and lost your eye.
    As a mother, i couldn't stand watching you
    having to grow up with one eye.
    So i gave you mine.
    I was so proud of my son who was seeing
    a whole new world for me, in my place,
    with that eye.
    With my love to you.
    Your mother ♥
    -newspaper story

  12. little_miss_sunshine_15 little_miss_sunshine_15
    posted a quote
    September 1, 2010 2:35pm UTC
    Remember When We Were Little
    we would say
    "Do you like him, or do you
    'LIKE-LIKE' him?"

  13. spencer21 spencer21
    posted a quote
    September 10, 2011 9:10pm UTC
    With crazy-colored hair walking down the street.
    [♥] with a shirt that said, "Don't Judge."
    my friend tapped my shoulder, pointed at her, then started laughing.
    Then she turned around,
    the back of her shirt said,
    "I'm just having fun with my hair before chemo."
    She Gives Me Hope.
    nmf &givesmehope.com :)

  14. _jumpthenfallx3 _jumpthenfallx3
    posted a quote
    August 7, 2011 12:43pm UTC
    I told my mom that i broke into a homeless mans house...she grounded me.

  15. Billyboy Billyboy
    posted a quote
    July 5, 2011 8:41am UTC
    -finished first page of test-
    *flips paper over loudly so everyone knows i'm ahead of them*

  16. AnchorChasing AnchorChasing
    posted a quote
    December 26, 2011 9:27pm UTC
    to the family of 7 who died because a man decided
    to dress up as Santa clause , ring there doorbell and
    shoot them on Christmas day in Texas. Fave if you care.

    posted a quote
    November 25, 2010 5:03pm UTC
    That REALLY
    hot guy
    you see in a
    random place
    but will never
    see again.

  18. chloeesmith chloeesmith
    posted a quote
    September 1, 2011 5:37pm UTC
    What if we woke up,
    As a baby, and our WHOLE life
    Had been a dream...

  19. ilovemycraziess ilovemycraziess
    posted a quote
    June 5, 2011 9:31am UTC
    favorite this if you're not the same person that you were a year ago.__________x

  20. idance idance
    posted a quote
    November 5, 2011 4:44pm UTC
    Today, I saw an old lady
    vaccuming her lawn.


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