Witty Profiles

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  1. dragonfly26 dragonfly26
    posted a quote
    December 3, 2012 3:22pm UTC
    I overheard this conversation on the bus.
    Kid: I barely talked today.
    Kid: You know why?
    Kid: Because people are stupid.
    Kid: I hate people.
    This kid needs to be on Witty.

  2. rara213 rara213
    posted a quote
    December 3, 2012 5:59pm UTC
    That Awkward Moment...
    when you can't find you name on the keychain rack..
    my quote

  3. foxridergirl foxridergirl
    posted a quote
    November 24, 2012 3:09pm UTC
    Picking Up the PiecesChapter Twenty One - Part One
    I rub my eyes before slightly opening them to see the room flooded with sunlight. Not my room, anyways…shoot. I must have fallen asleep at Leo’s last night while watching the movie. I’m in what looks like a guest bedroom now, with faded pale walls, a dresser, closet, and a bed with a plush, patterned brown bedspread.
    I roll off of the bed and timidly open the door and step down the hallway, looking around to find Leo in the kitchen.
    “What are you even doing?” I laugh.
    “I thought you would be hungry,” he suggests, only looking up from whatever he’s doing for a quick second. I think he’s tried to make pancakes, but he’s made a real mess. “Am I doing this right?” Leo asks, trying to pour the creamy batter on a pancake grill, but he leaves it there way to long for it to spill of the side. “Umm…can you hand me that towel?” he asks while I laugh.
    Leo put down the cup of batter right as I grab the small towel, and I toss it to him, but it hits him square in the face. “Well I see how it is now,” he says plainly with a slight smile, and before I can say anything, I’m whipped in the side of the arm with the towel.
    “Fine!” I laugh, searching the counters and grabbing another small towel, flinging the end at Leo before running to the other side of the kitchen. I dart away around the counter piece in the middle of the room as he comes after me, and we spend the next few minutes chasing each other with towels and shouting battle cries as we try to hit the other person.
    I’m distracted when I hear a loud sizzling noise. “Shoot, they’re burning!” I laugh, running to the pancake grill and grabbing a spatula. I flip over the first one poured on there, and the bottom is practically black. I look at Leo and give him the “nice going” kind of look.
    “So…I guess we’ll be having cereal instead?” he laughs.
    I’m taking my empty bowl into the kitchen, and it’s already after twelve when my phone starts to ring in my pocket. I pull it out to see a picture of Aly on the screen. I laugh every time a see it, it was a picture from spring break after she’d had way to many energy drinks and…well, I’m sure you can guess how that went. Good photo-op, right?
    “Janelle? I need to come over later! About like 5:30, okay?” Aly says excitedly.
    “Umm…I’m at Leo’s house, right now anyways. Why?”
    “Oh, umm, well it’s a surprise!” Aly says awkwardly.
    “I don’t know if I can, Aly!” I laugh.
    “Well I’m coming anyways. Bye!”
    I put my phone back in my pocket and Leo walks in the room. “Hey, do you mind if I go home and change really quick and then come back?” I ask. I seriously can’t take it any longer, feeling disgusting wearing the same clothes with messy hair and…ew.
    “Yeah, sure,” he says casually.
    “Okay, I’ll call you when I come back,” I say before grabbing my purse and walking with Leo out the door.
    Ok I know this is like EXTREMELY boring now, but just wait! Ok so hopefully you all will like the next chapter, and feel free to bombard my MARVElous friend Aeropostale_98 to write more of her MARVElous story because it is freaking amazing and you should it! Kay? Kay. Feedback would be spectacular you guyssss! :) xxx

  4. carson5482 carson5482
    posted a quote
    October 31, 2012 7:27pm UTC
    *Girl I hate opens a bag of candy in class*
    Me, thinking: B/tch better have some for the whole class.
    Her: I brought candy for the whole class.
    Me, thinking: B/tch brought candy for the whole class. She can't suck up like that. Give me candy. I still hate you.

  5. carson5482 carson5482
    posted a quote
    November 24, 2012 1:38pm UTC
    A gay Vietnam Veteran's
    headstone reads the following:
    "When I was in the military, they gave me a medal for killing two men and a discharge for loving one."
    Am I the only one that thinks this is wrong?

  6. carson5482 carson5482
    posted a quote
    November 24, 2012 2:50pm UTC
    Everyone says Shrek is the best fairytale...
    I have to disagree and here's why...
    Everyone says Shrek is the best fairytale because it shows that two imperfect people can have happy endings.
    Here's what *I* got from Shrek:
    Fiona wouldn't give Shrek the time of day until Shrek discovered that she was also an ogre at night. Therefore, it taught me that an imperfect person can only find love with another imperfect person...
    The real best fairytale in my opinion is Beauty and the Beast.
    In this fairytale, a perfect girl fell in love with a man dispite his imperfections.
    It teaches us that you don't have to be beautiful for people to love you. It teaches us that we need to look at what's on the inside, rather than looks.
    Don't judge a book by it's cover.
    This is why Beauty and the Beast is a better fairy tale than Shrek.
    Disagree with me? Comment!
    Follow for a follow. :)

  7. XxMeliRidesRainbowPoniesxX XxMeliRidesRainbowPoniesxX
    posted a quote
    November 23, 2012 5:09pm UTC
    Bratz and Moxie Girls made dolls that are bald for Cancer.
    Ladies and gents, there's still some hope in society. ♥

  8. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  9. yourcool yourcool
    posted a quote
    November 23, 2012 7:38pm UTC
    when i see two people flirting,
    and it’s been months of this happening, I just feel like yelling “JUST MAKE OUT ALREADY. WE ALL KNOW YOU LOVE EACHOTHER.”

  10. Hale_Storm18 Hale_Storm18
    posted a quote
    November 23, 2012 4:49pm UTC
    If a number is not divisible by 5 or 2,
    I get very uncomfortable

  11. yourcool yourcool
    posted a quote
    November 23, 2012 9:53pm UTC
    people shouldn't be able to get
    their license until they beat Rainbow Road on Mario Kart.

  12. manhattanight manhattanight
    posted a quote
    November 24, 2012 4:24pm UTC
    The series finale of iCarly ends with
    Miranda Cosgrove waking up
    from a coma in a hospital bed,
    with Drake and Josh by her side
    saying, "Megan?"

  13. TurquoiseSea TurquoiseSea
    posted a quote
    November 23, 2012 5:29pm UTC
    How To Make "Fireflies" In a Jar
    1. Cut open a glow stick and shake the contents in a jar.
    2.Add diamond glitter
    3. Seal the jar with a lid
    5.Go into a dark place and enjoy :)

  14. foxridergirl foxridergirl
    posted a quote
    November 23, 2012 4:54pm UTC
    Picking Up the PiecesChapter Twenty - Part Two
    As soon as I shut the door behind me, I look forward to see a set of carpeted stairs leading upwards, and some going down to a garage, all from a little rectangle of flooring I’m standing on. I walk upstairs, and the amazement continues. Right in front of me from the wooden floored hallway is the kitchen, and to the right and down a small step is a huge, spacious living room.
    I practically scream as Leo comes up behind me from the other end of the hallway. “Do you like the house?” he laughs.
    “Um…yes, I like it! Gosh, this is awesome!” I reply, still looking around. “What’s that way?” I point to the other end of the hall.
    Leo shrugs. “Just bedrooms, really, nothing special.” I nod. I look over to Leo, as if asking what we should do.
    “Now’s probably the last chance you’ll have to go swimming,” he offers, so I nod.
    When I step out of the glass windowed door, my feet touch green grass. The back yard is amazing as well. With a tiny pool house, I fireplace, a wooden canopy with curtains, chairs, and a table that surrounds a counter, there’s not much more to ask for! And the swimming pool is perfect, too.
    As soon as I set my towel down on a chair under the canopy, I walk alongside the pool, trying to dip my foot in. I squeal and scream again as of course, Leo has to pick me up again and hold me over the water, before I even got the chance to feel it. “Don’t you dare, Leo!” I panic as I dangle over the pool.
    “Relax, I won’t!” he laughs, and I kick playfully to try to free myself.
    “You’re right, you won’t. I just have to stop believing you! Now put me down!” I giggle. My feet move towards the ground at the side of the pool, but I gasp as they hit water instead, as well as the rest of my entire body.
    I resurface and brush my hair out of my eyes. “You said you wouldn’t!” I shriek, but I can’t stop laughing.
    “I wasn’t going to, until you asked,” Leo tries to say innocently, jumping in after me. You know, you really have to watch your word choice around him.
    After maybe an hour or so of the craziness in the pool, swimming in October, I finally climb out and grab my towel, wrapping it around myself as I immediately become freezing cold. I sit down on one of the colorful cushioned patio chairs, slightly shivering as I huddle in a little ball. The sun is setting right about now, and that’s what’s really beautiful in our town. Sunsets.
    “You’re missing it!” Leo says, running over to me, grabbing my wrist, and pulling me up off the chair to one of the backyard walls. I can tell that the view would be amazing if we were to stand up there. So, I step on a large rock, put my palms on the stucco wall, and use what little upper body strength I have to push myself up, with the help of Leo trying to give me a boost. I stay crouched down on the wall until he stands up to take my hand, because I can guarantee you, I would probably wobble off if I didn’t have something to hold onto.
    The sunset is beautiful; like an abstract painting of pink, yellow, orange, and the last sight of blue sky. It only lasts for a few minutes before the sun sinks behind the distant mountains, so we hop off the wall and I sit on a towel that is laying in the grass, watching the first few stars begin to show. I lay down on my back and Leo comes to sit next to me.
    “What happened to your mom?” I ask curiously out of nowhere, but realize I may have made the wrong decision.
    Leo sighs. “When I was thirteen, she died from Leukemia,” he says.
    I press my lips together and feel my eyes widen as I turn on my side to look at him. “Oh my gosh…I’m so sorry Leo, I had no idea-”
    “No, it’s okay,” he says plainly. “But my dad was already a doctor, but now he works at this major cancer center, working to hopefully find a cure, so that’s why we don’t see him much.”
    All I can do is nod. Maybe Leo does know how I feel since I lost Eleanor. Neither of us say anything now, as we lay facing each other. Me, being myself, would screw up any moment if I were to open my mouth at the wrong time. Then my nose starts to twitch and Leo gives me a weird look as I squint my eyes, and try, yet fail, to hold in a sneeze. I actually wind up making a really strange squeaking noise. “So cute,” Leo laughs and I blush, but he’s trying to keep from cracking up. Stupid grass.
    “Okay well I thought you’d like these three movies,” Leo says once we are inside as he gets a pile of DVDs from the TV cabinet. “There’s Finding Nemo-”
    “YES!” I interrupt, snatching the movie from his hands and running over to the TV. Once the movie is in, we bring candy, popcorn, and tons of blankets to the huge, comfy, couch.
    “CORAL! JUST LISTEN TO MARLIN! PLEASE, YOU’LL GET KILLED IF YOU GO IN THERE!” I yell at the screen, watching some evil animated shark thing attack a family of clownfish in the movie. I laugh at myself, overtired, and position myself on my side and put my head on Leo’s shoulder. It’s hard for me after a while to keep my eyes open, and I’m pretty sure I eventually drift off to sleep.

  15. frazergirl frazergirl
    posted a quote
    February 19, 2012 12:22pm UTC
    The most selfish One-letter word: "I", avoid it.
    The most satisfying Two-letter word: "We", use it.
    The most poisonous Three-letter word: "Ego", kill it.
    The most used Four-letter word: "Love", value it.
    The most pleasing Five-letter word: "Smile", keep it.
    The fastest-spreading Six-letter word: "Rumour", ignore it.
    The most rewarding Seven-letter word: "Success", achieve it.
    The most enviable Eight-letter word: "Jealousy", distance it.
    The most powerful Nine-letter word: "Knowledge", acquire it.
    The most essential Ten-letter word: "Confidence", just believe.
    ©frazergirl format_ nmq.

  16. singer43 singer43
    posted a quote
    February 28, 2012 6:59pm UTC
    No school. Sleepovers everyday. Sleeping in and going to bed whenever. Shorts. Lemonade. Rain. Tanning. Concerts. Fireworks. Vacations. Tank tops. Trampolines. Not wearing makeup or straightening hair. Bonfires. Going to the mall everyday. Fairs. No drama. Eating whenever. Sandals. Sunglasses. Going to the movies. Boat rides. Going to the beach. Swimming suits. Warm weather. Taking pictures. No homework. Summer love. Music. Walking around town. Water fights. Lip gloss. Dance parties. Longer hair. Wearing neon colors. Happiness and no depression. Summer 2012.
    Miss it yet?

  17. Blake32 Blake32
    posted a quote
    February 27, 2012 9:18pm UTC
    &Cinderella walked on broken glass.
    Sleeping Beauty let a whole lifetime pass.
    Belle fell in love with a hideous beast.
    Jasmine married a common thief.
    Ariel walked on land for love and life.
    Snow White barely escaped a knife.
    It was all about blood, sweat, and tears, because
    means facing your biggest fears. ♥

  18. XxMaggieexX XxMaggieexX
    posted a quote
    July 8, 2012 7:08pm UTC
    Teacher: You're late.
    Student: I'm late?
    Teacher: You missed an entire period.
    Student: Are you telling me I'm pregnant?.

  19. BravoSierra BravoSierra
    posted a quote
    July 20, 2012 1:38pm UTC
    Me: *walks out of the bathroom with laptop*
    Mom:Me:Mom:Me:Mom:Me:Mom:Me: Don't ask.

  20. EdwardScissorhands EdwardScissorhands
    posted a quote
    July 14, 2012 8:18pm UTC
    When the sales lady follows you around,
    because she thinks you're going to steal.


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